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1、Current Support for SVG Adobe SVG Viewer Version 3.0 (Build 76) G Major features G Elements and attributes G CSS properties G The DOM Major Features This table lists the status of support for SVG features that are unrelated to SVG elements, attributes, or properties. FeatureNotes MIME typesimage/svg

2、+xml Unicode Encodings UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-1, and us-ascii Raster image formats GIF, JPEG, and PNG Supported namespaces http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ Compressiongzip and zlib compression Embedded font formats SVG and CEF fonts Printing Printing is don

3、e in raster mode only. PostScript printing is not yet supported. Binary data embedding “data“ pseudo-protocol (RFC 2397) Elements and Attributes This table lists the elements and attributes supported by the viewers. All attributes are supported unless noted in the table below, with the following glo

4、bal exceptions. General attributes which are not yet supported include xlink:type, xlink:role, xlink:arcrole, xlink:title, xlink:show, xlink:actuate, and xml:lang. ElementSinceNotes 1.0 2.0 2.0 Not Yet 1.0Unsupported attributes: min, max. 1.0Unsupported attributes: min, max. 1.0Unsupported attribute

5、s: min, max. 1.0Unsupported attributes: min, max. 1.0 1.0 3.0 Not Yet Not Yet 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Unsupported attribute: xlink:href. 2.0 2.0 Supported attributes: units-per-em, ascent, descent Not Yet Not Yet

6、Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet 1.0 2.0Unsupported attriutes: glyph-name, han. 2.0 2.0 1.0 Supports GIF (unanimated), JPEG, PNG, and SVG (static only) images. Unsupported attribute: preserveAspectRatio. 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0Unsupported attribute: maskContentUnits 2.0 2.0 Supported attributes: horiz-adv-x, vert-ad

7、v- y, d 2.0 1.0Unsupported attribute: pathLength. 2.0Unsupported attribute: patternContentUnits 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Unsupported attributes: min, max. 1.0 1.0Unsupported attributes: title 1.0 Unsupported attributes: contentScriptType, contentStyleType. 2.0 1.0 1.0 Unsupported attributes: textLengt

8、h, lengthAdjust. 1.0 Unsupported attributes: textLength, lengthAdjust, method, spacing 3.0 1.0 Unsupported attributes: textLength, lengthAdjust. 1.0 Unsupported attributes: textLength, lengthAdjust. 1.0 Only supports links to elements within the same file. 3.0Unsupported attribute: viewTarget. 2.0 C

9、SS Properties This table lists the SVG CSS properties, some Adobe custom CSS properties, and the current level of support for them in the viewers. All specified property values and formats are supported unless otherwise noted below. Note that there is currently no support for the aural rendering pro

10、perties. PropertySinceNotes adobe-knockout3.0 Adobe custom property for supporting the Adobe Transparency Model. Valid values are true and false. adobe-opacity-share3.0 Adobe custom property for supporting the Adobe Transparency Model. Valid values are 0 and 1. adobe-stroke-opacity- share 3.0 Adobe

11、custom property for supporting the Adobe Transparency Model. Valid values are 0 and 1. adobe-fill-opacity-share3.0 Adobe custom property for supporting the Adobe Transparency Model. Valid values are 0 and 1. adobe-blending-mode3.0 Adobe custom property for supporting the Adobe Transparency Model. Va

12、lid values are normal, multiply, screen, difference, darken, lighten, colordodge, colorburn, exclusion, hardlight, overlay, softlight, luminosity, hue, saturation, color, and compatibleoverprint alignment-baseline2.0 baseline-shift1.0 clip1.0 clip-path1.0 clip-rule1.0 color1.0 color-interpolation2.0

13、 color-interpolation-filters3.0 color-profile3.0 color-rendering1.0 cursorNot Yet direction2.0 display1.0 dominant-baseline1.0 enable-background1.0 fill1.0 fill-opacity1.0 fill-rule1.0 filter1.0 flood-color2.0 flood-opacity2.0 font1.0 font-family1.0 font-size1.0 font-size-adjust1.0 font-stretch1.0 f

14、ont-style1.0 font-variant2.0Supported for SVG fonts only. font-weight1.0 glyph-orientation- hoizontal 2.0 glyph-orientation- vertical 2.0 image-rendering1.0 kerning2.0 letter-spacing1.0 lighting-color2.0 marker3.0 marker-end3.0 marker-mid3.0 marker-start3.0 mask1.0 opacity1.0 overflow1.0 pointer-eve

15、nts2.0 Does not include support for transparency on raster elements. shape-rendering1.0 stop-color1.0 stop-opacity1.0 stroke1.0 stroke-dasharray1.0 stroke-dashoffset1.0 stroke-linecap1.0 stroke-linejoin1.0 stroke-miterlimit1.0 stroke-opacity1.0 stroke-width1.0 text-anchor1.0 text-decoration1.0 text-

16、rendering1.0 unicode-bidi2.0 visibility1.0 word-spacing1.0 writing-mode1.0 Currently supports left-to-right and top- to-bottom modes only. The DOM This section covers the DOM interfaces supported by Adobe SVG Viewer. If an interface, method, or property is not listed here, then Adobe SVG Viewer does

17、 not yet support it. For brevitys sake, inherited interface members are listed only on base classes. An embedded frame must first have keyboard focus for the event handlers onkeydown, onkeyup, and onkeypress to work. Note: The script engine interface technology available on Netscape for the Macintos

18、h does not support writable attributes on interfaces. To work around this limitation, Adobe SVG Viewer supports additional “get/set“ methods for each DOM interface attribute. For cross-browser script compatibility you should always use these methods instead of the writable attributes listed below. F

19、or example, to read from and write to the attribute nodeValue on the Node interface, use the methods getNodeValue and setNodeValue, instead. To save space these methods were not listed below, but they are supported on all browsers for all DOM interface attributes. G Module dom H DOMImplementation H

20、Node H NodeList H NamedNodeMap H CharacterData H Attr H Element H Text H Comment H CDATASection H DocumentType H Notation H Entity H EntityReference H ProcessingInstruction H DocumentFragment H Document G Module events H EventTarget H EventListener H Event H UIEvent H MouseEvent H KeyEvent H Mutatio

21、nEvent G Module stylesheets H StyleSheet H StyleSheetList H MediaList H LinkStyle H DocumentStyle G Module css H CSSRuleList H CSSRule H CSSStyleRule H CSSMediaRule H CSSFontFaceRule H CSSPageRule H CSSImportRule H CSSCharsetRule H CSSUnknownRule H CSSStyleDeclaration H CSSValue H Counter H ElementC

22、SSInlineStyle H CSSStyleSheet G Module smil H ElementTimeControl G Module svg H SVGElement H SVGRect H SVGStylable H SVGLocatable H SVGTransformable H SVGDocument H GetSVGDocument H SVGSVGElement H SVGGElement H SVGDefsElement H SVGDescElement H SVGTitleElement H SVGSymbolElement H SVGUseElement H S

23、VGImageElement H SVGSwitchElement H SVGStyleElement H SVGPoint H SVGMatrix H SVGPathElement H SVGRectElement H SVGCircleElement H SVGEllipseElement H SVGLineElement H SVGPolylineElement H SVGPolygonElement H SVGTextContentElement H SVGTextPositioningElement H SVGTextElement H SVGTSpanElement H SVGTR

24、efElement H SVGTextPathElement H SVGAltGlyphElement H SVGAltGlyphDefElement H SVGGlyphRefElement H SVGMarkerElement H SVGColorProfileElement H SVGGradientElement H SVGLinearGradientElement H SVGRadialGradientElement H SVGStopElement H SVGPatternElement H SVGClipPathElement H SVGMaskElement H SVGFilt

25、erElement H SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement H SVGFEFloodElement H SVGFEImageElement H SVGFESpecularLightingElement H SVGAElement H SVGScriptElement H SVGAnimationElement H SVGAnimateElement H SVGSetElement H SVGAnimateMotionElement H SVGAnimateColorElement H SVGAnimateTransformElement H SVGFontElement H

26、 SVGGlyphElement H SVGMissingGlyphElement H SVGHKernElement H SVGVKernElement H SVGFontFaceElement G Module viewer H AsyncStatus H AsyncPostStatus H AsyncStatusCallback H Navigator H Window Module dom Interfaces in this module are defined in W3C DOM Core spec. Interface DOMImplementation Methods and

27、 Attributes NameTypeSinceComment hasFeaturemethod1.0 createDocumentTypemethod1.0Always throws an exception createDocumentmethod1.0Always throws an exception Interface Node Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment nodeNameread-only attribute1.0 nodeValueattribute1.0 nodeTyperead-only attribute1.0

28、parentNoderead-only attribute1.0 childNodesread-only attribute1.0 firstChildread-only attribute1.0 lastChildread-only attribute1.0 previousSiblingread-only attribute1.0 nextSiblingread-only attribute1.0 attributesread-only attribute1.0 ownerDocumentread-only attribute1.0 insertBeforemethod1.0 replac

29、eChildmethod1.0 removeChildmethod1.0 appendChildmethod1.0 hasChildNodesmethod1.0 cloneNodemethod1.0 normalizemethod1.0 isSupportedmethod1.0 namespaceURIread-only attribute1.0 prefixattribute1.0throws exception on setting localNameread-only attribute1.0 hasAttributesmethod1.0 Interface NodeList Metho

30、ds and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment itemmethod1.0 lengthread-only attribute1.0 Interface NamedNodeMap Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment getNamedItemmethod1.0 setNamedItemmethod1.0 removeNamedItemmethod1.0 itemmethod1.0 lengthread-only attribute1.0 getNamedItemNSmethod1.0 setNamedItemNSm

31、ethod1.0 removeNamedItemNSmethod1.0 Interface CharacterData Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment dataattribute1.0 lengthread-only attribute1.0 substringDatamethod1.0 appendDatamethod1.0 insertDatamethod1.0 deleteDatamethod1.0 replaceDatamethod1.0 Interface Attr Inherit

32、s from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment nameread-only attribute1.0 specifiedread-only attribute1.0 valueattribute1.0 ownerElementread-only attribute1.0 Interface Element Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment tagNameread-only attribute1.0 getAttribut

33、emethod1.0 setAttributemethod1.0 removeAttributemethod1.0 getAttributeNodemethod1.0 setAttributeNodemethod1.0 removeAttributeNodemethod1.0 getElementsByTagNamemethod1.0 getAttributeNSmethod1.0 setAttributeNSmethod1.0 removeAttributeNSmethod1.0 getAttributeNodeNSmethod1.0 setAttributeNodeNSmethod1.0

34、getElementsByTagNameNSmethod1.0 hasAttributemethod1.0 hasAttributeNSmethod1.0 Interface Text Inherits from dom:CharacterData. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment splitTextmethod1.0 Interface Comment Inherits from dom:CharacterData. Interface CDATASection Inherits from dom:Text. Interface Doc

35、umentType Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSince Comment nameread-only attribute1.0 entitiesread-only attribute1.0 notationsread-only attribute1.0contains 0 notations, since ext. entities not supported publicIdread-only attribute1.0 systemIdread-only attribute1.0 internalSubset

36、read-only attribute1.0always throws exception Interface Notation Inherits from dom:Node. This interface is unused Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment publicIdread-only attribute1.0 systemIdread-only attribute1.0 Interface Entity Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSince Co

37、mment publicIdread-only attribute1.0no external entity support, so always returns empty string systemIdread-only attribute1.0no external entity support, so always returns empty string notationNameread-only attribute1.0no external entity support, so always returns empty string Interface EntityReferen

38、ce Inherits from dom:Node. Interface ProcessingInstruction Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment targetread-only attribute1.0 dataattribute1.0 Interface DocumentFragment Inherits from dom:Node. Interface Document Inherits from dom:Node. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSi

39、nceComment doctyperead-only attribute1.0 implementationread-only attribute1.0 documentElementread-only attribute1.0 createElementmethod1.0 createDocumentFragmentmethod1.0 createTextNodemethod1.0 createCommentmethod1.0 createCDATASectionmethod1.0 createProcessingInstructionmethod1.0 createAttributeme

40、thod1.0 createEntityReferencemethod1.0 getElementsByTagNamemethod1.0 importNodemethod1.0Always throws an exception createElementNSmethod1.0 createAttributeNSmethod1.0 getElementsByTagNameNSmethod1.0 getElementByIdmethod1.0 Module events Interfaces in this module are defined in W3C DOM Events spec. I

41、nterface EventTarget Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment addEventListenermethod1.0 removeEventListenermethod1.0 dispatchEventmethod1.0 Interface EventListener JavaScript function can be used as object of this type Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment handleEventmethod1.0 Interface Eve

42、nt Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment typeread-only attribute1.0 targetread-only attribute1.0 currentNoderead-only attribute1.0 currentTargetread-only attribute1.0 eventPhaseread-only attribute1.0 bubblesread-only attribute1.0 cancelableread-only attribute1.0 stopPropagationmethod1.0 preven

43、tDefaultmethod1.0 Interface UIEvent Inherits from events:Event. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment detailread-only attribute1.0 Interface MouseEvent Inherits from events:UIEvent. Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment screenXread-only attribute1.0 screenYread-only attribute1.0 clientXr

44、ead-only attribute1.0 clientYread-only attribute1.0 ctrlKeyread-only attribute1.0 shiftKeyread-only attribute1.0 altKeyread-only attribute1.0 metaKeyread-only attribute1.0 buttonread-only attribute1.0 relatedTargetread-only attribute1.0 Interface KeyEvent Inherits from events:UIEvent. This interface

45、 was removed in final DOM Level 2 spec, but supported by Adobe SVG Viewer Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment screenXread-only attribute1.0 screenYread-only attribute1.0 clientXread-only attribute1.0 clientYread-only attribute1.0 ctrlKeyread-only attribute1.0 shiftKeyread-only attribute1.0 a

46、ltKeyread-only attribute1.0 metaKeyread-only attribute1.0 charCoderead-only attribute1.0 keyCoderead-only attribute1.0 Interface MutationEvent Inherits from events:Event. Mutation events are not yet supported, so this interface is currently unused Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment relatedN

47、oderead-only attribute1.0 prevValueread-only attribute1.0 newValueread-only attribute1.0 attrNameread-only attribute1.0 Module stylesheets Interfaces in this module are defined in W3C DOM Style spec. Interface StyleSheet Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment typeread-only attribute3.0 disabled

48、attribute3.0 ownerNoderead-only attribute3.0 parentStyleSheetread-only attribute3.0 hrefread-only attribute3.0 titleread-only attribute3.0 mediaread-only attribute3.0 Interface StyleSheetList Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment lengthread-only attribute3.0 itemmethod3.0 Interface MediaList Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment mediaTextattribute3.0 lengthread-only attribute3.0 itemmethod3.0 deleteMediummethod3.0 appendMediummethod3.0 Interface LinkStyle Methods and Attributes NameTypeSinceComment s


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