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1、1 31 ? 1 3 2007 c 3 ? p U ? n ? ? ? n HIGHENERGYPHYSICSANDNUCLEARPHYSICS Vol. 31, No. 3 Mar., 2007 rfE?5top-pion0f?)L pp(p p)0 t0t, b0t ? * ?=s 1,2 NA 1 ?X 1;1) 1 (?H?n? ?Xe: Ktt UL =1,Ktt UR=1, Ktc UR6 2 2, (2) pr?gd, ?0.03?0.1. f ?)?.?m bL, ? 1 m b= 3kmt 82 6.6kGeV,(3) 3QCDk?0.11, p?k=0.5. d(1)“?w

2、?, top-pion?f? u?. dutopcolor?5, TC2?. ?3GIM?$, 3?Y?3?UC? ?0 t t c, ?TC2?.?;.A?. ?fi ?UC?t?DkPCL t cV(V =g,Z,)11, 3TC2?., ?DkL ?|?O, ?5pU?L?Dk L ,?, ?%U?O?U? Jpt?z. ?Mt, ?U?pb?. LHC ?c?100fb1/year, ?O, 3LHC?, Lb0 t?)?, zc?)10 4105?b0 t fl . ?, 3rfE?, 5top-pion0 f?Lpp(p p) 0 tV(g,Z,W)?pp(p p) 0 tt t,

3、0 t t c?), z9fi ?L?1?. ?0 tg?), 3LHC?A? $?A?pb, ?L“? ?b?k?p? O?, L?b?O, ?U N/?O?b?#?f?)L. ?L“?f5?O5top-pion0 f, ?I?5top-pion0f?PC?. z85top-pion0f?PC?1?. 0 t ?PC?tt, t c, bb, gg. ?M2mt?, du 0 tt tr?, 0 tA?PC?t t, ?PC? PC|?, ?dud?0 tPC?, J Ltt5 WANG X L, YANG Y L, LI B Z. Phys. Rev., 2004, D69: 055002

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5、NG X L, YU L L, SONG N H et al. Commun. Theor. Phys., 2006, 45(3): 521526 10HE H J, YUAN C P. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1999, 83: 2831 11LU Gong-Ru, YIN Fu-Rong, WANG Xue-Lei et al. HEP 1) 1 (College of Physics and Information Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China) 2 (Department of El

6、ectronics, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang 473004, China) AbstractIn the framework of the topcolor-assisted Technicolor(TC2) model, the neutral top-pion (0 t) production processes at hadron colliders(Tevatron and LHC), pp(p p) 0 t 0 tand pp(p p) b 0 t, are studied. The results show that the

7、 cross sections of these two processes at Tevatron are too small to observe 0 t. The cross sections can be signifi cantly enhanced at LHC, but 0 tis also not observable via 0 t 0 tproduction at LHC. The cross section of b 0 t production reaches the level of a few hundred fb even a few pb at LHC and

8、104105events can be produced each year. Furthermore, Due to the existence of the fl avor-changing coupling 0 tt c, 0 tcan be experimentally detected via the decay mode 0 tt c with the clean background. Therefore, the enough distinguished 0 tevents would be obtained via the b0 tproduction at LHC futu

9、re experiments. Our study can provide the valuable theoretical information for probing neutral top-pion and testing TC2 model at LHC. Key words Topcolor-assisted Technicolor(TC2) model, the mechanism of the electroweak symmetry breaking(EWSB), hadron collider, production cross section Received 23 June 2006 *Supported by NSFC (10375017) 1)E-mail:


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