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1、Moshell常用命令RNC版1, lt/ltc1-9:Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table. lt stands for Load MO Types, ltc stands for Load MO Types and their Children. Thenumeric option in ltc is for specifying the number of levels of children to load. Without the option, all levels of children are loaded.l

2、t指令是最常用的指令,进入moshell之后,首先用lt从库中取mo,要不然你就看不到啥东西。通过在lt后面配置不同的过滤器可以有选择的装载mo,例如lt all是全部mo,lt iub只取包含(模糊查找)iub的mo。当MO发生变化,例如删除,添加,修改参数。需要lt root更新一下,再用lt all等取mo。2, pr/lpr:Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree currently loaded in moshell. pr 0-1000 - prints the MOs with proxy id 0 t

3、o 1000Pr:print RNC中定义了的mo,例如pr pluginunit可以显示RNC中哪些槽位有单板定义。3, get/lget:Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s) get vc trafficdes - get traffic descriptors for all VclTp(s)get cable atten - get attenuation values for all cables (in RBS)get cell iub - view which cells are connected to which iubs (in RNC)ge

4、t !(utranrel|iub) - get all attributes from all MOs except those whose RDN matches utranrel or iub从MO(管理对象)中读取CM(配置管理)和FM(设备管理)的信息。想知道某MO的具体参数设置,用get 获得,其中proxy可由pr结果获得。 4, st/lst:Print state of MOs (operationalState and administrativeState when applicable)。lst equip dis - view all disabled MOs unde

5、r EquipmentSt all dis -view all disabled MOs st all 1.*0 - view all MOs which are unlocked and disabledst all 0 - view all MOs which are locked:查看mo的工作(op)状态和管理(adm)状态。比如我们查K0001站的小区及其信道的状态,可输入lst utrancell=k0001。5, bls/lbls: Lock or soft-lock MO(s). Works by setting the administrativestate to 0 (ha

6、rd-lock) or 2 (soft-lock).deb/ldeb: Unlock MO(s). Works by setting the administrativestate to 1. bl aal2.*b40a12 - block aal2paths b40a1, b40a2 bl 001500 - block a board. Same as lbl subrack=ms,slot=15,pluginunit=1$.当没有s时,资源立即被锁定,administrativestate变为0;当s加上时,administrativestate设成2,30秒过后再变成0。我们经常要对iu

7、blink及信令闭解,可以输入lbl iublink=9 ,此时就把此iublink及其下面的Nbapc,Nbapd,Nodesynch全部闭掉了。割接前闭塞不用的传输,以免出告警时有效。6, setm/lsetm: Set an attribute value on one or several MOs. set aal2pathvcctp=ga36 aal2QoSAvailableProfiles 15 set an attribute of type structSet cell primarycpichpower 60 设置RNC下所有小区公共导频功率为60Set cell 参数 值

8、:设置小区某参数的值。m是为了在同一个事务transaction中设置多个属性attributes。7, rset/lrset: Set attribute value on a restricted attribute or change the MOid of an MO. The rset command works by deleting the MO (and any MOs by which it is reserved) andrecreating the MO (and its reserved MOs) using the new attribute value. 例如改小区

9、名:rset utrancell=cell123 utrancellid cell4568, del/ldel: Delete MO(s).rdel/lrdel:Delete MO(s) together with children and reserving MOs.当一个MO没有子mo, reservedBy list也是空值时才可能被删除;如果此MO有子MO或者reservedBy attribute非空时,可能需要用rdel/lrdel command 代替。Eg: ldel %ms,slot=20,plug will delete the programs first then th

10、e piuproxies 22 to 46 were created by a CREATE script (in run or trun). To undo it:del 46-229, acl/lacl: Lists available MO actions. acc/lacc: Execute an MO action. acl all restart - View all restart actionsacl all (restart)(eteloopback) - View all actions except restart and eteloopback acc 001400 m

11、anualrestart- Same as: lacc subrack=ms,slot=14,pluginunit=1$ manualrestart acc 0 manualrestart-Restart the node(RNC or RBS)lacc AtmPort=ES-1-2-2-ima11 eteloopback-Perform End-To-End loopback on VclTp MOs acl列出mo可用的行为,acc执行上述操作。例如:acc sync addSyncRefResource就是增加node的一个同步源。 10, run/trun:Run a command

12、file in moshell format. /EMAS/MoTester format run/trun*文件名-在moshell里运行命令文件一般使用trun,默认情况下当遇到意外时命令文件运行会中断,当用truni时会忽略所有的处理失败例外,但分析失败或者LDN找不到时仍然会中断。11, cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm/cvcu/cvget/cvput/cvls1:Cvls显示CV信息和CV清单。 Cvmk创建CV备份 Cvset设置CV启动 Cvms创建CV并设置启动 Cvrm册除一个或多个CV Cvcu 只显示当前CV信息。12, l+/l-/l?: Open/

13、close /check moshell logfiles. l+ 打开一个log文件,如果没有给出log文件,将创建一个新LOG文件将操作信息保存在其中 l-关闭创建的LOG文件并保存。l? 检查是否有一个log文件打开moshell支持同时打开多个log文件但只有一个是激活的,当一个log文件关闭,之前的log文件会恢复。 13, u+s/u-/u?/u!: Handling of undo mode (for undo of bl/del/rdel/set commands). Can be used for generation of MO scripts as well. U+ 开始

14、undo模式 U- 停止undo模式 U?检查undo模式是否激活 U!转换moshell命令文件到trun/emas格式,或undo log文件到命令文件。14, alatkc:Print the list of active alarms.Al 查看告警概述 ala 查看告警详细清单 Alt 同al,但可以看时间 alk 同al,但可以列出告警是否确认。15, lk/llk:View all MO(s) linked to an MO, and their states.查看管理对象的连接和状态,例:lk iublink=站号16, bo/cabx/vii/inv 软硬件相关bo:检查RN

15、C中有的单板,打印单板概览。Cabx:查看RNC硬件信息,指示灯状态,产品号,温度等。Cabl:看MP/BP的处理器负荷Cabm:打印MP/BP RAM内存使用率。Inv:用MO形式显示 HW/SW 详细情况. 包括JVM,RRU,设备SW (spm,dsp,fpga) 都会显示出来,Licensing 的功能和容量以及ISL链路都会显示。17, readclock/setclock:查看系统时钟/设置系统时钟setclock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss设置时间18, str/strt: 在一个node里,看所有或部分小区、iubs、nbap、sync、信道的状态。 str -m

16、7,8,9 - print states only for modules 7, 8, and 9 str -i 9012 - print states only for iublink 9012 and its connected cells str -c 90121,90131 - print states only for the sites connected to cell 90121 and 90131 strt 比str 附带对应的atmport19, sma all:查看该板所装载程序的状态是active或passive,判断是主用板还是备用板的方法。(lhsh xxxx00

17、smaall登陆到该板查看程序工作状态)。mirror stat:只对主框10,11槽GPB板有效,查看10,11板磁盘镜象FTC状态。MORE: FTC means Fault Toerant Core only on main GPB and in charge of all the hw condition and redundant.20, uerdt: Print UE context data (serving or drifting) for all active calls (RNC only). uer -i 0001 - print UeContext data for a

18、ll UEs whose IMSI match 0001. uer -m 8 - print UeContext data for all UEs in module 8.看RNC下的用户数量,用户等级,以及用户业务分布等。21, facc/Ipac_ping:检查RNC上的IP通路。ipac_ping -z -d在RNC上用ETMFG板控制平面地址ping SGSN信令平面地址,检查PS通路状态。(-z src -d dst Send echo request from IP) Facc 用ETMFX板地址去ping 基站上FE板的用户平面

19、地址,检查iub_ip是否通路。22, cedhr:Print dynamic cell data or capacity usage (RNC only).ced | grep K0001A1 查看某小区数据及无线容量占用情况。23, pst:查看定义的统计。?pgets:查看定义的统计中具体的counter? pmom:查看RNC中所有存在的counters.? pcr:定义统计。24, capi tot: 显示CPU负荷报告25, license lkf:查看license状态26, lh ru fui get vswr:可以查看3418站的驻波比(RBS侧)当超过14dB时,驻波比正常

20、。27, traceroute host: 验证IP路由,通过发送 UDP/IP PDUS到另外一个host。在分析RNC到其他局向IP通路不通时定位故障点。28, lhsh xxyy00 :登陆某块板执行指令。(其中xx 是框号,主框xx=00,yy是槽位( 范围是00-27)) lhsh 000100 spaspccinfo 检查主机框SCB板的主/备用状态 lhsh 001700 ueregprint all 查看这块板上有多少个IMSI占用lhsh 001700 ranap dumpRoTable 看RANAP的真实状态,如果service availability是initial则状态不正常。lh mod1 drh_ccrh_topdata 看module1(GPB53板)下的ccdevice数目。29, Hi: Print history of moshell commands entered during the current session.30, lpget e1/vc12ttp: 查看传输质量信息中pmES表示(误码),pmSes表示(严重误码),pmUas表示(闪断)lpdiff 这条命令是查看传输质量的


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