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1、耐克经典品牌专卖店设计摘 要 本文是通过对以往耐克专卖店的设计结构特点的分析与此次耐克专卖店的设计分析的对比研究,并且在研究消费者心理的前提下,做出一个“把重点放在展示产品上”的作品。该课题研究分析了专卖店的空间认知感、空间的功能分区、空间的色彩分配、灯光和道具的辅助功能、橱窗的个性设计等一些细部处理的重要性。专卖店是耐克公司的主要营销策略,它以零售为主要方式作为营销渠道,由此可见,专卖店变成为了将产品传递给消费者最简便、快捷、直接的消费场所。专卖店设计属于商业展示设计的范畴,主要运用现代科技、人体工程学、心理学等综合知识来呈现直觉审美效应。一般来讲,顾客进入卖场购物过程是一看、二摸、三问、四

2、试,由此可见,色调与色彩也是第一视觉冲击。关键词:空间认知、直觉审美效应、视觉冲击Abstract: This article is the result of the previous design of the Nike Store structure features analysis and comparative study on the analysis of the design of the Nike Store, and on the premise of studying consumer psychology, focusing on the product works.

3、 This project analyses the store function Division of space perception, space, spatial distribution of color, lighting and props for accessibility, window design and some of the personalities of the importance of detail treatment. Store is the companys main marketing strategy, it mainly as retail ma

4、rketing channels, it can be seen that stores in order to deliver products to the consumers the most convenient, fast and direct consumer sites. Shop design within the scope of commercial design, using modern technology, ergonomics, psychology, and comprehensive knowledge to render the intuitive aest

5、hetic effect. In General, customers entering the store the shopping process is at, the second touch, try three, four, we can see that hue and color is the first Visual impact.Key words:Spatial cognition, intuitive aesthetic effects, Visual impact目 录中文摘要外文摘要引言1第一部分 策划提案说明 1第一部分 设计表现说明 1一、课题分析2 (一)耐克品

6、牌专卖店设计现状 (二)成功的品牌展示与设计手法优势解析二、场地分析5三、品牌定位分析5四、品牌定位分析5六、延展性课题分析5参考文献7致谢8引 言 随着人们生活水平的提高,生活节奏的加快,许多企业白领、生意人往往在休息的时间不会再选择西装皮鞋等一系列服装,他们会更加倾向于选择运动大品牌,在休闲娱乐的时间选择跑步等运动来锻炼身体,而耐克经典恰恰是人们的首选。耐克公司创始于60年代,它的鲜明企业文化毫无疑问地吸引了很多年轻人,同时它的存在也带动了社会经济。耐克经典主要针对专业运动员和热爱运动的青年及青少年,此次耐克店设计跟以往的不同是不仅仅只有青少年的热情奔放在其中,又有成功人士们的高雅的品质,

7、重点放在产品展示方面,目的在于衬托产品的高品质,风格以现代风格为主并且以黑白灰色系为主调,呈现给顾客舒适、干净、优雅、高端的感觉,激发客人的购买欲。第一部分 策划提案说明 通过对NIKE 品牌LOGO的分析,结合品牌的设计风格和现代流行趋势,以黑白灰三种无色系为主调,突出该品牌的LOGO,从而提高该品牌的影响力。第二部分 设计表现说明一、课题分析 (一)行业及相关品牌设计现状 目前,中国专卖店设计还处在低档次、跟不上潮流的阶段,跟国外的很多大品牌的专卖店设计相比较而言,还存在着很大的差距,例如,意大利和比利时的店面设计是世界上数一数二较为独特的设计地区,他们的设计重在细节,俗话说:“细节决定成


9、态美呈现在消费者的面前。(二)成功品牌展示与设计手法优势解析 通过在丹东新玛特的太平鸟专卖店分析、调研、考察,如图2-1,觉得运用鲜艳的色彩的搭配、还有水果、梯子、篮筐等道具的配合,给人一种明快、运动、轻松、休闲的感觉,很好的配合了太平鸟服饰设计的理念,射灯的运动也非常好,打在标识上凸显主题。图2-1 丹东新玛特乐町专卖店是一家日本人设计的专卖店,如图2-2,他主要通过物品的摆设搭配、地面的设计、道具等各种方式来衬托出专卖店的个性另类的田园风格,同时白色的墙面与棕色条纹的地面相结合,很好的展示出了该品牌的风格。图2-2二、场地分析 这次的NIKE专卖店的场地选择在市中心人流较为密集的地方,店面







16、的享受,还要刺激消费者消费。图5-1(二)展示设计方案及设计说明一层立面:为了切合在白色海洋中漫步的主题,展示产品的展台以类似白色气泡的形式展出,给人一种漫步海洋的感觉。(如图5-2)图5-2 地面铺装的优劣材料分析(如图5-3):1. 实木地板:脚感好,有自然的花纹,装饰效果很好。2. 复合地板:耐划耐磨抗挤压,维护方便,安装快捷是绿色环保材料的首选,但是弹性差,花样死板。3. 实木复合地板:易清理,抗变形,纹理自然。4. 瓷砖:耐用、色彩丰富。5. 地毯:装饰性好、隔音效果好、保温效果好。6. PVC地板:耐磨、安装简便、抗变形、防止虫蛀,但是有怪味。7. 塑料地板:色彩丰富,永久性差,但

17、是价格便宜。 一层平面立面:(如图5-4) 图5-3图5-4(三)展示设计方案与策划活动组合活动及说明 为了跟以往耐克专卖店的设计区分开来,此次设计的主题标新立异,围绕着海洋和白云进行设计,其中,陈列设计中的橱窗设计和现代科技手段中的多媒体成为了本次活动策划的主要宣传力量。橱窗展示多以季节为主而不断地变化着,一层的橱窗多为运动和健康的主题,而二层的橱窗则多了流行时尚的元素。在设计中,共分为两层楼,一层主要投入的精力要多,用多变的造型还有展示台的形状来突出主题,是整个风格即统一又多变,而二楼可以朴实一点,主要在多展出一些商品为主,例如运动鞋,展架不仅要分出男女鞋,还要把篮球鞋、跑步鞋、足球鞋等细


19、费者,服务员空间与客户空间所占的比例要有张弛。第四,橱窗的设计,它是整个设计的点睛之笔也是精华所在,里面所陈设的商品必然是最具影响力的商品,因此橱窗的陈列设计是最能看出该专卖店的特色所在。第五,LOGO标志创意设计,它可以以多种不同的方式展现,多媒体展示又或者运用平面设计,总而言之,要让标志无处不在。参考文献1武齐:耐克营销中国经济出版社,2张耀引 任新宇商业展示设计:案例精选中国电力出版社,2013年6月3王芝湘:旺铺赢家系列:实战卖场店面设计与实例化学工业出版社,2011年3月4王绍强:艺想:零售店面的减法设计中信出版社,2012年10月5曲金玲:日本店面设计辽宁科学技术出版社,2012年

20、3月致 谢在此我感谢学校在这大学的四年时间里给与我的鼓励与栽培,很感谢我的校领导对我的关怀,同时也感谢我的老师们就像我的家人一样不管是在学习上还是生活上对我的照顾和教育,特别感谢我的导师对我毕业设计的建议和指导,在设计中给我的指点还有督促,这都是老师们一点一滴汗水汇聚成的爱。在每次设计遇到问题时老师不辞辛苦的讲解才使得我的设计顺利的进行。从设计的选题到资料的搜集直至最后设计的修改的整个过程中,也花费了老师很多的宝贵时间和精力,在此要特别的向导师表示衷心地感谢!导师严谨的治学态度,开拓进取的精神和高度的责任心都将使学生受益终生!您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢







27、ffollow-upeventswillalsobeheldinsixcities,includingJinaninShandongprovince,andChangshainHunanprovince,toeducatepeopleonhowtocareforeyesafterthesurveystarted. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijin

28、g Olympic Forest Park is one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at weekends. Jogging after a whole days work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitu

29、de at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years. I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep

30、slim, He said. He says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijings smoggy days. If the smog is severe, Ill hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, Ill wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging, she said. F

31、or those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started roughly two years ago, when he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. Jogging does not require s

32、peed, but stamina. If you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a habit, and then eventually a hobby, Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages th

33、e joints, especially the knees and ankles. Excessive jogging wears down the body, and harms ones health. Poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems, said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospita

34、l, General Admin. of Sports.Dr. Lu has some tips for joggers, and those who are thinking of taking it up.He says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run speci

35、al programs for the entire month of October this year to support the Hong Kong Cancer Funds Pink Revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has

36、 pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund, including those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of t

37、he management and staff will add something pink to their uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age, general manager Bede Barry

38、said in a statement. The hotel has enlisted the support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace

39、specially designed by Arte Madrid, a Spanish jewelry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload

40、 and a large number of meetings, so her schedule is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasnt conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a st

41、able environment for her baby. After 10 years, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiaos ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage

42、 has occurred, meaning that in vitro fertilization is her only option. So, after reducing her workload, Xiao underwent IVF treatment. Luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. I told her to rest and carry on with the

43、 treatment (to prevent a miscarriage). As Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. It was part of the first India-China international yoga festival in the pro

44、vincial capital, Chengdu, in Southwest China, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient Indian regimen, from June 17-21. Yoga is to India what perhaps tai chi is to China. Many countries other than India and China, also held the

45、 first World Yoga Day on June 21, after the United Nations last year agreed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global practice of the stress-busting regimen, which is already a multibillion dollar industry in the United States. Modi sa

46、id in the speech: Yoga is an invaluable gift of Indias ancient tradition. . It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature.Zarthoshtimanesh, who runs his own yoga center, Iyengar Yogabhyasa, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai, says: Chinese students are very respectful. For me, all students are the same no matter what their race is and where they come from. The most important thing is to


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