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1、电大财政学形成性考核册财政学作业1(15章)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1、生产力的发展,(A)的出现,是财务产生的物质基础。 A.剩余产品 B.私有制 C.阶级 D.国家2、在封建社会的初期和中期,(C)是财政收入的一个重要来源。 A.田赋收入 B.封建社会 C.官产收入 D.专卖收入3、国家预算产生于(B)。 A.奴隶社会 B.封建社会 C.资本主义社会 D.社会主义社会4、财政补贴产生于(C)。 A.奴隶社会 B.封建社会 C.资本主义社会 D.社会主义社会5、凯恩斯首次冲破了量入为出原则,系统地论证了(D)的经济合理性。 A财政补贴 B财政平衡 C财政政策 D财政赤字6、(A)

2、通常也称作政府支出或公共支出。 A财政支出 B补贴支出 C利息支出 D基本建设支出7、(B)直接表现为资金无偿的、单方面的转移。 A购买性支出 B转移性支出 C预防性支出 D创造性支出8、衡量和考察财政支出的指标通常是以财政支出的(B)来表示。 A绝对量 B相对量 C.实际指标 D.效益指标9、财政指出在世界各国都呈现(A)的趋势。 A.上升 B.降低 C.平衡 D.下滑10、财政支出过程实质上是一个(D)过程。 A.发放补贴 B.利息支出 C.回笼货币 D.资源配置11、效益分析中,对于那些有直接经济效益的支出项目,采用(A) A.成本效益分析方法 B.最低费用选择法 C.公共劳务收费法 D

3、.零基预算法12、政府采购的主体是依靠(C)运作的政府机关、事业单位、社会团体等。 A.自有资金 B.企业资金 C.国家预算资金 D.信贷资金13、政府采购制度的核心内容是(C) A.控股制 B.财政供给制 C.招标制 D.财政支出14、尽管政府采购的数额巨大,但它只是(B)的一部分。 A.财政收入 B.财政支出 C.财政补贴 D.财政支出15、不论执行何种采购方式,最终都会形成一个(D)。 A.制度 B.复议 C.中心 D.合同二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1、在我国,国家财政主要以(AC)的形式参与国内生产总值的分配。 A.税收 B.财政透支 C.财政拨款 D.财政赤字 E.财政补贴

4、2、财政分配的对象可以是(ABC)。 A.一部分剩余产品 B.产品补偿部分 C.职工劳动报酬 D.国债 E.国有企业留利3、公共财政的理论基础是(CD) A.私人产品 B.市场经济 C.公共产品 D.市场失灵 E.市场充裕4、我国的财政职能包括(ABD)。 A.资源配置职能 B.收入分配职能 C.社会监督职能 D.经济稳定职能 E.收入调节职能5、经济稳定通常是指(BCD)。 A.财政收支平衡 B. 充分就业 C. 物价稳定 D. 国际收支平衡 E.合理融资6、我国行政管理支出包括(ABCDE)。 A.行政支出 B.公安支出 C.国家安全支出 D.司法检查支出 E.外交支出7、商业性投融资主要

5、通过(AC)获得资金。 A.资本市场 B.财政部门 C.商业银行 D.政府 E.国有企业8、文教科学卫生支出按部门划分,可以包括(ABCDE)。 A.文化事业费 B.教育事业费 C.科学事业费 D.卫生事业费 E.体育事业费9、文教科学卫生支出按用途划分,可以包括(CD) A.通讯事业费 B.广播电视事业费 C.人员经费支出 D.公用经费支出 E.体育事业费10、公用经费开支主要包括(ACD) A.公务费 B.设备购置费 C.修缮费 D.业务费 E.工资费三、简答题1、什么是社会共同需要论?P252、解释专卖收入的含义。P83、简述封建主义国家财政的特点。P84、解释国内生产总值的含义。P22

6、5、解释资源配置的含义。P346、解释财政支出的含义。P417、解释购买性支出的含义。P488、介绍财政支出效益分析常用的方法。P749、介绍我国社会保险的内容。P11710、解释财政补贴的含义。P135四、论述题1、试论财政资源配置职能的主要内容。P342、介绍财政支出的分类方法。P413、试论我国财政支出中应坚持的原则。P674、试论财政投融资的基本特征。P1105、试析财政补贴的分类方法。P136财政学作业2一、单项选择题1、财政分配包括(D)。 A.组织收入 B.安排支出 C.发行公债 D.组织收入和安排支出2、中外组织财政收入的主要形式是(A) A.税收 B.债务收入 C.上缴利润

7、D.规费收入3、(A)称为国民经济的基础, A.农业 B.工业 C.商业 D.建筑业4、(D)是国民经济中的一个特殊行业,称为第三产业。 A.建筑业 B.商业 C.交通运输业 D.服务业5、企业固定资产基本折旧基金应归(C)支配。 A.国家 B.政府 C.企业 D.个人6、财政收入中,来源于M的收入,是通过(B)来实现。 A.发行公债 B.征税 C.上缴利润 D.罚没收入7、区别一种税与另一种税的主要标志是(B)。 A.纳税人 B.课税对象 C.税率 D.纳税期限8、对经济活动中书立、领受的凭证征收的税收是指(C) A.营业税 B.契税 C.税率 D.纳税期限9、所得税作为一个独立的税种最早出

8、现于(B) A.美国 B.英国 C.法国 D.德国10、国际税收产生于(D) A.原始社会 B.奴隶社会 C.封建社会 D.资本主义社会二、多项选择题1、(ACE)等财政收入形式最后演变成了国家税收。 A.夏贡 B.夏助 C.商助 D.商彻 E.周彻2、税收的性质是(AB) A.取之于民 B.用之于民 C.强制性 D.无偿性 E固定性3、古今中外,不论社会制度有何不同,税收都具有(CDE) A.公平 B.效率 C.强制性 D.无偿性 E.固定性4、税制三要素是指(ACE) A.纳税人 B.税目 C.课税对象 D.税源 E.税率5、与课税对象关系密切的术语包括(ABD) A.税目 B.计税依据

9、C.纳税期限 D.税源 E.偷税漏税6、我国现行税率分为(ABCD) A.比例税率 B.定额税率 C.全额累进税率 D.超额累进税率 E.定量税率7、按课税对象为标准分类,税收分为(ABCDE) A.流转税 B.所得税 C.财产税 D.行为税 E.资源税8、按税收的计算依据为标准分类,税收分为(AB) A.从量税 B.从价税 C.价内税 D.价外税 E.实物税9、我国的税收原则包括(ABCD) A.税收公平原则 B.税收效率原则 C.税收法制原则 D.税收文明原则 E.税收普遍原则三、简答题1、解释财政收入的含义。P1452、解释债务收入的含义。P1463、解释国民收入的含义。P1534、什么

10、叫纳税人?P1795、什么叫课税对象?P1806、什么叫税率?P1827、解释税收转嫁的含义。P1968、解释税收的含义。P1719、解释税制的含义。P20310、简述财政收入规模的计算方法。P16111、解释税收三性。P17412、简述我国流转课税的主要税种。P188四、论述题1、试论我国国家税收存在的必要性。P1701712、介绍税收的分类方法。P1873、介绍税负转嫁的方式。P1974、解释国际重复征税的减除方法。P2505、介绍国际税收协定的分类方法。P256财政学作业3一、单项选择题1、国家依据有借有还的原则取得的财政收入,称为(B) A.财政透支 B.发行国债 C.银行信贷 D.基

11、建投资2、国债的功能内之一是(A) A.弥补财政赤字 B.扩大外贸规模 C.削减行政管理费 D.降低利率3、还债的收入来源最终还是(D) A.罚没收入 B.规费收入 C.企业收入 D.税收收入4、国债规模首先受(A)的制约。A.认购者负担能力 B.政府偿债能力 C.企业还贷能力 D.居民消费能力5、国债发行时已确定利率基数,但此基数可以随市场物价水平的上涨而上浮的国债,称为(D) A.自由国债 B.固定利率国债 C.市场利率国债 D.保值国债6、国债是有(A)直接举借的债务。 A.中央政府 B.地方政府 C.国有企业 D.居民7、各国政府偿还国债的基本手段是(D) A.设立偿债基金 B.依靠财

12、政盈余 C.通过预算列支 D.举借新债8、一级市场或初级市场是指(A) A.发行市场 B.流通市场 C.国债市场 D.证券市场9、我国自(B)恢复发行国债。 A.1980年 B.1981年 C.1982年 D.1983年10、国库券流通转让的试点工作始于(C) A.1984年 B.1986年 C.1988年 D.1990年二、多项选择题1、国家预算比(AB)的产生要晚得多。 A.税收 B.公债 C.财政补贴 D.企业财务 E.复式预算2、按预算编制的形式分类,可以分为(AB) A.单式预算 B.复式预算 C.基数预算 D.零基预算 E.效绩预算3、按预算项目能否直接反映其经济效果分类,可以分为

13、(AB)。 A.投入预算 B.效绩预算 C.中央预算 D.地方预算 E.总预算4、差额预算按收支对比的具体情况,可以分为(BC) A.平衡预算 B.盈余预算 C.赤字预算 D.常数预算 E.倍数预算5、我国的国家预算由(ABCDE)组成。 A.中央预算 B.省(自治区、直辖区)预算 C.设区的市(自治州)预算 D.不设区的市和市辖区预算 E.乡(民族乡、镇)预算6、国家预算法的主要类型有(ACE) A.权责法 B.调整法 C.组织法 D.指导法 E.程序法7、我国预算外资金主要包括(AB) A.地方财政部门管理的预算外资金 B.行政事业单位管理的预算外资金 C.国有企业管理的预算外资金 D.国

14、有企业主管部门管理的预算外资金 E.未列入预算的企业收入8、预算外资金具有(BCE)的特点。 A.经济性 B.财政性 C.专用性 D.集中性 E.分散性9、预算外资金管理新措施主要包括(ABCDE) A.预算外资金范围的重新界定 B.部分预算外资金纳入财政预算管理 C.严格控制行政事业性收费和政府性基金规模 D.建立预算外资金收支预决算制度 E.严格规定预算外资金的使用范围三、简答题1、什么叫国有资产?P2652、解释无形资产的含义。P2673、解释国有资产管理体制。P2734、什么叫国债?P2965、解释国债市场的含义。P3196、什么叫国家预算?P3257、解释费改税的含义。P3468、什

15、么叫国家预算管理体制?P3479、什么叫分税制?P35110、解释财政平衡的含义。P36911、什么叫财政透支?财政透支是指在动用财政结余、发行政府债券还不能弥补财政赤字时,向银行透支和借款的行为。12、解释财政政策的含义。P374四、论述题1、介绍国有资产管理的内容。P2702722、试论国债的形式特征。P2983003、介绍国家预算的分类方法。P3264、介绍国家预算管理体制的类型以及方法。P3505、介绍弥补财政赤字的方式。P372请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!【Chinas 10 must-see animations】The Chinese animation industry

16、has seen considerable growth in the last several years. It went through a golden age in the late 1970s and 1980s when successively brilliant animation work was produced. Here are 10 must-see classics from Chinas animation outpouring that are not to be missed. Lets recall these colorful images that b

17、rought the country great joy. Calabash Brothers Calabash Brothers (Chinese: 葫芦娃) is a Chinese animation TV series produced byShanghaiAnimationFilmStudio. In the 1980s the series was one of the most popular animations in China. It was released at a point when the Chinese animation industry was in a r

18、elatively downed state compared to the rest of the international community. Still, the series was translated into 7 different languages. The episodes were produced with a vast amount of paper-cut animations. Black Cat Detective Black Cat Detective (Chinese: 黑猫警长) is a Chinese animation television se

19、ries produced by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio. It is sometimes known as Mr. Black. The series was originally aired from 1984 to 1987. In June 2006, a rebroadcasting of the original series was announced. Critics bemoan the series violence, and lack of suitability for childrens education. Propon

20、ents of the show claim that it is merely for entertainment. Effendi Effendi, meaning sir andteacher in Turkish, is the respectful name for people who own wisdom and knowledge. The heros real name was Nasreddin. He was wise and witty and, more importantly, he had the courage to resist the exploitatio

21、n of noblemen. He was also full of compassion and tried his best to help poor people. Adventure of Shuke and Beita【舒克与贝塔】 Adventure of Shuke and Beita (Chinese: 舒克和贝塔) is a classic animation by Zheng Yuanjie, who is known as King of Fairy Tales in China. Shuke and Beita are two mice who dont want to

22、 steal food like other mice. Shuke became a pilot and Beita became a tank driver, and the pair met accidentally and became good friends. Then they befriended a boy named Pipilu. With the help of PiPilu, they co-founded an airline named Shuke Beita Airlines to help other animals. Although there are o

23、nly 13 episodes in this series, the content is very compact and attractive. The animation shows the preciousness of friendship and how people should be brave when facing difficulties. Even adults recalling this animation today can still feel touched by some scenes. Secrets of the Heavenly Book Secre

24、ts of the Heavenly Book, (Chinese: 天书奇谈)also referred to as Legend of the Sealed Book or Tales about the Heavenly Book, was released in 1983. The film was produced with rigorous dubbing and fluid combination of music and vivid animations. The story is based on the classic literature Ping Yao Zhuan,

25、meaning The Suppression of the Demons by Feng Menglong. Yuangong, the deacon, opened the shrine and exposed the holy book to the human world. He carved the books contents on the stone wall of a white cloud cave in the mountains. He was then punished with guarding the book for life by the jade empero

26、r for breaking heavens law. In order to pass this holy book to human beings, he would have to get by the antagonist fox. The whole animation is characterized by charming Chinesepainting, including pavilions, ancient architecture, rippling streams and crowded markets, which fully demonstrate the uniq

27、ue beauty of Chinas natural scenery. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf【喜洋洋与灰太狼】 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf (Chinese:喜羊羊与灰太狼) is a Chinese animated television series. The show is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture, and the story revolves around a clumsy wolf who wants to eat them. It

28、 is a popular domestic animation series and has been adapted intomovies. Nezha Conquers the Dragon King(Chinese: 哪吒闹海)is an outstanding animation issued by the Ministry of Culture in 1979 and is based on an episode from the Chinese mythological novel Fengshen Yanyi. A mother gave birth to a ball of

29、flesh shaped like a lotus bud. The father, Li Jing, chopped open the ball, and beautiful boy, Nezha, sprung out. One day, when Nezha was seven years old, he went to the nearby seashore for a swim and killed the third son of the Dragon King who was persecuting local residents. The story primarily rev

30、olves around the Dragon Kings feud with Nezha over his sons death. Through bravery and wit, Nezha finally broke into the underwater palace and successfully defeated him. The film shows various kinds of attractive sceneries and the traditional culture of China, such as spectacular mountains, elegant

31、sea waves and exquisite ancient Chinese clothes. It has received a variety of awards. Havoc in Heaven The story of Havoc in Heaven(Chinese: 大闹天宫)is based on the earliest chapters of the classic storyJourney to the West. The main character is Sun Wukong, aka the Monkey King, who rebels against the Ja

32、de Emperor of heaven. The stylized animation and drums and percussion accompaniment used in this film are heavily influenced byBeijingOpera traditions. The name of the movie became a colloquialism in the Chinese language to describe someone making a mess. Regardless that it was an animated film, it

33、still became one of the most influential films in all of Asia. Countless cartoon adaptations that followed have reused the same classic story Journey to the West, yet many consider this 1964 iteration to be the most original, fitting and memorable, The Golden Monkey Defeats a Demon【金猴降妖】 The Golden

34、Monkey Defeats a Demon (Chinese: 金猴降妖), also referred as The Monkey King Conquers the Demon, is adapted from chapters of the Chinese classics Journey to the West, or Monkey in the Western world. The five-episode animation series tells the story of Monkey King Sun Wukong, who followed Monk Xuan Zangs

35、 trip to the West to take the Buddhistic sutra. They met a white bone evil, and the evil transformed human appearances three times to seduce the monk. Twice Monkey King recognized it and brought it down. The monk was unable to recognize the monster and expelled Sun Wukong. Xuan Zang was then capture

36、d by the monster. Fortunately Bajie, another apprentice of Xuan Zang, escaped and persuaded the Monkey King to come rescue the monk. Finally, Sun kills the evil and saves Xuan Zang. The outstanding animation has received a variety of awards, including the 6th Hundred Flowers Festival Award and the C

37、hicago International Childrens Film Festival Award in 1989. McDull【麦兜】 McDull is a cartoon pig character that was created inHong Kongby Alice Mak and Brian Tse. Although McDull made his first appearances as a supporting character in the McMug comics, McDull has since become a central character in hi

38、s own right, attracting a huge following in Hong Kong. The first McDull movie McMug Story My Life as McDull documented his life and the relationship between him and his mother.The McMug Story My Life as McDull is also being translated into French and shown in France. In this version, Mak Bing is the mother of McDull, not his father. 7


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