【最新】【仁爱版】七年级下册:Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 Section C示范教案.doc

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1、最新版英语学习资料Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 Section CSection C needs 1 period. Section C 需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3b. 本课重点活动是1a和3b。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:child, a lot of, close to, far from, service, area, colorful, right now2. Go on learning the structure o

2、f“There be”.There are many old people living here.There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community.Is there a community service center in your area?3. Talk about living environments.4. Cultivate the students responsibility and service consciousness. Teaching aids 教具录音机/单词卡片. Five

3、-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)放录音, 引入1a。1. (检查家庭作业,复习小区公共设施名称。)T: Lets check the homework and review the names of Public places and facilities.2. (1) (单词竞赛。以必答和抢答形式呈现, 必答是两排学生, 每名学生两个单词, 单词是Section A、B单词表中的黑体部分;抢答的单词是本课出现的单词或词组, 谁知道谁就站起来, 教师用单词卡片呈现汉语, 学生说英语。1个单词1分, 然后把学生不知道

4、的单词进行教读, 最后将所有单词、词组板书。通过竞赛, 使学生积极参与, 主动学习。)T: Now lets have a word competition. First, the required answers. There are two words for each student. Ill give you the Chinese meanings. You say them in English. Do you understand? Row 3, please!(板书)station, restaurant, mail, supermarket, museum, street,

5、bank, neighbor, country, month, corner, quiet, store, road, end,(2) (呈现抢答的单词或词组, 要求学生抢答。)T: Good. Go on with our quick responses. If you know, you can stand up quickly and answer. Are you ready? Go!(板书)right now, someone, check, area, close to, child, far from, service, stop, fan, line, bad(3) (把学生答

6、错的单词集中起来, 让全班齐读。)T: Well done! Lets read together.4. (1)(安排几名学生站在教室的后面, 教师利用这种情景, 把1a部分中的关键词和句型呈现出来, 为学生们学习1a扫清部分障碍。)T: Oh, look! There are a lot of students standing there. Where are they? They are close to the back door. They are at the end of the classroom. They are far from here.(板书画线部分和关键词,齐读,让

7、学生们熟悉。)There are a lot of students standing there. Where are they?close tofar fromcommunityservice centerarea (2)(师生问答练习,梳理1a情境。)T:Listen and answer my questions. Do you live in a community?S1:Yes, I do.T:How is your community?S1:Its quiet.T:Is there a service center in your community?S1:Yes, there

8、is.T:Can you get help from service center in your community?S1:Yes, I can.T:Wow, your community is great. Now I want to know how Lindas community is.(引出1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)(呈现1a。)1. (呈现1a图片, 让学生快速浏览1a中的问题, 让他们带着任务快速阅读。)T: Linda lives in Yushancun. Whats Yushancun like? Lets read th

9、e passage quickly, and find out the answers to the questions in 1a.2. (核对答案。)T:Answer the questions and then check the answers. (板书)(1) Its quiet.(2) Yes, there are. (3) Its in an apartment building.(4) No, it isnt.3. (要求学生再次阅读并找关键词, 并呈现在黑板上, 为下一步做准备。)quiet, a lot of, apartment, many, close to, near

10、, far from, centerStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:22分钟)巩固1a。1. (要求学生看黑板上的关键词听1a的录音, 加深印象。)T: Listen to the tape. Close your books and look at the key words on the blackboard.2. (要求学生利用课文1a的图片、问题或关键词来复述短文。)T: OK, who can retell the text? You can use the picture, the questions or the key words.3. (让学生小

11、组讨论1a并完成1b。)Let the Ss read 1a again and fill in the blanks,and then check the answers.4. (让学生再读一遍1a并完成1c。)Let the Ss read 1a again and circle T or F ,and then check the answers.5. (设计自己理想的小区蓝图。要求学生尽量使用There be doing sth.的句子结构,并展示作品,教师给予评价。) T: Are you satisfied with your community? What is your ide

12、al community? Please ask your partner some questions about his/her ideal community and write a passage about your ideal community, using more “There be doing sth.” At the same time you may draw a community plan. Please dont look at each others.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习.Step 5 Project 第四步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. ( 听力与朗读。完成3a和3b。)1). Let the students listen and read after 3a, then finish 3a and check the answers.2). Let the students listen and read after 3b.3).Analyse the chant, the liation and the tone.2. (家庭作业。)Write a short paasage about your community.教学反思:_


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