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1、论电影与文学艺术的交互影响:以蒂凡尼早餐为例Interaction of Movie and Literary Art: Analysis of the Film and Story of Breakfast at Tiffanys摘要:本文以蒂凡尼早餐为例,分析了该小说与在其基础上改编而成的同名电影之间的交互影响。本文首先分析了小说的主要内容并对主要人物及故事情节进行了研究,然后就电影艺术手段如何对小说进行艺术处理这一问题进行了深入分析,最后阐明了文学与电影的交互影响:作为一种静态艺术,文学通过文字叙述为读者搭建想象空间来传达情感和展现故事与人物,而作为动态艺术的电影却将情景、人物等文学要素

2、通过影像呈现出来,对文学信息进行直观的视觉反映。尽管这两种艺术形式各不相同,它们却相互交织,相互影响。文学对电影产生着深远的影响,电影对文学进程亦有推动作用。关键词:蒂凡尼早餐;文学;电影;交互影响Abstract: Taking Breakfast at Tiffanys for example, this thesis analyzes the interaction between the story and its cognominal film. First the thesis analyzes the main content of the story as well as th

3、e characters and the plots; after that it discusses the issue that how film deals with the literary information using its own artistic feats. Last but not the least, it is focused on interaction between literature and film: As a stationary art, literature uses language as carrier to complete narrati

4、on and expression of emotion. Literature builds an imagination platform for readers by its literary words to convey feelings and to present persons. While film, as a dynamic art form, attempts to present the information the literary works reveal by film image. Film is an intuitive visual reflection

5、of literary information. Although their art forms vary, they interact with each other in many aspects. Literature affects film deeply. Meanwhile film promotes literature to develop as well. Key words: Breakfast at Tiffanys; Literature; Film; Interaction IntroductionNowadays, scholars at home and abr

6、oad pay more attention to the relationship between literature and film. An excellent novel is the cultural medium for a good film and an increasing number of films are adapted from literary works. Literature is a sort of stationary art, using language as a carrier for narration, description and expr

7、ession of emotion. Different from literature, film is an independent art form, utilizing modern techniques such as film image, sound, etc. to complete narration and expression. Although literature and film are two entirely different arts, they interactively affect each other. In a sense, literature

8、plays a matrix role in the development of film, but film is not an appendage to literature. In another sense, film affects literature as well. Therefore, while studying the two arts, it is necessary for us to understand the interaction between them from all the perspectives.Film and literature has a

9、 long history of contact. It is the nourishment of literature that provides a chance for film to make a great progress and to become an independent and mature form of art finally. During the 100-year history of film art, numerous classical novels were moved onto silver screen. Those adapted films tu

10、rned out to be lasting and classical. Literature is an ancient art form, while film is a modern one; film uses different media and feats to perform what it attempts to convey. When the two arts come across each other, the collision must be fantastic. Therefore, the interaction between them should be

11、 highly noticed. When studying such an interaction, we will analyze a representative example: Breakfast at Tiffanys.This thesis takes the story Breakfast at Tiffanys as the sample to analyze the interaction between literary art and film art. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In Chapter I, t

12、he story is deeply analyzed, including the plot and the two main characters; in Chapter II, some film techniques are briefly introduced including film image, sound and how the cognominal film presents the information the story reveals by using those techniques; in Chapter III, the interaction betwee

13、n literature and film is deeply discussed, in other words, how the two art forms affect each other. From our analysis in this thesis, we will know that classical literary works build classical films and in return films help to promote the popularity of the works. Literary art and film art interact w

14、ith each other in many aspects.1. Analysis of the Story Breakfast at TiffanysBreakfast at Tiffanys, one of the representatives of Truman Capote who was a celebrated Southern writer in America, stirred the American literature field in the 1950s when it was just published. Writers around the world spo

15、ke highly of this story; they admired the author for his plain but meaningful language and for what he had created in his story. The story itself was acclaimed as a real fairy-tale, both the two major characters in the story were frequently talked about by people at that time as well. In this chapte

16、r, the main content of the story will be briefly introduced and the characters as well as the plot will be analyzed deeply. 1.1 Brief Introduction to the Story Holly Golightly, the heroine of Breakfast at Tiffanys, is a party girl living in New York City whose life is full of novelty and aspiration.

17、 She is natural at dealing with all kinds of men chasing after her. She is beautiful as well as elegant. By chance she gets to know an author, the hero in this story, who lives by writing and selling novels. At one mid-night, Holly comes home late. In order to extract herself from an annoying man, s

18、he comes upstairs through the fire escape to the windows of the authors house. The author lets her in and they begin to chat. Holly tells him that she left home at her 14 ages when suddenly she feels the author does look like her brother Fred. Every Thursday is a day when Holly arranges to visit a p

19、risoner named Tomato, who is the well-known leader of Mafia. When one of the works of the author is published, he comes to bring this news to Holly with pleasure. They decide to have diner outside for celebrating. After diner they wear the stolen masks back home.One day, a strange man is wandering i

20、n the street downstairs and he follows the author wherever the author goes. He is the husband of Holly in the countryside, Doctor Golightly. Doctor Golightly tells the author of everything about Holly once in the countryside. Doctor Golightly comes to take Holly back to their home in the countryside

21、, but Holly rejects for she is longing for a brand-new life in Brazil with a handsome nobleman named Jose.At the news of the death of Hollys brother Fred, she falls in misery. After that, she is willing to live an ordinary life and to learn Portuguese for Jose. At the authors birthday, Holly invites

22、 him to ride a horse. When riding, the author falls off his horse and is hurt. Holly brings him back to her house. Right at this time, policemen barge in her house and arrest Holly who gets involved in the case of the leader of Mafia, Tomato. Fortunately, with the help of both the author and John Be

23、ll, Holly is bailed but Jose has already left her. However, Holly insists to leave for Brazil. Without other choices, the author helps her escape New York. 1.2 Analysis of the Characters in the StoryCharacter, as an essential element in a novel, plays a great part in developing the plot. Breakfast a

24、t Tiffanys is mainly based on the central character Holly Golightly. There is another character involved in the story: an author with an untold name; the whole story is narrated through his mouth.Holly Golightly, a very young girl at age of 19, leaves her home in the countryside and flees to the New

25、 York City only for her dreaming of being a wealthy noblewoman. She is sensitive, charming, frail, wild as well as persistent in her characteristics. At one mid-night, in order to remove herself from a nuisance, Holly comes to the author who lives right upstairs. They start a long and wonderful talk

26、ing that night and it doesnt finish until 4:30 am. Holly is sleepy then and she lies in the arms of the author falling asleep. She dreams, crying her dear brothers name Fred and she suddenly wakes up while the author is just looking at her. The author says: “Why are you crying?” (Capote 24) She spri

27、ngs back, sits up. “Oh, for Gods sake,” (ibid.) she says, starting for the window and the fire escape, “I hate snoops.” (ibid.)The author doesnt mean to know more of her life but to concern about her at that moment, while Holly is sensitive and reluctant to be asked of her private matters. Holly is

28、absolutely a charming girl: she always wears elegant black long dress clustered round by couples of men and behaves in a good manner. Men are eager to chase after her, even her neighbor falls in love with her at her first sight. One of her neighbors is very angry with her about her keeping ringing h

29、is door bell because she always loses her keys, but he will turn to be very pleased soon as long as Holly agrees to be taken photos by him. Holly is a wild girl, never tired of being around by all kinds of men but enjoying staying among them. Parties, big or small, are frequently given in her house

30、where lots of noblemen gather. Holly is not willing to be an ordinary girl in the countryside nor to be restricted by her family. Not only does she dare to leave behind her husband and her children and to leave for a different world-New York, completely alone, but also she dares to visit the leader

31、of Mafia in the prison every week.Almost every reader is astonished at Hollys persistence in her dream of marrying a nobleman and of living a wealthy life. A rich guy catches Hollys eyes but he marries one of her closed friends at last. Holly continues to look for her rich man until she comes across

32、 Jose, a wealthy and noble man who is related to politics. However, Jose leaves her because she gets involved in a shamed case. Holly is very sad about Joses leaving but she still insists on her dream and decides to pursue it.Although Holly is characterized by what is shown above, she is still a fra

33、il girl, indeed. She deeply loves her brother Fred and longs for riding a horse with him on the meadow in Brazil. However, at the news of her brothers death, she is extremely sad and nearly turns to be a mad creature crashing down almost everything in her house. Half of her world seems crumbled. Tha

34、t news hits her a lot.Apart from Hollys personalities, how good dose she look? In the story, Hollys appearance is taken on in the eyes of the author:It was a warm evening, nearly summer, and she wore a slim cool black dress, black sandals, a pearl choker. For all her chic thinness, she had an almost

35、 breakfast-cereal air of health, a soap and lemon cleanness, a rough pink darkening in the cheeks. Her mouth was large, her nose upturned. A pair of dark glasses blotted out her eyes. It was a face beyond childhood, yet this side of belonging to a woman. I thought her anywhere between sixteen and th

36、irty; as it turned out, she was shy two months of her nineteenth birthday.(Capote 15). She was never without dark glasses, she was always well groomed, there was a consequential good taste in the plainness of her clothes, the blues and grays and lack of luster that made her, herself, shine so. Id ne

37、ver seen her before not wearing dark glasses, and it was obvious now that they were prescription lenses, for without them her eyes had an assessing squint, like a jewelers. They were large eyes, a little blue, a little green, dotted with bits of brown: vari-colored, like her hair; and, like her hair

38、, they gave out a lively warm light.(Capote 40) These are all about her appearance including her good looking, clothes, and her special eyes. She is a beautiful lady always wearing dark glasses in order to conceal her eyes which has an assessing squint. And she is well-dressed because of her good ta

39、ste in the plainness of her clothes. The author, as another major character in the story, is a young man from the countryside. His name is not mentioned in the story and we only know that he lives by writing. That is his only occupation. Therefore, we call him “the author”. He moves into the apartme

40、nt and becomes one of Hollys neighbors, which provides an opportunity for their meeting. Holly gets to trust him and regards him as a good friend only when she begins to feel that the same vagrant solitude is found on him as well; she thinks they could be the same persons. After the author moves in,

41、 he begins to pay attention to Holly. He is so curious about Holly that he should lean over the banister to see clear how Holly looks“I went out into the hall and leaned over the banister, just enough to see without being seen. She was still on the stairs, now she reached the landing, and the ragbag

42、 colors of her boys hair, tawny streaks, strands of albino-blond and yellow, caught the hall light.(Capote 57) From then on, there is something special about Holly growing little by little in the author heart. He fancies Holly even though she is always staying with other men, even though she sometim

43、es does not pay any attention to him at all. When Holly never comes to ring his door bell, he feels that “At any rate she no longer rang my bell. I missed that; and as the days merged I began to feel toward her certain far-fetched resentments, as if I were being neglected by my closest friend.”(Capo

44、te 68). He tells Holly of his affection on her but neither does he want to ask anything of her nor to restrict her with his love because he knows that Holly is a wild girl wanting freedom. Even when she insists to go to Brazil after Jose has left her, the author helps her to go there. 1.3 Discussion

45、 of the PlotThis story can be mainly divided into the following parts: the first part is how Holly and the author know each other; the second part is about a heart-to-heart talk; the third part is about gathering; the forth part is the celebration for the publication of the authors book; the fifth p

46、art is that Hollys husband in the countryside comes to her; the last part is about Hollys getting involved in a case.Holly is a careless girl who always loses her keys. One day, without carrying her keys again, helplessly, she turns to the author for help, which facilitates their first meet of each

47、other. Another day later, in order to escape from an annoying man, once more Holly comes to the authors house and starts a dialogue with him, which lasts until almost the daybreak. They have a nice heart-to-heart talk. Holly is keen on giving a party in her own house where lots of noblemen join. At

48、one party, the author is invited and is told more of Holly by another man also at the party. One of the authors books is published. He comes to bring this news to Holly with pleasure. They decide to have diner outside and then the author buys her a gift. One afternoon, Hollys husband in the countrys

49、ide comes to her, wanting her to go back but receives her rejection. A few days later, at her own house, Holly is arrested by policemen because of the case of Tomato, the leader of Mafia. However, she is fortunately bailed with the help of the author.The plot of the story is designed with ups and downs. Holly always loses her keys and always disturbs her neighbors to open doors for her. One of her neighbors is very angry about such a ceaseless disturbance from her, but every ti


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