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1、浙江省考试院抽学校2014届高三11月抽测测试英语试题本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。全卷共14页,选择题部分1至12页,非选择题部分13至14页。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分 (共80分)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试卷和答题纸规定的位置上。2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0. 5分,满分

2、10分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. Would you like a cup of tea? _. A. I wish I couldB. Yes, Id love one C. Just as I thoughtD. Pretty well, thanks2. You are my best friend. I know I can _ you for good advice from time to time. A. count onB. deal withC. refer to D. stand for 3. By the

3、 time the traffic _, we will have run out of gas. A. clearsB. cleared C. will clearD. has been clearing4. Take action today _ you dont miss your windows of opportunity. A. as ifB. so thatC. now thatD. in case来源:中。国教。育出。版网5. Tell me your secret. I _. It wouldnt be a secret if I told you. A. wontB. ne

4、edntC. mightntD. couldnt6. Even after I _ to soil science, I sometimes wondered whether I was doing what I wanted to do. A. reactedB. switched C. adjusted D. contributed 7. Dad decided to build a small tool room with a lock, _ he would keep his best tools so my brother couldnt reach them. A. whyB. w

5、here C. whoD. which 8. _ with the effect of the color change, the woman smiled with satisfaction. A. Pleased B. To pleaseC. To be pleasedD. Having pleased 9. It is _ common mistake for students to present something as a proven fact when it is actually _ opinion. A. the; an B. 不填; theC. a; 不填D. a; an

6、10. I have learned a lot about Asian customs, _ in the small village for three years in the early 1990s. A. livedB. to liveC. having lived D. to have lived 11. _ electronic mail, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button. A. Thanks toB. Apart from C.

7、 Regardless of D. According to 12. What sort of sweets do you like? _ with chocolate inside. A. Many B. Such C. OnesD. Each13. The use of several senses gives the brain more connections and associations, making it easier _ information later, which assists memory and learning. A. find B. findingC. fo

8、und D. to find来源:14. Cloud, a search and rescue dog, was praised for her good job and was given her favorite _: beef and rice doggy biscuits. A. comfort B. treatC. hobby D. plate15. Of all the things I have done in my professional career, nothing has been more _ than writing that book. A. approved B

9、. rewarding C. developedD. convincing16. The products, _ have been recently introduced, seem to be well accepted. A. several of thoseB. several of them C. several of whomD. several of which 17. These computers dont work _; they are connected with each other, so everyone can reach his friends compute

10、r. A. partly B. briefly C. separately D. automatically 18. Wed _ it if youd call Ms Auger and tell her that were on our way up there to see her. A. expressB. dismiss C. admire D. appreciate 19. Half of the worlds population is under the age of 25 and when they are not involved in the decision-making

11、 process, they are not aware of _ is taking place. A. whatB. whomC. which D. whose20. Fancy meeting you here. _A. So youre going.B. Thats very kind of you.C. Have a nice time! D. Yes, what a coincidence!第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。来源:中|教|网

12、z|z|s|tepGrandma lost her husband long ago, and I knew very little about my grandfather other than what a wonderful man he had been to anyone who had known him.That afternoon, I 21 myself standing in front of an old wooden box with my grandmother by my side. The box hadnt been opened in years. Grand

13、ma had been 22 opening it, which was sure to be a(n) 23 experience. The moment the air hit the wooden boxs inside, a strong flow of wood smell made its way to our 24 . As my grandmother 25 the first item out of its tomb, I could see that the piece of clothing was very old, but at the same time it 26

14、 very new. It was my grandfathers wool flying 27 from World War II. Grandma hugged it to her 28 for several moments before holding it out in front of her, as if she could see my grandfather 29 it. I simply sat and watched, waiting for her to tell me about it and about 30 .Grandpa had been a pilot du

15、ring the war. 31 Grandpa first decided to fly, his dream had been to man bomber planes; he 32 wanted to be on the frontline of the air defense. After taking the appropriate instruction, he was 33 from the bombing corps (轰炸队) because of his imperfect eyesight, and his dream was over. For Grandma, thi

16、s was her dream come true; Grandpas chances of returning home 34 to his new wife and daughter were much 35 with his new job as a liaison pilot (非作战飞机飞行员).As my grandmother told my grandfathers 36 , she mindlessly examined his jacket, putting her hand down one sleeve, turning to see its back, and sti

17、cking her fingers 37 each lined pocket. In the breast pocket of my grandfathers jacket was a small black and white 38 . It was my smiling grandfather standing in front of his large plane, his “Little Louise,” which was 39 on the planes nose. I knew 40 that the planes nickname (昵称) was a loving refer

18、ence to my grandmother, whose given name was Louise.21. A. found B. felt C. saw D. heard 22. A. keeping on B. taking up C. putting offD. setting out 23. A. socialB. physicalC. individualD. emotional24. A. mouths B. ears C. eyes D. noses 25. A. pressedB. liftedC. threw D. pushed 26. A. grew B. sounde

19、d C. smelt D. appeared 27. A. flagB. hat C. jacketD. blanket28. A. chest B. head C. side D. shoulder 29. A. wearing B. washing C. cleaning D. sewing 30. A. herB. himC. us D. you 31. A. BecauseB. Though C. If D. When32. A. carelesslyB. kindly C. desperatelyD. hardly33. A. flownB. removedC. delivered

20、D. transported 34. A. secretlyB. bravely C. safelyD. proudly35. A. higher B. smaller C. brighter D. darker 来源:中.国教.育出.版网36. A. story B. novel C. fiction D. poem 37. A. through B. over C. onto D. into38. A. filmB. photoC. button D. tie 39. A. paintedB. described C. indicated D. created 40. A. constan

21、tlyB. instantlyC. occasionally D. frequently 第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AWhat is funny? The short answer is: Who knows? The joke that causes a burst of laughter from one listener might be met with a puzzled look from another.In general,

22、 you should avoid jokes at any business or social gathering where there are more than two people in your conversational group. If there are only two people and they consist of you and your best friend go ahead and tell it. Admittedly, a few people possess a perfect sense of timing, appropriateness,

23、and joke delivery. You are probably not one of them. You might be quite funny and have many great jokes. But theres a place for jokes over dinner with family, hiking with friends, but business or social affairs with colleagues and acquaintances (熟人) are not it. It takes a whole other level of joke-t

24、elling ability to put a joke into the more formal conversations. The best jokes come into the conversation so that by the time listeners realize a joke is in progress, the punchline that produces humour is being delivered to their surprise and delight.Jokes dont translate well when youre in a group

25、with mixed backgrounds: those whose first language is not English, those who might not understand a special term or an “in” expression, young people who wouldnt catch a reference to some bit of culture familiar to older people and vice versa (反之亦然). Never joke about another person in the group about

26、 their name, habits, hometown, profession, appearance, or past. Its not a question of whether the joke is cheery or appropriate. No one enjoys being singled out this way. When you are the subject of the joke, the laughter doesnt feel good no matter how hard you try to tell yourself theyre not laughi

27、ng at you. Because thats what it feels like.What do you say if you realize your joke upset someone? Apologize as briefly and as sincerely as you can, and hope that someone changes the subject. Try saying: “Im sorry. I should have known better” or “Im sorry. I wasnt thinking.” What do you do if peopl

28、e dont get your joke or dont appear to find it as funny as you do? First, do not retell it, only louder this time, hoping the point of the joke will be seen. Second, dont try to push people to get it. People do not like people whose jokes they dont understand. They feel stupid and need to blame some

29、one. If you want to leave with the goodwill of your listeners, say something to make them feel less foolish. You could say: “I dont know why I tell jokes when Im so poor at it.”The world needs laughter, and good humour is a success wherever it goes, so this caveat (告诫) about joke-telling is not mean

30、t to dampen high spirits or to advocate dull conversation. If youre a gifted story-teller and you know people love your jokes, go for it. We need your kind. The rest of us will save our jokes for family and close friends.41. According to the passage, it might be appropriate for you to tell a joke at

31、 a business or social gathering if _.A. the joke is well chosen 来源:B. you have complete confidence in your listeners sense of humor C. only you and your best friend are involved in the conversation D. the audience consists of your colleagues and acquaintances 42. Why do some jokes fail to work?A. Be

32、cause the punchline is too long to catch.B. Because the joke-teller uses wrong words and expressions.C. Because the joke-teller and listeners dont share the same background knowledge.D. Because the jokes are not properly translated into the listeners native language.43. How will people feel when the

33、y are joked about?A. They will feel happy if the joke is a pleasant one.B. They will be upset no matter what kind of joke it is.C. They will enjoy the joke when realizing that people are not laughing at them.D. They will panic because it makes them the center of attention.44. When people do not unde

34、rstand a joke they hear, they tend to _.A. believe its the joke-tellers faultB. get someone to retell the jokeC. ask for explanationD. say something foolish45. Which of the following best describes the writers opinion on joke-telling?A. Nobody knows what makes a joke funny.B. We should not tell joke

35、s unless we are asked to do so.C. Joke-telling is a very complex thing.来源:中教网D. Jokes should be told only to friends and family members.BBelow are some smart ways to stay healthy suggested by some American experts.Drink More Coffee When was the last time you heard a doctor use the word miracle? Well

36、, wake up and smell the coffee: “Its amazing,” says liver specialist Sanjiv Chopra, MD, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Coffee is truly a lifesaving miracle drug.” Though he says its still a “scientific mystery” how a simple cup of coffee works its wonders in the body, large epidem

37、iological studies have repeatedly proved its astonishing benefits. “Drink it black, or at most put a little skim milk in it” to minimize calories, Dr. Chopra recommends. He drinks at least four cups a day himself, though most people should limit themselves to two. And no, he jokes, “Im not sponsored

38、 by Starbucks.”Take a Walk for Your Memory Aerobic (有氧运动的) exercise is good for your body, great for your mind, according to the latest research from brain-fitness pioneer Arthur Kramer. Every year, an area called the hippocampus, which is key to memory, shrinks by about 1 to 2 percent, increasing t

39、he risk of dementia (脑衰) as the years roll by. However, Kramers new investigations reveal that the hippocampi of adults who walked briskly for about 45 minutes three times a week grew by about 2 percent over the course of a year, preventing age-related shrinking.Its never too late to start exercisin

40、g, Kramer says; volunteers in his research were between 55 and 80 years old and hadnt exercised at all. And it doesnt need to be backbreaking. “Anything that raises your heart rate seems to work,” he says. “Walking is fine. Just find something you like and do it.”Early to Bed, Early to Eat “Being a

41、night owl might increase your waistline,” says sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD. People who stay up late and sleep late tend to eat more fast food and consume more of their calories after 8 p.m. than do normal sleepers. “One of the easiest things that anyone on a diet can do to improve her results is

42、 go to bed and wake up at the same times every day,” Breus says. “This way, your body knows when to sleep and is much more efficient. Organize your eating, too, by trying to eat meals at the same times every day. Avoid eating after 8 p.m., and dont miss morning meals by sleeping in.”Use the 20-Secon

43、d Rule Whats the difference between having a goal and actually accomplishing it? Just 20 seconds, says positive-psychology specialist Shawn Achor. Researchers have learned that if we can cut 20 seconds off the startup time required for a task, were much more likely to follow through. So, for example

44、, if you want to work out in the morning, place your shoes and exercise clothes next to your bed the night before. If you want to praise people more, put thank-you notes and a pen on your desk.Imagine the Worst to Feel Better Dont count your blessings; subtract (扣除) them. “Consciously spend a few mi

45、nutes imagining what your life would be like without the good things,” says Timothy Wilson, a psychologist at the University of Virginia. Youll experience stronger feelings of love, gratitude, and happiness when you think about what life would be like without the people and things you love. “And the

46、yll seem surprising and special again,” he adds.来源:中国教育出版网46. According to Sanjiv Chopra, most people should not drink more than _ cups of coffee a day.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. six47. Which of the following may help people on a diet to improve their results? A. Raising their heart rate.B. Taking a walk for their memory.C. Eating at fixed times.D. Sleeping in every morning.48. According to Shawn Achor, if people place their shoes and exercise clothes next to their bed at bedtime, theyre more likely to _ the next morning.A. do exerciseB. set a goalC. c


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