How to Help Students to Acquire the English Listening Ability 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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《How to Help Students to Acquire the English Listening Ability 英语专业毕业论文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How to Help Students to Acquire the English Listening Ability 英语专业毕业论文.doc(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、How to Help Students to Acquire the English Listening AbilityAbstract: Listening is in the basic and important position in learning English. How to help students to get rid of the listening barriers and master the skill of it. Improving the level of listening is one of the problems that our teacher

2、put forth to discuss. The thesis analyzes some problems existing in the process of listening. In listening process, the failures to understand are usually caused by sound. In listening to a complicated passage or dialogue, students tend to treat each sentence in isolation and hence fail to make an i

3、nference which needs to be draw from the context. Very often they fail to distinguish the topic sentence from the details and as a result they are uncertain about the main idea of the listening text they have heard. Also, vocabulary presents obstacles for them in understanding the listening text. In

4、 order to solve these problems, this thesis put forward some ways such as dictation, predict, memorization.Key words: listening problem, the sounds, the vocabulary, inference, solution摘 要:英语学习中“听”处于基础的、重要的地位,如何帮助学生派出听力障碍、掌握听力技巧、提高听力水平是我们老师着力探讨的问题之一。这篇文章分析了在听力过程中存在的一些问题。在听力过程中,听不懂往往是由语音造成的,在听一段复杂的文章和

5、对话时,学生往往是一个句子一个句子孤立的听。因此,不能根据上下文做出推论。他们不能根据变化细节区分主题句;结果导致他们对所听材料的主要意思不能确定,词汇也是理解听力文章的障碍之一。为了解决这些问题,此论文提出了一些解决方案,如听写、预测和记忆等等。 关键词:听力问题;语音;词汇;推论;方法ContentsAbstracti摘要iiContentsiiiIntroduction11. The problems existing in listening11.1 The problems of the sounds21.2 The problems of the vocabulary41.3 Th

6、e problems of finding out the main idea or the topic41.4 The problems of making inference72. Solutions to the problems existing in listening8 2.1 Solutions to the problems concerning sounds9 2.2 Solutions to the problems concerning vocabulary10 2.3 Solutions to the problems concerning making inferen

7、ces and the main idea of the listening text12Conclusion13Bibliography14Acknowledgement15IntroductionToday, more and more people learn English in society. In the process of listening English, listening, speaking, writing, reading is very important. However, the successful communications with others i

8、n English is based on being able to listen and understand. Therefore, a very challenging task that falls on us teachers who teach English listening is how to help students to acquire the English listening ability. If we want to help students to acquire the English listening ability, we should know t

9、he problems in the process of listening and we should put forward some ways to solve the listening problems.1 The problems existing in listeningTo help students to acquire the English listening ability, we need to know their level where their problems lie in listening. “If you are trying to teaching

10、 somebody something, you need to have a clear idea of what it is you are trying to teach. Teaching listening comprehension in a foreign language is like teaching architectural students how to draw the plans and elevations of buildings. It follows that you need to have a clear model the desired outco

11、me of your teaching, together with a clearly articulated strategy which specifies how you are going to bring about this desired outcome. This strategy will largely depend on your assessment of what your student already knows or can do. The reason why the student may not reach the point of desired ou

12、tcome is be like of intervention from a teacher.”1 So to know the students level where their problems lie is the prerequisite that help students to acquire English listening ability. The problems are found in listening process. In listening process, the failures to understand are usually caused by s

13、ound (liaison, assimilation, elision). In listening to an extended passage or dialogue, students tend to treat each sentence in isolation and hence fail to make an inference which needs to be draw from the context. Very often they fail to distinguish the topic sentence from the details and as a resu

14、lt they are uncertain about the main idea of the listening text they have heard. Also vocabulary presents obstacles for them in understanding the listening text. If those students who have such problems are not encouraged to build up confidence and practice listening to overcome them, they may remai

15、n forever. Some of their problems reflected in doing listening comprehension in class are related to the following aspects.1.1 The problems of soundsWhen many students listen to native speakers the first time, they find that the English words they have heard from the foreigners sound strange and dif

16、ferent from those clearly pronounced by their Chinese teachers. They dont know that “Consonants and vowels are combined to from words and utterances within a rhythmic structure. Every consonant and every vowel will be affected by its neighboring consonant and every vowel will be affected by the rhyt

17、hmic structure in which it occurs.” “They were taught to pronounce words clearly and slowly since the first day they began to learn English, and they were accustomed to this slow, clear model in which each sentence is uttered as a sequence of readily identifiable words.”1 Little knowledge do they ha

18、ve about the fact that the pronunciation of words undergoes changes in the stream of speech. As a result, they tend to fail to understand spoken English. This is quite typical of foreign language learners. Examples of failure to understand can be found in student listening class. The failures to und

19、erstand are usually caused by liaison, which occurs in natural English language flow from time to time. They tend to block students comprehension and often completely confuse them. Take the following as an example. Listening text: Hello, hello. My name is Joan, and I am calling from Indiana, Can I s

20、peak to Diana, please? Am I speaking to Diana? Oh, no, no, no. I am not Diana. I think that you have got the wrong number, my friend. You have dialed a hotel in Joan. Directions: Listen to the song “Wrong Number” carefully. Fill in the blanks with the words in the song. It is usually difficult for s

21、tudents to work out the word “hotel” in the blank. The reason is that the last sound /I/ in the word “hotel” and the first sound /i/ in the word “in” undergo a case of liaison. What students actually heard is /h otelin/, which perplexes them so much that they fail to figure out the exact word. When

22、it is pronounced in isolation, it is immediately understood with no difficulty at all. Assimilation and elision are the other two features that students tend to fail to notice in their listening and often cause problems in understanding.1.2 The problems of the vocabularyIt can not be doubted that la

23、ck of the necessary amount of vocabulary will lead listening comprehension to failure. Inability to process the sounds into meaningful words at the same time they are being perceived will have the same result. One student said, “Once I heard a word rocket in a passage. I thought I had come across it

24、 before, but I just could not remember its meaning right away. What I did next was kept on working out the meaning of the word and could no longer concentrate on the incoming information. As a result, nothing of the result of the passage was comprehended.” This is true of many other students if they

25、 are confronted with the same situation. As a matter of fact, this is a bad habit, which needs to be eliminated. “Students need to develop the skill of keeping up with the speaker even this means letting go parts which they failed to sort out”21.3 The problems of finding out the main idea or the top

26、icThe task of finding out the main idea of the listening text is a difficult one for most students. After listening, facing such a task, they either fell uncertain about the answer or just make the wrong choice. The following is an example. Listening text: Woman: Did you have a good weekend? Man: Ye

27、s, I did I visited some friends in Pennsylvania. They lived in a small town called Canonsburg. Woman: That must have been interesting. I have never been in a small town-just a big city. Man: Neither have I. Woman: What did you do? Man: There is not as much to do as there is here. No plays or concert

28、s that are. People make their own entertainment, though. Woman: What do you mean? Man: Well, Saturday we went to a part. Everybody brings something. It is all put on the table and you can eat whatever you like. That is a potluck supper. Woman: It is something like a picnic, isnt it? Man: Well, yes.

29、The weather was warm, so we had this one outdoors. But in winter they have them indoors too. Woman: What else did you do? Man: Sunday we went for a drive. We had lunch at the drive-in. Woman: Is the countryside interesting? Man: Beautiful farmland. Youd like it. Woman: Im sure I would. Man: Sunday e

30、vening some people came to dinner. It was very informal-we just sat around and talked. Just a nice Sunday night supper. Woman: Thats the kind of evening I like. I dont care for formal dinners so much.Man: Neither does me.Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.Question: What do

31、es the dialogue mainly tell us?a. The man had a good time last weekend.b. The farmland is beautiful in Pennsylvania.c. People prefer informal parties to formal ones.d. People do not like life in big cities.In class, some students would choose c. as an answer to the above questions. Actually, the who

32、le dialogue is about what the man did last weekend and form his diction in his speech, “beautiful farmland” and “a nice Sunday night supper,” it can be known that he enjoyed the weekend very much. Therefore, the answer should be a. The man had a good time last weekend.This kind of task is difficult

33、because students have to evaluate which items of information are important and which are less essential. On the basis of a general understanding of the dialogue or the passage, students have to judge what message the speaker wants to convey through the listening text. So sometimes it is not because

34、they do not understand the language the speaker has produced, but because their ability to make generalization fails them, which is also likely to be the case when they listen to their native language.1.4 The problems of making inferenceStudents especially those who have just begun to learn to liste

35、n, tend to interpret each sentence in isolation in listening to dialogues or passages without referring to the context. As a result, misunderstanding arises.For example:Listening context:Dear Linda;The letter you write to me on November 13 arrived just a few days ago. Mail service between New York a

36、nd Chicago should be better than that.I am lad you like your new job, but I am sorry you dont like New York very much. You will probably like it better when you have more friends there. Thank you very much for your invitation. Im really sorry I cant accept it. My aunt will be here during the Christm

37、as holidays, so I cant go away. Im sure you understand. I hope you can come to Chicago some time. Sincerely LoisDirections; Listen to the passage carefully and write “T” (true) or “f” (false) for each statement you hear.Statements: 1) Mail service between New York and Chicago is not very good. 2) Li

38、nda doesnt have many friends in New York. For the above two statements, students usually wrote “false”. However, according to the letter they heard, these two statements should be true. The problem is that the meanings of these two sentences are not actually specified in the message but implied in i

39、t. In the sentence “The letter you wrote on November 13 arrived just a few days ago.” The word “just” indicates that the letter has been delayed on its way and the following sentence “Mail service between New York and Chicago should be better than that.” is actually a complaint, which really means t

40、hat mail service between New York and Chicago is not as good as Lois has expected. And the sentence “You will probably like it better when you have more friends there.” is a prediction for the future but at the same time it implies that Linda doesnt have many friends in New York, which is the reason

41、 she does not like it.For students whose level of foreign language proficiency is not very high, it is difficult to understand something which is indirectly stated. This is because “Simply coping with the foreign language takes up so much of their processing capacity that they do not perform normal

42、inference on the discourse.”12. Solution to the problems existing in listeningTo help students to acquire the English listening ability, we should find some ways that solve to this problem.2.1 Solutions to the problems concerning soundsMost students had never been exposed to spoken English Therefore

43、 they tend to be insensitive to features of spoken English such as liaison, assimilation, etc. These features of spoken English lead students to feel that they have never heard English spoken like this, especially if their former teachers pronunciation was not so standard. If this problem is not sol

44、ved, in listening class they will probably flounder in a stream of the acoustic blur that hits their ears and their experience is bound to be quite sterile and disheartening. To solve this problem, measures must be taken. In class, teachers should explain the correct pronunciation of certain vowels

45、and consonants when necessary. When students are asked to recognize cases of liaison, weak forms, assimilation, etc. they should be also asked to practice reading in order to be sensitive to these phonetic phenomena. Whenever the teacher finds that students inability to understand may be caused by t

46、hem, he or she had better offer scripts to show where the problem lies.In addition, dictation is a way to have students sensitized to these phenomena. The dictation can be done after class and finished within the allotted time. It is natural that students will unavoidably fail to work out some of th

47、e segments even if they have struggled very hard. After the fixed period of time, written scripts can be distributed to them so that they can compare with their own dictated sentences and find out their problems. The importance of distributing scripts can not be underestimated. Written scripts can boost students to a point where they can practice listening at a higher level with a more advanced function or greater accuracy. To a certain degree, dictation in this way can also improve students pronunciat


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