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1、基于特征点的图像匹配技术研究 基于特征点的图像匹配技术研究 The Research on Image Matching Based on Feature Point【中文摘要】 图像配准是对取自不同时间、不同传感器或者不同视角的同一场景的两幅图像或者多幅图像进行匹配的过程,随着计算机视觉技术的发展,图像匹配技术被广泛地应用在遥感图像、医学图像、三维重构、机器人视觉等诸多领域中。图像配准的方法大致分为两类:基于像素的图像配准方法和基于特征的图像配准方法。而基于特征的图像配准方法是目前图像配准最常用的方法,其最大的优点在于能够将对整个图像进行的各种分析转化为对图像特征(特征点、特征曲线等)的分析

2、,从而大大减小了图像处理过程的运算量。经过多年的研究,基于特征的图像配准技术已经取得了一定的研究成果,其主要步骤包括:图像采集、特征提取、特征匹配、图像变换。本文内容以图像配准的四个步骤为主线,首先概括介绍图像配准技术的研究现状、特点及应用领域,从而展示了图像配准技术广阔的应用前景。接着根据不同的硬件采集设备介绍了图像采集的两种方式以及图像配准常用的数学模型。论文分析和总结了现有图像匹配的主要方法、性能以及存在的问题,主要研究了两个方面的内容:(1)本文通过研究边缘特征和点特征,着重介绍了SIFT(Scale Invariant Feature Transform)点的形成过程以及涉及的边缘提


4、据弧上的匹配度量比值和双向检查约束的方法来剔除伪匹配对,得到两幅图像的优化匹配点对,匹配准确率比一些经典算法提高了14%,使得变换系数更加精确,图像配准效果增强。实验证明,MKP算法准确率高,鲁棒性强,具有较高的使用价值。【英文摘要】 Image registration, is a process to match two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoint, or by different sensors, with the development of th

5、e computer vision, which is widely required in remote sensing, in medicine, in 3D reconstruction,and in computer vision (target location, automatic quality control), and so on. The methods of image registration can be classified into two categories: the intensity-based matching approach and the feat

6、ure-based matching approach. However, as one of the most common methods, the largest advantage of the feature-based approach is its ability of translating the analysis of the whole image into its features that contains the feature point, the feature curve, etc. And as a result, it speeds up the imag

7、e process. After many years of research, the feature-based image registration technology has made some achievements, the majority of the registration methods consist of four steps: image acquisition, feature detection, feature matching and image resampling and transformation.This paper is arranged a

8、ccording to the above four steps. Firstly, recent research, characteristics and application areas of image registration are discribed, thereby demonstrating its wide application prospect. Then image acquisition in two ways by adopting different hardware equipment is discussed, as well as common imag

9、e transform model. Finally, there are two aspects which are we focused on: (1) The process of creating SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptors and edge detection technology involved are emphatically given by studying edge and point features, Then, in order to improve edge detection resu

10、lt on the low SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) image, a mathematical morphology of multi-structure and multi-scale element and Canny algorithm is introduced. So the performance of the details and anti-noise ability are strengthened, the convenience for the following steps such as feature extract and obje

11、ct recognition is provided; (2) Based on the SIFT feature extract, an algorithm using network flow to obtain optimal feature matching-Min cost K flow Problem is put forward, which utilizes the direction and gradient information of SIFT and the improved matching cost function for measuring the simila

12、rity on the network flow, with Minimum Cost Maximum Flow algorithm to derive the global optimal matching, under the arc ratio of the matching measure and the bi-directional check constraints to remove pseudo matching. Eventually, optimal matching will be achieved. As a result, about 14 percent impro

13、vement can be obtained. Experments on the test image sets demonstrate high accuracy, robustness, and more application. 【中文关键词】 特征点检测; 图像配准; SIFT; MKP算法; 边缘检测 【英文关键词】 feature detect; image registration; SIFT; MKP algorithm; edge detection 【论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 1 引言 9-12 1.1 论文的研究意义 9 1.2 国内外研究现状

14、9-10 1.3 论文的主要工作 10-11 1.4 论文的组织结构 11-12 2 图像配准的基础知识 12-16 2.1 图像配准的定义 12 2.2 图像获取 12-14 2.2.1 照相机拍摄 13 2.2.2 采集卡获取图像 13-14 2.3 图像配准的数学模型 14-15 2.4 本章小结 15-16 3 图像特征提取 16-31 3.1 边缘特征检测算法 16-22 3.1.1 Roberts 边缘检测算子 16-17 3.1.2 Sobel 边缘检测算子 17 3.1.3 Prewitt 边缘检测算子 17-18 3.1.4 Canny 边缘检测算子 18-20 3.1.5

15、基于多尺度多结构元素的数学形态学与Canny 算子相结合的边缘检测算法 20-21 3.1.6 改进的边缘检测算法验证 21-22 3.2 点特征检测算法 22-29 3.2.1 SIFT 特征点 23-29 3.3 本章小结 29-31 4 基于SIFT 特征点的匹配算法 31-39 4.1 特征匹配算法 31-36 4.1.1 匹配度量函数 31-33 4.1.2 MKP 模型 33-35 4.1.3 最小费用K 流算法 35-36 4.2 本文算法的总体框架 36 4.3 实验分析与比较 36-38 4.4 本章小结 38-39 5 图像变换及融合 39-45 5.1 图像插值 39-40 5.2 实验结果 40-44 5.3 本章小结 44-45 总结与展望 45-46 参考文献 46-50 在读期间发表的学术论文 50-51 作者简历 51-52 致谢 52


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