鲁科版小学(五四制)四年级下英语4 Unit 3 Restaurant, Lesson 1 I want to eat noodles课件.ppt

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《鲁科版小学(五四制)四年级下英语4 Unit 3 Restaurant, Lesson 1 I want to eat noodles课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《鲁科版小学(五四制)四年级下英语4 Unit 3 Restaurant, Lesson 1 I want to eat noodles课件.ppt(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Lesson 1 I want to eat noodles.,U1_L2_Lets chant.swf,Listen to the tape and finish the blanks(听录音填空),Tom wants to eat_. Toms father,Jack wants to eat_ .,dumplings,noodles,U3L1_1.swf,Listen again and please underline the sentences “how does Tommother ask the question?” (划出Tommother是如何用英语问他们想吃什

2、么的句子.),What do you want to eat?,: I want to eat dumplings.,: I want to eat noodles.,Chinese food(中餐),Group work (请同学们运用下面的句子选择所喜爱的食物进行讨论),What do you want to eat? I want to eat _. 参考单词:fish 、dumpling、vegetables、noodles、rice、chicken、bread 、hamburgers、hot dogs,Production (拓展) 同学们,小动物们也来了,它们在一起交流自己想吃的食

3、物。同学们,你可以选择扮演自己喜欢的小动物,可用动作,也可用头饰来扮演小动物。 参考句型如下: 必选句型: A:Hello!Im_.Im hungry. Danny:What do you want to eat? A:I want to eat_. 备选句型: Danny:Here you are. A:Thank you! Danny: You are welcome! 参考单词:rabbit、tiger、cat、monkey、apples、 Vegetables、chicken、fish.,Whether it is Chinese or western food(西餐) we shou

4、ld remember: Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever. “饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃”. No frolicing during the meal,no running after the meal. :“吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑”: Wanna be healthy?Do please treat yourself a nice breakfast :“要想身体好,早餐要吃饱”:,Homework:,1.Listen to the tape and read the lesson 3 times a day.,2.Read by yourself five times a day.,(每天听读课文3遍。),(自读课文5遍),


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