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1、牡丹亭伯奇译本与汪译本中隐喻的对比研究 牡丹亭伯奇译本与汪译本中隐喻的对比研究 A Comparative Study on the Metaphor Translation of Birchs and Wangs Versions of the Peony Pavilion 【摘要】 牡丹亭是中国伟大的戏剧家汤显祖创作的最著名的传奇,是中国戏剧史上的一朵奇葩,问世四百年来在中国的舞台上久演不衰,目前已译成若干英文版本。现阶段对牡丹亭译本的研究大多集中在其结构,语言特点等,而隐喻作为一种修辞手段,在翻译研究中很少以科学的、客观的统计学手段加以研究,以戏剧体裁问世的牡丹亭,其隐喻翻译更是难以找到


3、理解,使译文具有感染力。【Abstract】 The Peony Pavilion is the most renowned chuanqi drama created by Tang Xianzu, the Chinese dramatist,and stands as a flower in the Chinese drama history.It has been performed for countless times on Chinas stage since it came into being.So far,there have already been several Eng

4、lish versions.Current study on its English versions mainly focuses on the structure and features of their language.However,metaphor,as a rhetorical device,has seldom been studied on an objective,scientific and statistical basis. Besides,since the English versions of The Peony Pavilion,were published

5、,studies on their metaphor translation on a quantitative basis can hardly be found.Based on Newmarks classification on metaphor translation strategy,this paper is an attempt to study the metaphor translation in Birchs and Wangs English versions with a self-built parallel corpus on the basis of quali

6、tative analysis and quantitative analysis.Through comparing the differences in structure,image,etc between the SL and the TL,the author of the thesis analyzes the reasons and puts forward some advice on some ways of metaphor translation in drama.Therefore,it is expected to serve as a reference and g

7、uidance for the future study on metaphor translation.The major findings can be summarized as follows:1.When dealing with metaphor translation,the dominant translation strategy that Birch adopts is retaining the same metaphor in the TT.2.The major strategy that Wang Rongpei adopts is converting the m

8、etaphor into sense.3.With the purpose of being faithful to the original text,Birch makes every effort to retain the original image of the metaphor and keeps the beautiful and unique exotic flavor.4.Wang Rongpei sets the goal of “vivid in description and faithful in meaning” and interprets the meanin

9、g of the image of metaphor to help the TR overcome cultural barrier and facilitate their understanding and ensure the appeal of his translation. 【关键词】 隐喻; 翻译; 翻译策略; 牡丹事 【Key words】 Metaphor; Translation; Translation Strategy; The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭伯奇译本与汪译本中隐喻的对比研究摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6 Chapter 1 Introduc

10、tion 11-14 1.1 Background of The Peony Pavilion and its Translation 11-12 1.2 Purpose of the Study 12 1.3 Significance of the Study 12 1.4 Research Questions 12-13 1.5 Layout of the Paper 13-14 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14-33 2.1 Language,Culture,Translation and Metaphor 14-17 2.1.1 Language and C

11、ulture 14-15 2.1.2 Culture and Translation 15-16 2.1.3 Culture and Metaphor 16-17 2.2 Domestication and Foreignization 17-18 2.3 Nidas Functional Equivalence 18-19 2.4 Views of Translation Compensation 19-21 2.5 Newmarks Semantic and Communicative Translation 21 2.6 Semantic Field Theory 21-22 2.7 T

12、heoretical Framework for this Study 22-33 2.7.1 Definitions of Metaphor 23-25 2.7.2 Characteristics of Metaphor 25 2.7.3 Formation of Metaphor 25-26 2.7.4 Classifications of Metaphor at the Rhetoric Level 26-29 2.7.5 Approaches to Metaphor Translation 29-32 2.7.6 Classification of Culture 32-33 Chap

13、ter 3 Methodology 33-36 3.1 Approaches Adopted in the Research 33 3.2 Building of the Parallel Corpora of The Peony Pavilion 33-34 3.2.1 The Collection of Raw Materials 33-34 3.2.2 Alignment of the Parallel Corpora 34 3.3 Data Collection 34-35 3.4 Data Analysis 35-36 Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussio

14、n 36-83 4.1 Retaining Metaphor 36-57 4.1.1 Retaining the Same Metaphor 36-46 4.1.2 Retaining the Same Metaphor plus Explanation 46-49 4.1.3 Retaining the Same Metaphor plus Footnote 49-55 4.1.4 Translation into Different Metaphor 55-57 4.2 Translation of Metaphor by Simile 57-65 4.2.1 Translation in

15、to Simile with Same Image 57-61 4.2.2 Translation into Simile with Different Image 61-62 4.2.3 Conversion to Simile Combined with Sense 62-65 4.3 Conversion Metaphor to Sense 65-78 4.4 Deletion 78-80 4.5 Summary 80-83 4.5.1 The Total Frequency of Metaphor Translation Strategies in the Two Versions 80-81 4.5.2 The Difference between the Two Versions 81-83 Chapter 5 Conclusion 83-86 5.1 Major Findings 83-84 5.2 Contributions of this Research 84 5.3 Implications 84-85 5.4 Limitations and Suggestions 85-86 References 86-89 Appendix 89-103 Acknowledgements 103-104 Resume 104


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