雅思口语Part2范文范文:实用技能 Describe a practical skill you have.doc

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雅思口语Part2范文范文:实用技能 Describe a practical skill you have.doc_第1页
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雅思口语Part2范文范文:实用技能 Describe a practical skill you have.doc_第2页
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1、Describe a practical skill you have.You should say:What the skill isHow often you use itWho taught it to youand explain how it helps you in your life.The practical skill that I have is digital / computer designing. I had a passion for designing and art in my childhood and after my father bought me a

2、 computer when I was in class 7, I started my journey towards the designing.我的实际技能是数字/计算机设计。我从小就热爱设计和艺术,在我上七班的时候,父亲给我买了一台电脑,我开始了我的设计之旅。I still remember that I started my painting on MS- Paint and later on I learned 2-3 major designing software namely Photoshop and Illustrator. I took a 2-years diplo

3、ma course on designing and have worked for the card, banner, poster, logo and web designing. Besides, I have learned how to build web pages after designing it.我还记得我在MS- Paint上开始画画,后来学习了2-3个专业的设计软件Photoshop和Illustrator。我修了两年的设计文凭课程,工作内容包括卡片、横幅、海报、标识和网页设计。此外,在设计网页之后,我学会了如何构建网页。I have gained the skill

4、by practicing a lot. I read different books on designing how to and concepts, spent numerous hours on designing and learned many things from the teachers who used to take our classes. I have learned many designing aspects, tips and tutorials from different design related websites as well.通过大量的练习,我获得

5、了这个技能。我阅读了不同的关于如何设计和概念的书籍,花了大量的时间在设计上,并从曾经上过我们课的老师那里学到了很多东西。我还从不同的设计相关网站学习了很多设计方面的知识、技巧和教程。Practice and the opportunity to work on several tasks helped me master the skill. I still need a long way to go and I am still a passionate designer. Besides my academic study, I still work on designing specifically on freelancing projects and that brings me a good amount of money.实践和完成几项任务的机会帮助我掌握了这项技能。我仍然需要很长的路要走,我仍然是一个充满激情的设计师。除了学术研究,我还专门从事自由职业项目的设计,这给我带来了一大笔钱。I am sure this skill will help me do even better in the professional sector in the future.我相信这项技能将帮助我在未来的专业领域做得更好。


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