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1、1 / 7 初一新生英语试卷 考试时间 60分钟。试卷满分80分。试卷共四个部分,请考生不要 漏题。请将答案写在答题卡中。 一、. 听力理解 情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最恰当的答语。 11. A. There are three. B. Many people in the family like books. C. My parents are teachers. ETHi62yaus 12. A. How nice you are! B. How do you do! C. I am fine.ETHi62yaus 13. A. It s too hot.

2、 B. It is very big. C. I don t know ETHi62yaus 14. Yes, I do. B. No, I don t. C. By car. ETHi62yaus 15. Brown. B. Reading C. Small ETHi62yaus D 短文填空。根据你所听到的短文填空。文章读两遍。每空限一 词。 I am 16 the Animal World. This is a natural park. There are many animals in it. There are two tigers. They are taking a showe

3、r 17 the river. There are four ducks swimming in it Two monkeys are swiinging in the tree. _18_ quick they are! What are the elephants doing? They are walking on the grass. How many pandas? Let me count! Three! There are three 19 on the grass. How 20 they 3 / 7 are!ETHi62yaus 二、语言知识运用 carefully and

4、said, “ medicine will not 33 Byou. You must have a good rest, go to bed early, drink more milk, walk a lot and smoke less a day. You should also go to the countryside for a 34B .” ETHi62yaus A month later, the man went to the doctor again, “ How _A_35_ you?” said the man, “ I am fine 36 A I am very

5、_37Ato see you again. You look much younger than before” , said the doctor. “ Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the man, “ I had a good rest, I went to bed 38B , drank a lot of water and milk I also walked a lot. Your advice really helped me, 39A you told me to smoke less a day almost 40A me!

6、” ETHi62yaus 31. A. have B see C. look ETHi62yaus 32. A. doctor B. teacher C. child ETHi62yaus 33. A. like B. help C. need ETHi62yaus 34. A. Monday B. month C. day ETHi62yaus 35. A. are B. is C. were ETHi62yaus 36. A. and B. but C. so ETHi62yaus 5 / 7 37. A. nice B. late C. good ETHi62yaus 38. A. la

7、te B. early C. hurry ETHi62yaus 39 A. and B. but C. or ETHi62yaus 40. A. help B. kill C. hurt ETHi62yaus 三、阅读理解 Joe put on his cap and went out for a walk with his father after supper. He liked to go out with his father. Suddenly they saw a big black dog. The dog began to bark(吠. Joe was afraid of t

8、he dog. He wanted to run away. His father says, “ Don t be afraid, Joe. Don t you know the proverb A barking dog doesn t bite? ETHi62yaus 41.They went out for a walk in the morning. F 42.They had a big black dog. F 43. His father was afraid of the dog.F 44. His father wanted to tell his son the dog

9、won t hurt him. TETHi62yaus 45. The proverb means “格言” .T 四、写作 46. that, do, dont, again, please _. 47. like, does, coffee, sister, your _? ETHi62yaus 48. bad, I, morning, this, had , headache 6 / 7 _. ETHi62yaus 49. can, do, I, for, what, you? _? 50. eat , like, something, you, to, would? _? ETHi62

10、yaus B用所给的动词的适当形式填空。 ! Tom is helping her mother with the housework . ETHi62yaus 52 . My mother _ ( go to bed at 11:30 . 53 . Do they like _ (read short stories? 54 . Tom s mother _ ( not have a car. 55 . Can she _ (speak English? C看图片 回答问题 共 5小题 计 10分) 56. Who is the woman? 57. How does she feel? ETHi62yaus _ _ ETHi62yaus 7 / 7 58. What time do you usually go home? 59.Have you ever been to the Opera House? ETHi62yaus _. _. ETHi62yaus 60. What do you think of the boy? _. D. 作文 10分) 写一篇以 “Look at the family ”为题的英语作文。字数 40个字左 右。 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。


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