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1、中国博物馆文本英译系统研究 中国博物馆文本英译系统研究 A Systematic Study on C-E Translation of Cultural Relic Texts in Museums毕业论文【中文摘要】 博物馆,是宁谧而神圣的殿堂,是人类历史文化的宝库,自1682年诞生以来就一直承担着传承文化、记忆历史的重任。它收藏文物,并对其加以保护和研究,进而发挥其沟通历史文化的桥梁作用,为科学地研究历史和历史文化提供了可靠的物质基础。从世界范围来看,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,都把博物馆看成民族文化对内继承对外传播不可或缺的工具和平台。而中国博物馆,更因中国文化历史悠久、形式多样、







8、要组成部分,应该从跨文化传播的角度加以研究。为了达到中国和其他国家的互相理解,为中国赢得全世界的认可,博物馆文本翻译应该参照文化辐合会聚理论进行。【英文摘要】 Museum, as a treasure house of historical culture, has been undertaking the responsibility of remembering history and communicating culture since its foundation in 1682. With the collection, preservation and study of cul

9、tural relics, museum plays an important role in bridging history and culture, and offers a solid material foundation for the scientific study of history and historical culture. Both developed and developing countries throughout the world consider museum as an indispensable platform for the exhibitio

10、n and appreciation of cultural and art treasures handed down through a long period of human history. Since Chinese culture is long in history, various in form and rich in content, Chinese museum is even more important.With the globalization of the world and the success of 2008 Olympic Games in Beiji

11、ng, “Chinese elements” greatly attract people from all over the world. Under such circumstances, the translation of cultural relic texts plays an increasingly important role in introducing and publicizing Chinese culture to foreign visitors and to the outside world. In order to spread “Chinese eleme

12、nts” throughout the world, many museums provide equivalent English texts. Some books concerning cultural relics have also been published. Among them, China Museums: Treasure Houses of History published in 2002 and Museums in Beijing published in January, 2008 by Foreign Languages Press together with

13、 Chinas Museums published by China Intercontinental Press in 2004 are the most well-known. All the materials have played an essential role in introducing Chinese traditional and national culture and carrying forward the brilliance of the cultural heritage to people throughout the world.But due to a

14、lack of theoretical direction, there are still many problems and mistakes in the translation of cultural relic texts in museums, and the study on the translation of cultural relic texts has not yet got enough attention up to now. In 1991, the first article by Mu Shanpei appeared on Shanghai Science

15、and Technology Translators Journal discussing the problem of faithfulness and smoothness of C-E translation of cultural relics. Ten years later, in 2001, the second paper dealing with the cultural information in the names of cultural relics appeared on Chinese Science and Technology Translators Jour

16、nal. In the following several years, several articles were published, yet the topics were restricted to the “expressiveness” and “faithfulness” of the translation of names of cultural relics. In 2006, a postgraduate in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(广东外语外贸大学) wrote her thesis titled A Cultu

17、ral Study of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation of Relic Texts in Museums and offered a more detailed discussion. But she was only exploring the translation methods of foreignization and domestication from the cultural perspective, and gave no particular explanation to the translation o

18、f cultural relic texts in Chinese museums. In fact, up to now, no one has ever done any systematic study on the translation of cultural relic texts in museums from the perspective of intercultural communication.This paper, which uses the theory of intercultural communication, cultural convergence th

19、eory in particular, as its theoretical basis, will meet the needs of the time to conduct a systematic study of the translation of cultural relic texts in museums by way of case study, contrast and comparison, as well as induction. The author intends to build a simple model of the translating process

20、 of cultural relic texts in museums with reference to the modes of intercultural encounter and communication and the convergence model of communication. Moreover, on the basis of the analysis of the English texts, the nature and methods of the translation of cultural relic texts in museums will be i

21、nvestigated, and a number of principles and criteria will be presented. Most importantly, the process of the translation of cultural relic texts in museums will be clarified. If all the goals are reached, this paper will be of some importance to improve the quality of the translation of cultural rel

22、ic texts in museums, to promote effective intercultural communication, and to propose a new perspective to the study of translation.This paper consists of six chapters altogether: a general introduction, four main-body parts and a conclusion. Chapter One is the introduction of the paper. In this cha

23、pter, the author briefly introduces the rationale, the significance and the goal of the study on translation of cultural relic texts in museums. The study method and the organization of the paper will also be mentioned in this part.Chapter Two starts with the history and the current situation of the

24、 study on the translation of cultural relic texts in museums. From the literature review, it is quite obvious that the study on this subject is still inadequate. So, for the convenience of further discussion, the author starts the study with the clarification of several important concepts related (c

25、ulture, communication and intercultural communication) and a brief introduction of cultural relics and cultural relic texts in museums. The author has a strong belief that only with a thorough understanding of the cultural relic texts, translators can render them better.Chapter Three summarizes the

26、cultural convergence theory and the modes of cultural encounter and communication, the convergence model of communication in particular. “Convergence” implies that two or more things are moving towards one point, towards one another, or towards uniformity. During the process of communication, inform

27、ation is shared by two or more participants who converge over time towards a greater degree of mutual understanding. This will be manifested in the convergence model of communication. As for the modes of intercultural encounter and communication, dialogical mode is preferred among the four modes con

28、sidering the relationship of different cultures nowadays.Chapter Four applies the cultural convergence theory to the translation of cultural relic texts in museums. A model of translating process is set up to explain the process of the translation of this particular field. With the reference to the

29、model and the analysis of the English texts in Henan Museum, the merits and demerits of the translation are made clear. On this basis, the methods of the translation of cultural relic texts are induced.Chapter Five offers a general investigation of the process, the nature, the principles and criteri

30、a of the translation of cultural relic texts on the basis of the above discussion.Chapter Six concludes the main standpoints of the paper. The translation of cultural relic texts in museums is a part of culture and should be rendered from the perspective of intercultural communication. In order to r

31、each a mutual understanding between China and foreign countries and gain a worldwide acceptance, the translation of cultural relic texts in museums should be rendered in the light of cultural convergence theory.【中文关键词】 文化辐合会聚; 博物馆文本; 翻译模式; 翻译性质; 翻译原则; 翻译标准 【英文关键词】 intercultural communication; cultur

32、al convergence; cultural relic texts; translation model 【毕业论文目录】Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract(English) 5-8 Abstract(Chinese) 9-15 Chapter One Introduction 15-18 1.1 The rationale of the study on translation of cultural relic texts 15-16 1.2 The significance of the study on translation of cultural re

33、lic texts 16 1.3 The goal of the study on translation of cultural relic texts 16-17 1.4 Research method and structure of the paper 17-18 Chapter Two Literature review and some important concepts 18-29 2.1 Literature review 18-20 2.1.1 The intercultural turn of translation 18 2.1.2 The study of trans

34、lation of cultural relic texts in museums 18-20 2.2 Some important concepts related 20-24 2.2.1 Culture 20-22 2.2.2 Communication 22-23 2.2.3 Intercultural communication 23-24 2.3 Cultural relic texts in museums 24-29 2.3.1 Functions of museums 24-28 A brief introduction of museums 24 2.3.1.

35、2 Cultural relics in museums 24-28 Cultural information of cultural relics 25-26 Surface-level cultural information 25-26 Middle-level cultural information 26 Deep cultural information 26 Values of cultural relics 26-27 Cultural funct

36、ions of museums 27-28 2.3.2 Cultural relic texts 28-29 Chapter Three Theoretical framework 29-38 3.1 Cultural convergence theory 29-32 3.1.1 The principle of convergence 29 3.1.2 The convergence model of communication 29-31 3.1.3 Cultural convergence theory 31-32 3.2 Modes of intercultural encounter

37、 and communication 32-36 3.2.1 Ethnocentric mode 33 3.2.2 Control mode 33-34 3.2.3 Dialectical mode 34 3.2.4 Dialogical mode 34-36 3.3 The double-swing model of communication 36-38 Chapter Four Study of translation of cultural relic texts in museums 38-57 4.1 Application of Cultural convergence theo

38、ry to the translation of cultural relics 38-39 4.1.1 Cultural convergence theory and intercultural translation 38 4.1.2 Translation of cultural relic texts from the perspective of cultural convergence theory 38-39 4.2 Translation model of cultural relic texts from the perspective of intercultural co

39、mmunication 39-42 4.3 Analysis of translation of cultural relic texts in Henan Museum 42-50 4.3.1 Good samples of the translation of cultural relic texts from the intercultural perspective 43-44 4.3.2 Translation failures in the translation of cultural relic texts in Henan Museum from the intercultu

40、ral perspective 44-50 Linguistic mistakes 44-46 Deletion of important information 46-48 Deficiency of information 48-49 Lack of unity 49-50 4.4 Methods of the translation of cultural relic texts in museums 50-57 4.4.1 Transliterating 50-53 4.4.2 Literal translation 53

41、-55 4.4.3 Explanation 55-57 Chapter Five Translation of cultural relic texts in museums:its process,nature,principles and criteria 57-68 5.1 The process of the translation of cultural relic texts 57-63 5.1.1 Preliminary factors to be considered 57-60 The nature of cultural relic texts 57-58

42、 The suitable translator of cultural relic texts 58-59 The audience of translation of cultural relic texts 59-60 The purpose of translation of cultural relic texts 60 5.1.2 Process in translating cultural relic texts 60-63 Analysis of the source text 60-61 Tran

43、sfer from source to target language 61-63 Restructuring in the target language 63 Testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended audience:the feedback 63 5.2 The nature of translation of cultural relic texts 63-64 5.3 The principles and criteria of translation of cultural relic texts 64-68 5.3.1 Informativeness 65-66 5.3.2 Preciseness 66-67 5.3.3 Completeness in culture 67-68 Chapter Six Conclusion 68-70 Bibliography 70-75


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