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1、专业好文档会计学学位英语复习资料从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项A. grapes B. changes C. tables D. libraries A. enough B. fight C. neighbor D. daughterA. would B. ground C. about D. out A. large (g的发音) B. gay (g的发音) C. glory (g的发音) D. grammar (g的发音)A. brown B. south C. loudly D. boughtA. thrown B. and then C. the r

2、esults D. their A. and B. are C. for D. NowA. arrived B. can see C. of the D. thatA. instead of B. lie C. in bed D. workingA. there B. than C. driving a car D. easier It was not very _ of you to sell the house. The price is increasing增长中 everyday. A. clear B. friendly C. wise D. kind None of them sp

3、oke English _ Sam. A. except不同种类的 B. exception C. except for 完整的,但有暇疵的 D. except of It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be. A. comment B. impression C. opinion D. reaction 反应,反作用Mr. Wang is an engineer工程师 _ profession专业. A. at B. on C. by D. with The boy _ the dog with a thick sti

4、ck粗手杖 but the dog did not yield服从. A. came with ?B. won over在上越过 C. won at 林D.came at They were so far away that I couldnt _ their faces表情 clearly. A. make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑 B. make at袭击, 扑向 C. make out辨认出 D. see through看穿, 识破I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _

5、to me. A. happened发生,碰巧 B. occurred发生,出现 林C. emerged浮现 D. appeared出现,出席,发表Send us a message if you _ any difficulty. A. had B. will have C. have had D. have Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have to _raise提高_ your voice.(此题无选择项) The race赛跑 was so close紧凑 that everyone was _ at th

6、e finish. A. working out B. winning over C. thinking of D. holding his breath屏气凝神He is given answers that only _ his confusion混淆. A. come with产生 B. add with C. come up发生 D. add to 增加Inquiries调查 _ the condition情形 of the patients患者 may be made personally亲自 or by telephone. A. concerning关于 B. affecting

7、感人的 C. following跟随 D. revealing有启迪性的This is a _ argumen争论t. A. convinced确信 B. convincing令人信服的 C. inconvincible难以令人信服的 D. convince 使信服He said he _ return返回 from Germany the next day. A. was to B. is going to 林C. would go to D. is to Nobody knows how long and how seriously真诚地 the shakiness不稳定 in the f

8、inancial财政金融 system will _ down the economy节约措施. A. settle - settle down定居,专心于 B. drag - drag down把.向下拖,使衰弱 C. knock -knock down击倒, 拆卸, 拍卖出 D. put -put down放下She did not feel _ going out, as she had a slight轻微的 headache头痛. A. like B. after C. for D. aboutIts a pity可惜的 _ you missed such an interestin

9、g program. A. when B. what C. that D. which If you dont go to school _, you will not learn your lessons very well. A. finally最终 B. regularly有规律地 C. exact精确的 D. properly 适当地He smiled and told me I would receive收到 a(n) _ $ 100 a year! A. exactly正确地 B. addition 增加物 C. extra额外的 D. more 更多His plan _ by t

10、hose who heard it. A. were laughing at 林B. was laughing at - laugh at嘲笑 C. was laughed at哄笑 D. was laughed My father never gave me _. A. much advice忠告 B. many advices C. a lot of advices D. many advice I believe you and Sally will really impress留下印象 the teacher. Well, dont expect期待 _. A. us of too m

11、uch B. too much of us C. of us too much D. us for too much _ many of the customers顾客 work during the day, Billy has to collect聚集 the money from them at night. A. Although B. Therefore C. From D. Since Please dont leave the building _ to do so. A. because asked B. if asking C. when asking D. unless a

12、sked _ he works hard, I didnt mind when he finishes the experiment实验. A. So long as只要 B. As well as也,又 C. So far as 只有,就而言as far as I know.就我所知 D. As soon as一就I know that either you or your father _ a copy. A. has B. are to have C. have had D. have PS: Eitheror二选一 neithernor既不也不I know nothing about

13、it _ what I have read in the papers. A. beside在旁 B. expect期待 C. except 除外 D. besides此外 Sunglasses太阳镜 are used to _ peoples eyes from the light of the sun. A. protect保护 B. stop阻止 C. save保存 D. prevent防止Get up earlier早的 _ you can catch the train tomorrow morning. A. in order B. so that.= in order to 表示

14、目的 C. such that such that+sentence D. if PS: so+adjadv+that clause(so后跟形容词或副词) ; such(aan)+n+that clause(such后跟名词)The police did not at first her the crime罪行. A. contact接触 with B. connect连接 to C. contact to D. connect, with 2007年4月会计学位模拟试题(1)1. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 A. match B. fast C. h

15、ave D. sad A. cold B. old C. whole D. some3. A. through B. another C. either D. though4. A. out B. would C. ground D. about5. A. neighbor B. fight C. enough D. daughter一、语音题(红色为正确答案)1.从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 A. bought B. brown C. south D. loudly2. A. out B. would C. ground D. about3. A. gr

16、ammar (g的发音) B. large (g的发音) C. gay (g的发音) D. glory (g的发音)4. A. sight B. case C. nose D. list5. A. daughter B. enough C. fight D. neighbor1 一。 买 B。 褐色 C。 南方 D。 大声地2. 一。 在外 B。 会 C。 地面 D。 大约3. 一。 文法 (g 的发音) B。 大的 (g 的发音) C。 gay(g 的发音) D。 光荣 ( g 的发音)4. 一。 视力 B。 情形 C。 鼻子 D。 目录5. 一。 女儿 B。 充足 C。 打架 D。 邻居二

17、、判断题1. He got two pieces of informations about the new product. A. got B. informations C. about D. product2. He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad. A. cannot B. thing C. whose D. sad3. Its easier for me to go there on foot than driving a car. A. easier B. there C. than D. driving a car

18、4. You should be working instead of lie there in bed. A. working B. instead of C. lie D. in bed5. Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches. A. that B. arrived C. can see D. of the三、词汇题1. If the train arrives _ it should be three oclock exactly . A. in time B. on tim

19、e C. from time to time D. at times2. Many words in the English language are French in _ A. context B. source C. origin D. vocabulary3. This is the problem _ you should pay attention. A. to which B. on which C. at which D. which4. The _ you are, the happier they will be. A. more kinder B. more kind C

20、. kinder D. kind5. We were _ for half an hour in the traffic交通事故 and so we arrived late. A. put back延误 B. broke down破裂 C. held up被占(抢劫) D. kept off不接近6. Unless he is _ intense love, he hardly ever looks into someone elses eyes for very long. A. confessing B. refusing C. granting D. covering7. The sp

21、eech _, a lively discussion started. A. being delivered B. be delivered C. was delivered D. having been delivered8. Mr. John kept thinking hard, but failed to _a workable plan. A. come up with B. come up against C. come up to D. come up for9. He never _ to read the news but turned at once to the cro

22、ssword on the last page. A. worried B. noticed C. pained D. troubled10. All Im trying to do is to _ why your condition has not been improved. A. look for B. find out C. search for D. look over11. This is the hotel _ I met the famous actor Chen Long. A. which B. in which C. that D. in that12. Not unt

23、il your work is finished _. A. you can leave B. can you leave C. you cant leave D. cant you leave13. They were so far away that I couldnt _ their faces clearly. A. see through B. make up C. make at D. make out14. I can hardly believe my eyes. This _ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel

24、 Prize. A. remarkable B. unusual C. magnificent D. unremarkable15. He said he _ return from Germany the next day. A. is to B. was to C. is going to D. would go to16. I ran _ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along. A. up B. out of C. over D. into17. I know nothing about it _ what I

25、have read in the papers. A. besides B. beside C. expect D. except18. The government will have to work hard _ the confidence of the people after the terrible event. A. to win back B. to win through C. to come up with D. to come at19. None of them spoke English _ Sam. A. except of B. except C. excepti

26、on D. except for20. _ he works hard, I didnt mind when he finishes the experiment. A. As soon as B. So long as C. As well as D. So far as21. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _. A. disapproval B. rejection C. refusal D. decline22. Do you think that the labor b

27、ill will be passed?劳工案是否通过 Oh, yes. Its _ that it will. A. almost surelysurely adv.的确地, 安全地 B. very likelyte adj.很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的adv.或许, 很可能 C. near positiveh肯定的 D. quite certainly 的确23. Send us a message if you _ any difficulty.(重复) A. have B. had C. will have D. have had24. It was difficult to

28、 guess what her _ to the news would be. A. reaction反应 B. comment意见 C. impression感想 D. opinion意见,看法25. Could I borrow that book when youve finished _ it? A. to read B. not to read C. in reading D. reading26. I will repair this new TV set without charging免费 because it is under _. A. initial最初 B. trial

29、考验 C. guarantee保证期 D. maximum最大量27. They have never heard any .顾客投诉 A. a customer complaint B. the customers complaints C. customers complaint D. the customers complaints28. He is given answers that only his confusion混淆.(重复) A. add to增加 B. come with伴随发生 C. add with D. come up上升,发生29. many of the cus

30、tomers work during the day, Billy has to collect收集 the money from them at night. A. Since B. Although C. Therefore D. From30. Ill call to see you this evening _ I can stay only a few minutes. A. which B. however然而 C. even D. though虽然二、判断题1. Every one of the students had to do their own experiment试验,

31、 and then于是 professor Brown judged判断 the results结果 . A. their (his?) B. own C. and then D. the results2. The problem is how we can operate the new machine on such a short time. A. how B. operate C. on (in?) D. a3. He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad. A. cannot B. thing C. whose (whic

32、h?) D. sad4. Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches. A. that B. arrived 到达 C. can see D. of the5. Only after he comes to consciousness意识 you can make the final decision结果. A. Only B. to C. you can(can you?) D. make三、词汇题1. We were _ for half an hour in the traffic交

33、通事故 and so we arrived late.(重复P4) A. put back延误 B. broke down破裂 C. held up被占(抢劫) D. kept off不接近2. I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me. (重复P1) A. happened发生,碰巧 B. occurred发生,出现 林C. emerged浮现 D. appeared出现,出席,发表7. The speech演讲 _, a lively discussion started活跃的讨论开始了.(重复P4) A. bei

34、ng delivered送递 B. be delivered C. was delivered D. having been delivered 4. Some of your suggestions意见 have been adopted采用 but others have been _ as they are not workable有效. A. turned away防止 B. turned down拒绝 C. turned back挡住 D. turned out驱逐5. The police did not at first her the crime罪行. A. connect w

35、ith 连接 B. contact with和一致 C. connect关连 to D. contact接触 to 6. He is given answers that only his confusion.(重复) A. add to B. come with C. add with D. come up7. The United Nations Conference商会 on Global Environment全球环境, which took place earlier this year in Vienna维也纳, was a very _ meeting. A. productiv

36、e多产 B. communicative畅谈 C. aggressive侵略性的 D. protective保护的8. You _ drive on the right靠右行驶 in the U. S. A. A. will be B. mustC. have to D. shall9. Nobody knows how long and how seriously认真地 the shakiness震动 in the financial system will _ down the economy经济.(重复P1,答案不同) A. put放下 B. settle专心C. drag使衰弱 D.

37、knock击倒10. It was a long drive to get to the beach海滩 and we three took the wheel轮子 . A. over turn在旋转之上 B. with turn藉由旋转 C. in turn依次 D. on turn在旋转上11. Send us a message if you _ any difficulty.(重复) A. have B. had C. will have D. have had12Im leaving now. Make sure _ the door. A. to have locked B. af

38、ter locking C.you have locked D. for you to lock 13. He didnt live up to实践 _ had been expected期待 of him A. what B. which C. that D. all14. The escaped prisoner逃亡的囚犯 waited until _ of night before leaving his hiding遮盖 place. A. dark黑暗 B. deep深处 C. depth深刻 D. dead15. Sunglasses are used to _ peoples e

39、yes from the light of the sun. A. prevent防止 B. protect保护 C. stop停止 D. save解救16.If you dont go to school _, you will not learn your lessons very well. (重复) A. finally最终 B. regularly有规律地 C. exact精确的 D. properly 适当地17. Life insurance人寿保险, _ available可利用的 only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtai

40、ned获得 for old people. A. before在之前 B. after在之后 C. former从前 D. previously以前18. I ran _ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.(重复) A. up B. out of C. over D. into19. I felt that I was not yet _ to travel旅行. A. strongly enough B. enough strongly C. strong enough D. enough strong20. W

41、ithout even thinking about _ he was doing, he stopped the car. A. whether B. where C. that D. what21.The government will have to work hard _ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.(重复P5) A. to win back B. to win through C. to come up with D. to come at22. It seems very difficult _. A. to stop the child to cry B. restraining the child to cry C. to keep the child from crying使孩子不


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