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1、齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文)题目 中日両国端午節違学 院 外国语学院专业班级 日语074班学生姓名 指导老师 成 绩 2011年6 月 18日齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文)III摘要农历的五月初五是中国的传统节日端午节,它是中国民族的传统节日。而且,现在,端午节是中国非常盛大并且庄重的节日之一。众所周知,中国的农历五月初五是端午节,为纪念伟大的爱国诗人屈原而设立的。实际上,日本也有端午节,阳历的 五月五日就是日本的端午节,而且也是日本传统的一个节日。两国端午节的起源是相同的 ,但是,发展却是有差异的。因为各种各样的传统文化在变化发展中体现出来,所以,两国的节日的庆祝活动方式出现不同。关键词:端午

2、节的起源;变化发展;纪念活动的形式;要旨旧暦五月五日中国民間伝統祝日-端午節句、中華民族伝統的祝日。今、端午節句中国非常盛大厳祝日。周知通、中国端午節旧暦5月5日。偉大爱国的诗人屈原设立。実、日本端午。太陽暦五月五日日本端午節句、日本伝統的祝日。 両国端午節句起源同展開異、変化発展中伝統文化体現;両国祝日活動相違生。:端午節句 起源; 記念活動形式;目次摘要1要旨II4一、日中両国端午節時間上違5二、日中両国端午節風俗上違5(一)中国端午節風俗5(二)日本端午節風俗6三、日中端午節句活動方式上違7(一)中国端午節活動方式7(二)日本端午節活動方式8(三)日中端午節活動方式上対比8四日中両国端午

3、節句意義9(一)中国端午節句意義9(二)日本端午節句意義9(三)日中両国端午節意義対比910参考文献11謝辞12日本語勉強、日中節句興味持。特別日中端午節句。同端午言葉使、中国暦感、日本端午節句中国端午節句似違。旧暦五月五日端午節句、中華民族古伝統祝日。端午節句端五端陽呼。以外、端午節句別称。例:午日節、重五節、五月節、浴蘭節、娘節、天中節、地蝋、詩人節、竜日、名称異、各地人民祝日祝習相異多。中国人民長続伝統祝日、今国家法定祝日休日。日本伝統祝日中 端午祝日。時期、太陽暦5月5日。上、呼方異、 子供日、日本五節句一。一、日中両国端午節時間上違日本端午節平安時以後中国入。端午節中国陰暦五月五日。


5、午、家前、災禍除信。子供五色糸結、病除。結、子供話禁止。結後、。初雨、風呂入、川投込。川、病持祈。 (二)日本端午節風俗平安時代日本端午節句中国引入。端午節、时期盛迎菖蒲様形用、菖蒲节句呼。菖蒲、古来健康保、邪気祓()力信。菖蒲、叶出强香活用。菖蒲汤入浴、菖蒲酒饮、菖蒲枕眠、端午节句、菖蒲一日。、薬効活用、家轩菖蒲饰邪気祓风习古行。 5月、春夏季节変目、疲出病気顷。、田植、稲作最大要行事行、十分锐気养必要。端午节句、时期上手乗切知恵盛込。日本端午節句童話。伝説暗道、足歩、急。 前見、飛。 、 刀抜、追。木、家入。中、顔、。、。、。、。、夢見間、抜出聞。(、) 、急家帰。、以来、男人武士精神記。

6、日本日、男子持家、鲤挂、武士人形柏饼家中置。地方、柏饼粽食。 三、日中端午節活動方式上違(一)中国端午節活動方式中国端午節旧暦五月五日祝。日本粽()食同、中国粽子食。、日本粽异。地域様种类、粽叶呼叶二枚状硬折、中生米豚肉(鶏肉虾使地域、具様)入、味付(醤油砂糖、酒入)、主流。、中国粽形日本违、三角形、形。浙江省.嘉兴都市粽子中国有名。 端午节粽子食由来。戦国时代楚国、王侧近诗人屈原人。彼王忠义尽、彼政敌陥、失脚、国追。(屈原、秦胁威感、斉手组秦攻王进言、结局楚王无视秦攻、楚王秦囚、最后病死。)屈原、长年月放浪、楚国境近辿着、楚秦败闻。祖国行末失望彼汨罗江(今湖南省、楚国川)、秦兵士足踏入清土地

7、。思、石体、“祖国清石”共身投自杀。旧暦五月五日。 屈原死闻楚多民川、彼死体捜死体见。、民鱼屈原死体食愿、太鼓音鱼惊逃太鼓敲龙舟川旋回。更、鱼屈原死体食代粽子食、川粽子投。以降、屈原命日粽子食、时期(龙竞技)赛龙舟开催。 、龙舟龙舟理由、说。旧暦五月五日、初夏。时期、昔疫病流行、悪月呼。屈原时代以前龙恐灾难、疫病駆除言为、龙舟使。 、端午節、家门艾草菖蒲挂、雄黄酒酒子供额王字书习惯。、“祓”避邪意味、农耕社会时代疫病天灾恐反映。(二)日本端午節活動方式日本、端午節祝日龙舟活動、代武士、甲冑飾、子供健康成長期待祝福。例、男子持家、鯉掛、武士人形柏饼家中置。地方、柏饼粽食。、日本武士精神代祝賀活動


9、雄伝統文化美徳対尊重継承体現。(二)日本端午節意義日本端午節句、中国端午節伝、日本変化発展従、日本習慣中独自和発展、子供日意義和5月5日古来端午節句、男子健成長願行事行、今日、人格重、幸福、母感謝趣旨。更、日本伝統武士道文化対継承尊重。(三)日中両国端午節意義対比日中両国端午節意義多変化生、健康幸生活対憧追求体現重要意義変化。論文目的両国端午節由来、両国祝賀活動、意義違関連研究、端午節句両国文化占意義役割理解。祝日体現民族文化相違分析通、更両国文化関連相違探究。 中国、端午節句意義主意義記念。一説端午節句竜祝日。今一愛国主義詩人屈原逝去記念言、中華民族伝統美徳体得。竜船競食活動、祝日中華伝統的

10、美徳体現発揚。 日本端午節子供日称、本来男子祝日。日家男子、鯉立、葉餅食祝賀。日意義鯉力、命惜魚考、鯉子供健康成長出世望、中国息子出世願”共通。挿、艾葉、酒飲風習、広伝、伝統、日本人“旗百福招、葉千切日常。 日本端午節句子供対多期待託祝福。論文書、日中両国端午節文化、風俗知、文献、材料調通。目的成果本論書。10参考文献1中日韩对照现代日本事情大连理工大学出版社2005年8月2现代日本人风俗习惯马凤鸣著大连理工大学出版社2001年3月3日本风俗习惯马兰英著大连理工大学出版社2006年8月4日本文化概论 南开大学出版社2003年12月 5日语阅读冉毅著湖南师范大学出版社2005年1月6中国八大传统

11、节日傅德民著 重庆 2005年9月7明解古語辞典金田一京助8都道府県別冠婚葬祭大事典主婦生活社9大辞林謝辞大学最後時期、卒業論文無事完成、私大学生活終言意味。時私気持複雑、卒論文完成喜、答弁直面心配、大学離恋、先生感謝。論文、選定、研究方向考、私指導教官先生教。、本論文作成、終始適切助言賜、丁寧指導下塩田滋先生感謝。本稿、指導教官塩田滋先生指導支持、日本语学部先生助言心礼申上。 資料収集面协力日本语科先生方、友人达感谢意表存最後、外国語学院授業担当先生、大学間、私対育成感謝致。本当您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!Anationalsurveywasrec







18、obeheldinsixcities,includingJinaninShandongprovince,andChangshainHunanprovince,toeducatepeopleonhowtocareforeyesafterthesurveystarted. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park i

19、s one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at weekends. Jogging after a whole days work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven,

20、 when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years. I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim, He said. He says

21、she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijings smoggy days. If the smog is severe, Ill hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, Ill wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging, she said. For those who are not so

22、 athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started roughly two years ago, when he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. Jogging does not require speed, but stamina. If y

23、ou want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a habit, and then eventually a hobby, Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially th

24、e knees and ankles. Excessive jogging wears down the body, and harms ones health. Poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems, said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospital, General Admin. of Sp

25、orts.Dr. Lu has some tips for joggers, and those who are thinking of taking it up.He says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run special programs for the ent

26、ire month of October this year to support the Hong Kong Cancer Funds Pink Revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a po

27、rtion of its proceeds to the fund, including those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of the management and staff

28、 will add something pink to their uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age, general manager Bede Barry said in a statement. Th

29、e hotel has enlisted the support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by A

30、rte Madrid, a Spanish jewelry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of

31、meetings, so her schedule is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasnt conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for he

32、r baby. After 10 years, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiaos ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning

33、that in vitro fertilization is her only option. So, after reducing her workload, Xiao underwent IVF treatment. Luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. I told her to rest and carry on with the treatment (to prevent

34、a miscarriage). As Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. It was part of the first India-China international yoga festival in the provincial capital, Chengd

35、u, in Southwest China, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient Indian regimen, from June 17-21. Yoga is to India what perhaps tai chi is to China. Many countries other than India and China, also held the first World Yoga Day on June 21, after the United Nations last year agreed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global


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