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1、专业好文档补全短文第一篇What We Take from and Give to the SeaAs long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean, and we give to it.We take fishes from the ocean -millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people. (1)E We take minerals from the ocean. One

2、 way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until it evaporates. (2)D Much gold and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea, too1. But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges and seaweed. Pearls become jewelr

3、y. (3)A Seaweed becomes food of many kinds 一 even candy, and ice cream aswell as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another gift from the sea. We cannot drink ocean water.(4)F But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed.In the future,we will find ourselves depending more

4、and more on fresh water from the sea.The sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water, and other gifts. What do we give the sea? Garbage. (5)B Huge as it is, the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it. Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life2. Yet as the world populati

5、on grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.We are finally learning that if we destroy our seas,we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.练习:A Natural sponges become cleaning aids.B We pollute the ocean when we use it as a garbage dump.C The area of the sea is bec

6、oming smaller and smaller.D Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation.E We even use their bones for fertilizer.F Some of its contents may cause illness.第二篇Teamwork in TourismGrowing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus,trade

7、and travel associations, carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum3 conditions for travelers.(1) C They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services,and they are experts in organizing different types of tours and in preparing effective advertising campaigns. The

8、y distribute materials to agencies, such as journals, brochures and advertising projects. B Tourist counselors give valuable seminars to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. (3) F Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts,considering bo

9、th the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. (4) E (5) A Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers,and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency, fair pricing and

10、 contented customers.练习:A The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers,including car-rental and sight-seeing services.B They offer familiarization and workshop tours so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.C Travel operators, specialists in the field o

11、f planning, sponsor extensive research programs. D As a result of teamwork, tourism is flouring in all countries.E Agencies rely upon the good services of hotels, and, conversely, hotels rely upon agencies, to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.F In this way agents learn to explain des

12、tinations and to suggest different modes and combinations of travel-planes,ships,trains,motorcoaches, car-rentals,and even car purchases.第三篇Are Online Friends Real Friends?Modern computer technology has made a new kind of human relationship possible: online friendship. _(1) F _. Are online friendshi

13、ps as beneficial as face-to-face friendships? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having virtual friends? Can people form strong bonds online? Today these questions are the subject of lively debate1.Some people believe that the Internet is the best way to make new friends. Its convenient, i

14、ts fast, and it allows to make contact with different kinds of people from all over the world. When you use social networking websites and chat rooms, you can easily find people with interests and hobbies similar to yours2. Information updates and photos add to the experience. Making friends on the

15、Internet is especially good for shy people who feel uncomfortable in social situations. Its often easier to share thoughts and feelings online. _(2) A _. They can make people feel less lonely and help them solve problems.Although the Internet can encourage friendship, it has a major disadvantage. _(

16、3) B _. Online friends only tell you what they want you to know. They sometimes exaggerate their good qualities and hide the less positive ones, so you cant be sure of what they really like3. That is why you should not give personal information to anyone online unless youre totally sure of who that

17、person is.Can online friendship be as meaningful as face-to-face ones? There are different points of view. Researchers at the University of Southern California surveyed 2,000 households in the United States. The results showed that more than 40 percent of participants feel “as strongly about their o

18、nline buddies”as they do about their “offline”friends. _(4) D _. In contrast, there are many people who believe that its not possible to have deep relationships with online friends. A young Indian software engineer, Lalitha Lakshmipathy,says,“its good to feel connected with many people, but all my e

19、-buddies are not necessarily my close friends. ”_(5) C _. They say that its hard to develop feelings of trust and connection when you dont share experiences in person4.People continue to express different opinions about online friendship. However, most of them would agree that virtual friendships mu

20、st not replace face-to-face friendships. As one life coach says, “a social networking site should only be the add on in any relationship.”练习:A.In addition, virtual friends can offer emotional support.B.When youre not face to face, its much easier to deceive people.C.Many people would agree.D.Researc

21、hers also found that its not unusual for online friends to become face-to-face friends.E.Online friends may be of help in many ways.F.Online friends,or virtual friends,are people who have become acquainted with each other through the Internet.第四篇The first four minutesWhen do people decide whether or

22、 not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, Contact: The first four minutes, he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships: _1 D _. A lot of peoples whole lives would change if they did ju

23、st that.You may have noticed that average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he as just met._2 E _. If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-c

24、onfident. In general, he says, People like people who like themselves.On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the other person has his won needs, fears, and hopes.Hearing such advi

25、ce, one might say, But Im not a friendly, self-confident person. Thats not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to at that way._3 A _. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. It is like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes muc

26、h better than the old one.But isnt it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we dont actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, total honest is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time f

27、or everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is not the time to complain about ones health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about ones opinions and impressions._4 B

28、_. For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.T

29、he author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. _5C _ that is at least as important as how much we know.练习A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about chan

30、ging our social habits.B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided att

31、ention for four minutes.E. He keeps looking over the other persons shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.第五篇Financial RisksSeveral types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing ; the major

32、 problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk.(1) C They include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills. The major risk, however, is competition which can only be dealt with through consistently effective management and marketing.(2) B Such risk is encountered when a controv

33、ersy arises about the quality of goods delivered, a dispute over contract terms, or any other disagreement over which payment is withheld. One company,for example,shipped several hundred tons of dehydrated potatoes to a distributor in Germany. (3) D The alternatives for the exporter were reducing th

34、e price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them home again, each involving considerable cost.Political risk relates to2 the problems of war or revolution, currency inconvertibility3,expropriation or expulsion, and restriction or cancellation of import licenses. (4) A Management information systems

35、 and effective decision-making processes are the best defenses against political risk. As many companies have discovered, sometimes there is no way to avoid political risk4,so marketers must be prepared to assume them or give up doing business in a particular market.Exchange-rate fluctuations inevit

36、ably cause problems, but for many years,most firms could take protective action to minimize their unfavorable effects5. (5) E International Business Machine Corporation, for example, reported that exchange losses resulted in a dramatic 21.6 percent drop in their earnings in the third quarter of 1981

37、. Before rates were permitted to float,devaluations of major currencies were infrequent and usually could be anticipated, but exchange-rate fluctuations in the float system are daily affairs.练习:A Political risk is an environmental concern for all businesses.B One unique risk encountered by the inter

38、national marketer involves financial adjustments.C Commercial risks are handled essentially as normal credit risks encountered in day-to-day business.1D The distributor tested the shipment and declared it to be below acceptable taste and texture standards.E Floating exchange rates of the worlds majo

39、r currencies have forced all marketers to be especiallyaware of exchange-rate fluctuations and the need to compensate for them in their financial planning.F Many international marketers go bankrupt each year because of exchange-rate fluctuation.第六篇Mobile PhonesMobile phones should carry a label if t

40、hey proved1 to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit are scientifically evaluated, he said. “Nobodys going to drop dead overn

41、ight2 but we should be asking for more scientific information,” Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. _1 C _A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill-effects on humans fr

42、om electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3. 3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day3. 2B As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas5. _3_E _The electromagnetic radiation emitt

43、ed from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals,

44、 sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. _4 A _ He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates._5 D _ According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telep

45、hone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide-ranging inquiry into possible health effects.练习:AHe says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults6.BBy the year 20004 it is estimated that Austr

46、alia will have 8 million mobile phones :nearly one for every two people.C“If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,” he said.DThen who finances the research?EFor example, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it

47、 is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.FThe conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.第七篇The Worlds Longest BridgeRumor has it that1 a legendary six-headed monster lurks in the deep waters of the TyrrhenianSea between Italy and the island of Sicily.(1) C When completed in 2010, theworlds longest bridge will weigh nearly 300,000 tons 一 equivalent to the iceberg that sank the Titanic and stretch 5 kilometers long. “ Thats nearly 50 percent longer than any other bridge ever built


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