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1、A sunshade 104 digital A Sunshade for the Planet 1. According to the first two paragraphs,the author thinks thatC despite the difficulty, scientists have some options to prevent global warming. 2. Scientists resist talking about their options because they dont want people to C think the problem has

2、been solved. 3. What does Stephen Schneider say about a heroin addict and methadone? A Methadone is an effective way to treat a hard heroin addict. 4. What is Stephen Schneiders idea of preventing global warming?C To apply sunscreen to the Earth. 5. What is NOT true of the effectiveness of “sunscree

3、n”, according to the last paragraph? D It decreases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Batteries Built by Viruses1According to the first paragraph,people try to Cstay away from viruses because they are causes of various diseases2What is Belchers team doing at present?CIt is making batteries with vi

4、ruses3What expression below is opposite in meaning to the word shrink appearing in paragraph 5?DExpand:4. Which of the following is true of Belchers battery mentioned in paragraph 6?DIt is a metallic disk with viruses inside it5. How tiny is one battery part?AIts width is one tenth of a hairClone Fa

5、rm 1. Which statement is the best description of the new era of factory farming according to the first paragraph? C Cloned chickens are hulk-produced with the same growth rate, weight, and taste. 2. Which institution has offered $ 4.7 million to fund the research? A The USs National Institute of Sci

6、ence and Technology. 3. In the third paragraph, by saying “Producers would like the same meat quantity but to use reduced inputs to get there,” Mike Fitzgerald means that he wishes D chickens could grow to the same weight but with less feed. 4. Which of the following statements about Orign and Embre

7、x is correct according to the fifth paragraph? C Origen has joined hands with Embrex in producing cell-injecting machines. 5. The tehnology of freezing stem cells from different strains of chicken can do all the following EXCEPT that A farmers can order certain strains of chicken only. Citizen Scien

8、tists 1. Ecologists turn to non-scientist citizens for help because they need them C) to collect data of the life cycle of living things. 2. What are citizen scientists asked to do? B) To send their research observations to a professional database3. In “All thats needed to become one (paragraph2)”,

9、what does the word “one” stands for? B) a citizen scientist. 4. What is NOT true of Project BudBurst? A) Only experts can participate in it. 5. What is the final purpose of Project BudBurst? D) To investigate how plants and animals will respond as the climate changes.Driven to Distraction 1. Which s

10、tatement is true of the description in the first two paragraphs? C Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman. 2. What do researchers want to find out, according to the third and fourth paragraphs? D All of the above. 3. What are the preliminary results given in th

11、e fifth paragraph? C In challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any additional mental energy to deal with something else. 4. The sixth paragraph mainly state that the researchersD want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system. 5. What kind of directions do men

12、 and women prefer? B Men prefer more general direction and women prefer route directions.Digital Realm 1. The techniques of voice recognitionB are in its initial stage of development. 2. According to the second paragraph, when we reach the stage of artificial intelligence, A machines can be our agen

13、ts us they understand our thoughts. 3. Whats the best description of Gordon Moores law as mentioned in the third paragraph? A It motivates the development of the digital world. 4. What can people do in a future scene as described in the fourth paragraph? D All of the above. 5. Which of the following

14、 statements is true of a personalized market? C In a personalized market, products are tailored to each consumer.。“Dont Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning 1. Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck is higher with people A who drink alcohol outside of meals. 2. Which of the fo

15、llowing is NOT the conclusion made By the researchers about “drinking with meals”? C It increases by 20 percent the possibility of cancer in all sites. 3. Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day? A 3 drinks. 4. Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds

16、 of cancer mentioned in the passage? B Laryngeal cancer. 5. According to the last paragraph, tissues lower exposure to alcohol D reduces the risk of laryngeal cancer. Explorer of the Extreme Deep 1. What is Alvin? C A submersible. 2. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin? A It

17、can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters 3. “ a world that is still full of mysteries” refers to C the ocean 4. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin similar? D Shape. 5. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin different? D Both A and B. Eat to Live 1. According to the passage, which of the

18、 following is NOT true?D We have to begin dieting since childhood. 2. Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2? B To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice. 3. What can he inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage? D They are more likely to suffer

19、from inflammation. 4. According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers? A The mice that started dieting in old age. 5. According 10 the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that C dieting is not a good method to give us health and long life. Eiffel Is an Eyeful1 1. W

20、hy does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move? B Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower. 2. What seems strange to the author? A Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view.3. Which statement is NOT t

21、rue of Hugues Richard? C He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds. 4. What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for?B Conducting research in various fields. 5. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it w

22、hat they will”? C Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents.Experts Call for Local and Regional Control of Sites for Radioactive Waste (B级) 1. Which of the following words can best substitute the word “withdrawal” in the first paragraph? B. Canceling. 2. According to Rodney Ewing and Fra

23、nd von Hippel, where to locate nuclear facilities B. should be approved by local people and states. 3. What is NOT true about the 1987 decision by Congress concerning siting of nuclear waste disposal? D. The decision by Congress was accepted by local communities. 4. What does the author of the essay

24、 in the fourth paragraph want to say? C. Efforts should be made to develop nuclear disposal sites to suit the circumstances of the region. 5. What is meant by“regional approach”as mentioned in the last paragraph? A. Waste disposal sites are located close to reactors and in places suitable for the re

25、gional circumstances. Egypt Felled by Famine 1. Why does the author mention “pyramid builders”? D Because even they were unable to rescue their civilisation. 2. Which of the following factor was ultimately responsible for the fall of the civilisation of ancient Egypt?A Change of climate. 3. Which of

26、 the following statements is true? D The White Nile and the Blue Nile are branches of the River Nile. 4. According to Krom, Egypts Old Kingdom fell. A immediately after Cl p .riod of drought. 5. The word “devastating” in the last paragraph could be best replaced by B “damaging”. Ford Abandons Electr

27、ic Vehicles 1. What have the Ford motor company, General Motors and Honda done concerning electric cars? C They have given up producing electric cars. 2. According to Tim Holmes of Ford Europe, battery-powered cars B will not be the main transportation vehicles in the future.3. Which auto manufactur

28、ers are still producing electric vehicles? A Toyota and Nissan. B General Motors and Honda.4. According to the eighth paragraph, hybrid cars C run more miles than petrol driven cars. 5. Which of the following is true about the hope of car manufacturers according to the last paragraph? D The legislat

29、ion will allow more low-emission to be produced.Food Fright 1. Paragraphs 1、2 &. 3 try to give the idea that A GM foods may bring about great benefits to humans. 2. Why is the case of the pollen-sprayed milkweed cited in Paragraph 6? C It is cited to show GM foods also have a dark side. 3. What happ

30、ens to those insects when not killed by the spray of insecticide? B They may have a higher ability to adapt to the environment. 4. Which of the following statements concerning banning GM foods is true according to the passage? D The United States has not banned GM foods. 5. What is the writers attit

31、ude to GM foods? A We cannot tell from the passage.Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass 1. Which of the following statements is not meant in the first two paragraphs? A The cold air mass was a threat to Floridas citrus crop. 2. According to the second paragraph, in which area(s) did the temperature fall bel

32、ow zero? B Parts of interior South Florida 3. Kings statement that “We brought shorts, T-shirt, and I had to go out and buy another coat.” shows thut A he was caught by the sudden cold4. Governor Jeb issue the emergency order because he C wanted to encourage trucks to transport as much fruit to mark

33、et as possible. 5. Which statement is NOT true according to the last paragraph?D Florida Citrus Mutual sprayed trees with sprinklers for citrus growers.Graphenes superstrength1 .What would change the future of electronics according to engineers?C Graphene.2. According to the second and third paragra

34、phs,what is true of graphene?C It is easy to find graphene.3. Which of the following can be used to replace the word “apply”in paragraph 4?D put.4. Which of the following is NOT meant in the last two paragraphs?A Graphene is made of graphite,one of the softest materials in the world.5. Graphenes sup

35、erstrength lies in the fact thatC It can help to make electronic components smaller. Hurricane Katrina 1. What is the eye of a hurricane? C A calm central region of low pressure between 12 to 60 miles in diameter. 2. Which of the following is NOT the “requirements” mentioned in the second paragraph?

36、A The tropical waters are warm and calm. 3. Which of the following is the best explanation of the word “drive” in the third paragraph? C To supply the motive force or power and cause to function. 4. What does the warm air mentioned in the fourth paragraph produce when it is rising from the sea surfa

37、ce? B Low pressure 5. What is NOT true of Hurricane Katrina according to the last paragraph? D The humanitarian crisis is as serious as that of the great depression.Invisibility Ring 1. Harry Potter is mentioned in the passage,because scientists C try to invent a device similar in idea to the invisi

38、ble cloak he uses2. What is true of microwaves?B Their wavelengths arc longer than those of visible light. 3. What is NOT true of the invisibility device? B Microwaves bounce off it when they strike it. 4. What does the word “coaster” mean in the passage? A A disk or plate placed under a drinking gl

39、ass to protect a table top. 5. Harry Potters invisibility cloak doesnt have any real competition yet, because C the cloaking device works only for microwaves. Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Japanese concept car?C It has sensors lock

40、ed up in the ignition system. 2. What has Volvo developed? B A breathalyzer attached to a cars seat belt. 3. What is the function of the camera mentioned in Paragraph 4? A It monitors the drivers eyes to sec if he needs a rest. 4. According to Doi, D Nissan aims to improve the detection technology t

41、o reduce the fatality rate. 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 6? B The car will automatically keep to its lane.Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth 1. According to the passage, Mount Unzen B erupted in 1991. 2. According to the passage, the study of the Mount Unzen volcano may

42、benefit Japan in all the following aspects EXCEPT D predicting volcano eruptions. 3.Why is this research project so important to Japan? A. Because Japan has many living volcanos. 4. The drilling site on Mount Unzen isC about half way up the mountain. 5. The title of this passage Japanese Drilling in

43、to Core of Earth actually means that they A drill a hole into the core of a volcano. Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning 1. What does “Such natural disasters” in the first paragraph refer to? D Landslides. 2. Which of the following statements is true of landslides? D All of the above.

44、3. Why do researchers develop a new device to monitor signs of landsides?C Because the common methods can cause false alarms. 4. Which of t he following statements is NOT true of the device, according to Paragraph 4? A It is filled in with gravel. 5. According to the context, what does the word “ po

45、sitives” in the fifth paragraph mean? B Evidences. Life Form Found on Saturns Titan1 .What have scientists found about Saturn?C They have found methane-based life on Titan.2. What do scientists say about Titan?A There are life clues there.3. To date,scientists have not yet detected this form of life

46、.(paragraph 5)What doesthis formof life refer to?B Methane-based life.4. What can be inferred from what Allen said?A Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.5. Which of the following can replace the title of this passage?D A different Life Form, a Possibility.Late-Nig

47、ht Drinking 1. The author mentions “pick-me-up” to indicate that C coffee is a stimulant. 2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep? C Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone. 3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? A Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 4. What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? D Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. 5. The author of this passage probably agrees that B we should not drink coffee after supper. Putting Plants to Work 1. What does the writer say about p


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