2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破阶段综合检测:1 Word版含解析.pdf

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1、阶段综合检测(一) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Although environmental problems have existed for centuries,some people still care little about our environment.Problems like ice melting, electronic waste are lighting up news programs and becoming part of an ongoing dialogue about the environment. As a tee

2、nager,what do you think all the problems mean for your future and for the future of the planet? For our October 2019 writing contest,we want you to really consider what you think about environmental problems. Use these questions to help focus your essay (文章) What environmental problem do you think s

3、hould cause the greatest alarm and action? Do you think that you have a personal responsibility to help solve environmental problems or do you feel helpless against the struggle? What do you think could help a specific environmental problem? Dont try to answer all these questions.Use one of them to

4、make a personal essay. The title of the essay When you hand in your essay,title it as: Environmental Problems: Include the phrase “Environmental Problems” as the beginning of your essay title,but then make the rest of your story title unique.Examples: Environmental Problems: Trashy Behavior and the

5、Plastic Bottle Environmental Problems: We Cant Exist If We Refuse to Change Rules: (1)This is a nonfiction essay contest. (2)Essays are 500 words or less. (3)Essays must be your original work. The deadline: Midnight Oct.30,2019 Results: The winner will be posted on our writing contest website or on

6、Teen Trend Report after Nov.26,2019. 【语篇解读】 本文为应用文。主要介绍了以环境为主题的写作比赛的规则、 注意事项等。 1What is the text mainly about? AHow to write an essay. BHow to protect our planet. COctober 2019 writing contest. DSome environmental problems. C 主旨大意题。 由第二段 “For our October 2019 writing contest .environmental problems.

7、”可知,本文主要是介绍一个写作比赛的相关事宜。 2Which of the following essays will be accepted? AA 300word essay taken from the newspaper. BA 400word essay on air pollution. CA 500word essay full of imagination. DA 600word essay on plastic bottles. B 细节理解题。由 Rules 中的要求可知,投稿不能是虚构的,字数要在 500 词以内,且必须为原创。由此可知,只有 B 项符合要求。 3How

8、can one know the result of the contest? ABy sending an email. BBy visiting the website. CBy calling the organizer. DBy reading a scientific report. B 细节理解题。 由最后一段可知, 比赛结果将会公布在写作比赛网站及 Teen Trend Report 上。 B The mom had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake.She was covered by

9、a destroyed house.Through gaps(缝隙) of those ruins,the rescuers could see her last posture(姿势)It was something like an ancient person who was kowtowing(叩头),but it just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure. The rescuers confirmed her death by touching her through the gaps of the rui

10、ns.They shouted at the ruins again and again, knocked the bricks using various tools, but no reply inside. Then the rescuing team went to the next building.Suddenly the leader ran back, calling“Come here.”He came to the body,put his hands under the woman,feeling and touching,then shouted loudly and

11、gladly, “There is someone,a baby,still living.” Through some efforts,rescuers cleaned up the ruins which blocked her.Under her body lay her baby,who was covered by a small red quilt(棉被)He was about 3 or 4 months old.Since well protected by his mothers body,he was safe.He was in a deep sleep when the

12、 rescuer carried him out, and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him.The doctor,along with the rescuing team,took the baby out of the quilt to check if the baby was all right,and he found there was a mobile phone in the quilt.The doctor looked at the screen;a written message was alr

13、eady there:“My dear baby if you could live,dont forget how much I love you.”As a doctor,he experienced much of this type of separation;but at this moment,he cried.The mobile phone was passed,and every person who saw this message shed(流出) tears. 【语篇解读】 本文讲述了母爱的伟大。 4When the rescuers found the mom,she

14、 Awas using her mobile phone to ask for help Bbegged the rescuers to save her baby first Cwas struggling with the pressure Ddidnt have the normal shape D 细节理解题。从第一段的“just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure”可知,这位母亲已经被倒塌的房子压得变了形。故答案选 D 项。 5The underlined word“confirmed”in Paragrap

15、h 2 may mean Aproved Binferred Cguessed Dimagined A 词义猜测题。 从第二段可知, 人们通过用工具来触动她、 大声喊叫等方式, 来证实(confirm)她的死亡。故答案选 A 项。 6When the baby was rescued,he Awas smiling a lot Bwas asleep Cwas listening carefully Dwas frightened to death B 细节理解题。根据最后一段的“He was in a deep sleep”可知,这个婴儿在 熟睡。故答案选 B 项。 7After seein

16、g the words on the mobile phone,people was Apleased Bexcited Cmoved Dtired C 推理判断题。人们看到母亲为了救自己的孩子而牺牲自己,并在手机上 留言“孩子,将来如果你还活着,不要忘了我是多么地爱你” 。此情此景,人们无 不为伟大的母爱而感动。 C From self driving cars to carebots(care robots) for elderly people, rapid development in technology has long represented a possible threat(

17、威胁) to many jobs normally performed by people.But experts now believe that almost 50 percent of occupations existing today will be completely unnecessary by 2025 as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to change businesses. “The next fifteen years will see a revolution in how we work,and a revolut

18、ion will necessarily take place in how we plan and think about workplaces, ”said Peter Andrew,Director of Workplace Strategy for CBRE AsiaPacific.A growing number of jobs in the future will require creative intelligence,social skills and the ability to use artificial intelligence. The report is base

19、d on interviews with 200 experts,business leaders and young people from Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.It shows that in the US technology already destroys more jobs than it creates.But the report states, “Losing occupations does not necessarily mean losing jobsjust changing what people do.”

20、Growth in new jobs could occur as much,according to the research.“The growth of companies that have the speed and technological knowhow will directly challenge big companies, ”it states. A 2014 report by Pew Research found 52 percent of experts in artificial intelligence and robotics were optimistic

21、 about the future and believed there would still be enough jobs in the next few years.The optimists pictured“a future in which robots do not take the place of more jobs than they create”,according to Aaron Smith,the reports coauthor. “ Technology will continue to affect jobs, but more jobs seem like

22、ly to be created.Although there have always been unemployed people,when we reached a few billion people there were billions of jobs.There is no shortage of things that need to be done and that will not change, ”Microsofts Jonathan Grudin told researchers. 【语篇解读】 文章主要讲人工智能的发展会对人们未来生活产生影响,很 多职业将会消失,但失

23、去职业并不等于丢掉工作,只是改变了人们做的是什么, 人们将会从事更具创造性的工作。 8What is the first paragraph mainly about? AThe result of job reduction. BThe fast development of AI. CThe future life of elderly people. DThe influence of technology on jobs. D 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句“From selfdriving cars to carebots(care robots) for elderly people

24、,rapid development in technology has long represented a possible threat(威胁) to many jobs normally performed by people.”可知第一段主要讲 的是科技对工作的影响。故选 D。 9What will people most probably do in the future? ATake the place of AI. BWork in a traditional way. CTake up jobs requiring creativity. DEnjoy life withou

25、t working anymore. C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“A growing number of jobs in the future will require creative intelligence,social skills and the ability to use artificial intelligence.”可知在未来人们要从事需要有创造力的工作。故选 C。 10What can be known from Grudins words in the last paragraph? AJob unemployment will stay high. BMore

26、 jobs tend to appear in the future. CJob competition is likely to grow fiercer. DTechnology will have less control over jobs. B 推理判断题。根据文章“Technology will continue to affect jobs,but more jobs seem likely to be created. Although there have always been unemployed people,when we reached a few billion

27、people there were billions of jobs.”可知,在未 来社会,人们虽然会失业,但却会有更多的需要创造性的工作。故选 B。 11What is the best title for the text? AAre People Losing Their Jobs? BThe Requirements for Future Jobs CThe Challenging Life in the Future DDoes Technology Simplify Everything? A 标题归纳题。文章主要讲人工智能的发展对工作的影响,谈到人工智能 会使人们换一种职业,所以

28、本篇题为人们在失去工作吗? 。故选 A。 D You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning.You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams. No matter where you are,all big cities around the world have traffic jams these da

29、ys.But although they all have their problems, many cities also have a type of transport that has become a cultural icon (文化标识) In London,to avoid the traffic above ground,people use the “underground” , also called the “Tube” The city has the oldest and most complicated underground railway system in

30、the world and is the pride of many Londoners.With 12 lines and 275 stations across the city,the Tube,is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting around London.In London,you are never far from a Tube station. New York is famous for its Yellow cabs.They serve as a quick and easy way of getting

31、 across Manhattan,where the subway doesnt take you everywhere.Stopping a cab is easy, just stick out your arm like you do in any city.But, with over 12, 000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple,they also cause traffic jams. Since 1873 when the first cable car started public service,the slow and noisy vehicl

32、e has been a symbol of San Francisco.Although once damaged by a serious earthquake and challenged by cars,it is never caught in traffic jams and provides better views than the subway. But there are no such symbols in Los Angeles.If you visit youd better rent a car.The citys public transportation is

33、terrible.It can take hours to get across town by bus.The subway covers just a small part of the city centre.The light rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city centre.Thats why Angelenos love their private cars more than any other people in the world. 【语篇解读】 世界上所有的大城市现在都有交通问

34、题。为解决这一难题, 作者列举了伦敦、纽约、旧金山和洛杉矶等一些大城市的做法。 12If you have a chance to London and want to avoid the traffic jam,youd better Aride vehicleBtake a taxi Cuse subwayDrent a car C 细节理解题。根据短文第三段可知:在伦敦,为了避开地面拥挤的交通, 人们都会选择乘坐地铁。它包括 12 条线路和 275 个车站,是畅游伦敦最快捷最简 便的途径。 13Which type of transportation has become a cultu

35、ral icon of the Big Apple? ANoisy vehicle.BCable cars. CSubway.DYellow cabs. D 细节理解题。根据第四段可知:纽约最著名的交通工具是黄色出租车。 坐这种出租车出行是快速简便的方法。只需一招手便可以打到出租车,十分简单。 据此可以推测“黄色出租车”是被称作“大苹果”的纽约的“文化标识” 。 14People in Los Angeles like their private cars because of the following except that Athe public transportation is te

36、rrible Bit is not expensive to take a private car Cthe underground railway covers a small part of the city center Dpeople have to spend hours getting across the Los Angeles B 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段可知:这个城市公共交通状况糟透了。 坐公交车穿越整个城市需数个小时。地铁只覆盖了市中心的一小部分。因此,洛 杉矶市民比世界上其他人都喜欢私家车。 15The passage mainly tells us Ahow big

37、 cities in the foreign countries keep on moving Bhow people in the city avoid the traffic jams Cwhy London has the oldest and complicated subway Dwhy people call New York the Big Apple B 主旨大意题。根据短文第一、二段可知:本文的中心话题是世界上所有 的大城市现在都有交通问题。为解决这一难题,作者列举了伦敦、纽约、旧金山 和洛杉矶等一些大城市的做法。由此可得知答案。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,

38、满分 10 分) Do you have a spare room in your house? Do you like to share your driveway in front of your garage with others? 16 Many people are benefiting from this new business of renting. Perhaps the best known example of a company in this field is Airbnban American web business which allows you to re

39、nt out your spare room to holidaymakers.It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. 17 A British company is doing something with parking spaces.JustParks founder, Anthony Eskinazi,says, “When I had the original idea,I spotted a driveway close to a spots

40、stadium.It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park.” 18 Around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the website,and he says around half a million drivers use it. 19 They are people who run things like traditional hotels

41、 and commercial car parks.They are afraid of ending up losing money. 20 Regulations for these new businesses are unclear.How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor? Because this is a new business world,those rules arent there yet. AThey seem to have occupied the majority of the market.

42、BBoth of these can help you make money. CAnd there is another problem. DAnd his great idea has proved a success. EBut the new business of renting has its competitors. FThere are many ways to earn money. GA commercial car park is inconvenient. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种新的租赁形式:把你家 空闲的地方租赁出去。 16B 空格前提到了把多

43、余的房子和车库前的车道租出去,空格后的许多 人已经从这种新的租赁生意中获益,可知空格处表达的是“把房子和车道租出去 可以使你赚钱” 。故答案为 B 项。 17A 根据空格前的“it operates in 34,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments”可知这种租赁业务已经占了市场的大部分,故答 案为 A 项。 18D 根据空格后的“Around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the website,and he says around half a

44、 million drivers use it.”可知这项租赁业务获 得了成功,故答案为 D 项。 19E 前面的内容都是叙述这项租赁业务的好的方面,而空格后是经营其 他传统项目的人,可知他们也有竞争者,故最佳答案为 E 项。 20C 根据空格后的这个新行业的规则还不清楚,租赁车道是否影响邻居 等,可知这是这项新业务的另一个问题,故答案为 C 项。 .完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) It may be difficult to understand nonverbal messages because different cultures have differ

45、ent expectations about eye contact,physical 21 ,etc. Lets consider eye contact.Children from many Latin American and Asian 22 show respect by avoiding the glance of important persons.A teacher whos 23 with this,however,might consider the lack of eye contact as a sign of 24 For many American Indian c

46、hildren, 25 a teacher in the eye and answering her question in front of the class is “showing off” Culture greatly 26 attitudes towards physical contact,whether its a handshake, hug, or pat on the back.In Asia, female friends 27 hold hands and men casually(随便地) hug one another as they walk down the

47、street.Americans,however, may feel 28 with such public behavior.In some Asian cultures,affectionately patting a(n) 29 head is strictly taboo(禁忌的), 30 it can be acceptable behavior between adults and young children. How 31 should people stand to each other when theyre having a conversation? In areas

48、of the Middle East and South America,people stand very close when 32 Europeans like to have 33 distance between them,while some Africans 34 even more space.You can 35 great discomfort by standing too close to another person.Not being 36 of this can even prevent someone from understanding or 37 the i

49、deas youre trying to get across. To create a positive environment for communication,your nonverbal message must closely 38 your verbal message.One way to do this is to carefully observe how children and families speak and 39 around each other and with people they respect.This can 40 clues about the true meaning of thei


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