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1、 山东省淄博市2014届高三复习阶段性诊断考试英 语 试 题 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共14页。满分I50分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用05毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号、县区和科类填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 2第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3第II卷必须用05毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答

2、的答案无效。第I卷(共105分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题15分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1The new president has been doing everything he can, with or without Congress, opportunity for more people Ato expand Bexpanding Cexpanded Dexpand2Doctor, need I go on taking medicine? No Youve

3、 fully recovered, _ I said you wouldAthough ; BbecauseCif Das3Has MrGilbert completed the report? I dont know But I saw he it A wrote B has been writing C was writing D had written4Knowing his classmates who have gone to college are all successful, he wishes he harder at schoolAworked Bhad worked Ch

4、as worked Dworks 5How are you prepared for the new project? We have done much but a lot of equipment A is remained to buy B are remained to buyC remains to be boughtD remain to be bought6We should thank our teachers and friends, with help our effort has paid offAthat Bwhich Cwhom Dwhose7Before you m

5、ake a decision you have to figure out you care for Awhat Bthat Cwhy Dwhether8Our family are going to Hawaii for a holiday Its beach is very attractive A Youre crazy BIts all right C Youre lucky DWs surprising 9There is great need for clean water in city where the river has been polluted A不填; the Ba;

6、the C不填;a Da;a10I cant remember when youtold me the story but I clearly remember where it was you told me A when Bwhat Cif Dthat第二节完形填空(两篇共30小题;满分40分A篇10小题;每题1分,满分10分B篇20小题;每题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。ASeven million people died as a result of air pollution in 2012, the World H

7、ealth Organization estimates Its findings suggest a 11 between air pollution and heart disease, respiratory (呼吸)problems and cancer One 12 eight global deaths were linked with air pollution, 13 it the worlds largest single environmental health risk, the WHO said 14 six million of the deaths had been

8、 in South East Asia and the WHOs Western Pacific region, it found The WHO said about 33 million people had 15 as a result of indoor air pollution and 26 million deaths were related to outdoor air pollution, 16 in low-and middle-income countries in those regions WHO director Dr Maria Neira said: The

9、risks from air pollution are now far 17 than previously thought or understood, particularly for heart disease and strokes 18 risks have a greater impact on global health today than air pollutionThe evidence signals the need for concerted action to 19 the air we all breathe 20 air pollution could sav

10、e millions of lives, said theWHO11AdifferenceB linkC factD condition12A inB outC forD of13A findingB resultingC makingD calling14A SeldomB HardlyC AlwaysD Nearly15A sufferedB diedC coughedD tolerated16A finallyB generallyC mainlyD merely17A greaterB moreC harderD worse18A SeriousB HugeC SmallD Few19

11、A clean upB break upC cut upD keep up20A ProtectingB AbolishingC ReducingD RealizingB We were moving to a new state after my husband had been out of work for many months and we had no money 21 , we had to borrow money to reach our destination town Anyway, it was my husband, two boys 22 four and two,

12、 and myself, seven months pregnant, in an old Volvo station wagon We had been _23 for two days in the middle of winter, and we had taken a route that was very 24 There was nothing around for milesno cars, buildings or 25 of civilizationSuddenly, our car starred 26 power We saw8 light in the distance

13、 and managed to roll to a 27 in front of this property that looked 28 a small simple houseOur cell phones had not gotten reception for many miles, and it was 29 outside, so I didnt know if we were going to make 30 out of this situation alive My husband got out of the car to see 31 there was somethin

14、g he could do to get us 32 again, but it was not looking goodA short while later, a man came out of the house andspoke with my husband a bit before 33 us all into his home He and his wife took us in, fed us, and made us 34 at home as we struggled to find some 35 to get to our destination, which was

15、still a few hours drive 36 We were able to call a friend and get a ride, 37 our broken car behind, but not before the couple gave us food and water for our _38 One week later, this dear sweet couple 39 our car all the way to our place and refused to take 40 in return, except for us to pay it forward

16、and we will continue to do it forever21AIn time BAs usual CIn fact DAfter all22Aaged Bnamed Cranked Dgraded23A walking Btravelling Cdriving 、Dwandering24Acrowded Bmodern Cbusy Ddeserted25A signals Bsigns Cmarks Dscenes26Alosing Bproducing Cproviding Dwasting27Astation B place Cside Dstop28Afor Bafte

17、r Clike Dat29Afreezing Bnoisy Crainy Ddirty30A this Bit Cthat Done31A how Bwhere Cwhen Dif32A rolling Bstarting Csmiling Dexciting33Adragging Binviting C showing Dleading34A stay Blive Cfeel Drest35A idea Bway Cexcuse Dmind36Aaway Bapart Calong Dahead37A causing Bforgetting Carranging Dleaving38A fa

18、mily Bcomfort Cjourney Dsatisfaction39Acarried Bpulled Cheld D pushed40Asomething Bnothing Ceverything Danything第二部分阅读理解(共25小题:每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑A Robert AHeinlein was considered one of Americans Big Three western science fiction authors, along with lssac Asim

19、ov and Arthur CClarkeHe was born in a family of seven children in 1907, attended public school in Kansas City, and graduated from Central High School in 1924 In 1929 he graduated from the USNaval Academy at Annapolis, and served as an officer in the Navy This experience had a strong influence on his

20、 character and writingAt the age of thirty-two, he turned his hand to writing science fiction Heinleins first published stories appeared in the action-adventure magazine Astounding Science Fiction in 1939Under his influence writers started to examine how technology might affect the everyday lives of

21、 ordinary people, and society in general Heinleins early works emphasized adventure, and were aimed at young readers In 1959 he received the Boys Clubs of American Book Award In these novels Heinlein avoided open didacticism(说教), although his main characters learned lessons in courage and toleranceB

22、eginning in the late 1950s, Heinlein started to write specially for adults, and to deal with such topics as cloning, religion, and free love Heinlein produced fifty novels and collections of short stories during his career One of his best-known works is the novel Stranger in a Strange Land, publishe

23、d in 1961 A few years later it was adopted by the Peace and Love generation, and became the most successful science-fiction novel ever published Glory Road (1963)! written in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughss Mars stories, is another of his most popular works Within the framework of his science

24、 fiction stories, Heinlein repeatedly addressed such social themes as the importance of self-confidence and the duties each person owes to the societyIn his fiction, Heinlein coined words that have become part of the English language, including grok and waldo He also described a modern version of a

25、waterbed in his novel The Door Into Summer and several of his works have been adapted for film and television41What do we learn about Heinlein from the first paragraph? AHis navy life affected his writing BHis early works had little influence CHe was born into a wealthy family DHe wrote science fict

26、ion from childhood42Which of the following is true about Heinleins works? AThey were never aimed at adults BThey forced readers to accept moral ideas CThey were greatly influenced by other writers DEarly works were popular among young readers43Which of the following was adopted by the Peace and Love

27、 generation? AAstounding Science Fiction BGlory Road CStranger in a Strange Land DThe Door Into Summer44The underlined word coined in the last paragraph mostly means Acreated Bleft Cwrote Dkept45From the last paragraph we know Heinlein Amisunderstood some English words Bstressed the topics related t

28、o moral training Cfocused on getting rewards from society Dproduced many films and television programmesB Las Vegas cab driver Gerardo Gamboa thought someone must have left a bag of chocolates in the back seat of his vehicle, but it turned out to be $300,000 in cold hard cash Now, Gamboa is winning

29、honors for honesty after turning in the money he found MondayThe money was returned to an unidentified poker player working in a clubYellow Checker Star Transportation named Gamboa its driver of the year and rewarded him with $1,000 and a dinner for two at a restaurant A message left Wednesday to in

30、terview Gamboa at the cab company wasnt immediately returnedGamboa told the Las Vegas Review-Journal he had another passenger by the time he began wondering what kind of chocolates were in the brown paper bag He cast a glance inside the bag at a traffic lightI told my passenger, You are my witness o

31、n this: the 13-year taxi driver told the Las Vegas Sun, and then I immediately called my company Gamboa took the six bunches of $100 bills to the companys main office? where Las Vegas police and the club officials returned it to the poker player Gamboa said the man gave him a $5 tip after a trip fro

32、mthe Cosmopolitan Resort to the Palms Place Tower, and Gamboa then drove to the Bellagio Resort, where a doorman helping a passenger into the car noticed the bag It took several hours to check the identity of the owner and return the cash He took Gamboas information, but didnt leave a reward If he d

33、oesnt give me anything, thats OK, Gamboa told theSun”Im not waiting for any kind of return I just wanted to do the right thing, and I appreciate what /he company did for me46Who proved the driver found $300,000? AA doorman BA passenger CThe poker player DThe police47How much money was there in every

34、 bunch on average? A$100 B$1,000 C$3,000 D$50,00048Whats the proper order of the events according to the text? a The driver turned in the money b The poker player got out of the taxi c The driver found a large sum of money in the bag d The driver was interviewed by the Las Vegas Sun e A doorman help

35、ing a passenger into the car saw the bag Ab-e-c-a-d Bb-c-d-e-a Ce-c-b-d-a De-b:c-a-d49What can be inferred from the text?AThedriverwillaskthepokerplayerfor$l,000 B It was 3 days before the poker player got back the money C The driver meant to keep back the money at first D The driver feels he should

36、 return the lost money50Which of the following can be used to describe the driver? A Honest and helpful B Clever and careful C Understanding and generous D Determined and responsibleC College provides an important platform for the future professional lifeThe grades speak well about the kind of stude

37、nt you are and will also determine the chances of further studiesYou cannot do all things at one timeAt time you need to decide what to do according to their importance This is one good skill that you will be requiring even after graduation There are few tips to help-you at college:Just find the pla

38、ce where you wilt not be disturbedGrab your reading material, note pad, pen and other necessities Distraction is a biggest hurdle in focusing You need to ask yourself what distracts you the mostIs it music from the neighbors, presence of someone at home, internet or anything else? Try tobe aware of

39、your weakest points and then stay awayfrom them as much possible during your study time The distraction may also include your friends and some other things It is only you who can decide that what is best for youWhen you are ready for studying, then arrange the reading material and decide what things

40、 you need to study firstPut maximum time on your weak and major subjectsSet aside your minor ones for few hours as you know that these are comparatively less important than the majors Make a realistic study plan which you can follow and stick to itThere is no point of making an 8hr study schedule da

41、ily as you know that its not possible for you Start the preparation at least 4 weeks before the exams While making a study plan, dont forget the breaks after every 90 minutes of studyIt will help your eyes to relax and focus in an effective mannerMake a checklist of small milestones and put this on

42、your table so you can see the/n frequentlyWhen you are done with one or more cross them from the list and focus on the new ones51What is the most important thing in college according to the text? ADoing all things at one time BGetting high scores in all fields C Attaining good skill in the exams DDe

43、ciding what to do based on their importance52When choosing a place to study, you _ Aneed take a music instrument along Bshould consider a quiet surroundingCcan depend on your teachers or friendsDmust consider whether it is comfortable53By Put maximum time on your weak and major subjects:, the author suggests Ayou should devote more energy on what you like Byou should focus on weak and important points Cyou should select the subjects youre interested in Dyou should give up something beyond your abilities54What does the author in


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