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1、高三阶段性复习诊断考试试题英 语 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共14页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号、县区和科类填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 2第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3第II卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内 相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第I卷(共

2、105分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 从A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. 111 hold on straight to the end, _unpleasant the task is. A. whatever B. however C. no matter D. whether2. Obama is reported to have returned from Russia where he _ Putin. A. met B. would meet C. wa

3、s meeting D. has met3. Every time she had a chance, she would talk about the great difficulty she had_her children. A. supported B. support C. to support D. supporting4. Some young people these days just _ go out of their homes to contact the real world. A. mustnt B. wont C. cant D. mightnt5. - What

4、 do you think of teaching, Bob? - Its a job _ you are doing something serious but interesting. A. which B. when C. that D. where6. Mr. John is a strict but kind teacher, _ his students love and respect. A. one B. the one C. that D. which7. Generally speaking, _ children treat their parents is often

5、influenced by the way their parents treat their grandparents. A. what B. that C. how D. whether8. _ your watch a few minutes ahead can help you avoid being late. A. Setting B. Having set C. Being set D. Set9. -This is your order, a hamburger and a glass of orange. _ ? -No, thanks. A. Something to dr

6、ink B. Is that OK C. For here or home D. Anything else10. Her husband gets paid by _ hour, totally $5,000_month. A. the; the B. an: the C. the; a D.不填; a第一节完形填空 (两篇共 30小题;满分 40分,A篇10小题;每题1分 ,满分10分 。B篇 20小题;每题 1.5分,满分 30分) A U.S. President Barack Obama has called on Congress (国会) to pass a bill raisi

7、ng the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. The president said in his weekly address nearly three in four Americans 11 raising the minimum wage, a move that would affect almost 28 million people _12 the country. Obama said the average minimum wage worker is 35 years old and works hard, often in physical

8、ly demanding 13 . However, Republicans (共和党 ) in Congress are 14_ the wage increase and some want to 15 _ it entirely. President Obama said Republicans have voted more than 50 16 to break or abolish the Affordable Care Act 17_ provides health care to millions of people. He said Congress 18 vote at l

9、east once to raise the minimum wage for millions of working 19 . In the Republican address Saturday, John Boehner said the federal government needs to get out of the way as small businesses try to plan for the 20 . Boehner said House Republicans are pursuing economic enthusiasm that puts jobs first.

10、 11.A. advise B. support C. oppose D. realize12.A. from B. beyond C. across D. around13. A. jobs B. offices C. factories D. efforts14. A. planning B. promoting C. solving D. blocking15. A. look into B. put up with C. get rid of D. get through16. A. times B. cases C. persons D. bills17. A. who B. tha

11、t C. where D. when18.A. can B. may C. must D. should19.A. families B. units C. posts D. businesses20.A. money B. increase C. country D. futureB While I was in 9th grade, I built a circuit for the traffic system of our city. After getting the first prize, I got this valuable 21_ from my father, Do _2

12、2 interests you, and dont let the work challenge you, make sure you are challenging that work. I have always 23 the projects which are challenging and related to real life 24 . I clearly remember 25 a shipping program several years ago. I divided the 26 project into several small sections. When I un

13、derstood it clearly, I used my brainstorming 27 0n it, and gave some basic ideas. Then I asked my professor for help 28 jumping into coding. At first, I did not know how to ask questions correctly and 29 asked the question How do I do it? As I kept working and discussed with my professor, I became m

14、ore 30 and those How questions soon 31 into What if I do this and that types of questions. It took me four days to write the code. The desire to solve the problem 32 me sleepless all nights brainstorming in even greater 33 . Every time I saw my program running 34 , I exploded with joy. I still remem

15、ber the last day of my work. I was getting some problem and didnt know what to do. At that moment, a man came 35 to clean. He had headphones, and he was dancing while cleaning the room. Seeing this, I burst out laughing. That moment 36 me. I regained energy and _37 and started to work again, and soo

16、n I fixed the problem. My success in the project proved that _38 a large problem into small parts could help find a possible 39 . Discussing the problem with others was also very 40 . Now I have gained the confidence to attempt any kind of project.2 1 . A. experience B . advice C. conclusion D. info

17、rmation22. A. whatever B . however C. whoever D. whenever23. A. refused B. admired C. preferred D. ignored24. A. methods B . pleasures C. conditions D. problems25. A. operating B. discussing C. building D. improving26.A. whole B. interesting C. dull D. tiny27. A. habit B. skill C. rule D. pattern28.

18、 A. after B. when C. because D. before29.A. seldom B. never C. always D. hardly30. A. comfortable B . nervous C. anxious D. excited31. A. divided B. looked C. turned D. knocked32.A. stopped B. kept C. prevented D. delayed3 3 . A. remarks B . requests C. numbers D. details34. A. slowly B. smoothly C.

19、 constantly D. rapidly35.A. in B. over C. up D. down36.A. troubled B. scared C. puzzled D. calmed3 7. A. patience B . power C. interest D. strength38. A. breaking up B. breaking in C. breaking off D. breaking out3 9. A. advance B . entrance C. result D. solution40. A. tiring B. beneficial C. limited

20、 D. popular第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Scout Bassett is often asked if she hopes to have normal legs. Bassett answers, No. When you lost a leg, it teaches you to appreciate little things - like being able to walk and run. Born in England, Bassett was

21、left at an orphanage(孤儿院) due to terrible burns. Her right leg was cut off above the knee. She felt hungry all the time. When she was old enough to get around, she was forced to clean floors, feed babies and wash dishes. And she had to do all that with an artificial (人工的) leg that didnt work well. W

22、hen she was 7, a family in Michigan adopted her, giving her an improved artificial leg. It was OK for everyday activities, but she couldnt play soccer or basketball. When she was 14, she got a high-tech leg made for sports. I remember being terrified because that was my first time, she said. Scout B

23、assett was waiting nervously for the race to start when the athlete Sarah Reinertsen came up and said, Ive been doing this for a while. Let me help you. Reinertsen, who lost her leg when she was 7, works with an organization called the Challenged Athletes Foundation to help people like Scout Bassett

24、. She lost that first race, but gained confidence from Reinertsen. Training hard, she improved her strength and skill. She even took up golf and tennis. Now, living in Califomia, Bassett runs competitively and finds time to share her story with school groups. She said, Some people think they having

25、nothing in common with me. I want to say everyone has challenges - maybe with homework or friends. No matter what it is, everything you need is inside your heart. Take small steps and you will reach your dream. 41. According to Bassett, losing a leg makes her _ A. wish to run like normal person B. l

26、ose courage to stand up to walk C. learn to be thankful for little things D. dream of developing artificial legs42. What can we know about Bassett when she stayed in the orphanage? A. She was treated very badly. B. She was looked up to by others. C. She got her first good artificial leg. D. She was

27、willing to do some homework.43. When Bassett got her first improved artificial leg, she could A. take part in sports race B. do some daily activities C. play basketball with her family D. run as competitively as normal people44. How did Bassett feel after she lost her first race? A. Content. B. Depr

28、essed. C. Worried. D. Confident.45. What can be the best title for the text? A. Dont care for others opinions B. Take small steps, and youll succeed C. Face challenges life gives you and your friends D. Believe you have nothing in common with othersB The Camp Invention Program will be held through J

29、uly at the Hillcrest Intermediate School, North Huntingdon. It exposes children to science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) through hands-on activities. The Camp Invention Program, created by Invent Now Kids, was founded in 1990. Now it has grown to include almost l,500 sites across the U.

30、S., with thousands of children attending the program each year. Our main purpose is to help children develop a greater interest in the fields of STEM, said Lori Bryne, the Senior Regional Program Manager. Children in the camp will be given the opportunity to explore the unknown and put ideas into pr

31、actice. The program will challenge children to real world situations that will help them build a team spirit and life skills. The program will include five modules this year. One module will feature Problem Solving on Planet ZAK. It will challenge children by creating a world of science fiction. Imi

32、tating a crash onto a planet, children will be asked to figure out ways to stay safe, find food and to rebuild their spacecraft, using a variety of common objects. Another module will be Saving Sludge City which will have children find ways to create a cleaner and eco-friendly city. Imagination Poin

33、t: Ride Physics asks children to work as interns (实习生) in the worlds newest and largest theme park called Imagination Point. Children will learn the basic principles of motion through hands-on activities related directly to rides. Another feature of the camp will be the I Can Invent which will focus

34、 on the real world of inventions by having children explore the process of invention. The final module will be Global Games which will introduce games ranging from those played in ancient times to the present day to children. We want to encourage children to go into the fields of STEM, Bryne said. T

35、his program is a fun way to do that.46. According to the text, the Camp Invention Program_. A. has rapidly developed B. is held every other year C. was organized by Lori Bryne D. has been in existence for 24 years47. The program was mainly created to help children _ A. put their ideas into practice

36、B. learn more about the real world C. develop interest in the fields of STEM D. master the skills they need to live in society48. What can we learn about Problem Solving on Planet ZAK? A. It encourages children to write science fiction stories. B. It introduces many ancient games to children. C. It

37、asks children to work together to deal with an air crash. D. It challenges children to build a spacecraft using common objects.49. Which feature of the camp can make children learn the basic principles of motion? A. I Can Invent. B. Imagination Point: Ride Physics C. Global Games. D. Saving Sludge C

38、ity.50. What is the main idea of the text? A. The way to encourage children to create things. B. How the Camp Invention Program was created. C. Why the Camp Invention is welcomed by children. D. How the Camp Invention Program encourages children.C The cattle egret (黄头鹭) has lived in American contine

39、nt in recent years. Non-native species are a worldwide problem and studies are devoted to assess the damage they cause to local species populations. The cattle egret primarily lives on the grassland and feeds in close association with animals like cattle and sheep. This bird is native to Africa, sou

40、thern Europe and western Asia. The cattle egret in Brazil is unlike a number of bird species that have been established and expanded to non-native areas through human assistance. The first sight of the cattle egret in the New World were reported between 1877 and 1882, followed by sightings in Britis

41、h Guiana and Colombia and later expansion throughout the Americas. In Brazil, the cattle egret was first recorded in the northern region of the country in 1964, feeding along with buffalos on Marajo Island in the state of Para. While the cattle egret is not currently a threat to native animals and b

42、irds in Brazil throughout most of its geographic distribution, it has the potential to produce bad effects, as evidenced by its occupation of island environments. For example, in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, the cattle egret drives adult native seabirds away from their nests in producing tim

43、e. Understanding how the cattle egret settled and lived in Brazil is important for the better understanding of spreading patterns of bird populations and their interaction with the local species. Explaining the egret cattles settling in the Americas is a challenging task due to the lack of sufficient in


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