2000吨熟食制品加工扩建项目可行性研究报告 (4).doc

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1、their instruments are dressed up for winter.Finally, you will probably want to sit down in a cafe wo warm up an to plan tomorrow. You might join the snowmobile races or maybe you should just sleep in!Unit 2COME AND EAT HERE (1)Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. It had bee

2、n a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork, stir-fried vegetables and fried rice. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened? He

3、thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil. His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. “Hello, Lao Li,” he called, “Your usual?” But

4、Li Chang seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant.He saw a sign in the window.Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?Come inside Yong

5、 Huis slimming restaurant.Only slimming foods served here.Make yourself thin again.Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full of people. The hostess, a very thin lady came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yong Hui. Ill help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every da

6、y.” Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw dow

7、n the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find out. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had better do some research!At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find tha

8、t his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Huis far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Huis food, they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit. They would become tired very quickly. Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perha

9、ps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back! So he wrote:Want to feel fit and energetic?Come and eat here! Discounts today!Our food gives you energy all day!The competition between the two restaurants was on!COME AND EAT HERE (2)A week later, Wang Pengs restaurant was nearly fu

10、ll and he felt happier. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he sa

11、w Yong Hui walking in. She did not look happy but glared at him. “May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day? I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came only to spy on me and my menu,” she shouted. “Please excuse me,” he calmly explained,“I wanted to know w

12、here all my customers had gone last week. I followed one of them and found them in your restaurant. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. Why dont you sit down and try a meal?” Yong Hui agreed to stay and s

13、oon they were both enjoying the dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic. When they were served the ice cream, Yong Hui began to look ill. “I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food,”she said,“I miss my vegetables and fruit.”Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings so he sighe

14、d.“Yes,”he added,“and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork. Dont you get tired quickly?” “Well, I do have to rest a lot, ”admitted Yong Hui. “But dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner? Im sure you would feel much healthier.” They began to talk about menus and balanced diets

15、. “According to my research, neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,”explained Wang Peng.“I dont offer enough fibre and you dont offer enough bodybuilding and energygiving foods. Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with foods full of energy and fibre. ”

16、So that is what they did.They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than frying them .They served fresh fruit with the ice cream. In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang

17、 Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. After some time the two found that their business cooperation had turned into a personal one .Finally they got married and lived happily ever after. FOR BUILDING A MCDONALDSI was excited when I heard that our community was to have its own McDonal

18、ds restaurant. I thought about all those young people who would not have to go to the next town to buy their favourite burgers and chips. McDonalds cares about healthy eating too and works with scientists to provide food that is of high quality, safe and healthy. It is also cheap .They often provide

19、 salads as well as burgers and chips. You can also choose between cola and milk shakes(奶昔). Of course it also means more work for our area that needs jobs badly. McDonalds say they are interested in doing what is right for the community and being a good neighbour. So I think they will be concerned a

20、bout providing parking for the cars in our main street. Many of our young people will be only too happy to work for the company. McDonalds makes a promise to the people that work for them. They say,“We value you, your growing skills and your help to the company.”I can see nothing but good if this co

21、mpany comes to build its restaurant in our town.AGAINST BUILDING A MCDONALDSI am very worried about McDonalds building a restaurant in our hometown. We are a small community and we enjoy our local dishes. I am not sure if McDonalds food is as healthy as they say in their advertisements. When scienti

22、sts look at it carefully, they find high levels of fat, sugar and salt. This is very worrying. Too many young people are getting fat through eating too much fatty food. McDonalds is not giving young people a good idea of what a healthy diet should be. Local Chinese food, on the other hand, is full o

23、f fresh vegetables and fresh meat and fish. The food at a McDonalds restaurant is always the same, so I wonder if it is made or brought in from elsewhere. Although it is freshly cooked, it must be less healthy than our own locally grown and cooked Chinese food.I also worry about all those cars bring

24、ing people to buy food at McDonalds. First, there would be petrol fumes(气体),which will make our clean air dirty. Second, theres the problem of all those cars that try to park and prevent other cars from moving quickly through our town. Im sure many young people would be happy to work for McDonalds b

25、ut will they be treated fairly?In American, McDonalds does not allow workers unions to operate in its restaurants and these are people who speak up for the workers. If, as they say, the workers are happy with them ,why should they fear some workers joining a union?So when I consider the food, the ca

26、rs and the jobs, I think we should not allow McDonalds to build their restaurant in our town.Unit 3the million pound bank noteAct I, Scene 3Narrator: It is the summer of 1903. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick an dOliver, have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a ma

27、n could survive a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it. At this moment, they see a penniless young man wandering on the pavement outside their house. It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he should do.Roderick: Young man, would you step i

28、nside a moment, please?Henry: Who? Me, sir?Roderick: Yes, you.Oliver: Through the front door on your left.Henry: ( A servant opens a door) Thanks.Servant: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir.Oliver: (Henry enters)Thank you, James. That will be all.Roderick: Ho

29、w do you do, Mrer?Henry: Adams. Henry Adams.Oliver: Come and sit down, Mr Adams.Henry: Thank you.Roderick: You are an American?Henry: That s right, from San Francisco.Roderick: How well do you know第一章 项目建设背景1.1 项目承担单位简介项目单位名称:吉林阔源牧业有限公司熟食加工厂所有制形式:有限责任公司发展历程:阔源牧业有限公司熟食加工厂成立于2004年,占地面积20000平方米,建筑面积400

30、0平方米。主营业务为熟食加工及销售,现加工产品有灌肠产品及熏烧肉制品。 企业引进国内具有领先水平的整套生产设备,设计生产能力为3000吨。在生产过程中,制定了严格的操作规程,每道环节都严格执行质量管理体系标准,生产出美味、健康、营养的熟食制品。“阔源”品牌肉制品,深受广大消费者青睐。企业拥有一流的生产条件和科学的管理模式。产品质量让人们放心、满意,在市场上很受消费者青睐,已在东北三省及内蒙古等省份占有稳定市场,市场份额逐步攀升,销量不断增长。一流的生产条件,科学化的管理模式,生产卫生放心、营养、健康、美味、方便的肉制品,同时,还在东北三省建立了“阔源”食品连锁店,公司配备了冷藏车队,形成快捷的


32、,并强调要求公司在社会各界的支持和企业自身的努力下,把企业做大做强,为振兴东北老工业基地做出应有的贡献。吉林阔源牧业有限公司经过不断的努力,不但为企业创造了经济效益,同时还安排了大批下岗职工和市民的就业,创造了良好的社会效益和经济效益,深受社会各界的好评。 1.2 项目情况介绍1.2.1 项目名称、建设性质及建设地点项目名称:2000吨熟食制品加工扩建项目建设性质:扩建建设地点:德惠市夏家店街道1.2.2主要建设内容建设规模:项目扩建后,新增加猪肉卷等熟食制品2000吨。主要建设内容包括:购置斩拌机、绞肉机、齿轮式灌肠机、巴士杀菌设备、真空封口机等熟食加工设备15台套,购置锅炉、制冷设备、污水

33、处理设备3台套;新建原料接收库200平方米、污水处理站120平方米。完善厂区基础设施,建设现代化的、花园式食品加工企业。1.2.3 投资结构及资金来源项目新增总投资614.07万元,其中:建设投资374.29万元,流动资金239.78万元。项目申请吉林省食品专项扶持资金100.00万元,企业自筹资金514.07万元。1.2.4 项目效益项目建成后新增年均销售收入6322.91万元万元,年均利润总额359.49万元,年均所得税89.87万元,年均净利润为269.62万元。从所分析的各项指标来看,项目总投资收益率为58.54%,全部投资回收期(税后)为3.48年,财务内部收益率(税后)为48.55

34、%。1.3 项目建设背景1.3.1 项目由来 我国是世界上猪肉产量和消费量最大的国家,肉类食品工业在国计民生中占有重要的地位,对促进畜禽生产,发展农村经济,繁荣稳定城乡市场,满足人民生活需要,保证经济建设与改革的顺利进行都具有重要作用。自改革开放以来,我国肉类工业得到长足的发展。2008年,猪肉产量达4600万吨,占世界总产量的47。据国家统计局资料,2008年上半年我国猪肉人均消费量为每月1.67kg,占肉禽类消费的55.9,由此可见,猪肉及其加工制品作为养猪生产的终端产品,是人类生存不可缺少的营养食品。在我国,猪肉及其加工制品更是人们传统的和主要的肉食来源。据统计,我国居民的肉食品中猪肉占


36、高等优点于一身的猪肉卷制品。项目的扩建,可以抓住市场机遇,提高公司自身在行业中的地位,进行产能扩张,完善业务布局。公司本着“团结务实,努力拼搏,与时俱进,共创辉煌”的目的,通过工厂的技术改造,在为企业带来效益的同时,为地方经济做出更多有益的贡献。1.3.2 项目建设的必要性自2009年以来,公司的肉食品加工深受用户喜爱,市场销售旺盛,因此,公司决定借此良机,增加品种,扩大产量。1、项目建设是拉长产业链条,实现产业一体化的需要。项目建成后,将拉长农业产业化循环经济链条。公司有自己的屠宰加工厂,可以保证肉制品及其深加工产品的质量,熟食及其深加工产品的投产,可以提高屠宰加工的效益,同时带动优质肉猪的


38、牧业”种猪繁殖基地的建设,带动农民养猪积极性,形成规模优势,提高畜牧业的经济效益,同时带动种植、养殖、食品加工等相关产业经济发展。未来市场空间广阔,市场前景良好。项目建设经济效益和社会效益显著。第二章 项目建设性质2.1 建设性质本项目为扩建项目。2.2 起止年限 项目扩建起止年限:2010.5-2011.52.3 进度安排扩建工程实施进度计划安排如下:2010年4月完成项目可行性研究报告编制工作。2010年5月至6月完成项目可行性研究报告论证审批工作,并进行项目初步设计与施工图设计、设备订购等。2010年7月至11月完成项目土建施工工程设计、人员培训等。2010年12月完成设备安装调试。20

39、11年1月至3月交付使用、试生产,2011年4月正式生产。2011年生产负荷达到设计能力80%。2012年起生产负荷达到设计能力的100%。2.4 项目实施进度计划表表2-1 项目实施进度计划表序号 时间项目名称2010年20111-34-66-910-121-34-66-910-121编制可研、论证2初步设计、施工图设计3设备考察、订购4土建工程5设备安装调试6人员培训7试生产8正式生产第三章 项目建设规模及主要建设内容3.1 建设规模吉林阔源牧业有限公司熟食加工厂目前熟食制品的生产能力为3000吨,已满足不了日益增长的市场需求。根据市场调查结果和目前的订单情况、企业自筹资金能力、原材料供应

40、情况及主要外部协作条件等,对项目建设规模的满足程度综合考虑,确定扩建项目规模为:年新增加猪肉卷等熟食制品2000吨。3.2 建设标准本项目设计标准及规范主要包括:食品生产质量管理规范(1998年修订);中华人民共和国食品卫生法;中华共和国动物防疫法;畜类屠宰加工通用技术条件(GB/T 17237-1998);肉类加工厂卫生规范(GB 12694-90); 食品添加剂使用标准(GB 2766-2099); 建筑设计防火规范(2001年版)(GBJ16-87); 执行出口食品厂、库卫生要求以及国家商检局和商务部的有关设计要求。3.3 主要建设内容3.3.1 工程方案 设计原则及相关标准肉制品加工按

41、照国家及行业制定的有关建筑、消防、规划、环保等各项规定,按照食品企业卫生标准进行设计。在满足工艺和生产管理的条件下,尽可能地改善工人的操作环境。在不额外增加投资的前提下,对建筑单体从型体到色彩质地,力求简洁鲜明大方,突出现代化工业建筑的个性。在整个建筑设计中,力求采用新材料、新技术,以使建筑物富有艺术感,突出时代特点。主要参照有关国家标准规范:GB500092001 建筑结构荷载规范GB500072002 建筑地基设计规范GB500112001 建筑抗震设计规范GB500102002 混凝土结构设计规范GB500032001 砌体结构设计规范GBJ16-87 (2001版)建筑设计防火规范 主

42、要建筑设计方案本项目扩建工程主要新建原料接收库200平方米、污水处理站120平方米。完善厂区基础设施。其他公用及辅助工程利用厂区原有建筑。根据各厂区现有建筑风格及自然条件,厂区主要建筑物均为砖混结构。主要建(构)筑物的建筑特征和结构类型详见表3-1:表3-1 新增主要建(构)筑物明细表序号名 称单位数量结构备注一主要生产工程1原料接收库m2200砖混新增2污水处理站m2120砖混新增3厂区绿化m21000新增4供、排水管网改造5供电线路改造3.3.2 设备方案(1)设备选择原则在充分利用现有仪器设备的基础上,本着配套完善、填平补齐、以先进性、多功能性、实用性、经济性及高效性原则标准,选择先进的

43、设备,力求缩短生产流程以及生产时间,努力降低动力消耗,以利提高企业经济效益,增强产品在市场上的竞争能力。(2)所需主要设备明细,详见下表:表3-2 新增主要生产设备明细表序号名 称型号规格单位数 量单价(万元)备注一生产设备1夹层锅台21.5新购2斩拌机台130.0新购3绞肉机台117.0新购4齿轮式灌肠机台28.0新购5巴士杀菌设备台215.0新购6真空封口机台28.0新购7水泵XD3.2-2S台40.45新购二检测化验设备套126.0新购三公用设施1锅炉套124.0新购2制冷系统套128.0新购3污水处理设备套136.0新购3.3.3 公用工程3.3.3.1 给水工程(1)生产用水量生产用

44、水包括工艺用水,锅炉用水和循环水。a.各生产厂工艺用水按各车间工艺及设备用水要求,估算平均每小时用水量。b.锅炉用水按锅炉蒸发量的1.2倍计算,小时变化系数取1.4。c.循环水主要为冷却用水,经处理后循环使用,补充水量可按循环量的8%计。(2)生活用水量本项目生活用水量相对生产用水量少得多,在生产用水量不能精确计算的情况下,生活用水量可按每人40L/日计算。(3)消防用水量熟食制品加工项目生产车间建筑物耐火等级为级,其它建筑物耐火等级为级。本设计方案消防泵房与给水泵房合并设置,泵房内设两台ISG150-200型消防水泵,一备一用,原有200m3的贮水池。(4)用水量估算表3-3 厂区用水量估算

45、表序号用水种类水 质用水量m3/h最大m3/h 平均m3/h1工艺用水符合国家标准50.029.62循环补充水符合国家标准5.01.53锅炉用水符合国家标准6.02.44生活用水符合国家标准1.50.55消防水-合 计62.534.0(5)水源及取水工程本项目给水工程生活、生产用水打井取水。厂区原有深井2眼,每眼机井满足出水量40t/h,供水水质达到中国生活饮用水标准(GB5749-1985)的要求。由深井泵直接送入储水池,经净水处理后送往各用水单位,满足全厂生产用水需要。(6)给水系统及设备厂区给水系统为生产、生活、消防联合供水方式,环状管线作为系统主干线与室外消防共用,周围分支管线只供生活

46、和生产用水。原有储水池供水设2台给水泵,1台给水泵连续供水,另设1台备用,给水泵房为半地下式,便于给水泵和消防水泵自灌,提高供水可靠性。各建筑物中的室内给水系统采用下分式直接给水系统,采用消防与生产、生活联合供水方式。室外给水管材采用焊接钢管,少部分支线用镀锌钢管,食品配料给水用不锈钢管。熟食加工的冷却水循环利用,利用原有的冷却塔处理后回用。 排水工程表3-4 厂区排水量估算表序号排水名称排水种类排水量m3/h备注最大m3/h平均m3/h1生产排水废水45.028.02生活排水废水1.40.53合计46.528.5厂区排水工程已完成,原料接收间扩建后,对原有排水设施进行完善,用水集中的生产车间及原料接收间地面设置排水沟及地漏,地面坡度3%,经地漏排入地下排水管网。新建污水处理站,购置污水处理设备,对于生产、生活废水没有超出污染标准的部分直接排入当地污水排水管网。生产、生活污水超出污染标准的部分集中排入原有的污水沉降池,经污水处理站处理后,净化处理达标后再排入污水排水管网。


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