译林版牛津小学英语6B Unit4Review and check 课件.ppt

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1、牛津小学英语,6B Unit 4 Review and check ( B&D),Basic Information 基本情况,Name:,Wang Wei / Shirley,husband, a daughter,Lets ask,Family:,Basic Information 基本情况,Appearance 外貌特征,四人小组讨论,描述老师的外貌特征,Lets talk,Height: 171cm Weight: 52kg ,young,fat,heavy,long,活动要求: 1、同桌选择1-2幅图进行谈论 2、运用比较级的句型 3、谈论后,拼写出比较级单词,young,fat,h

2、eavy,long,younger,heavier,longer,fatter,Who is , or ?,Is than ? Yes/No, .,Basic Information 基本情况,Hobbies 个人爱好,Appearance 外貌特征,Hobbies,run faster,I,than,my daughter,.,run faster,Who, or ?,PK,Lets guess,s,I,Hobbies,活动要求: 1、同桌选择1-2张照片进行描述 2、运用比较级句型 3、谈论后,拼写出比较级单词,high,far,late,well,higher,farther,later

3、,better,Do/Does than ? Yes/No, .,Hobbies,older,shorter,taller,younger,heavier,longer,stronger,smaller,bigger,thinner,fatter,lower,faster,higher,farther,slower,later,earlier,better,Lets find,同桌讨论,找一找这些词语的共同点和不同点,形容词比较级 主要用来修饰名词或代词 表示事物特征的比较,副词比较级 主要用来修饰动词、形容词 表示动作、状态特征的比较,Lets discuss,活动要求: 1、四人小组讨论,

4、在第1、2单元的 课本里找一找重点句型 2、各组汇报讨论结果,Lets use,Lets look and talk,50米赛跑,提示问题: Who is , or ? Who 动词s , or ? Is than ? Does than ?,Dear Grandma I am now 138 cm, but Su Hai is _ _ me. Su Hai is also _. We are good at running and jumping. Su Hai runs _, but I jump _. Su Hai is good at the long jump. She jumps

5、_ _ me. We hope to see you. Come and visit soon. Love Su Yang,taller,than,heavier,faster,higher,farther than,Lets fill in the blanks,_ School Class _, Grade _ Name: _ Age: _ Height: _cm Weight: _kg 50-metre race: _” High jump: _ m Long jump: _ m,Lets fill in the report,Whos taller?,Youre than me.,Ar

6、e you as heavy as me?, Im than you.,Lets talk to your friends,活动要求: 1、和同桌对比两人的信息 2、相互根据信息问答,Lets write a letter,把刚才与朋友谈论的内容 写成一封信吧!,Dear Grandma I am now 138 cm, but Su Hai is taller than me. Su Hai is also heavier. We are good at running and jumping. Su Hai runs faster, but I jump higher. Su Hai is

7、 good at the long jump. She jumps farther than me. We hope to see you. Come and visit soon. Love Su Yang,称呼,正文 两者相比较,结尾礼词,签名,How to write a letter?,Lets write,请你仿照Su Yang给奶奶写的信,给Miss Wang写一封信说说自己和你的好朋友吧!,Homework,1、完成写给Miss Wang的信。 地址:白下区教师进修学校小学英语组 王薇老师收 2、小结自己的复习情况(第1、2单元): (1)熟练掌握了哪些知识点? (2)基本了解了哪些知识点? (3)尚未弄清楚哪些知识点? 3、设计一份第1、2单元的复习卷, 考考身边的好朋友。,


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