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1、1 29 ? 1 12 2005 c 12 ? p U ? n ? ? ? n HIGHENERGYPHYSICSANDNUCLEARPHYSICS Vol. 29, No. 12 Dec., 2005 $U?f?Af- ?A?5 * Qv 1;1) F. Raiola 2 B. Burchard 2 C. Rolfs 2 f 1 1 (I?fU?n? ?fi 102413) 2 (Ruhr-Universit atD-44780?I) ?$U?f?Af-?A?m?X, 3?I? 100kV?X?T =200?L1n!ox9JX?zqd(d,p)t?A ?f-?A. du?30?M?(0?NU

2、?)?,p?e?, T?e7 L?U/?z?, ?75Or, ?*?e?w?f-?A. ?(J ?.5)”. ?y?., ?e?zCo?Ptqd(d,p)t? A?f-?A, ?f-?A?5?. ?(J?.?. ?cf-?A?5?. 1? ?f9?A?-?A?UN? n?K?1. L?$U?f? A?)f-?A?5ku?(?(?l fN9?A?-?A. ?d, f-?A?39?U ?Cz?“. ?J?, n?k? ?57. 3UN?na,?$u?U, ? ?f?A?(E)?U?$?Cq?/e?. du?A?J?A?4? U, ?UL?pU?r?$U? ?. ?Bu?, ?(E)=?UN?nS(

3、E) f, ? (E)=S(E)E1exp(2),(1) “ “ ? , d2 = 2Z1Z2e2/ = 31.29Z1Z2(/E)1/2?. Z1?Z2OLq? ?f?; ?EO?z?(?f? ?)?%X?U?(keV?); S(E)? L?p?k?z, 3? e?U?Cz; E1? ?f; Gamowfexp(2)L?B?A , ?A?U?$?:?e?r? 5?, p?Cz?fl a. ? An?, ?A?q? 5?f(f), ?fKk,? ?lf. ?%X?U?v?$?, q?f? f?lf?q?m?p?K? u15. ?lf?f?k?A. l?w?, ?, q?f? ?lf?f?g?-

4、?k? ?p?$?C, l? ff?A?A?s(E)pu?A ?b(E). f-?A?u?e ?%XU?lEJp?E eff = E+Ue, ?A? ?Of?L?8 2005 03 28 v,2005 07 08 ?Uv *I:?u5y?8(G200077400, 2003CB716704), I#?c?7(10025524)?I?E:? 8(GFJ00F00101) 1)E-mail: 1131 1135 1132p U ? n ? ? ? n( HEP ;,?$:, EC?. l?Ss(E)?Ue?Xe: (1)? “-?A?O?pU?1z ?, ?Sb(E); (2)?-?A?“w? $

5、U?Sb(E); (3)Ue?, | ?Sb(E)U(2)“?Ss(E)?. ?8, 3?I?100kV? |?Gran Sasso/e?UN?n?fi ?Ld(d, p)t, 3He(d,p)4He?X?A?f-? A, ?f-. y?|3|?zAl!? zZr?zTaq?1d(d,p)t?A?, ? ?f-, (JO?(19015)eV, (2978)eV, (32215)eV9. ?yT?|?(J, ?)f -?A?, ?DTL?|3 100kV?X?z7q!?z? Nq?z?Nqm?d(d,p)t?A?X?. ?(JL, ?z7q?f-? A?, ?z?Nq?z?Nq?f -?A?10

6、, 11. L?0?n ?z5?!N(?f?, ?f?q ?9$, ?f?zq?A ?10, 11, vkuy?f-?A? ?. f-?Adf?, du Cq?, 3?f?RaS, f? , Cq?uZ1e/Ra, df-? Ue= Z1Z2e2/R. ?n?.?O3uR? ?J?. ?L, XJ7?f ?OgdCq, ?lfN?n?.? ?(J?n?)”12. 3T?.? RDebye= ? 0kT nae2 ?1/2 ,(3) “0?0, nLz?f?gd f, a?NS?f. d, f-? L? Ue= 1 40 Z1Z2e2 RDebye ,(4) ?e7?;.T = 293K, n

7、eff = 1(n eff L z?f-k?z?k?f )!a=61022/cm3?(3)“?(4)“, ?f -Ue=300eV, ?(J?. ?y?)”, k?UeO?A? n eff , (J?|?X?7 gdf?N?. ?.?;?., vk?f?A, 7LL?y. l(3)“?(4)“?w?f-? ?, ?1?5?7?. 3?(J?w?, ?L1n!o x9JX7?f-H?, ?U? ?. ?Udu?NU?r, ? ?5?75?$E?. ?NU ?X?,p?w/e?. XJ? ?f-?y?, ,pq? 1d(d,p)t?A?1?. 2? ?L1n!ox9JX? ?f-?A, ?u?.)

8、”7q 112Qv?$U?f?Af-?A?51133 ?f-?A?k?5, ?3? 100kV?z7qd(d,p)t?A? ?5. ?C?Vmu2. 100kV?J? D+ 3?6L?=c!d!?!? ”?O?, 3q?/?10mm?. q? 3?7?, L?20mm20mm! ?1mm?A?7f?q?19.N! 6r?7f?3?800?S YUC. 7f?q?mMACOR(?b machinable glass ceramic)?. de?g?7 f?!1mm?MACOR, 3mm?!1mm? ?MACOR?zq. ?MACORk? 5mm?%?, ?q?/7f ?, 5D?6?3q%?)?

9、9?, ; ?q?6r?U?Cz?UC. ? ?9fl ?D(?K?, ? ?P?A?)?f. ?.U? ?z7q?(J? fl K. dg?A?5?g? ?, 8c, ?n?3?(5: ? Bragge?+?vk?, ? n?(J; ?Sbf?$U?U ?5?. ?(/?f-?A, ?Bragge?+?UN?na,?U ?7?. ?z(References) 1BAI Xi-Xiang. Nucl. Phys. Rev., 2002, 19(1): 7 (in Chi- nese) (xF?. ?f?n?, 2002, 19(1)?7) 2Krauss A, Becker H W, Trau

10、tvetter H P et al. Nucl. Phys., 1987, A465?150 3Krauss A, Becker H W, Trautvetter H P et al. Nucl. Phys., 1987, A467?273 4Engstler S, Krauss A, Neldner K et al. Phys. Lett., 1988, B202?179 5Rolfs C E, Rodney W S. Cauldrons in the Cosmos. Chicago?The University of Chicago Press, 1988 6Langanke K, Sho

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12、3: 377 11Raiola F, Migliardi P, Gang L et al. Phys. Lett., 2002, B547: 193 12Banomo C, Fiorentini G, Fulop Z et al. Nucl. Phys., 2003, A719?37c 13Greife U, Gorris F, Junker M et al. Z. Phys., 1995, A351: 107 14Landolt-B ornstein Numerical Data and Functional Rela- tionships in Science and Technology

13、. Berlin:Springer- Verlag, 1959. 166 Temperature Dependence of Electron Screening at Low Energy * ZENG Sheng1;1)F. Raiola2B. Burchard2C. Rolfs2LIAN Gang1 1 (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China) 2 (Ruhr-Universit at, Bochum D-44780, Germany) Abstract For a deep understanding of th

14、e electron screening eff ects, we cooperated with the astrophysics group of Ruhr University to study the electron screening in the d(d,p)t reaction for the deuterated metals of groups 3 and 4 of the periodic table and the lanthanides, at a sample temperature T =200, using the D+ 3 beams provided by

15、the 100kV accelerator of Dynamitron-Tandem-Laboratorium. The hydrogen solubility in the samples dropped to a level of a few percent (compared to T = 20) and a large screening became observable. With the classical plasma model of Debye applied to the quasi-free metallic electrons, the deduced number

16、of valence electrons per metallic atom agrees with the corresponding number from the Hall coeffi cient, for all metals investigated. Finally, we measured the screening for the metals Co and Pt as a function of sample temperature, in part between T = 20 and 340. The data agree with the Debye model; t

17、hey represent the fi rst observation of a temperature dependence of a nuclear cross section. Key words electron screening, temperature eff ects, Debye model Received 28 March 2005,Revised 8 July 2005 *Supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program (G200077400, 2003CB716704), National Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scholar (10025524) and Fundamental Research Foundation of National Defense Technology (GFJ00F00101) 1)E-mail:


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