高一英语优质课件:Unit3 Travel journal-Language points(新人教版必修1).ppt

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1、Reading,Language points,1). dream n. v.,of/about sth. (vi.) adream (vt.) that (vt.) sb. to be (vt.),dream,dreamed/dreamt,dreamed/dreamt,1.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.,1) 他梦想着有一天为自己工作, 没有老板. He dreams of / about working for himself an

2、d not having a boss one day. = He dreams that one day he will work for himself and not have a boss. 2) 我做梦也没想到他是个撒谎的人. I never dreamed him to be a liar.,2. Then she persuade me to buy one.然后她动员我也买了一辆. persuade vt.说服; 劝服; vi.被说服,persuade,sb. sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 sb. that clause sb. (not) to do sth. sb

3、. into / out of doing sth.,Bear them in your mind!,persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb into doing sth. persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb out of doing sth.,我已说服他做这件事。 e.g. I persuaded him to do it. = persuade him into doing it.,Compare !,如果“劝说”不服, 不能直接用persuade, 而应用try to persuade或advise, 或

4、者用persuade的否定式。 e.g. Some of us advised him to change his mind but no one could persuade him to do so.,注意,1. I _ him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary. A. persuaded B. advised C. hoped D. suggested 2. I was able at last to _ my mother to follow my advice. A. suggest B. advise C. persuade

5、 D. leave off,实例,高考链接,While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuade D. be persuaded,finally 一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序的最后项内容,或用在动词前,表示“等了好久才”,没有感情色彩. at last只能指时间位置,不能指时间顺序,在意思上是指经过周折、等待、耽搁到”最后、终于”(出现所期待的结果),常常带有较浓厚的感情色彩. in

6、 the end可与at last和finally通用.但若出现了非期待中的结果,用in the end, 还可以用于预卜未来。,3. Finally/at last/in the end,They talked about it for hours. _ they decided not to go. 2)The children arrived home _after the storm. 3) My dream will come true_.,Finally,at last/in the end,in the end,4) The war lasted four years befor

7、e the North won _. 5) Your idea will turn out right _. 6) _, I want to thank you for helping me.,in the end/ at last,in the end,Finally,4. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头行走到入海口。 这是一个强调句。强调句的结构

8、是: It was/is+强调成分+that-/who-分句,如果强调的部分是人,可用who,也可用that, 强调其他成分与内容都用that。,注意,e. g.我看这部电影是在上海。 (强调地点状语) It was in Shanghai that I saw the film.,强调时间和地点不能用when或where,只用that。,根据上下文和语义意图,说话人可以通过强调句分别强调主语, 宾语, 状语, 使之成为信息中心。,All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.,all the members that/who hel

9、d a meeting in the club yesterday. (强调主语, was不能换用were),It was,a meeting that all the members held in the club yesterday. (强调宾语a meeting),All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.,It was,in the club that all the members held a meeting yesterday. (强调地点状语,that不可换用 where),yesterday that all

10、the members held a meeting in the club. (强调时间状语that不可换用 where),All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.,把这个句子的不同成分改成强调句。John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.,高考链接,练一练,It was because of bad weather _ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that,Who is making so

11、much noise in the garden? _ the children. A. It is B. They are C. That is D. There are,5. stubborn,1) He is too stubborn to apologize. 2) Youll have to push hard, that door is a bit stubborn. 3) The old man has got a stubborn cough that has lasted for weeks. (as) stubborn as a mule,倔强的,固执的,难以移动的,难以治

12、愈的,6. Although she didnt know the best way of getting get to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她不知道旅行的最佳方式, 但是她 还是坚决主张她来合理安排这次旅行。,1) although, though引导让步状语从句不能再和but, and, however连用, 但可以和副词yet, still连用。,although从句多放在句首, though从句可在主句前,中,后任何位置,而且though可以作副词用于句末,作 “但是,不过”讲,而alt

13、hough无此用法。,考例 _ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. A. Since B. Unless C. As D. Although 点拨 根据句中的limited knowledge和a lot of experience构成对比,可知这是一个让步状语从句,故用although引导。since既然; unless除非; as 因为。,insist on/upon ones doing sth 坚持做,坚决做 e.g. I insisted on/upon his com

14、ing with us. insist that +从句 “坚持说” (后表示一个事实), 后接的从句用陈述语气, 既按需要选择时态。,2) insist : declare firmly 坚持认为,坚持主张,insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚决主张做某事, 后接的宾语从句常用虚拟语气, 既 “should +v.” e.g. Mary was ill. Her parents insisted that she (should) see a doctor.,e.g. He insisted that he hadnt stolen the girls han

15、dbag.,I insisted that a doctor _ immediately. has been sent for B. sent for C. will be sent for D. be sent for,高考链接,7. My sister doesnt care about details. 我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。 care about: be worried about 忧虑,关心 e.g. 他并不关心我的事情。 He doesnt care much about what happens to me.,care for sb/sth: look after, love

16、or like希望, 喜欢, 照顾 1) Would you care for a drink? 2) He cares for her deeply. 3) Who will care for your child if you are out?,8. She gave me a determined look the kind that she wouldnt change her mind.她坚定地看了我一眼-这眼神表明她不会改变主意。 determine v. 决定, 下定决心, 确定,determine to do sth. e.g. He determined to learn F

17、rench.,2) determine +从句 e.g. She determined that she would never see him again. 3) determine +疑问词+ to do e.g. Have you determined where to spend the holiday next week? determined adj. 坚决的, 有决心的,be determined to do sth. 决心做 e.g. She was determined to go to university. change ones mind 改变某人的主意 e.g. No

18、 matter what you say, I wont change my mind.,Bear them in your mind!,make up ones mind 下定决心 read ones mind 看出某人的心思 speak ones mind 直言不讳 give/ put ones mind 专心于 keepin mind 记住,9. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. 当

19、我告诉她我们将在海拔5000米处开始旅程, 她好像对此很兴奋。,at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔米处,e.g. The plane is flying at a height / altitude of 10,000 feet.,注意,at 在此处表 “在处/时, 以”后接年龄, 速度, 长宽深高, 价格, 费用等,at the age of at a high / low price at a depth/width of at the cost of at a distance of,10. When I told her the air wou

20、ld be hard to breath and it would be very cold 当我告诉她将呼吸困难, 天气严寒,主语 + be + adj.+ to do sth. 是一常用句式既不定式用主动形式表达被动含义 e.g. The problem is really hard to work out. My boss is easy to deal with.,不定式和主语之间是逻辑动宾关系,使用及物动词的主动形式,因此不及物动词要加相应的介词。,这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理活动的,接不定式时, 不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语, 主动用to do, 被动用to be done;也

21、可以接从句。,注意,这类形容词有surprised, moved, disappointed, pleased, happy, sad, delighted, sorry, interested, glad, worried, etc.,11. Finally, I had to give in. 最后, 我只好让步。 give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于, 让步, 递交,give up 放弃, 认输 give out 筋疲力尽;分配 give away 捐赠, 泄露,e.g. He had to give in to my views. Its time you gave in

22、 your papers.,1) After the long trip, both the men and the horses _. 2) Because of his small salary, he had to _ his dream trip to Europe. 3) Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to _ my view.,gave out,gave up,gave in to,练一练,4) He _ most of his fortune to the poor. 5) Please keep the secret,

23、 dont _ it _.,gave away,gave,away, give in (sth. to sb.),1) He would rather die than give in. 2) Wang Kun had to give in because he knew his sister well. 3) Please give your examination papers in ( to the teacher) when youve finished.,屈服,让步,上交,-Smoking is bad for your health. -Yes,I know. But I simp

24、ly cant _. A. give it up B. give it out C. give it in D. give it away,12. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province.,across,through,prep. 穿过,穿过深谷流经云南省西部时 它变成急流.,across 常表示从一定范围的一边到另一边或事物交叉位置, “横穿, 横跨” 表面, 含义与on 有关,through 表达两边穿过或穿过空间内部, 含义与in 有关,ov

25、er表示 “越过” 是指越过较高的物体从一侧到另一侧,辨析:,e.g. She swam _the river. The river flows _the city from west to east. Walk _the square and go _the gate, then youll come to the cafe. The thief climbed _the wall and ran away.,across,through,across,through,over,The new railway winds its way to Hong Kong, _ mountains _

26、 tunnels and _ rivers. across; over; through over; across; through over; through; across through; over; across,实例,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. He is planning his work _ (进度表) for the following week. 2. They took many pictures of the _ (瀑布) yesterday. 3. What is the _ (海拔) of this mountai

27、n? 4. I think you dont know your own s_. In fact, no one is perfect.,schedule,waterfall,altitude,shortcomings,5. He is so s_ that nobody can change his mind. 6. Do you know where the s_ of the Changjiang River is?,stubborn,source,II. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。 最后我们来到了山顶。(finally) 2. 我不能骑车去上学,因为我的自行车坏了。(cycle

28、),Finally we arrived at the top of the mountain.,I am unable to / cant cycle to school because my bike is broken.,3. 汤姆坚持认为自己是对的。(insist) 4. 你一旦开始,就必须坚持做下去。(once),Tom insisted that he was right.,Once you begin, you must keep doing it.,5. 她虽然小,但是知道怎么做。(although) 6. 我们决定立刻去火车站。(determine to do),We det

29、ermined to go to the railway station at once.,Although she is young, she knows how to do it.,我一直梦想能去北京看奥运.(dream about) 老师说服我努力学好英语.(persuade sb to do sth) 我在一个小山村长大.(grow up) 这位老师在听取学生意见方面很固执.(be stubborned in doing sth) 我决定努力学习(be determined to do sth) 当我们面对敌人时,不要屈服; 面对困难时,我们不能放弃(give in .give up)

30、 站在高山上,呼吸会非常困难(be hard to do sth) 我宁愿骑自行车去上学也不坐公交车.(prefer to do sth rather than do sth) 我的房子在地震中遭到严重受损.( be in ruins),必修1 Unit 3,必修1 unit3,你有没有梦想过到国外学习?(dream about/of) 没人能说服他改变主意.(persuade sb to do sth) 因为糟糕天气,比赛不得不推迟.(because of put off) 在做礼拜时我们把帽子摘除掉合适吗?(be adj to do sth take off) 他一旦下定决心就永不放弃.(

31、make up ones mind, give up) 许多人把想法写入日记,而其他人把他们的旅行写在称作日志的本子里(set down Write downin what is called.),I have dreamed about going Beijing to watch the Olympic Games. My teacher persuaded me to study English harder. I grew up in a country side. The teacher is stubborned in listening to students advice. I

32、 am determined to study harder. When we face the enemy, we shouldnt give in; when we face the difficulty, we shouldnt give up When we stand on top of the moutain, the air would be hard to breathe. I prefer to go to school by on bike rather than go there by bus. My house was greatly in ruins when the

33、 earthquake happened.,Have you dreamed about studying abroad. No one can persuade him to change his mind. The match has to be put off because of the bad weather. Is it proper for us to take off our hats in church? He will never give up once he makes up his mind. A number of people set down their thoughts in the dairy, while others wrote down in what is called travel journal.,Homework,1. New words. 2. BE P30-31.,


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