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1、阅读难句突破。本书浓缩十年考研真题的精华,精心挑选阅读理解部分长难句300句,涵盖了所有可能影响阅读理解的句型。考生应该认真研读这些句子,学习如何正确分析句子结构,并且不断练习、总结,这样就能做到迅速、正确地理解长难句,以后不管遇到什么样的句子都不会觉得困难了。 翻译实例总汇。对于挑选出来的句子,本书除了分析句子的结构特点,还提供了准确的译文。考生可以先自己试译,再揣摩提供的译文和分析;如此,就通过十年考研真题的精华句子,对英译汉作了全面系统的复习。需要提醒考生的是,在学习英译汉时不要过于关注翻译技巧,技巧只是一种熟能生巧的结果,是建立在对句子正确理解的基础之上的。 词汇重点串讲。考研英语大纲

2、要求词汇一共5500个,但是核心词汇却不到1000。本书对考研英语阅读中涉及的核心词汇都进行了讲解,并且提供了与考研英语水平相当的时新地道的例句,提供了一个轻松记忆单词及其用法的语境。为了方便考生学习考研长难句中没有出现但又常用的单词词义和单词用法,讲词部分的每一个例句都经过精挑细选,其涵盖的词汇应该在3000个左右。2006 Part A Text 11. There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse,and the casualness and absence of deference” characterist

3、ic of popular culture.【译文】 (美国社会出现)“服饰和话语趋于平民化的一致,随意和尊重的缺失”,这样正是通俗文化的特点。【析句】 注意句子的表语是引号中的句子成分,表语实际是三个内容:the democrat-izing uniformity,the casualness和absence of deference。形容词短语(characteristic of popular culture)是表语的后置定语。对此句的理解在很大程度上取决于对单词的理解。【讲词】 democratize意为“民主化”,本句中意为“平民化”。uniformity意为“相同,一致”。Sinc

4、e then,the nation has sought uniformity in education to expand opportunities to all students.(自那时起,国家就致力于向所有的学生提供相同的教育机会。)This procedure has produced gratifying results in achieving uniformity in recommendations and decisions.(这一程序统一了建议和决定,效果令人满意。)discourse表示书面和口头的表达,因此一般译成“话语”,语言学的说法是“语篇”。casualnes

5、s表示随意的态度、举止、穿着等。deference意为“顺从,尊重”。In deference to my friend and colleague Dr. B-rundtland,I wont show those slides at this symposium.(为了以示对我的朋友和同事布伦特兰博士的尊重,我就不在这次研讨会上播放那些幻灯片。)Out of deference to Grandma,the father neglected to tell her that he had become a Christian.(为对尊重奶奶,父亲没有告诉她自己已经信了基督教。)2. Rod

6、riguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are f-ans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks,yet “some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immun-e to the nations assimilative power.”【译文】 罗德里古兹指出,尽管世界边远乡村的孩子崇拜阿诺德施瓦辛格和加斯布鲁

7、克斯,然而“有些美国人却担心生活在美国的移民不知何故不受这个国家同化力量的影响。”【析句】 这是一个复合句,yet在句中起转折作用。【讲词】 note意为“注意,记录,作笔记”,作动词表示口头或书面表达他所注意到的事件或观点,因而有时可以译成“指出,写到,注意到,说”等。He noted that many issues had been discussed at the conference.(他说会上讨论了许多议题。)immune意为“免疫的;免除的;豁免的”。The criminal was told he would be im-mune from punishment if he h

8、elped the police.(罪犯被告知,如果他协助警方就可以免受惩罚。)Small businesses started by the unemployed urban dwellers are immun-e from taxes for a certain period of time.(城市失业人员经营小本生意在一定时间里可以享受免税待遇。)The operation of the company will be immune to any outsid-e interference.(公司的运营不会受外界的干扰。)3. Are there divisive issues and

9、 pockets of seething anger in America? Ind-eed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when view-ed against Americas turbulent past,todays social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.【译文】 美国是否存在分裂社会的问题和极度愤怒的群体?确实存在。美国太大了,什么都会存在。但是,尤其是与美国动荡的过去相比,今

10、天的社会指数根本就不说明存在着黑暗和恶化的社会环境。【析句】 此句的难点在于对一些词语的理解。a bit of everything是一种口语化的表达,意为“什么都有一点”。【讲词】 divisive意为“区分的,分裂的”,divisive issues意为“分裂社会的问题”。pocket除了“口袋”之意,还可以表示“孤立的地区,保护区:被隔离的或被保护的小地区或集团”,在句中应该理解为“社会群体”。seething意为“火热的,沸腾的”,例如:a seething revolutionary struggle(火热的革命斗争),a seething flood(滚滚的洪水)。seething

11、 anger意为“极度的愤怒”。to be viewed against意为“对着观察;与相比;鉴于”。Viewed against his family background,he must have worked hard to become what he is today.(鉴于他的家庭背景,他一定非常努力才有了今日的成就。)2006 Part A Text 24. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come,no-t to see the plays,but to look at Ann

12、e Hathaways Cottage,Shakespeares bi-rthplace and the other sights.【译文】 另一边是靠游客谋生的市民,游客来到小镇不是为了看戏,而是想看看安妮海瑟薇的房舍、莎士比亚的出生地和其他的风景点。【析句】 定语从句(who largely live off the tourists)修饰the townsfolk,而该定语从句的宾语the tourists的后面又跟了另一个定语从句。注意,不能把not to see the plays的主语看作是the townsfolk。【讲词】 largely意为“在很大程度上,主要地”。He ow

13、ed his success largely to th-e support of his wife.(他的成功在很大程度上应归于妻子的支持。)live off有两个意思,分别是“住在外”或“靠生活”。The family used to li-ve off the small pocket of land they owned.(这家人过去靠着自家的一小块土地过日子。)Some college students have chosen to live off the campus.(有些学生选择住在校外。)5. It is all deliciously ironic when you co

14、nsider that Shakespeare,who earns t-heir living,was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise making.【译文】 他们是靠莎士比亚过日子,而莎士比亚自己就是一位演员(留着胡子),当初也是吵吵嚷嚷的,想到这些不无讽刺的意味。【析句】 这是一个主从复合句,主句是Its all deliciously ironic。另外,非限制性定语从句who earns their living修饰Shakespeare,其字面意思是:莎士比亚挣钱养活他们,即他们靠莎士比亚过日子。【

15、讲词】 ironic意为“讽刺的,说反话的;有讽刺意味的”。Ironically,even the government was aware of the situation.(具有讽刺意味的是,甚至连政府都清楚这一情况。)share作名词时表示“分享;份额;一份;股份”,句中did his share of noise making字面意思是他也制造他那一份噪音,即莎士比亚当初也是吵吵嚷嚷的,像现在的演员一样。6. The sightseers who come by busand often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the

16、 sidedont usually see the plays,and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.【译文】 坐着大巴来的观光客,虽然经常顺便看看沃尔威克城堡和布伦海姆宫,一般都不是来看戏,其中有些人看到斯特拉福德竟然一家剧院甚至惊讶不已。【析句】 全句是由两个分句组成,在第一个句子的主干结构是The sightseers dont usually see the plays。定语从句(who come by bus)是修饰主语The sightseers,而破折号中间的成分是对定语从句的补充。s

17、ome of them are even surprised to find atheatre in Stratford是第二个分句。【讲词】 take in的词义较多,可以表示“接受,接待,吸收,理解,包括,轻信,注意到,欺骗”,在句中的意思是“游览,观光”。on the side意为“兼职;另外”。He did some accounting on the side.(他还人帮人做会计。)7. It is the playgoers,the RSC contends,who bring in much of the towns revenue because they spend the

18、night(some of them four or five nights) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants.【译文】 皇家莎士比亚戏剧公司说,游客给小镇带来了很大一部分收入,因为他们过夜(有些人甚至住上四五夜),把大把的钱花在旅馆和餐馆。【析句】 这是一个因果复合句。主句的正常语序是The RSC contends it is the playgoers。从句(who bring in much of the towns revenue)是the playgoers的定语。【讲词】 contend意为“竞争;奋争;主张;声明”。Th

19、e defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible.(被告方声称证据是不可接受的。)I had to contend with long lines before I could get a taxi at the airport.(我在机场必须排着长队才上了一出租车。)Hilary Clinton may contend in the 2008 presidential race against a Republican.(希拉里克里顿会在2008年的总统选举中与一位共和党人一争高下。)bring in意为“引进;带来;生产”。How

20、 much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year?(去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?)The sale brought us in over $1,000.(那笔买卖使我们赚了一千多美元。)8. Hilton is building its own hotel there,which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars,the Lear Lounge,the Banquo Banqueting Room,and so forth,and

21、will be very expensive.【译文】 希尔顿正在那里建造自己的饭店,你可以肯定饭店会装修哈姆莱特汉堡吧、李尔王厅、班戈宴会厅等等之类,而且消费水平会非常高。【析句】 全句的主干结构是Hilton is building its own hotel there,which引导的非限制性定语从句包含两个并列的谓语成分以修饰its own hotel,其中you may be sure是插入语。注意Hamlet Hamburger Bars,the Lear Lounge,the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth,希尔顿饭店肯定会在店内以哈姆

22、莱特、李尔王和班戈等来命名其酒吧、大厅和餐厅等。【讲词】 expensive在句中是修饰希尔顿,即Hilton is very expensive,意思是指希尔顿的消费水平很高。再如:Tokyo is expensive不能译“东京很贵”,而应该译成“东京的消费(水平)很高。”9. They all seem to look alike(though they come from all over)lean,pointed, dedicated faces,wearing jeans and sandals,eating their buns and bedding down for the

23、night on the flagstones outside the theatre to buy the 20 seats and 80 standingroom tickets held for the sleepers and sold to them when the box office opens at 1030 a.m.【译文】 他们长相一样(尽管他们来自四面八方)瘦削、专注的面孔,穿着牛仔服和凉鞋,啃着面包,在剧院外的石板台阶上席地而卧,等着购买20张坐票和80张站票,这些戏票是剧院会为席地而卧的人预备,并在早晨1030向他们出售。【析句】 句子的主干结构是They all

24、seem to look alike,括号中的成分(though they come from all over)是插入的条件从句。破折号后面的成分是全句的状语,之所以用破折号是因为作者想对主语(they,即the young people)进一步加以说明。细分起来,状语分为两大部分:一是描绘他们的长相、穿着和吃住,二是说明他们的目的(购票)。前一部分包括四个方面的内容:一是(with) lean,pointed,dedicated faces,二是wearing jeans and sandals,三是eating their buns,四是bedding down for the nigh

25、t on the flagstones outside the theatre。而在目的状语中,when the box office opens at 1030 a.m.是一个时间状语从句,两个过去分词结构(held for the sleepers和sold to them)修饰the 20 seats and 80 standingroom tickets。【讲词】 pointed意为“尖的,尖削的”,a pointed nose(尖鼻子),a pointed face(尖脸)。dedicated意为“专注的,一心一意的”。He is a dedicated musician.(他是一富

26、有献身精神的音乐家。)be dedicated to,dedicate oneself to和dedicate ones life to都有“献身于”的意思。注意dedicate还有“捐赠;献”的意思。Id like to dedicate the book to my parents.(我想把这本书献给我的父母。)2006 Part A Text 310. Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass(the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in

27、particular parts of the ocean,but rather changes in that biomass over time. 【译文】 他们的方法并不是要评估特定海域鱼种的实际生物量,而是评估在这一段时间内生物量的变化。【析句】 这是一个简单句,但是宾语是两个,一是the actual biomass(the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean,一是changes in that biomass over time。【讲词】 rathe

28、r意为“宁愿;有点,相当”。Id rather stay at home.(我宁愿呆在家里。)Hes rather lazy.(他有些懒。)有时rather在句中表示转折,或者对前文进行纠正(经常与or连用)。There are five,rather six,persons killed in the traffic accident.(在这场车祸中,共有5人,应该是6人死亡。)11. According to their latest paper published in Nature,the biomass of large predators(animals that kill and

29、 eat other animals) in a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some longfished areas,it has halved again since then.【译文】 根据他们在自然上发表的最新论文,在新渔场开始捕鱼的15年之内,大型捕食动物的生物量平均减少80。在一些长期捕鱼的海域,生物量在此之后又减少了一半。【析句】 句子的结构比较简单,但要注意数字的表述,而这正是考试的内容。在新渔场开始捕鱼的15年之内,大型捕食

30、动物的生物量平均减少80,而在此之后又减少了一半,即剩下的20又减少了一半,因而应该只剩下10了。【讲词】 halve意为“平分,分享,减半”。The companys profits halved after the demand in the market became low.(市场的需求减少之后,公司的赢利减少了一半。)12. That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught,so the real difference between present and past is likely to b

31、e worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.【译文】 这意味着更高比例的海洋生物正在被捕杀,因此介于现在和过去这一段时间,海洋生物量的真正差别可能比捕获量所记录的变化更要糟糕。【析句】 这是一个因果复合句,前半句是原因,后半句表示结果。而在表示原因的从句中,宾语较为复杂,of后面跟了一个主句从句,其主句又是一个主语从句。what is in the sea是一种婉转的说法,即海洋中的生物,或文中所说的生物量(biomass)。另外,注意 recorded by changes in catch sizes是一个过去分词结构,修

32、饰the one(即the actual biomass)。【讲词】 catch作名词时可以表示“捕获;捕鱼量”(what is caught),catch sizes也是“捕获量”或“捕鱼量”的意思。13. Some individuals would therefore not have been caught,since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them,leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past.【译文】 有些鱼因此并没有被捕获,因为没有更多的带

33、饵鱼钩来捕获它们,这就导致低估过去的鱼量。【析句】 这是一个因果复合句,主句是Some individuals would therefore not have been caught。leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past是作从句的状语。【讲词】 available意为“有用的,有空的”。These train tickets are available on the day of issue only.(火车票仅在发售当天才能买到。)有些人结了婚但与异性交往,英文就是married but available,有人简称之

34、MBA。另有些单身但是已经名花(或草)有主,英文就是single but not available。14. The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past.【译文】 这种概念是,人们没有能够发觉海洋中所发生的巨大变化,因为他们只是关注了过去相对短暂的一段时间里所发生的情况。【析句】 主

35、句的宾语是一个从句,而从句是一个因果复合句。主句是people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean,从句是because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past。另外, which have happened in the ocean是一个定语从句,修饰the massive changes。【讲词】 detect意为“察觉,发现,侦查,探测”。She was surprised

36、to detect hatred behind his smile.(她觉察到他的笑容背后竟然藏着仇恨,因而为之吃惊不小。)The dentist could detect no sign of decay in her teeth.(牙医在她的牙齿上找不到蛀蚀的迹象。)The policeman detected the presence of the criminal in the hall.(警察感觉罪犯就在大厅里。)15. That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can b

37、e cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels.【译文】 这一点很重要,因为理论表明,当目标鱼种的生物量大致降至最初水平的50时,渔场才能收获最大的持续捕鱼量。【析句】 That matters是全句的主干,后面是一个表示原因的从句,而从句又包含一个表示时间的状语从句。【讲词】 yield作动词时意为“生产,生长;屈从”,作名词表示“产量;收益”。The door yielded to a gentle push.(轻轻一推,门就开了)

38、The child pleaded,but the parents wouldnt yield.(孩子苦苦哀求,但父母就是不让步。)This years yield from the coal mine was very large.(今年这煤矿产量甚丰。)crop作名词意为“农作物;产量”,作动词表示“收获,收割”。注意crop up有“突然出现;突然发生”的意思。A difficulty has cropped up at work.(工作中突然出现困难。)2006 Part A Text 416. Many things make people think artists are wei

39、rd. But the weirdest may be this: artists only job is to explore emotions,and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.【译文】 许多事情让人们觉得艺术家是怪人,而最古怪的事情也许就是:艺术家的唯一工作就是探索情感,而他们所关注的却又是那些令人不快的情感。【析句】 句子比较简单,应该关注explore和focus两个单词的意思。【讲词】 explore有“考究;探索;探讨”的意思。Scientists have been known to explore i

40、n this region of the earth.(科学家们一直在考察这一地域。)We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.(我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。)focus作名词表示“焦点”,作动词意为“重视;关注”。Because of his strange clothes,he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office.(他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。)You must

41、 try to focus your mind on work and study.(你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。)All eyes were focused on the speaker.(大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。)17. But somewhere from the 19th century onward,more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phony or,worst of all,boring,as we went from Wordsworths Daffodils to Baudelaires Flow

42、ers of Evil.【译文】 但是到了19世纪的某个时候,更多的艺术家开始觉得快乐是没有意义的,是虚假的,更是枯燥乏味的,从华兹华斯的黄水仙到波德莱尔的恶之花都是如此。【析句】 句子的主干结构是more artists began seeing happiness as,as we went from Wordsworths Daffodils to Baudelaires Flowers of Evil作全句的状语。另外,句中的see是“考虑,认为”的意思,相当于consider。【讲词】 somewhere在句中意为sometime,即表示“某个时候”。另外,Wordsworth (1

43、770-1850)和Baudelaire(1821-1867)分别是英国和法国的诗人。phony也写作phoney,作名词“冒牌货,骗子”或形容词“假冒的,伪造的”。He is such a phony.他纯粹是个骗子。18. The rise of antihappy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media,and with it,a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.【译文】 反快乐艺术几乎是随着大众传媒的出

44、现而诞生,与此同时也产生了一种商业文化,不再把快乐当作一种理想,而是当作一种意识形态。【析句】 此句是一个简单句,主干是The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass mediaa commercial culture。with it中的it是指 the emergence of mass media。另外,in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology是一个定语从句,修饰a commercial culture。【讲词】 track作动

45、词时表示“追踪,留下足迹,走”。An old wagon was tracking through the mountains.(一辆旧马车正在山区行走。)The accountant tracked the companys perfor mance daily.(会计每天跟踪把握公司的运营状况。)ideology意为“意识形态”,或指某种思想体系和意识。19. In the West,before mass communication and literacy,the most powerful mass medium was the church,which reminded worsh

46、ippers that their souls were in danger and that they would someday be meat for worms.【译文】 在大众传媒出现和初级教育普及之前的西方,最强势的大众媒介是教会,它提醒信徒他们的灵魂处于危险之中,他们的身躯有朝一日会成为蛆虫的肉糜。【析句】 句子的主干是the most powerful mass medium was the church,之前的成分是时间状语,之后which引导的从句是一个定语从句,修饰the church。而在定语从句中, worshippers是间接宾语,两个that引导的从句是两个直接宾

47、语。【讲词】 literacy是指“读写能力”,因此建议译成“初级教育”。remind“提醒,使想起”。常用结构是remind sb. to do sth.(提醒某人做某事)和 remind sb. of sth.(让某人想起某事)。20. And since these messages have an agendato lure us to open our wallets they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug C

48、elebrex,before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.【译文】 由于这些信息暗含着一种诡计诱使我们打开我们的钱包它们就使得快乐的想法显得不大可靠。“欢庆吧!”治疗关节炎的药品Celebrex的广告一声令下,随后不久我们就发现这种药品可能会增加心脏病发作的危险。【析句】 在第一句中,these messages是指商业文化所传播的信息。第二句是复合句,主句倒装,正确的语序应该是the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex commanded “Celebrate!”倒装的语序以及command的使用更加形象地传达了广告的强势,广告的信息以命令的方式传达给顾客,让他们没有思考的余地。【讲词】 agenda意为“议程”,但在有时可以表示“不可告人的计划(阴谋)”。The government has promised to put on its ag


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