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《Family Matters.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Family Matters.ppt(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Unit1 Family Matters,Passage B The Parent Trap paragraph 3 to 4 on page 11 to 13,But thats not likely. These days, raising kids is like competing in a triathlon with no finish line in sight. Millions of parents around the country say their lives have become a daily frantic rush in the minivan from

2、school to soccer to piano lessons and then hours of homework.,但实际情况可不是这样。现如今,抚养孩子好像是在进行一场看不见尽头的三项全能比赛。整个国家数以百万的父母都说,他们在日常生活中都忙得不可开交,经常坐在他们的小汽车中往返于孩子的学校,足球班钢琴班之间,然后还要抽出几个小时的时间辅导孩子的家庭作业,But theyre trapped, afraid to slow down because any blank space in the family calendar could mean their offspring wo

3、nt have the resumes to earn thick letters from Harvard and big bucks forever after. And a busy schedule at the office only adds to the pressure. Parents believe they have to do it all or theyre toast( and so are their kids).,但他们也没办法,因为他们害怕一旦他们放慢脚步,他们的孩子可能就会因为过于松懈而无法得到来自哈佛大学等名校厚重的信件这将意味着以后丰厚的收入。一个看似忙

4、碌的时刻表只会徒增压力。但父母们坚定他们必须这样去做,否则以后会有更多的麻烦,孩子们也是。,As a result, says psychiatrist Alvin Rosenfeld, coauthor of Hyper Parenting: Are you Hurting Your Child by Trying Too Hard? Middle class parents are“ continuous pressure to plan, enrich and do this important job the one, precisely right way.”,因此,精神病学家艾文罗

5、森斐尔德在其与他人合作的热情的父母一书中提出:你是否在对孩子严格要求的时候伤害了他们呢?中等阶级的父母们都认为持续给孩子压力是他们教育孩子的唯一正确做法。,Although the current generation of parents is the richest and best educated in history, they are particularly apprehensive because theyre raising their kids in an uncertain time. In a world where a high divorce rate and jo

6、b hopping are the norm,尽管如今的这一代父母们比他们的祖辈们更加富有,接受的教育也更加优越,但在这个多变的时代,他们仍然对如何抚养孩子感到压力重重。因为他们正处在一个充满高离婚率和需要频繁换工作的环境中。,“parents themselves are more insecurely placed in life,” says Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist at the University of California, Berkeley, who studies modern family life. Rapid technologic

7、al change has contributed to that sense of instability, says Stephanie Coontz, a professor of history and family studies at Evergreen State College in Washington.,一位来自加州伯克利大学,从事现代家庭生活研究的社会学家阿莉查尔德说:“家长们自身对于生活有一种不安全感。”而华盛顿州常青藤国立大学的历史与家庭研究方面的教授斯泰芬尼库茨则认为,是瞬息万变的科技发展导致了这种不安全感。,She thinks todays middle cla

8、ss parents are reacting to the aftershocks of he seismic shift to the digital economy, just as blacksmiths and farmers in the 1820s worried that their kids wouldnt make it through the Industrial Revolution. “Parents today are having a comparable anxiety crisis,” says Coontz.,而如今这一代来自中产阶级的父母们,因为急速进入数

9、字化经济时代而同时产生了一系列不良后果,而对这些后果的态度与19世纪20年代那些担心自己的孩子无法应对工业革命铁匠与农民们是一样的。她说:“如今的父母们都相对的存在着一些焦虑危机。,“ What do you do to protect your child and secure him a good future?” No one really knows the answer to that question. Thirty years ago a college degree was the key to the good life. Todays parents fear that a BA (Bachelor of Arts) isnt good enough, but theyre not sure whats better. So they try to give their kids a little of everything thats available.,他们都在担心如何才能更好的保护自己的孩子以及如何才能确保他们有一个美好的前途?”没人知道如何真正的实现这些。30年以前,一张大学文凭就预示着往后幸福的生活;而如今家长们对本科学历并不满足,但他们又不知又该怎么办。所以他们尽可能的将一切他们力所能及的帮助都给予他们的孩子。,


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