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1、六年级英语试题第 1 页 共 8 页 龙岗区 20072008 学年第二学期期末小学学业评价试题 六年级英语 (满分: 100 时间: 70 分钟) 听力 部分 题号一二三四五六七八九小计合计 得分 笔试 部分 题号一二三四五六七八小计 得分 听力部分( 50 分) 一、听录音,选出含有你所听到的元音音素的单词,并将其编号写在括号内。 念两遍。 (5 分) ( ) 1Abeef Bhike Cant ( ) 2Ahuge Bhard Camazing ( ) 3Aworld Bplace Calarm ( ) 4Agym Bparrot Cshake ( ) 5Atrain Bhippo Cr

2、epeat 二、听录音,选出句子中出现的单词或短语,并将其编号写在括号内。念两遍。 (8 分) ( ) 1Acalendar Bdictionary Cdifficult ( ) 2Atake the lift Bcall 119 Cleave the room ( ) 3Aamazing Binteresting Cexciting ( ) 4Ago shopping Bgo fishing Cgo swimming ( ) 5A another Bthe other Cothers ( ) 6Aspicy food Bhealthy food Csweet food ( ) 7Along

3、jump Bhigh jump C110m hurdles ( ) 8Athe best Bthe most Cthe tallest 六年级英语试题第 2 页 共 8 页 三、听录音,选出与录音内容意思相近或相符的一项,并将其编号填在题前括 号里。念两遍。(5 分) ( ) 1ALet s begin. BPardon me ? CRead loudly, please ( ) 2AYou are lucky. BThank you. CGood for you. ( ) 3AWe should be polite. BWe only hug our friends. CWe shake h

4、ands when we meet them the first time. ( ) 4APat comes from England. BPat comes from Australia. CPat comes from the U.S.A. ( ) 5ATim is taller than Pat. BPat is the tallest. CYou shoul dnt push or run. 四、听录音句子,选择最佳的答句或问句,并将其编号写在括号内。念两遍。 (8 分) ( ) 1AWhere were you doing martial arts? BWhat was he doi

5、ng at 8 yesterday morning? CWhy was he doing martial arts? ( ) 2AWhat do you do? BHow do you do? CWhat did you do? ( ) 3AHow often do you brush your teeth? BHow much is this watch? CHow long can the whales live? ( ) 4AWhat s the weather like ? BWhat s your favourite story? CWhich season do you like

6、best? 六年级英语试题第 3 页 共 8 页 ( ) 5AIt doesnt matter. BYou re welcome. CThat s great. ( ) 6ASplendid China. BChongqing. CThe Changjiang River ( ) 7AI was watching TV. BI am at home. CI m all right. ( ) 8AMulan. BVegetables. CSharks. 五、听录音句子,用1,2,3 , 给下列图片标出序号。念两遍。(5 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、听录音,填入句中所缺单词。

7、念两遍。(5 分) 1When the bell , I was doing homework at home. 2China got into the Cup in 1998 at the first time. 3Sorry, I can t buy this watch. I don t have money. 4My sister is more beautiful Cinderella. 5I Tim at the Metro Station yesterday. 七、听录音中的对话, 选出最佳答案, 并将其编号写在括号内。 念两遍。 (5 分) ( ) 1This year, Bo

8、b is . Aweaker. Bfaster. Cstronger 六年级英语试题第 4 页 共 8 页 ( ) 2Bus No. goes to the Wutong Mountain. A111. B321. C201. ( )3Linda likes . Athe 800m race Bthe 60m hurdles Cthe 60m race ( )4This notebook is . A32 yuan. Bcheap. C32 dollars. ( ) 5My parrot s name is ASmarty. BBarty. CBetty. 八、听短文,填上文中所缺单词。念两遍

9、。(4 分) When Tim the fire alarm, he got up . When he looked of the window, he saw . He left his room and he didn t his things. he got out of the building, his dad called . Then the firemen came, and they finally out the fire. 九、听短文,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写T,错误的写 F。念两遍。 (5 分) ( ) 1Two women are in the shop. ( )

10、 2They are talking about books. ( ) 3The skirt is very expensive. ( ) 4The short woman says nothing. ( ) 5They want to buy a dress. 六年级英语试题第 5 页 共 8 页 笔试部分( 50 分) 一、找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的单词,并将其编号写在括号里。(2 分) ( ) 1Aeagle Bbread Ceasy Drepeat ( ) 2Alarge Bhug Cgiraffe Dlanguage ( ) 3Anotebook Balso Cabove DM

11、etro ( ) 4Aeither Bteacher Cdaughter Dher 二、词汇 A选出不同类的单词。 (5 分) ( ) 1Amyself Byourself Cherself Dhers ( ) 2Aharder Bbetter Clittle Dmore dangerous ( ) 3AChina BU.S.A. CSydney DUK ( ) 4Awinner Bwinter Cautumn Dspring ( ) 5Aexciting Bgym Cinteresting Dsurprising B用划线词的反义词填空。 (5 分) 1Last year, I was sh

12、ort and you were . 2Cinderella is beautiful, but her stepmother is . 3I m going to buy a cheap book. I dont have enough money to buy an one. 4My grandma is old, but Im . 5Please be polite , don t be . 三、选择填空。(10 分) ( ) 1He usually gets up 7oclock the morning. Aat, at Bin, in Cat, in Din, at ( ) 2I h

13、ave old diary I want to buy new one. Aanan Bana Caa Daan ( ) 3Mary was reading a book I came in. Awhy Bwhat Cwhen Dwhich ( ) 4-I don t like this film. My sister doesn t like it, . Atoo Beither Calso Dother 六年级英语试题第 6 页 共 8 页 ( ) 5This is a nice watch. It some stars on it. Ahas Bis Chave Dthere is (

14、) 6Billy can get 100% Maths but zero English. A for, to Bto, for Cto, to Dfor, for ( ) 7Don t worry me . Aof Babout Cfor Dto ( ) 8- do you get a haircut? -Once a month. A How far BHow long CHow often DHow much ( ) 9Cheetahs run than any other animal. Afaster Bmore fast Cfast Dquickly ( ) 10 Must we

15、read loudly? No, you . AmustntBneedntCcantDmay not 四、根据所给情景,选择正确的答案。 (6 分) ( ) 1与人初次见面,经人介绍后,你应该说: AYou are Tom! BNice to meet you CHi. ( ) 2当你接电话时,应该说: AWho are you? BWhat do you want? CWho s that? ( ) 3今天你穿了一件新衣服,同学们都赞扬你真漂亮,你说: AThat s ok BThank you. CWhere Where. ( ) 4当你送别友人时,可以说: ABye!Take care!

16、 BHave a nice day! CNice to meet you . 六年级英语试题第 7 页 共 8 页 ( ) 5你想用英语表达“今天下了倾盆大雨”,可以说: AIt rained and rained today. BIt rained cats and dogs today. CIt rained dogs today. ( ) 6当你的朋友告诉你他得了英语作文比赛第一名时,你应该说: ACongratulations. BReally? CThank you. 五、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。(6 分) 1When my mum (come) in just now, I

17、 (answer) the phone. 2Today is (hot) than yesterday. Its the (hot) day of this year. 3I run (slow) because I dont exercise at all. 4(be) there any water? 六、完型填空。 (6 分) In my zoo , you can see blue whales, lions, turtles and giraffes. Lions are dangerous. They eat 1 and they can run faster than peopl

18、e. The blue whales are the biggest animals on the Earth. Its much bigger than an elephant. And they 2 much longer than people. They could be much 3 than your grandparents! The turtles are interesting. They walk very 4 . The giraffes are the world s tallest 5 . It 6 the longest neck. Its a very beaut

19、iful animal. ( ) 1Amilk Bmeat Cvegetables ( ) 2Alive Bsleep Cswim ( ) 3Ayounger Bold Colder ( ) 4Aslow Bslowly Cfast ( ) 5Aanimal Bpet Cpeople ( ) 6Ais Bhas Chave 七、阅读理解。(5 分) 。 Spring is the best season of the year. It lasts from March to May.The days get longer, the nights get shorter, and the wea

20、ther gets warmer. Everything begins to grow. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to come out. Children 六年级英语试题第 8 页 共 8 页 begin to fly kites outdoors. Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It lasts from June to August. People try to find a cool place then. T

21、hey always go swimming in pools, lakes, and rivers. Autumn is the harvest( 收获) season. It gets cool. Farmers begin to gather in food. They are busy from September to November. The coldest season of the year is winter. Its from about December to February. The days are short and the nights are long. I

22、t snows sometimes and that makes children happy. They make a snowman and dance round it. They go skating as well. 根据短文判断下列句子的正误。用T 表示对,用F表示错。 ( ) 1Summer comes after spring. ( ) 2Autumn comes after winter. ( ) 3Everything begins to grow in winter. ( ) 4People often swim in summer. ( ) 5The days are short and the nights are long in summer. 八、小作文。以“ My busy Sunday ”为题,根据所给的提示词,写一篇50 词 以上的短文。(5 分) 提示词: get up early; eat breakfast; go hiking; go shopping; visit the famous museum; get a haircut; go swimming; eat dinner with a friend; read some newspaper and magazines;


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