高中英语Using Language Jeremy Lin 课件.ppt

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1、Welcome to my class,Using Language,Learning goals: 1. Learn something about a person. 2. Finish the reading tasks with reading skills. 3. Learn to talk about a person orally and describe a person in your writing in English.,Who is he?,Jeremy Lin,Step1 Lead in (3 minutes) Enjoy a short video and answ

2、er two questions: 1. What does Jeremy Lin think is the most important thing to him? 2. What is Lins recent hobby?,Step1 Lead in Answer the two questions: 1. What does Jeremy Lin think is the most important thing to him? 2. What is Lins recent hobby?,energy,playing the piano,Step 2 Skimming(3 minutes

3、) Choose the topics about Jeremy mentioned in the passage ( ) his childhood ( ) his girlfriend ( ) his NBA road ( ) his brothers ( ) his house ( ) his influence(影响) ( ) the reason for his success,Step 3 Careful reading Task 1 T or F exercises (2ms) 1) After his graduation from Harvard University, Li

4、n became popular with many professional teams. 2) When he was in high school, Lin dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player in the NBA.,F,T,3) He went through several difficult months and later gave up his basketball career. 4) Jeremy Lin was put on the cover of the Time magazine as the h

5、ottest player in 2013.,F,T,Step 3 Careful reading(5 ms) Multiple choices 1. Which of the following things is not important in Lins success? A. his fathers influence B. his love for basketball C. his years of hard work D. his graduation from Harvard University,D,2. Which of the following statements i

6、s TRUE according to the passage? A. Lin learned to play basketball when he was eight. B. Before Lin there was no Chinese-American NBA players. C. Lin was excited for professional games and did a good job at the beginning. D. Lin is the most excellent player in the NBA.,B,3.What does the phrase “wore

7、 off“ in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. caused B. disappeared C. grew D. kept,B,4. Which is the right order for Lins life? a. He made an excellent performance on Feb. 4. b. He was fired by the Golden State Warriors. c. He was invited to play in the NBA Summer League. d. He graduated from Harvard Univ

8、ersity. e. He became famous overnight. A. a,d,c,b,e B. d,b,c,a,e C. d,c,b,a,e D. a,e,d,c,b,C,5. It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that _ NBA prefers graduates from Harvard University. Lin got into NBA easily. Lin didnt show his basketball interest in Harvard University. Lin didnt have an easy

9、road in NBA.,D,Step 4 Consolidation (2ms) Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions(介词). 1. Jeremy was born _ California _ August 23, 1988 . 2. When he was in high school, he dreamed _ playing basketball in the NBA.,in,on,of,3. Jeremy graduated _ Harvard University. 4. When he was 5 years old, he

10、became interested _ basketball. 5. He always makes full use _ each chance.,from,in,of,Step 5 Role play(20ms) Work in a group, and choose one of the three topics. Each topic contains three questions. Prepare to ask the questions and then choose one group to answer them.(One group acts as a reporter a

11、nd interviews another group who acts as Jeremy Lin. Please find out the answer from the passage.),Topic 1 Lins personal life 你的父亲喜欢打篮球吗? 你小时候的梦想是什么? 你是从几岁开始喜欢篮球的?,Topic 2 Lins basketball career 1.你大学毕业后就加入NBA职业篮球队了吗? 2.刚进入NBA职业球队打球的感觉是怎样的? 3.比赛时你会紧张吗?,Topic 3 Key to success 1.你对目前所取得的成就满意吗? (be sati

12、sfied with) 2.你认为你成功的关键是什么? (key) 3.你会利用好每一次机会吗?,Step 6 Homework(writing) 请根据下面内容,介绍周杰伦. 姓名: 周杰伦(Jay Chou) 出生年月: 1979年1月18日 出生地: 台湾 事件: 1.从小害羞,喜欢安静,由母亲一手抚养长大. 2.他三岁开始学钢琴,对音乐表现出了很大的兴趣.,成就: 1.2000年,他的第一张专辑(album)一发行就吸引了世界的关注; 2.独特的(unique) 中国摇滚风得到了很多人的喜爱,他也因此在音乐上获得了很多的奖项.近几年他又转向拍电影了. 写作要求: 只能使用5个句子表达全

13、部内容.,When describing a person, we often talk about the following things: Birthday &birthplace Family background Education background Big events(事件) in his/her life Evaluation(评价),The following words and phrases may help you: be born in/on during his/her childhood, be born in a poor/rich family graduate from, study in, be good at famous, popular,Thank you,


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