2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破课时分层作业:9 Module 5 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破课时分层作业:9 Module 5 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破课时分层作业:9 Module 5 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(九) 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1 I live in a very old town surrounded with beautiful woods.I like the surroundings very much.(surround) 2It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the generation gap between them can be narrowed (narrow) 3When I came in,I saw m

2、y daughter sitting(sit) on the edge of my bed. 4Whoever has gone through sandstorms knows the importance of environmental protection. 5 The final score of the basketball match is 93 94. We were only narrowly(narrow) beaten. 6We have no idea what his state of health is but at least we know he is stil

3、l alive. 7Two boys were walking through the jungle when suddenly a tiger appeared in the distance (distant),running towards them. 8Early explorers traded(trade) directly with the Indians. 9Look! In the middle of the hall stands(stand) a Christmas tree. 10New houses have mushroomed at the edge of the

4、 town. .句型转换 1You must finish your homework before you watch TV. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV. 2I have another two days to finish the work. I have two more days to finish the work. 3The air is filled with the good smell of the flowers. The air is heavy with the good smell of t

5、he flowers. 4Id like to make use of this opportunity to express my thanks for your help. Id like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my thanks for your help. 5His speech impressed me deeply. I was deeply impressed by/with his speech. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 Botswana is situated in Southern Afri

6、ca.There are many top quality places to enjoy your African trip. The Okavango Delta The Okavango Delta is the worlds largest inland delta and is a top spot to visit during your Botswana trip.The whole delta covers an area of 15, 000 km2.The Okavango River ends in this area flooding the whole region.

7、Besides the regular flooding,rainfall can drastically increase the size of this water body,up to 22,000 km2. The delta also contains the Moremi Game Reserve(禁猎区) and it is one of the best places to see wildlife.Animals such as hippopotamuses,crocodiles,buffaloes, rhinoceroses,elephants and antelopes

8、 can be very easily found in the region.There are over 500 species of birds in this area. The Chobe National Park The Chobe National Park is situated in Northwest Botswana.It is the third largest park in Botswana and is famous for its large wildlife population.The Chobe National Park has diverse ani

9、mal habitats and it is wonderful to watch these beautiful animals right in front of you.The park is also very famous for its elephants and is considered to be the largest area for elephants in Africa.Apart from the huge elephant population, other wild animals such as lions,leopards,wild dogs,antelop

10、es,hippopotamuses, buffaloes and crocodiles can also be seen. The Central Kalahari Game Reserve The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is situated in the Kalahari Desert,covering an area of 52,800 km2.It is the second largest game reserve in the world.Large areas of trees,bushes and grass are widely spre

11、ad in this reserve,thus adding to the beauty of the place.The reserve contains a huge concentration of wildlife.Many wild animals including giraffes can be spotted easily there. 【语篇解读】 坐落于非洲的博茨瓦那有什么好玩的地方呢?作者向我们介 绍了三个(去处)。 1This passage is mainly about Athe writers traveling experience in Botswana Bs

12、ome places of top quality to enjoy in Botswana Cbeautiful countries to visit in Southern Africa Dactivities people can do in Southern Africa B 主旨大意题。通读全文,可知作者主要向我们介绍了坐落于非洲的博茨 瓦那的三个好玩的地方,故选 B。 2What does the underlined word“drastically”in Paragraph 2 mean? ANecessarily. BGradually. CGreatly.DHopefull

13、y. C 词义猜测题。从 15 000 km2到 22 000 km2是一个很大的增幅,故选 C。 3What do we know about the Central Kalahari Game Reserve? AIt is larger than any other game reserve in the world. BIt is a beautiful place located in a desert. CIt is most famous for its giraffes. DIt lacks water all the year round. B 细节理解题。根据末段的“The

14、 Central Kalahari Game Reserve is situated in the Kalahari Desert”以及“Large areas of trees,bushes and grass are widely spread in this reserve.”可知 The Central Kalahari Game Reserve 是一个坐落于沙漠中的美丽 地方。 4What do the three places mentioned in the passage have in common? AThey are all national parks of Botsw

15、ana. BThey are all open to the public for free. CThey are all near the Okavango Delta. DThey are all full of wild animals. D 细节理解题。通读全文,可知作者介绍的三个地方都有很多的野生动物, 故选 D。 .完形填空 Two men on a touring holiday were injured by an explosion in their motor van (面 包车) yesterday. Shoppers,traders and businessmen in

16、 Red Lion Street were 1 by a loud bang,and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van,which had stopped outside Barclays Bank.Several people rushed to give 2 and helped to put out the fire 3 the van.A light American truck changed the 4 to provide living accommodation room (躺的地方), 5 firemen a

17、rrived. The men,Mr.Cary House,who was driving,and his 6 Mr.Charlie Lynn were taken to hospital with slight 7 They were allowed to leave after 8 “I heard this explosion.It was 9 loud.I thought it could have been a(n) 10 , ” said Mr.Leslie Webster,manager of the market,who was working in his office in

18、 Red Lion Street. “I looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and 11 on the ground.Then another lad came out of the van.He seemed to be in a 12 state parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees.” “I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher(灭火器),but 13 the time I got outsi

19、de someone from the bank was in the 14 with an extinguisher.” Mr.Webster said both men were shocked.One was taken into the markets office to wait for a(n) 15 “The second man 16 going back into the van to see if everything is 17 , and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was burning, ” h

20、e added. 18 inside the van was mainly superficial (表面的), 19 a plastic window was blown out. The two men have spent the last six months 20 .At the time of the incident their wives were shopping in the city. 【语篇解读】 本文讲述了两个人在旅行中,车子发生了事故,引起了火灾。 全文具体描述了救人、救火的场面。 1A.disappointed Bexcited CfrightenedDshock

21、ed D 对于突然产生的爆炸声,不会是“失望”和“兴奋” ,故排除 A 项和 B 项 ; 说 “害怕” 也有点不准确, 故排除 C 项。 面对突然发生的情况, 感到的应是 “震惊” , 故选 D 项。 2A.callBwarning CreportDassistance D give assistance 意思是“offer help”,根据空后的 helped 不难确定答案为 D 项。 3A.insideBoutside CaroundDtowards A 车爆炸了,那么车里面有火,故选 A 项。 4A.planBmind CdirectionDnature C 上面提到了众人的帮助,所以此

22、刻一辆卡车也改变了“方向” ,为他们提 供一些方便,故选 C 项。卡车是无生命的事物,故不能选用另外三个选项。 5A.afterBbefore CwhenDuntil B 卡车加入救助时,消防队员显然还没有到。 6A.wifeBpassenger CvisitorDguest B 根据文意 A、C 两项明显不对。passenger 是“乘客” ,而 guest 是“客人” , 在车上的人应是乘客。故排除 D 项,选 B 项。 7A.woundsBsickness CburnsDhurts C 因为是火引起的伤,所以应当是烧伤“burn”,故选 C 项。 8A.operationBtreatme

23、nt CrecoveryDexamination B 因为伤比较轻微,所以经简单“治疗”后便可以离开医院,故选 B 项。 9A.muchBpretty CusuallyDactually B pretty 在此处为副词,相当于 very。从前面的“a loud bang”和人们纷纷循 声涌向面包车来看,爆炸声“很”大。故选 B 项。 10A.bombBfire CtruckDaccident A 根据巨大的响声,猜测是炸弹爆炸应是合理的。故选 A 项。 11A.lieBdie CrollDfall C 在地上“滚”是为了扑灭身上的火。故选 C 项。 12A.goodBpoor CeasierD

24、worse D 下面提到裤子烧掉了一截,所以情况好像比前一位更糟糕一些,故选 D 项。 13A.atBfor CafterDby D by the time 意为“到时候为止” 。从后面已有人携带灭火器到了车上, 可知选 D 项。 14A.vanBoffice CmarketDroom A 火主要在车内燃烧,故救火人到了“车”内,由第一段中的“in their motor van”也可得到提示信息,故选 A 项。 15A.rescueBdoctor CfirefighterDambulance D 受伤的人在等“救护车”来救,合乎常情,故选 D 项。 16A.kept onBinsisted

25、on Ccared forDgave up B A、D 两项不符合事实,C 项语意不对。故选 B 项。 17A.in orderBin all Call rightDall over C all right 相当于 OK。进入车内的目的应该是为了看看物品是否损坏。in order“按顺序” ; in all“总共” ;all over“到处” ;用在这里都不符合文意,故排 除 A、B、D 三项,选 C 项。 18A.EquipmentBSuffering CDamageDCondition C 由 “superficial”和 “plastic window”可以想到此处指车子部件的 “损坏” 情况。 故选 C 项。 19A.althoughBsince CbecauseDso that A 前后意义相反, 所以选A项, 后面表示让步。 其他三项的逻辑关系都不对。 20A.touringBrepairing CmovingDcleaning A 与文章首句相呼应。 由第一段中的 “Two men on a touring holiday”可知选 A 项。


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