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1、临门一脚:2011考研英语作文常用句型之开头段1. at present (currently, lately, recently, nowadays, these years , in the past several decades, over the last several years)目前(当前,最近,近来,现今,这些年来,在过去几十年里,过去几年来)2. Thanks to Chinas reform and opening-up policy,has witnessed great economic and social progress in the past two deca

2、des.由于中国的改革开放政策,在过去二十年里见证了巨大的社会经济进步。3. We are now entering a brand new era. The 21st century is a time of advanced scientific and technological knowledge.我们正在进入一个崭新的时代,21世纪是先进科技知识的时代。4. With the rapid (marked, amazing, eye-catching, remarkable,fantastic) development (progress, growth, advance, impro

3、vement) of economy (society, industry, living standard) ,great changes have taken place in.随着经济(社会,工业,生活水平)快速的(显著的,惊人的,令人瞩日的)发展(进步,增长,提高),发生了巨大变化。5. With the arrival of the information age (the 21st century, the economy age ), 随着信息时代(21世纪,经济时代) 的到来,6. In recent years, China has experienced an alarmi

4、ng increase in.最近几年来,中国在方面有了惊人的增长。7. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.随着日益迅速的经济全球化和城市化,更多的问题受到我们的关注。8. Along with the development of,more and more.随着的发展,越来越多9. We are blessed with new opportunities and faced with new chal

5、lenges.我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战。10. With the steady growth in the countrys economy as well as the peoples living standard,.随着国家经济和人民生活水平的稳步增长,11. Nowadays more and more people begin to realize (be aware of, notice) the importance (significance, seriousness) of the problem of education (pollution, unemploym

6、ent).现在越来越多的人开始认识到(注意到)教育(污染,失业)问题的重要性(意义,严重性)。12. While the rhythm (pace, tempo) of peoples living is speeding up, a lot of changes have taken place in人民生活节奏加快的同时,也发生了很多变化。13. As living tempo (pace ) quickens , .随着生活节奏的不断加快,14. A recent report released by the government has caused nationwide reperc

7、ussions (echoes).政府最近发布的一份报告在全国引起反响。15. There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for全世界对需要的认识正在不断深入。16. It is commonly believed that the rise in.is the inevitable result of economic development.人们普遍认为的增长是经济发展的必然结果。17. One of the universal (pressing, burning, urgent) problems, issues we are

8、 faced with (confronting us) is that我们面临的其中一个全球性的(紧迫的,迫在眉睫的)问题是18. With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number ofis on the rise随着中国工业经济的迅猛发展,的数目不断上升。19. We often find ourselves caught (involved) in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bears paw or for the sharks

9、 fin我们常常发现自己陷入一个进退维谷的境地:是取熊掌还是鱼翅20. Recently the problem (issue, conflict) has become the focus (concern) of the public最近这个问题(冲突)成了公众关注的焦点(中心)。21. There is a public (general, heated, impassioned) debate (discussion, controversy) today as to (concerning) the issue (problem) of.those who criticize (op

10、pose, object to) .contend (argue) that.They believe that. But people who advocate (favor),on the other hand, maintain(assert) that.当前,人们就某事(现象)展开了广泛的(热烈的)讨论(争论)。批评(反对)的人辩称,他们认为。然而,支持者却认为22. Recently, there is a vehement discussion on the issue of. Those who criticize.argue that. They claim that.But

11、people who firmly advocate., on the other hand, argue that.最近,关于的问题有一场热烈的讨论。批评的人争辩道,他们认为。然而,坚决支持的人则认为为23. There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the role ofSome people claim that., while others believe that关于的作用人们没有一致意见。一些人声称 , 而另一些人认为24. When asked about., many people argue that.,but

12、other people consider. differently.当问及,许多人认为,但另一些人有不同的想法。25. Now it is commonly (generally, widely) believed (held,accepted,recognized) that.They claim(argue,hold) that. But I wonder (doubt) whether it现在人们普遍认为,他们认为,但是我怀疑它是否26. When faced with,quite a few people claim that, but other people think ofa

13、s当面临,许多人认为;但另一些人认为27. Some people place more stress in the former while others attach heavier weight to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the two, I would no hesitate to choose the latter over the former for several sound reasons.一些人认为前者更重要, 而另外一些人却重视后者。如果要我在两者之间选择的话,我有几条充分的理由而毫不犹豫选择后者。2

14、8. Which is a better choice, A or B? Different people have different answers due to their respective point of view. However, I side with the opinion that A is far better than B, for several reasons addressed below.哪个是更好的选择: A还是B? 不同的人由于观点不同,答案自然也不同。然而,我个人倾向于A优于B的观点,理由如下。29. When it comes to, many pe

15、ople believe that., but other people regard.as.当说到,许多人认为,但是另一些人认为30. I am of the opinion that priority should be given to我同意具有优先权的观点31. Personally, I side with the former (latter) opinion.就个人而言,我赞同前(后)者的看法32. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that就我而言,我赞同的观点。33. Personally, I st

16、and on the side of.就个人而言,我支持34. No view is more dangerous now than the one that. (which) is generally held by现在普遍认为,没有比这更危险的观点了。35. No issue is more important now than the one that. (which) is commonly held by现在普遍认为,没有比这更重要的问题了。36. Views on the issue in question vary from person to person, vary wide

17、ly.对正在讨论的问题每个人都有不同的看法。37. Peoples views, however, are divergent on the matter in question.然而,人们对正在讨论的问题的看法是有分歧的。38. People rarely reach an absolute consensus on a controversial issue.人们很少在一个有争议的问题上达到绝对的一致。39. People from different backgrounds , however, put different interpretations on the same thin

18、g.然而,不同背景的人对同一件事却有不同的看法。40. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument on both sides.在表明我的观点之前,我想有必要分析双方的论点。41. As to me, I am in favor of the first (second) view. There are many reasons for my inclination, but the following ones are most important.就我而言,我是倾向于第一(第二)种观点的

19、。促使我倾向于这种观点的原因有许多, 而下面的是最为主要的几个。临门一脚:2011考研英语作文常用句型之主体段1. firstly (first, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, above everything else, in the first instance)首先2. secondly (in the second place)其次3. besides (in addition( to) , furthermore, moreover)再者,其次4.finally (last of all, last but not

20、least, lastly, in the last place)最后5. admittedly (I admit, I concede)不可否认的是,我承认6. to be frank ( frankly speaking, honestly speaking)老实说,坦白讲7. But we must not lose sight of the fact there are disadvantages (benefits) in doing something.但我们不能忽略这样一个事实,做某事是有不利之处(有益)的。8. As to whether it is a blessing or

21、 a curse, however, people take different attitudes (positions).至于它是福还是祸,人们却持有不同的态度(观点)。9. . is both a blessing and a curse for mankind.对人类来说既是福气又是灾祸。10. Obviously, .like anything else, have more than one face. While they are indispensable to mankind , they also bring us serious problems.显然,就像任何事情一样,

22、也是多面的。当它们对人类来说是必不可少的时候,它们同时也给我们带来了严重的问题。11. Although the popular belief ( idea) is that. , a current study ( survey) indicates that尽管一般人的看法(观念)是,但是当前的一项研究(调查)表明12. .is a two-edged sword.是一把双刃剑。13. There is probably some truth on both sides也许双方都有一定道理14. As the proverb goes: “Every coin has its two si

23、des. ”. is no exception.正如谚语所说“每个硬币都有两面”, 也不例外。15. It can not be denied that不可否认的是16. No garden without its weeds.没有无杂草的花园(有利有弊)17. It goes without saying that.毫无疑问的是18. There is no denying that不可否认的是19. It is probably no exaggeration to say that大概可以毫不夸张地说20. There is considerate evidence in favor o

24、f.有相当多的证据支持21. There is strong evidence to show that有力的证据显示22. There are numerous reasons why., and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.有很多理由解释为什么在此我仅仅探讨其中最重要的几条23. The social and economic advances, the quickening of living tempo and the ever increasing competition are deemed

25、as the main contributors to社会经济的进步、生活节奏的加快和日益激烈的竞争对起了重要作用。24. Nowadays, it is generally (widely, commonly, prevalently) held (accepted, assumed) that.目前,经常(广泛,普遍)认为的是25. It will have (exercise, exert, produce,bring about) a decisive (profound, far-reaching, disastrous, unfavorable)effect (influence

26、, impact)on这将对产生.(带来)决定性的(意义深远的,灾难性的,不利的)后果(效果,影响)。26. For all the disadvantages.has, it has its beneficial effects.尽管有弊端,但它仍有利处27. Though it has brought mankind merits, some undesirable side-effects have gradually come to the surface.尽管它给人类带来好处,但一些副作用也渐渐表现出来。28. It may create (cause, result in, lea

27、d to, give rise to) a host of (a set of, a series of) problems.这有可能造成(带来)一系列的问题。29. The advantages offar outweigh (are much greater than, carry more weight) than the disadvantages of的利远远超过的弊30. The pros outweigh the cons.支持的多过反对的(利大于弊)31. I can think of no better illustration of the idea (view) than

28、 the example (fact) of.我想没有什么比这个例子(事实)更能说明这个观点(看法)的了。32. Despite the adverse effectshas, it has its advantages.尽管有不利的影响,但它也有利处。33. But every coin has its two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with Tomake matters worse, Worst of all,但正如每个硬币都有两面,它的不足之处也是显而易见的。首先,。更糟的是,;最后,34. The

29、y may be right about, but they seem to neglect (fail to mention, consider) the fact that关于他们可能是对的,但他们似乎忘了 (没有) 提到 (考虑到) 这个事实: 35. It is true that., but this is not to say( it doesnt follow, it doesnt mean) that的确,但这并不是说(这并不意味着)36. Obviously, it has its drawbacks( disadvantages, negative effects) as

30、well as merits ( advantages,positive effects).显然,它既拥有优点(长处,积极的作用),也有弊端(短处,消极的影响)。37. The side-effects.has produced on us can be boiled down to three major ones 对我们产生的副作用归纳起来主要有三个:38. Another contributing factor of.is.的另一个有利因素是39. What these people fail to understand (consider, mention) is that这些人没有理

31、解(考虑,提及)的是40. A multitude of factors could lead to the failure in很多因素可以导致的失败41. A number of factors could account for (contribute to, lead to, result in)the change (success, increase).许多因素可以说明(导致,引起)这个变化(成功,增长)。42. Undeniable, . is good in many aspects ; however, it has its disadvantages , too. For

32、one thing, it. ; for another, it不可否认的是,在很多方面是好的,然而,它也有不利之处。首先,;其次,43. At first thought, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesnt bear closer analysis, we find.一开始看,这好象是一个有吸引力的主意,但它经不起更深入的分析,我们发现44. On the face of it, this may seem a good suggestion, but on second thoughts we find that从表面上

33、看,这似乎是一个很好的建议,但仔细考虑后,我们发现45. On the surface, it seems to be a sound solution, but when carefully weighing in the mind, we find that表面上看,这好像是一个合理的解决办法,但仔细想想,我们发现46. A closer inspection of these arguments would reveal how flimsy they are.如果对这些论点再作进一步的调查,就会发现这些论点根本站不住脚47. A careful examination of these

34、 arguments would reveal how groundless they are.如果对这些论点作更仔细的调查,就会发现它们毫无根据48. A closer scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are.对这些争论的详细研究揭示出它们是多么的荒谬49. As the popular saying has it, “”就像现在流行的说法 “”50. However logical and valid the arguments may be, they only see the surface of

35、 the issue.不管这些争论显得多么有理和正确,他们只是看到了问题的表面51. Just think of.想一下52. There is an old (English) proverb that summarizes this view-“ .”有一句谚语可以总结这个观点53. As (sb.) said, “”就像说的“”,54 but I do not think that this view can hold water但我认为这个观点站不住脚临门一脚:2011考研英语作文常用句型之建议措施句式1. We should try our best to overcome/conq

36、uer the difficulties.我们要竭尽全力克服困难。2. It might be time to heed the warnings of some economists to cool the countrys overheated economy and to put great emphasis on the sustained economic growth.该是听听一些经济学家警告的时候了:把过热的经济降下来,要强调可持续经济的增长。3. It is time that we put / urged an immediate end to the undesirable

37、 situation / tendency of.该是结束这种讨厌的情况(趋势)的时候了。4. Therefore, in order to., effective means should be taken to.所以,为了,必须采取有效措施来5. It is necessary / essential / important that effective / proper actions / steps / measures should be taken to end / correct the situation / tendency / phenomenon.非常有必要(重要)采取措

38、施结束(纠正)这种状况(趋势、现象)。6. Perhaps it is time we remembered the old saying. And fighting, is everybodys business! As for. , we should strive to.我们应该记住这句古语了。与做斗争是每个人的事情。至于,我们应努力7. It is high time that . Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be taken immediately.该是的时候了。这里有几件事情可以立即着手执行。8.

39、 Yet our job is not to wait these things to happen, but to devise a way to obviate them, at the very least, to alleviate them because God help those who help themselves.然而我们的工作并不是坐等事情发生,而是想办法来解决问题,至少减轻问题的程度,因为上帝只帮助自己拯救自己的人。9. It is suggested that the government should make efforts to set aside an ap

40、propriate fund for the vegetable basket program.人们建议政府应该做出努力,为菜篮子工程拨出专款。10. In short / In any case, we should / must / ought to.总之(无论如何),我们应该(必须)11. What we need is.我们所需要的是12. Awareness of the problem is the first step toward the solution.意识到这个问题的重要性是解决问题的第一步。13. While many people attach great impor

41、tance to this issue, no real effective actions have been taken to solve it. Therefore, we should do our utmost in doing something to solve it.尽管人们非常重视这个问题,然而并没有采取真正有效的措施,因此,我们应尽最大努力来解决这一问题。14. While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways. The most important is. Another way is.尽管问题不能立即

42、得到解决,但是还是有方法。最重要的是。还有15. The effective solution to this problem depends on the efforts made by both the government and the ordinary people. On the one hand, the government ought to make a proper policy concerning the problem; on the other hand, the ordinary people should.解决这一问题的有效措施取决于政府和民众两个方面的努力。方面,政府需要制定有关政策;另一方面,人们需要9


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