2020学年人教版八年级上期:Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 课后练习(2)及详解.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料 学科:英语专题:Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake题1:1. -How _ oranges do you want?- Ten, please.A. many B. much C. far D. long2. How _ juice is there in the glass?A. many B. much C. far D. long来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KHow many or How much3. How_boats are there in the river?4. -How _is the bag?

2、-Its $17.5. How _ children are there in the picture?6. How_ meat do you eat every week?7.- How _ are these black pants? -They are ten dollars.A. many B. much C. far D. long8. _ the pants? Theyre 15 yuan.AHow many is BHow many are CHow much isDHow much are题2:1. When you take a shower, you _ the tap.当

3、你要洗澡时,打开水龙头。2. Its too dark. Please _ the light. A.turn on B.turn off C. turn up D. turn down3. Please_the TV. Its time for you to do your homework.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up 题3:1. _ the road until the traffic lights turn green.直到交通灯变绿才能过马路。把下面的句子改为祈使句。2. Would you like to come o

4、ut for a walk?3. Youd better be careful.4. You must write a letter to the head teacher.5. Youmustntsmoke in the office.6. You must see a doctor.来源:学科网7. Will you please speak more slowly?8. What time is it?Oh, its 9.Lets_.The sweaters are on sale.A. to watch TVB. go shoppingC. play football D. going

5、 home9. 我们来试一试吧。10. 我们不要太急。题4:1. I want _.我还想要六个苹果。2. 我们还需要五把椅子。题5:1. It occurred _the morning of the fifteenth, 1989.A. in B. on C. at D. during2. Iwillbeback_amonth.A. in B. on C. for D. at 3. Theyleft_arainymorning.A. in B. on C. for D. at 4.Weusuallyeatmooncakes_Mid-autumnFestival.来源:学科网ZXXKA. i

6、n B. on C. for D. at 5. Hegetsup_sixoclockeveryday.A. in B. on C. for D. at 6. _theageofnine, theboycouldswimwell.A. In B. On C. For D. At 题6:1. Lock this door _ turning the key twice to the left.A. by B. with C. from D. in2. 没有人能够通过写诗而活着。来源:Zxxk.ComNo one in those days could live _.3. 杰克靠给一家报纸写稿来维持

7、生活。Jack lived _.题7:1. _ have lunch.该吃中饭了。2.到了休息的时间了。3. 我们该回家了。题8:1. I_up the tankwithgasoline about once a week.大约每个星期我加满一箱汽油。2. 他在包里塞满零食。3. 这个盒子装满了书。题9:1. She _the baby up with a blanket just now.她刚刚用毯子把婴儿盖好。2.地上长满了草。题10:Yesterday evening, when I went to town with my mother, we met a strange old ma

8、n. It was raining hard and we had no umbrella(伞). We were trying to get into a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said that he would give it to us for only a pound. He had forgotten his wallet, he said, needed taxi-fare(出租汽车费) to go back home. My mother didnt believe

9、what he had said at first, and asked him a lot of questions. But the old man didnt get into a taxi. We followed(跟随) him and found he went into a pub(小酒店) and bought himself a glass of whiskey (威士忌) with the pound. After he drank it, he put on his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there a

10、nd went off with the new one. Soon after that, he sold it again.True or False1. The old man sold an umbrella to the writer and her mother.2. He gave it to them for only a pound because he had forgotten his wallet and needed taxi fare to go back home.3. The umbrella was worth more than one pound.4. T

11、he old man sold his own umbrella.5. He was an honest man. 课后练习详解题1:答案:1.A 2.B 3. many 4. much 5. many 6. much 7.B 8.D解析:1.句意:-你要多少橘子?- 十个。How many后跟可数名词;How much可以用于问多少钱;How far多远,问的是距离;How long多长,多长时间。因为oranges是可数名词,根据句意故选A。2. 句意:杯里有多少果汁? How many后跟可数名词;How much可以用于问多少钱;How far多远,问的是距离;How long多长,多

12、长时间;这里juice是不可数名词,故选B。3.句意:河中有多少只船?How many后跟可数名词,boats是可数名词的复数。来源:学科网ZXXK4. 句意:-书包多少钱?-17美元。how much可以表示询问价格。5. 句意:画中有几个孩子?How many后跟可数名词;children是可数名词的复数。6. 句意:每周你吃多少肉?How much后跟不可数名词,meat是不可数名词。7.句意:-这黑裤子多少钱?10美元。How many后跟可数名词;How much可以用于问多少钱;How far多远,问的是距离;How long多长,多长时间。根据句意故选B。8. 句意:-裤子多少钱

13、?-15元。 how much可以表示询问价格。这里主语是the pants是复数,故用are,故选D。题2:答案:1. turn on 2.A 3.B解析:1. turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”。2.句意:天黑了,请打开灯。turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”,其反义词组为turn off;turn down 意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低”,其反义词组为turn up。根据句意故选A。3. 句意:到了你写作业的时候了,请关掉电视。turn on意为“打开”;turn off意为“关闭”;turn up意为“把音量调高”;turn down意为“把音

14、量调低”。根据句意故选B。题3:答案:1. Dont cross 2. Please come out for a walk. 3. Be careful 4. Write a letter to the head teacher.5. Dont smoke in the office 6. See a doctor 7. Please speak more slowly 8.B 9. Lets have a try.10. Lets not hurry.解析:1. 祈使句是用来向别人提出命令,建议或请求的句式,不让对方做某事, 英语用 Dont 。2.句意:你想出来散步吗? Would yo

15、u like to do .你想要.吗,语气比较客气,所以变成祈使句时加上 Please。3. 句意:你最好要小心。Youd better(not) do sth.你最好(不)做某事。4. 句意:你非得给校长写封信不可。(强烈意图) must表示义务、意图或建议:必须,应该。5. 句意:你不得在办公室抽烟。mustnt表示禁止。6. 句意:你一定要去看病。(强烈意图) must表示义务、意图或建议:必须,应该。7. 句意:请讲得更慢些好吗? Will you please + do sth.”请你干什么好吗?8. 句意:-几点了?-哦,9点了,让我们去购物吧,在促销毛衣啦。Lets+动词原形,

16、根据句意故选B。9. let sb do sth让某人做某事。10. let sb not do sth让某人不做某事。题4:答案:1. another six apples 2. We need another five chairs.解析:1. another + 基数词 + 名词复数 = 基数词 + more + 名词复数 其意思是“另外/再多少个.”。2. another + 基数词 + 名词复数 = 基数词 + more + 名词复数 其意思是“另外/再多少个.”。题5:答案:1.B 2. A 3.B 4.B 5. D 6.D解析:1.句意:事情发生在1989年15日的上午。在某年某

17、月某日的早晨上午或晚上则用on。故选B。2. 句意:我将在一个月之后回来。In+时间段,表示过了多长时间之后,常用于将来时,故选A。3. 句意:他们在一个下雨天离开的。表示“在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等,用介词on,故选B。4. 句意:我们通常在中秋节吃月饼。表示“在某一节日”时,须用介词on。故选B。5. 句意:他每天六点起床。表示“某一具体时刻(即几点几分时)”,须用介词at。故选D。6. 句意:在九岁的时候,这孩子就游泳游得很好了。表示“在岁”时,须用介词at。故选D。题6:答案:1.A 2. by writing poems 3. by writing

18、for a newspaper解析:1. 锁这扇门要把钥匙向左转两圈。by后接动名词表示行为的方式或手段,这是一种常用表达。故选A。2. in those days在那时;writing poems写诗;by + v.-ing结构是一个重点,该结构意思是“通过,以的方式”,后面常接v.-ing形式,表示“通过某种方式得到某种结果”。3. live by 靠.过活 live by doing or sth./n.;writing for a newspaper为报纸写稿。题7:答案:1. Its time to 2. Its time to have a break 3. Its time fo

19、r us to go home.解析:1. “Its time to do sth.”表示“是做某事的时候了”。2. “Its time to do sth.”表示“是做某事的时候了”。3. Its time + (for sb.) to do sth.表示“该是(某人)干的时候了。题8:答案:1. fill 2. He filled the bag with snacks. 3. The box is filled with books.解析:1. fill upwith用来装满。2. fillwith用来装满。3. fillwith用来装满,其被动形式是be filled with。题9:

20、答案:1. covered 2. The ground was covered with grass.解析:1. cover with用来覆盖。2. cover with用来覆盖。其被动形式是be covered with.题10:答案:TFTFF解析:1. T 推理判断题。虽然文中不可直接找到答案,但由后文的bought himself a glass of whiskey (威士忌) with the pound.中pound前用的是the(那) 和he sold it again中的again(又)可推断出,作者和他母亲买了那个老人的伞。2. F 事实细节题。由文中所述这个老人收钱后并没乘taxi回家,而是去pub喝酒可知。3. T 推理判断题。他要将伞卖给作者时说for only a pound中的only可以推断,那把伞不只值英镑。4. F推理判断题。这个老头先卖给了作者一把伞,可是他喝酒后又took up one of the many wet umbrellas there,并将其很快卖掉,由此推断卖的并不是他自己的伞,而是别的人伞。5. F推理判断题。这个老人原来说卖伞乘taxi回家,事实上是上pub喝酒,后来又拿别的雨伞去卖掉,由此可推断他是不诚实的。


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