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1、.Module1 UNIT1 Lucy lives in London.课时目标:1)复习一般过去式和一般现在式第三人称单数的动词变化2)掌握英文书信的一般格式3)能够运用Where does she live? She lives in .It was my birthday on Saturday.We were at Buckingham Palace.课时重、难点简析:1) 一般现在式第三人称单数的动词变化s/esWhere does she live? She lives in .学生对此语法项掌握的不扎实,虽然23年级都有学习和复习,但是在实际运用中会忘掉动词的相应变化。2)Wha

2、t does she/he live?特殊疑问句和第三人称单数的动词变化放在一起出现,对应学生来说要通过多练习才能掌握。学生认知分析:1) 学生对英文书信的格式有了解2) 对于一般过去式和一般现在式的第三人称单数的动词变化有了解。3)对于大地点(城市、国家)前用in,在小地点(home/park)前用at,都学过、练习过。教学准备:1) 学生:预习课文;拿自己过生日时的照片2) 老师:课件;单词卡片;照片教学过程Warm-upGood morning, boys and girls.How are you?Did you have a good summer holiday?What did

3、you do in summer holiday?I read some books, watched the film and did many other things.What about you?You did so many things in summer holiday. The summer holiday passed. Now were having class. Were having an English class.Who can ask me?PPC(What are you/is he/is she doing?Im/Shes/Hes _ing .Remindin

4、g: )S: What are you doing?T: Im eating noodles.Who can come here and do the action?Who can ask?Presentation:1.What is Amy doing? Lets watch to the videoWhat is Amy doing? If you are Amy.S: Im reading a letter.Great! What does the letter say?2.Lets watch the video again and answer the questions.1) Wh

5、ere does she live?She lives in London.2) What day was Zaras birthday?It was my birthday on Saturday.3) Where were they?We were at Buckingham Palace.3. Listen and repeat the text.4. read in group5. ShowPractise:6.AB E11)read and do2)check the answer7. Talk about your birthday.It was my birthday on Mo

6、nday. We were at GuanxiangshanPark.Who can talk about yours?8.Book Practise31)give an example2)do in pairs3)show9.AB E3&E41)ask and anwer2)show4)write down板书:Module 1Unit 1 Lucy lives in LondonWhat is she doing? Shes reading a letter.What does she live ? She lives in London.作业:1)listen and repeat th

7、e text 5 times2)retell the words.Module1 UNIT2 Ive got a new friend.教学目标:5. 阅读和学写英文信及回信6. 复习现在时态和过去时态教学重难点及突破措施:5. 英文信格式6. 含有be动词的过去时态句型.措施:5. 强调英文信称呼,正文,结束语,写信人都顶格写6. 含有be动词的句子变过去时: am /is变为 was ; are变为were .教学方法:小组讨论法, 教授法, 练习法.课时划分:Unit 2 2课时:1课时教授新课, 1课时口头练习句型练习题 1课时教具与学具准备:录音机,磁带,单词卡片,英文回信 .教学过

8、程:1.text:.Listen and repeat. Have the students draw a picture of something they own. They must take turns to guess the other students picture.ExamplesA: Ive got a picture of something.B: Is it a pet?A: No, it isnt.B: Is it a toy?A: Yes.B: Is it a toy train?A: No.B: Is it a toy car?A: Yes, it is.2.Li

9、stening:T2 close the book and listen ,then repeat.3.Sing :T3 listen and say .Then sing.4. Game: guess. Write these mixed up words on the board.gknuimnenzhuohzgigunlihawanu Tell the students that these are the names of some Chinese cities. Now have the students word in pairs. They have to put the let

10、ters in the correct order to make the words.AnswersKun MingZheng ZhouGui LinWu HanHomework:Listen to the tape 30 min a day.Read Module 1Unit2 at home.Try to write a letter to Lucy.Module2 UNIT1 I helped my mum.教学目标:1)学生能四会单词:wash, help, finish, clean,以及知道他们的过去式;2)学生能正确认读功能句a. I cleaned my room .b. I

11、 washed my trousers.c. I helped my mum .3)学生能在“昨天”这个时间范围内正确理解并初步使用过去式;教学重点:1. 初步感知过去式的正确用法;2. 学习生词wash, help, finish, clean,知道并会用他们的过去式;教学难点:使学生理解过去式的正确使用范围,学生能有意识的正确使用过去式。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up:1. Sing a song.T: Are you happy today? If you are happy, lets sing the song “If you are happy”.2. Guessing g

12、ame.T: Well done. Sit down please. This time lets do and guess.教师示范:教师看一眼图片,然后做动作让学生猜,再请学生上来。Step 2 Presentation:1. Yesterday.(1) PPT:T: Look, this is a calendar, today is ? How about this one? Its Yesterday. Now read after me: yes-ter-day. 师重复几遍。(2) T: 拿着卡片让学生开火车读。2. 初步感知动词过去式。T: Yesterday I was ve

13、ry happy, because yesterday was my birthday. Lets look and listen what did I do?T: Do you want to listen again。T: What did I do yesterday? 师引导I played in the park. What else?PPT: 根据学生的回答来显示图片。T: Excellent. Now lets read them together.3. 简单用。T: I was very happy yesterday. What did you do yesterday?教师

14、将学生提到的动词分类贴/写在黑板上T: Oh. You did lots of things yesterday. Now lets read them together.Step 3 Text:1. Whole input listen.T: Thats what we did. How about our friend Daming, what did he doyesterday? Lets look and listen.如果学生答得不好则再听一遍.2. new words.按学生选择的顺序教。(1) cleanT: 大小声:I cleaned my room.(2) washT: I

15、 washed my hands. I washed my T-shirt.(3) finish&helpT: I am drawing a picture, but I cant finish it. Who can finish it?Who can help me?4. Practice.(1) T: (拿着卡片) Lets read them. 1,2.(2) T: Now, lets put them in the right place.(师读句子,故意放错,看生的反应)。(3) Read the sentences together.5. Reinforcement.(1) Pa

16、ssing game.T: Look, we learned so many things. (师指黑板) we are a little bit tired.Lets played a game, OK?T: The first s read the sentence and remember it. Then I will say 1, 2, 3 go. You pass the sentence as fast as you can. Your team win.(师边说边做动作)。T: Say the sentences to the Ss. Are you ready? 1, 2,

17、3 go.T: Clap your hands for them. (有节奏的拍手)(2)Make sentences.T: Now I want 3 Ss, who can come here and help me? Each s choose one,and make a sentence to your group member.T: Who wants to try?Step 4 practise1. About task.T: Just now, we talked about yesterday. Now, lets say sth about last week.Look, t

18、his is my son, he is too young to help me, but he kissed me lastweek. I was very happy. Did you kiss your mum?What did you do last week?2. T: Can you help me?Look, we have I cleaned my room last week. What about you?3. T: Understand? Now take out your paper and talk with your partner.4. T: Who wants

19、 to show?Step 5Home work1Read the text .2,Write the words and the sentencesModule2 UNIT2 Amy painted a picture教学目标1.语言知识目标:(1)进一步理解和掌握一般过去时的用法和意义。(2)能够正确地朗读规则动词过去式-ed的读音 / t / / d / / Id/。(3)能够正确地听、说、认读下列句子:Yesterday, Mr Smart cooked noodles.Ms Smart phoned Grandma.Amy painted a picture.2.语言技能目标:能用一

20、般过去时对他人在过去时间内所做的事情进行简单的描述。3. 情感态度目标:帮助学生体会父母一天的忙碌,教育学生要关爱父母,做力所能及的家务劳动,养成良好的生活习惯。4学习策略目标:(1)通过活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的能力。(2)在语言学习过程中,引导学生采用观察、归纳等方法学习语言。教学的重点及难点重点:能对他人过去发生的一系列动作进行描述。难点:掌握规则动词过去式的变法以及-ed的不同发音, 进一步理解和掌握一般过去时所表示的意义。课程资源的利用CD-ROM, 多媒体课件,卡片,活动用书,磁带,录音机,头饰等。教学流程Step One: Warming up1. Gree

21、t the students. Divide them into groups of apples and pears.2. Say a chant. (课件出示自编chant内容,有音乐伴奏)【设计意图】以一首自编的chant开始,其目的是不但复习了Unit 1 中刚刚学到的一般过去式, 而且激发了学生的表现欲和参与欲, 使学生迅速进入浓厚的英语课堂氛围中。Step Two: Revision1. Compare and say.(1) Change the verbs into the past simple tense forms.(2) Help students be aware o

22、f the pronunciation of ed.(3) Drill the verbs and their past simple tense forms.2. Go over the story learned in Unit 1. Elicit and help the students retell the story by using Yesterday, Daming【设计意图】使用课件逐一出示动词,让学生说出chant 中出现的规则动词过去式,并引导学生感知-ed的发音规则。同时教授此课中出现的phone的过去式,引导学生发现以e结尾的动词只加d变过去式和painted 的-e

23、d发音,分解难点,扫除新授障碍。 T:We use the past tense form of the verbs to describe the past activities. As we know Daming got a reward yesterday. Why? (课件出示图片理解got a reward )然后老师逐一出示图片, 提问个别学生单独描述后,全班共同看图描述,复习unit 1 所学内容。此环节为后面新授做好铺垫Step Three: Elicitation and presentation1. Elicit the new story.(1) Arrange a t

24、ask for listening. What did the Smarts do yesterday?Get students listen to the CD-ROM and find out the answers .(2) Feedback by using the self-made software. Show students the pictures one by one with the sentences in which the verbs are deleted. Ask them to fill in the blanks. Then copy the main ve

25、rbs on the board.(3) Check it one by one by asking “Who cooked noodles?.” Copy the subjects on the board.(4) Elicit and help them to find the objects of each sentences. Stick the cards on the board.2. Listen and repeat.3. Look and say.【设计意图】导入环节老师通过导入语 Do you want to know what Sam and his family did

26、 yesterday?引学生的注意力,自然入课。这样设计符合 “乐学”, 强调学生的主体性,激发学生学习动机。任务呈现, 让学生清楚本节课的学习目标是继续学习描述过去发生的事情,下课前同学们将观看一段录像,说出自己的同学昨天做了什么,然后用书面形式表达出来。通过任务呈现使学生从课堂一开始就明确了要完成的任务。同时也让学生感觉到只有通过本课的学习才能获得知识、技能、信息来完成这个任务。课文呈现,从听说入手呈现一个完整的故事情节,让学生感知理解本课功能句型,目的是为学生的听力发展打下基础。然后设计看图回答问题-测测你的记忆力-动词短语对对碰三个环节,目的是检测学生的理解程度。其次的 listen

27、and repeat环节,目的是培养了学生模仿说的能力。最后是look and say,目的是加深学生对一般过去时用法的理解和记忆。Step Four: Practice and Consolidation1. Play a guessing game.Use the pictures from Activity chant. Cover a certain part of a picture, ask them to guess what the boy/ girl is doing.2. Learn the chant.(1) Play the CD-ROM , Ss say along

28、the music.(2) Ss say and act with T one sentence by one sentence.(3) Ss stand up and say the chant with the action.3. Mime and say.(1) Give students a demonstration.(2) Work in pairs.(3) Feedback.【设计意图】通过看一看,猜一猜活动演绎歌谣中句子的含义,将韵律诗导出;然后初次听,让学生小声跟说初步感受韵律;再次听,引导学生模仿,逐句跟说;最后师生听伴奏带边说边做动作,完成对韵律诗的初步学习。活动Mime

29、 and say.用CAI课件呈现AB Activity 1和 SB Activity 4中的动词过去式短语,通过师生、生生示范,使学生明确活动怎样做,克服学习焦虑。然后进行两人pair work练习,最后小组展示并给与小组评价。此活动将枯燥的语言现象转变为学生乐于接受的生动有趣的课堂形式,使学生全员参与进一步拓展延伸了所学内容。Step Five: Fulfill the task.1. Watch a video and remember what he did yesterday.2. Feedback and check the answers.3. Look and say what

30、 the child did yesterday.4. Complete the worksheet. Then work in pairs, compare the answers.5. Ask the child in the video to report first, then call another student to report. At last ask the whole class to say together【设计意图】通过观看同学生活录像,进行说、读、写技能的训练,完成活动任务。此活动深入了解学生的生活, 发掘兴趣点, 创设情景,引导学生们通过观察,对过去发生的一系

31、列动作进行描述,并将获取信息进行处理和使用。在运用过程中认识, 领悟语言, 激发兴趣, 启迪思维, 从而挖掘学生运用语言的能力,同时也发展了学生用英语解决实际问题的能力。此环节还注重情感渗透,帮助学生体会父母一天的忙碌,教育学生要关爱父母,做力所能及的家务劳动,养成良好的生活习惯。Step Six: Summary and homework.1.Summary.2 Homework.1)Draw and write about what you did on Childrens Day.2)Finish off Exercise 1 on AB P8.【设计意图】教师引导学生对本课的所学内容进

32、行总结,评出优胜小组给与奖励。总结归纳能加深学生对本课知识的整体印象,评价不仅可以激发学生强烈的学习英语的愿望和竞争意识,而且增强了他们的学习信心。作业设计的目的是将任务活动延神到课堂之外的学习和生活中,在课下为学生们创造语言实践的机会。Blackboard designModule 2 unit 2 Amy painted a picture.Yesterday, Mr Smart cooked noodles.Tom helped him.Ms Smart phoned Grandma.Sam watched TV.Amy painted a picture.UNIT1 She didnt

33、 walk to school yesterday.一、教学目标:1、 知识与能力目标: 本模块主要讲授的是实义动词的一般过去式的否定形式“didnt”的用法。在第一单元中通过运用一般现在时对Lingling生活习惯的描述以及实义动词一般过去时的否定形式对于过去某一天没有发生的活动的描述来进行对比,帮助学生理解否定式的含义及用法。在第二单元中通过阅读、歌曲及游戏等活动来进一步复习和巩固第一单元中所呈现的重点语言知识。2、 情感态度目标: 以National Day为契机,培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的美好情感。二、教学重点及难点:能通过练习、运用等活动使学生能够掌握一般过去式及其实义动词一般过去

34、式否定形式的用法是本模块的重点。本模块涉及到的语法项目比较多,有一般现在时及其第三人称单数、一般过去式及实义动词的否定式。使学生能正确的运用进行语言的交际是本模块的难点。三、课前准备:录音机、磁带、单词卡片、VCD四、教学过程Step1 Warm up1 I do you say.老师做动作,学生用 ” You _yesterday. ” 来描述老师昨天做过的事情.2 Free talk:T: “ When do you usually get up? /How do you usually go to school? ” (复习usually 的用法)Step2 Presentation a

35、nd practice:1指导学生询问老师的一些情况.老师就自己的情况做出回答,如:“I usually get up at 6.But I didnt get up at 6 yesterday.”让学生初步了解“didnt”的意思。2、T:“lingling usually gets up at 6:30.But she didnt get up at 6 :30 yesterday,either.”可让学生猜一下没在6点半起床的原因。3、听录音,验证Lingling没在6:30起床的原因。引出“Yesterday was National Day.”教授National Day给学生补充

36、几个主要国家的国庆节在什么时候并渗透热爱祖国、家乡的情感教育。4、再听录音。勾出课文中含“didnt”的句子。并初步理解句子的意思。5、提前给出三个问题,让学生带着问题听录音。“Did Lingling get up at 6:30 yesterday? Did Lingling walk to school yesterday? Did Lingling learn English and Maths yesterday?”回答问题,教师板书。She didnt get up at 6:30. She didnt walk to school. She didnt learn English

37、 and Maths.并教读。6、放录音、跟读课文。7、 Activity Book P10 Activity1 听录音排顺序,然后根据图片提示复述课文内容。Step3 Consolidation and Extension:1 、SB Activity 3 两两谈论并反馈。2、 把学生分成几个小组,给每个小组分发卡片,分小组分别写人名、动词词组、表示过去的时间等。随机从每组当中抽出一张卡片,用didnt 来造句。3、AB Activity 2Step4 Summary:1 叙述Lingling 通常做些什么。2 叙述Lingling 昨天与以前有什么不同。Step5 Homework:1 听

38、录音、跟读课文2 完成调查表:TimeUsualLast weekend并用I usually _. But I didn t_yesterday.书写一篇短文。Step6 Blackbord design:Module 3 Unite 1 She didnt walk to school yesterday.She didnt get up at 6:30.She didnt walk to school.She didnt learn English and Maths.Module3 UNIT2 I didnt play football.一、教学目标:1、 知识与能力目标: 本模块主要

39、讲授的是实义动词的一般过去式的否定形式“didn t ” 的用法。在第一单元中通过运用一般现在时对Lingling生活习惯的描述以及实义动词一般过去时的否定形式对于过去某一天没有发生的活动的描述来进行对比,帮助学生理解否定式的含义及用法。在第二单元中通过阅读、歌曲及游戏等活动来进一步复习和巩固第一单元中所呈现的重点语言知识。2、 情感态度目标: 以National Day为契机,培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的美好情感。二、教学重点及难点:能通过练习、运用等活动使学生能够掌握一般过去式及其实义动词一般过去式否定形式的用法是本模块的重点。本模块涉及到的语法项目比较多,有一般现在时及其第三人称单数、一

40、般过去式及实义动词的否定式。使学生能正确的运用进行语言的交际是本模块的难点。三、课前准备:录音机、磁带、单词卡片、VCD四、教学过程Step1 Warm up1、 Enjoy a song “ Today is National Day! ”2、 对歌曲的内容进行提问:What did she do ? what didn t she do?3、 Free talk: What do you usually do? Did you do it yesterday?Step2 Presentation and practice:1T: “ What about Daming? What does

41、 he usually do? ” 让学生猜猜Daming通常会做些什么,注意引导学生用第三人称单数形式进行描述。2听录音,验证学生的猜测。给猜的准确的学生奖励。3再听录音,在放录音之前给学生一个问题:What was the weather like?听录音,找出答案。4听录音、跟读。5、课件展示Part2 让学生用第三人称单数形式转述课文。引导学生注意动词的变化play plays ride-ridesStep3 Consolidation and Extension:1 找学生展示自己上节课的表格,TimeUsualLast weekend并朗读用I usually _. But I d

42、idn t_yesterday.书写的短文。2、其他同学仿照活动2的方式向自己的同桌转述该同学的内容。3、做SB Activity44、 做ABActivity2Step4 Summary:A game:Sa : “ I usually_.But I didn t_. ”Sb: “ Sa usually_.But he/she didn t_. ”Step5 Homework:1、 听录音跟读对话。2、 写一写你的同学或者家人昨天或者周末的活动与平时有什么不同。Step6 Blackbord design:Module 3 Unite 2 I didn t play football.I us

43、ually_. But I didn t_.He/She usually_. But he/she didn t_Module4 Chinese people invented paper.一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识目标Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting , printedSentences: Paper is important.Chinese people invented .Chinese people didnt invent .2、能力目标Help the students use these w

44、ords and sentences inactivities and daily life.Help the students to know some greating inventions.Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.2、 情感态度目标Inspire the students interest.Inspire the students to love our homeland .二、 教学重点To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented.”To master the past indefinite tense “invent-invented , print-printed”T


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