职称英语(卫生类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板 C级.doc

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1、2012年职称英语(卫生类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板 C级Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor1) Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in the passage?2) How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?3) How can nanotechnol0gy be used to make a drug more effective?4) The following develop

2、ing countries are doing very well scientific research on nanotechnology EXCEPT5) Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano materials mentioned in the passage?1. Bringing nanotechnology to health care for the poor(卫C)1) To produce better and lighter building materials.2) By lighting u

3、p in the presence of a targeted molecule.3) By making a drug target the focus of a disease.4) Iran 5) D They may behave differently in the body and the environment.纳米保健技术走向贫困国家纳米技术的用途未提及 怎样能使量子点被应用于确认疾病?纳米技术如何被用于提高疗效?下述发展中国家在纳米技术方面没有做很好的科学研究的是 。在利用纳米原料可能存在的危险下面提到的一句是 。好的农产品和发光的建筑材料当靶分子存在的时候就能通过发光来诊断

4、疾病使药物对准疾病的病灶伊朗纳米材料的颗粒在体内和在体外环境中作用可能不太一样第二篇 Medical JournalsMedical Journals2. Medical Journals(卫C)1) The main readers of medical journals are2) Which of the following statements is NOT true?3) How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage?4) An article dealing with results from diffe

5、rent studies on the same topic is called5) Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on2. Medical Journals(卫C)1) health professionals.2) Most medical journals publish only online.3) Five. 4) a review article.5) articles published in that journal.医学杂志医学杂志的主要读者是_。_是

6、错误的。文章类型有_ 种。讲述同一话题的不同研究结果的文章属于_。读者来信就_发表评论。卫生专业人士大多数医学杂志只在网上出版5综述性文章杂志上发表的文章第三篇 Cooking Oil Fumes Cause TumorCooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor 3Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor(卫C)1) What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers?2) Which of the following diseases is the most common am

7、ong the local residents in Shanghai?3) What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long termClose contact with cooking oil fumes?4)What was the local womens reaction when they learned that cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer?5)Which of the following has relatively litt

8、le connection with womens lung cancer?3Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor(卫C)1)Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females.2)Lung cancer.3)Irritated eyes and throat.4)Surprised5)Personal health and physical condition.厨房油烟可治癌科学家指出癌症的趋势是_.在上海的居民中,最普遍的疾病是_长期和油烟接触的女性主诉_症状?当他们知道了厨房油烟能够导致癌症的时候

9、,当地女性的反应是_._和女性的癌症没有关系3厨房油烟可治癌(卫C)病人越来越年轻,尤其是女性。肺癌眼睛和喉咙惊讶个人健康和身体状况第四篇 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant WomenMultivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women4. Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women(卫C)1) How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according

10、 to WHO?2) A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the following substances EXCEPT3) Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the passage.94) What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?5) How many percent of babies were born with low birth weight to wo

11、men who were not infected with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study?4. Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women(卫C)1) 2,000,000. 2) antiviral substances.3) To reduce the rate of babies born too early.4) To raise the bodys immunity against infection.5) Less than 8%. 所有

12、怀孕妇女被劝服用多种维生素依照WHO估计在发达国家每年有_婴儿出生体重过低?。下列_不是一片多维可以包含的物质。有关多种维生素的作用下面没提到的是_。淋巴细胞在身体中的作用是_。在新的研究中,被没有感染艾滋病病毒且服用多维的妇女所生低体重婴儿占百分之_。4.所有怀孕妇女被劝服用多种维生素(卫C)2,000,000(200百万)抗病毒物质可以降低婴儿早产比例提高免疫性,抗击感染低于8%第五篇 U.S. Eats Too Much Salt U.S. Eats Too Much Salt 5. U.S. Eats Too Much Salt (卫C)1) Too much salt raises

13、one s risk for2) How much salt do most American adults eat per day?3) To improve their blood pressure, people should have a diet4) The high-risk groups include those5) Packaged, processed and restaurant foods are known to be5. U.S. Eats Too Much Salt (卫C)1) all of the above.2) Closer to 3,500 mg.3)

14、rich in potassium and calcium.4) both A and B.5) rich in salt美国人吃盐过量 吃盐过多会增加的危险。大多数美国成年人的日食盐量是 为了改善血压,人们应该 。高危人群包括 。一般认为包装、加工和饭店食物 。以上全是(高血压、心脏病和中风)接近3500毫克。采用低钠并富含钾、钙的饮食方式。A项和B项(黑人、年龄超过40岁的人)富含盐量。第六篇 Pushbike PerilPushbike Peril6.Pushbike Peril(卫C)1). According to the passage, some engineers are tr

15、ying to improve the handlebars because2.) In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries 3.) Paragraph 3 mainly discuses4.) The passage implies that5.) In which of the following ways the handgrip work?6.Pushbike Peril(卫C)1) they may kill children.2)to tell us why Kristy Ar

16、bogast began the project.3)how serious injuries occur.4) it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design.5) It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents.自行车的危害1)根据这篇文章,一些工程师努力提高车把,因为2)第二段中,作者提到严重的腹部受伤的研究_3)第三段主要讨论_4)这篇文章暗示_5)手把能起作用的方式是_1)它们可能会杀死儿童2)来告诉我们为什么K.A开始这个项目3)如何出现严重的

17、受伤4) 并不容易说服制造商去采取新设计5)它在自行车的事故中减少了危险的力第七篇 Late-night Drinking文章名称问题答案Late-night Drinking7. Late-night Drinking(卫C)1) The author mentions “pick-me-up” to indicate that2) Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep?3) What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss?4) What does the experiment ment

18、ioned in paragraph 4 prove?5) The author of this passage probably agrees that.7. Late-night Drinking(卫C)1) Coffee is a stimulant.2) Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone.3) Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep.4) Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone.5) We sh

19、ould not drink coffee after supper.深夜喝咖啡7. 深夜喝咖啡(卫C)pick-up表明咖啡是_。咖啡影响睡眠的方式是_。第三段主要在讨论_。第四段的实验证明_。文章的作者认为_。7深夜喝咖啡 (卫C)刺激物咖啡因使得体内睡眠激素的浓度减半含咖啡因的咖啡和脱咖啡因咖啡对于睡眠的影响喝含咖啡因的咖啡的人产生更少的睡眠激素晚餐后不宜喝咖啡第八篇 (新增)Eat Healthy文章名称问题答案Eat Healthy8. Eat Healthy (卫C)1) Parents in the United States tend to ask their children

20、2) Why do American restaurants serve large portions?3) What happened in the 1970s?4) What does the survey indicate?5) Which of the following is Not true of working class Americans?8. Eat Healthy (卫C)1) Not to waste food.2) Because Americans associate quantity with value.3) The American waistline sta

21、rted to expand.4) Many poor Americans want large portions.5) They dont want to be healthy eaters.健康的吃 8健康的吃(卫C)美国父母一般会要求孩子_。为什么美国餐馆提供的份量大_。20世纪70年代发生了_。调查暗示了_。对美国工薪阶层的描述下面那句是不正确的_。8健康的吃(卫C)不要浪费食物因为美国人把数量和价值联系在一起美国人的腰围开始增大许多美国穷人想要分量大的他们不想成为饮食健康的人第九篇 U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in Ja

22、nuary文章名称问题答案U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January9. U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January(卫C)1) The aim of the study is to find new ways to2) Researchers will collect all the following EXCEPT3) It is expected that through the study the nations health care costs

23、4) The babies of the participants will be followed5) Which is NOT true of the people in the study?9. U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January(卫C)1) prevent or treat illness.2) samples of air and water from hospitals.3) Will be lowered in the long run.4) for more than two decades.5) T

24、heyll be from all age groups.美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目9. 美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目(卫C) 项研究的目标是为发现一种新方法从而_。研究人员将不收集_希望通过这项研究使国家的保健费用_。参加的婴儿们将被跟踪到_。对于研究中的人,_是错误的9. 美国将在一月启动一项耗资三十二亿美元的儿童健康研究项目(卫C)预防或治疗疾病从医院中(收集的)空气和水的样品在长期的运作中降低大约20年他们将来自所有的年龄组第十篇 Cigars Instead?文章名称问题答案Cigars Instead?10. Cigars In

25、stead? (卫C)1) According to the report, smoking three or four cigars a day2) In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily?3) What is the main idea of the article “Cigars: Health Effects and Trends” ?4) What is the doctors advice to those cigar-smokers?5) In the co

26、ntext of this passage, “secondhand smoke” may mean10. Cigars Instead? (卫C)1) greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer for smokers.2) Seven. 3) When it comes to cancer, cigars are not any safer than cigarettes.4) To give it up completely5) being near cigar smokers when they are smoking.换抽雪茄

27、10. 换抽雪茄(卫C)一天吸三或四支烟会_。提及疾病的种类是_ 。文章的中心是_。医生的建议是_。二手烟是指_。10换抽雪茄(卫C)增加癌症的可能7雪茄不比香烟更安全完全放弃离吸烟者近第十一篇 Sleeplessness文章名称问题答案Sleeplessness11. Sleeplessness(卫C)1) The word “insomnia” means2) How many possible causes of sleeplessness are mentioned in the second paragraph?3) The expression “Second on the lis

28、t” in the second paragraph means4) Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following statements is true?5) Which of the following does not fit with sleep hygiene?11. Sleeplessness(卫C)1) having trouble falling asleep. 2) Six. 3) the second most important cause of sleeplessness.4) Sleeping

29、pills should be used in a very small amount.5) Make a rule to go to bed at a specific time every day.失眠11. 失眠(卫C)insomnia的意思是_。文中第二段提到了_种失眠原因。second on the list的意思是_。安眠药片的使用应当是_ 。_与睡眠卫生不相符。11 失眠 (卫C)睡不着或者入睡有困难6第二重要的失眠原因小量的每天规定好睡觉的确定时间第十二篇 Common-cold Sense文章名称问题答案Common-cold Sense12.Common-cold Sens

30、e(卫C)1) According to the essay, you may have a cold because2) The best way to keep yourself from getting colds is3) Children have more colds because4) When you are having a cold,5) When one is having a cold, he often has some symptoms EXCEPT12.Common-cold Sense(卫C)1) the spread of rhinoviruses gets

31、people infected.2) to keep yourself clean. 3) they are not immune to many cold viruses.4) it is certainly not the same kind of cold that you had last time.5) having a stomachache.关于感冒的常识12.关于感冒的常识(卫C)感冒病毒是由于_引起的。预防感冒的最好方法是_。孩子们得感冒多的原因是_。这次与上次得的感冒_。_不是感冒的症状。12关于感冒的常识(卫C)鼻病毒保持干净他们对许多感冒病毒没有免疫力肯定不一样胃痛第十

32、三篇 Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death文章名称问题答案Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death13.Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death(卫C)1) Researchers at the University of Toronto believe that2) The investigators say that3) An American research estimates that the total sum of money spent in treating ADRs e

33、ach year is as much as4) The Canadian investigators think that5) According to Dr. David Bates, hospitals in America13.Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death(卫C)1) ADRs have caused many deaths in America over the past 30 years.2) 6. 7% of all hospitalized patients in American experience ADRs each year

34、 on average.3) $ 4, 000, 000, 000.4) Are perhaps less than the real amount5) are not paying enough attention to possibilities of ADR happenings.药反应至死的主要原因13. 药反应至死的主要原因(卫C)研究者认为_。调查者发现_ 。每年花费在治疗ADR的金额是_。研究统计ADR患者的数目_。美国的医院_。13药反应至死的主要原因(卫C)在过去的30年中,ADR导致了很多美国人死亡。在美国,每年平均有6.7%住院病人经历过ADR。40亿美元低于真实的数目对

35、可能发生的ADR没有太多关注第十四篇 Dreams文章名称问题答案Dreams14.Dreams(卫C)1) There are in general two opinions about what we experience in a dream:2) According to this article, we3) In your dreams, you4) This essay tells us that5) Based on what is discussed in this writing, an adult may have at most about _ of the time o

36、f his or her sleep dreaming.14.Dreams(卫C)1) one, dreams put new information into our memories, and two, dreams have real meanings in pictures different from our logical thinking.2) almost always see different “pictures” when we are dreaming.3) seldom feel fear now and joy later.4) people usually dre

37、am in an REM sleep.5) 25% 梦14. 梦(卫C)对梦里体验通常的两种观点_。由文章我们可知_。在梦里你会_。这篇文章告诉我们的是_。成年人在他的睡眠中有_的时间在做梦 。14 梦 (卫C)一是梦带来新信息,二是有图像语言的真实意义梦中能看到不同画面很少有喜怒的变换梦经常在REM阶段发生25%第十五篇 Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay文章名称问题答案Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay15. Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay1(卫C)1) Acc

38、ording to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think2) People with a positive emotional style may have all o the following characteristics EXCEPT3) Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may

39、have?4) How did the researchers test their volunteers?5) Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that the researchers collected?15. Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay1(卫C)1) that their illness is not so serious2) selfish3) Warm-blooded. 4) By giving everyone nasal drops containi

40、ng either a cold virus or a particular flu virus.5) Blood test.乐观情绪助你远离感冒15. 乐观情绪助你远离感冒(卫C)根据作者研究,当人们得了感冒可以以积极的情绪,他们也许认为_。以下哪个不是情绪乐观的人的典型特征?不属于情绪低落、消极的人所应有的性格特征的是_。研究者是通过_试这些志愿者的?_不包含在研究者所收集的数据中。15.乐观情绪助你远离感冒(卫C)病情不那么严重自私自利的人热情洋溢给每个人一些含有感冒病毒或某种流感病毒的滴鼻剂验血第十六篇 SleepSleep1) The question raised in Parag

41、raph 2 is “no mere academic one” .2) According to the passage, the main problem about night work is that3) According to the passage, the best solution to the problem seems to be4) In the second paragraph, “the third” means5) In the last sentence of the second paragraph, “another” means16. Sleep(卫C)1

42、) because shift work in industry requires people to change their sleeping habits.2) your life is disturbed by changing from day to night routines and back.3) to employ people who will always work at night.4) the third week. 5) another routine. 睡眠Sleep (理C、卫C)第二段提出的问题是“不仅仅理论的东西”根据本文,关于夜班的主要问题是_根据本文,最好的解决问题的方法是_第二段的“第三”意思是第二段的最后一句话“另一个”的意思是16 睡眠(卫C)因为倒班制要求人们改变他们的睡眠习惯你的生活被日夜变化的工作干扰雇佣一直进行夜班工作的人第三周另一个例行公事


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