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1、绝密启用前 试卷类型:A山东省2015年高考模拟冲刺卷(六)英 语本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷1至10页,第卷11至12页。满分为150分。考试用时120分钟。第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分 听力做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1When will the two spe

2、akers meet?AAt 10:30BAt 10:00CAt 9:302Who is in the hospital?AToms sisterBTomCBetty3What caused his headache?AToo little sleepBThe hatCThe sun4When will the speakers get to Beijing?AAt 8:30BAt 8:50CAt 9:005How much should the woman pay if she buys two T-shirts?ATen dollarsBEleven dollarsCSix dollars

3、第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6How old is the man?A20B21C227What did the man think of the study of English?AInterestingBEasyCHard8What did the man enjoy most?AListeningBTalkingCWriting听第7段材料,回答

4、第9至11题。9How many languages can the woman speak?ATwoBThreeCFour10What do we know from the text?AThe woman can write FrenchBThe woman cant write GermanCThe woman can not only speak German but also write it11What does the man think of Japanese?AIts difficultBIts easyCIts the same as German听第8段材料,回答第12至

5、13题。12Who called whom?AJames called JohnBJohn called JamesCDavid called Nancy13Where will they meet?AAt the entrance of the stadiumBAt the entrance of the museumCAt the entrance of the theater听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14Where does the woman want to go?ACollege RoadBA restaurantCA bank15Which bus should the w

6、oman take?ANo8BNo18CNo8016Where can she take the bus to the place she wants to go?ACollege RoadBBridge StreetCThe International Bank听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Why didnt Mr Black offer Room 112 to the three men at first?AThe key had been lostBIt was too small for three menCIt was not bright enough18How much

7、 did Mr Black ask each man for the room?A$ 30B$ 10C$ 919Why did the assistant return only $3 to the men?AThe manager had asked him to do soBHe couldnt divide the money for the three menCHe wanted to make some money for himself20How were the manager and his asssistant different in behaviour?AThe mana

8、ger was honest but his assistant was notBThe assistant was clever but the manager was notCThe manager did not know how to make money,but the assistant did第二部分 阅读理解第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhenever anyone measures educational success,East Asian countries a

9、re always top scorersBut in a recent league table,a European country,Finland,was top of the classSouth Korea was still in second place,thoughBritain was at number 6In Korea the school day is long - typically 7 or 8 hours,followed by hours of private tutoring in the eveningsAll this hothousing leaves

10、 Korean students so tired;they sometimes fall asleep in class next dayWorries about the effects of late night cramming(填鸭式)led the government to force cramming schools to close by 10pmFinnish children spend the least time in class in the developed world,often finishing just after lunch,with about on

11、e hour of homework a dayPrivate tuition is uncommonThe British school day is quite long in comparison,around 6 hours,and secondary school pupils do 2 or 3 hours of self-study a nightThe Korean education system,like many in Asia,is intensely competitive,with students even competing to get into the be

12、st cramming schools,to help them get aheadFinnish education is far less cut-throatClasses are all mixed ability,and there are no league tablesBritish schools again occupy the middle ground,with quite high levels of competition for places at university,and schools and universities battling to come to

13、p of league tables for everything from exam results to student satisfactionKorea and Finland both do well,yet their education systems are so differentHowever,there are some similarities in Korea and FinlandIn those countries,teachers have high status in society,and education is very highly valuedTho

14、se attitudes cant change quicklyBut it can be doneThey might be the star pupil now,but until the 1970s,Finlands educational system was poorTheir thoroughly different approach to schooling has taken them to the top in just a generation21According to the passage,the students take the most time in scho

15、ol in _ABritain BFinland CKorea DEast Asian countries 22From Paragragh 3,we can know that_Athe students in Korea are most competitive in AsiaBFinnish classes develop the students all-round abilitiesCBritish schools are less competitive than universitiesDBritish universities pay more attention to exa

16、m results only23According to the author,the key factor in improving education is _Athe attitude Bthe schooling time Cstar pupils Dnew teaching approachBNuclear powers danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiationNuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,

17、partly because it cannot be detected by human sensesIt cant be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around usThere are other things like thatFor example,radio waves are all around us but we cant detect them,sense them,without a radio receiverSimilarly,we cant sense radioactiv

18、ity without a radiation detectorBut unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living thingsAt very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organsBut even the lowest levels can do serious damag

19、eThere is no levels of radiation that is completely safeIf the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be seriousThis is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed immediatelyYour body will replace the dead cells with healthy onesBut if the few cells are only

20、damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in troubleThey can grow into cancerSometimes this does not show up for many yearsThis is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiationSerious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurredA p

21、erson can be irradiated(辐射)and feel fine,then die for cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a resultOr a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparentsRadiation can hurt usWe must know the truth 24What is the most dangerous factor of nuclear power? ARadiation BQuanti

22、ty CAmount DPlace25Which of the following statements is true? ANuclear radiation can do harm to human beingsBNuclear radiation cannot do harm to human beingsCNuclear radiation can be detected by human sensesDNuclear radiation is just like common radio waves26Why does nuclear radiation have a certain

23、 mystery? ABecause human beings learn its harmfulnessBBecause it can do harm to a person while the victim isnt aware the damage has occurredCBecause nuclear radiation can kill a person very easilyDBecause human beings have no effective machine in order to detect nuclear radiation27If a human being i

24、s hit by nuclear radiation,he may _Adie of cancer after many yearsBdie immediately Chave a child who may be born weakDall of the aboveCNearly everyone agrees that money doesnt buy as much as it used to,no matter when you want to spend itThis is certainly true of the paper money that passes so quickl

25、y through ones handsBut what about coins that seem to do very little except stay in purses and pockets? Unlike notes,metal money becomes more valuable the longer it is held,especially if it is put away where it wont get scratched (破坏)or wornWhy is this? One reason is that coins,being more durable (持

26、久的),fall more readily into a category for collectorsNaturally,the rarer gold pieces must become more valuable as the price of this metal goes upBut,curiously,one of the rarest coins in the world is not made of gold,but of the relatively cheaper silverIn 1840,the United States mint (造币厂)struck 19570

27、silver dollarsThat is what its records showToday only six of this original number remain and these are unlikely ever to reach the auction (拍卖)marketSo what happened to some 19564 large silver coins,not the easiest sort of things to lose? One of the more romantic theories is that they were part of th

28、e payment to Napoleon for the American land then known as LouisianaBut they never reached FranceSomewhere in the Gulf of Mexico,the ship transporting them was sunk,either by a storm or by pirates (海盗)The probable answer to the mystery is that they were melted down since the silver value was greater

29、than the actual value of the coinWhat really happened to the rest will probably always remain a mysteryWhat is known is that whoever can come up with one will find himself instantly rich28Which of the following is true of a coin? AThe longer it is held,the less valuable it becomesBThe more it wears

30、out,the more valuable it becomesCThe less it gets scratched,the less it valuesDThe longer it lasts,the more it values29According to this passage,one of the rarest coins in the world is made of _Asilver Bgold Ccopper Dpaper30Coins become more valuable because _Athey stay in purses and pocketsBthe pri

31、ce of metal goes upCthey fall more readily into a category for collectors due to their durationDBoth B and C31What really happened to some 19564 large silver coins? AThey were melted downBThey were sunk in the Gulf of MexicoCIt is still a mysteryDThey were stolen by piratesDAnyone who has ever lost

32、keys or money will have wished for a simple but effective way to make sure it never happens againA US company is trying to helpUsing a tiny microchip which is implanted into the arm,they have come up with a replacement for cash or credit cards that cannot be left at home or dropped on the busThe Ver

33、ichip is about the size of a grain of rice and works using radio frequency identification technologyAt a shop,a radio frequency “reader” would send a signal and the chip in your arm would respond with your unique identity numberThat would give the “reader” your financial information,and money could

34、be taken directly from your accounts and you wouldnt even have to reach for your walletThe company also hopes to include other information on the chip,such as medical records,building security codes(密码)and passwords,making life even easierBut not everyone is happy with the developmentsCritics say th

35、at a lot can go wrong with the chipA clever thief could build a fake(假的)reader that would steal your information without you knowingSo your money could still be stolenPrivacy is a big issue tooStores,or even the government,only need to track the chip to find out what you buy,how much you spend and w

36、here you goAnd if you wanted to get rid of your chip,you would need an operation to remove it32The Verichip is Athe identity number Bthe security codeCa tiny microchip Da radio reader33Paragraph 3 is mainly about Ahow the Verichip worksBthe importance of the VerichipCthe development of the VerichipD

37、how money is taken from your accounts34Which is true of the Verichip?AYour information on it will always be safeBMedical records have already been includedCYou can easily reach for your wallet using itDAn operation has to be performed to remove it35What can be inferred from the text?AAll people are

38、satisfied with the chipBThe Verichip company has financial problemsCThe chip needs improving to be widely acceptedDMany people have the experience of losing keys or money第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。“Look it up in the dictionary” is the usual comment when people are

39、in doubt about the meaning or spelling of a wordDictionaries are considered the final authority on these matters as well as on pronunciations and other facts about a wordUntil a few hundred years ago,however,people could not “look it up” because there were no English dictionariesThe ancient Greeks a

40、nd Romans and the scholars of the Middle Ages had made lists of Latin and Greek words36The first great English dictionary listing both common and uncommon words was written by Samuel Johnson in 1755In America,the most famous name in dictionary writing is that of Noah WebsterHe stressed American rath

41、er than British ways of speakingHis great dictionary,which first appeared in 1828,has been republished many times37The latest edition is still considered “the” dictionaryIt defines over 450,000 words,including radar,television and many others undreamed-of by Webster38The huge ones that rest on stand

42、s in libraries are called unabridged,meaning “not shortened” They tell not only a words meaning and spelling but also its pronunciation,origin,history,part of speech,grammatical forms and ways of useThe smaller ones do not provide all the information39A bilingual(两种语言的)dictionary,such as a Spanish-E

43、nglish dictionary,translates words from one language into anotherA thesaurus(分类词典)lists other words that mean the same as each listed wordA gazetteer lists place names,and a glossary is a small dictionary in a book defining technical words in that bookThere are also dictionaries of scientific terms

44、and ones on many other topicsThere is even a dictionary of slang40The dictionary is one of our most valuable language toolsAEach time,it has been updatedBGeneral dictionaries are not the only kindCThus there are many kinds of special dictionariesDIn a general dictionary,each word may have multiple m

45、eaningsEDictionaries that list all kinds of words are known as general dictionariesFOver the previous 150 years more than 20 dictionaries had been publishedGBut it was not until 1604 that a book of uncommon English words appeared36 37 38 39 40 第三部分 英语知识运用第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Sometimes,we tried to do one thing,but met with another thing instead: something fortunate we never would have expectedThat 41 to the Myers family on a visit to MadisonThe Myers family, 42 their nicest wedding attire (盛装),


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