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1、- 1 - 江西省红色六校江西省红色六校 20152015 届高三第二次联考英语试题届高三第二次联考英语试题 (分宜中学,莲花中学,任弼时中学,瑞金一中,南城一中,(分宜中学,莲花中学,任弼时中学,瑞金一中,南城一中, 遂川中学)遂川中学) 命题人:瑞金一中命题人:瑞金一中 刘玉娟刘玉娟 审题人:南城一中审题人:南城一中 崔新玉崔新玉 第第 I I 卷卷 第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 3030 分)分) 第一节(共第一节(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.51.5 分,满分分,满分 7.57.5 分)分) 听下面听下面 5 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从

2、题中所给的段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有听完每段对话后,你都有 1010 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 1 WhatWhat isis thethe womanwoman goinggoing toto dodo next?next? A.A. HaveHave a a meeting.meeting. B.B. SeeSee thethe mana

3、ger.manager. C.C. DoDo somesome translation.translation. 2 2 HowHow diddid thethe womanwoman feelfeel aboutabout herher performance?performance? A.A. Satisfied.Satisfied. B.B. Disappointed.Disappointed. C.C. Worried.Worried. 3 3 WhatWhat diddid thethe womanwoman dodo today?today? A.A. SheShe wentwen

4、t toto a a multiculturalmulticultural fair.fair. B.B. SheShe hadhad dinnerdinner inin a a ThaiThai restaurant.restaurant. C.C. SheShe learnedlearned a a nativenative AmericanAmerican dance.dance. 4 4 WhereWhere areare thethe speakers?speakers? A.A. AtAt a a library.library. B.B. AtAt a a computercom

5、puter lab.lab. C.C. AtAt - 2 - a a printprint shop.shop. 5 5 WhyWhy doesdoes thethe manman comecome toto thethe woman?woman? A.A. ToTo taketake a a picturepicture ofof her.her. B.B. ToTo askask forfor a a newnew IDID card.card. C.C. ToTo fillfill outout a a form.form. 第二节第二节 (共(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1

6、.51.5 分,满分分,满分 22.522.5 分)分) 听下面听下面 5 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试 卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题小题,每小题 5 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 5 秒钟的作答秒钟的作答 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第听第 6 6 段材料,回答第段材

7、料,回答第 6 6、7 7 题。题。 6 6 WhatWhat isis thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween thethe speakers?speakers? A.A. TeacherTeacher andand student.student. B.B. Classmates.Classmates. C.C. Strangers.Strangers. 7 7 WhereWhere isis thethe LanguageLanguage ArtsArts building?building? A.A. OnOn thethe rig

8、htright ofof thethe bridge.bridge. B.B. AtAt thethe endend ofof CampusCampus CenterCenter Walk.Walk. C.C. OppositeOpposite thethe PhysicalPhysical EducationEducation building.building. 听第听第 7 7 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 8 8、9 9 题。题。 8 8 WhenWhen doesdoes thethe manman havehave basketballbasketball practice?pra

9、ctice? A.A. OnOn TuesdaysTuesdays andand Thursdays.Thursdays. B.B. OnOn MondaysMondays andand Wednesdays.Wednesdays. C.C. OnOn MondaysMondays andand Thursdays.Thursdays. - 3 - 9 9 WhatWhat willwill thethe speakersspeakers do?do? A.A. GoGo toto workwork together.together. B.B. FindFind anotheranother

10、 part-timepart-time job.job. C.C. TalkTalk withwith MrMr Parker.Parker. 听第听第 8 8 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1010 至至 1212 题。题。 1010 WhatWhat isis thethe problemproblem withwith thethe woman?woman? A.A. SheShe findsfinds schoolschool difficult.difficult. B.B. SheShe hashas lostlost muchmuch weight.weight. C.C. Sh

11、eShe doesntdoesnt feelfeel veryvery well.well. 1111 WhatWhat adviceadvice doesdoes thethe manman givegive thethe woman?woman? A.A. DrinkDrink lessless coffee.coffee. B.B. SleepSleep atat leastleast sixsix hourshours everyevery night.night. C.C. EatEat fruitsfruits atat leastleast threethree timestim

12、es perper week.week. 1212 WhatWhat exerciseexercise doesdoes thethe manman suggestsuggest thethe womanwoman take?take? A.A. Running.Running. B.B. Dancing.Dancing. C.C. Walking.Walking. 听第听第 9 9 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1313 至至 1616 题。题。 1313 WhatWhat doesdoes AliceAlice wantwant toto askask MrMr MillerMiller

13、about?about? A.A. HisHis dailydaily activities.activities. B.B. HisHis familyfamily members.members. C.C. HisHis opinionsopinions onon somesome socialsocial problems.problems. 1414 WhatWhat doesdoes MrMr MillerMiller dodo everyevery morning?morning? A.A. HeHe hashas a a cupcup ofof tea.tea. B.B. HeH

14、e doesdoes somesome exercise.exercise. C.C. HeHe watcheswatches morningmorning news.news. - 4 - 1515 HowHow longlong doesdoes MrMr MillerMiller sleepsleep atat night?night? A.A. ForFor aboutabout sixsix hours.hours. B.B. ForFor aboutabout sevenseven hours.hours. C.C. ForFor aboutabout eighteight hou

15、rs.hours. 1616 WhatWhat doesdoes MrMr MillerMiller likelike toto dodo onon weekends?weekends? A.A. AttendAttend toto somesome emergency.emergency. B.B. HaveHave a a restrest byby himself.himself. C.C. StayStay withwith hishis family.family. 听第听第 1010 段材料,回答第段材料,回答第 1717 至至 2020 题。题。 1717 WhatWhat is

16、is thethe speakerspeaker mainlymainly discussing?discussing? A.A. HisHis successsuccess inin acting.acting. B.B. TheThe changechange ofof hishis profession.profession. C.C. TheThe importanceimportance ofof hishis firstfirst performance.performance. 1818 WhatWhat dodo wewe knowknow aboutabout thethe

17、speakerspeaker afterafter hishis firstfirst performance?performance? A.A. HeHe becamebecame a a littlelittle disappointed.disappointed. B.B. HeHe thoughtthought ofof givinggiving upup acting.acting. C.C. HeHe hardlyhardly triedtried outout forfor otherother roles.roles. 1919 WhatWhat diddid thethe s

18、peakerspeaker dodo inin 1991?1991? A.A. HeHe earnedearned a a bigbig fortune.fortune. B.B. HeHe setset upup a a filmfilm pany. C.C. HeHe becamebecame anan officeoffice clerk.clerk. 2020 WhatWhat doesdoes thethe speakerspeaker meanmean inin thethe end?end? A.A. HeHe isis notnot physicallyphysically h

19、ealthy.healthy. B.B. HeHe sufferssuffers - 5 - a a lotlot inin hishis job.job. C.C. HeHe getsgets alongalong wellwell withwith thethe actors.actors. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 4040 分分 ) 第第 1 1 节节(共(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分,满分分,满分 3030 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和和 D

20、D)中,)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A A A A LookLook atat thethe FestivalFestival ThisThis SummerSummer TheThe FiregatheringFiregathering 18182020 MayMay TheThe FiregatheringFiregathering festivalfestival returnsreturns toto anan unidentifiedunidentified placeplace somewheresomewhere inin

21、 thethe SussexSussex countrysidecountryside thisthis May.TheMay.The ticketticket priceprice isis a a veryvery agreeableagreeable 4040,anan amountamount thatthat thethe organisersorganisers promisepromise coverscovers onlyonly thethe costscosts ofof stagingstaging thethe event.Asevent.As wellwell asa

22、s thethe nightnightclubclub singerssingers andand dancersdancers andand circuscircus performersperformers,youyou cancan expectexpect livelive performancesperformances fromfrom locallocal stars.Ifstars.If thisthis lookslooks likelike itit mightmight bebe rightright forfor youyou,youdyoud bebe wellwel

23、l advisedadvised toto bookbook youryour ticketticket soonsoon;thethe eventevent hashas soldsold outout everyevery yearyear sincesince itsits beginningbeginning fourfour yearsyears ago.ago. - 6 - SheepSheep MusicMusic 20202222 JulyJuly SheepSheep MusicMusic startedstarted lifelife asas a a gardengard

24、en partyparty andand hashas developeddeveloped intointo a a fullfull-scale(-scale(全面的全面的) ) communitycommunity event.Evenevent.Even thoughthough thethe advertisingadvertising hashas alwaysalways beenbeen limitedlimited toto wordword ofof mouthmouth,thethe hugehuge numbernumber ofof peoplepeople twot

25、wo yearsyears agoago leftleft organizersorganizers worriedworried thatthat thethe largelarge crowdscrowds couldcould ruinruin thethe festivalsfestivals familyfamily feel.Luckilyfeel.Luckily JulyJuly seessees thethe returnreturn ofof thisthis brilliantbrilliant party.Theparty.The climax(climax(高潮高潮)

26、) comescomes inin thethe shapeshape ofof SaturdaySaturday nightsnights fullfull-scale-scale parade(parade(游行游行) ) thatthat youyou justjust wouldwould notnot expectexpect toto happenhappen inin thethe otherwiseotherwise sleepysleepy WelshWelsh borders.borders. - 7 - TheThe BigBig ChillChill 3 35 5 Au

27、gustAugust TenTen yearsyears onon andand TheThe BigBig ChillChill couldcould veryvery wellwell bebe closeclose toto becomingbecoming a a bigbig poppop festivalfestival likelike Glastonbury.ThatGlastonbury.That saidsaid,thethe manymany thousandsthousands inin attendanceattendance areare stillstill ab

28、leable toto relaxrelax inin thethe beautifulbeautiful EastnorEastnor deerdeer parkpark andand listenlisten toto plentyplenty ofof musicmusic thatthat wouldwould otherwiseotherwise passpass themthem by.Familiesby.Families havehave alwaysalways beenbeen givengiven a a warmwarm welcomewelcome andand it

29、sits fairfair toto saysay thatthat TheThe BigBig ChillChill isis probablyprobably thethe mostmost child-child-friendlyfriendly ofof allall thethe mediummedium-sized-sized festivals.Iffestivals.If youveyouve nevernever beenbeen,youyou shouldshould certainlycertainly go.go. SummerSummer SundaeSundae 1

30、0101212 AugustAugust AlthoughAlthough onlyonly a a yearyear oldold thisthis summersummer,SummerSummer SundaeSundae hashas quicklyquickly inspiredinspired thethe imaginationsimaginations ofof LeicesteksLeicesteks musicmusic lovers.Lastlovers.Last yearsyears eventevent waswas a a successsuccess,notedn

31、oted byby moremore thanthan a a fewfew mentionsmentions atat thethe UKUK FestivalFestival Awards.ItAwards.It isis setset inin thethe impressiveimpressive groundsgrounds ofof DeDe MontfortMontfort Hall.AlthoughHall.Although thethe performersperformers areare stillstill - 8 - toto bebe confirmedconfir

32、med,thethe cabinscabins areare suresure toto bebe there.Thesethere.These smallsmall buildingsbuildings areare mademade fromfrom woodwood andand carpetscarpets,storagestorage spacespace,andand cancan fitfit a a familyfamily forfor thethe night.night. 21.What21.What cancan wewe learnlearn aboutabout T

33、heThe Firegathering?Firegathering? A ATheThe festivalfestival willwill taketake placeplace inin a a park.park. B BNoNo profitsprofits willwill bebe mademade fromfrom thethe festival.festival. C CTheThe audienceaudience willwill bebe biggerbigger thanthan expected.expected. D DA A lotlot ofof nationa

34、lnational starsstars willwill performperform atat thethe festival.festival. 22.What22.What isis thethe mostmost excitingexciting partpart ofof SheepSheep Music?Music? A ATheThe gardengarden party.party. B BTheThe advertisement.advertisement. C CTheThe familyfamily feel.feel. D DTheThe parade.parade.

35、 23.If23.If youyou wantwant toto taketake youryour childrenchildren toto a a festival,festival, whichwhich oneone isis thethe bestbest choice?choice? A ATheThe Firegathering.Firegathering. B BSheepSheep Music.Music. C CTheThe BigBig Chill.Chill. D DSummerSummer Sundae.Sundae. 24.What24.What isis the

36、the similaritysimilarity ofof thesethese festivals?festivals? A ATheyThey entertainentertain attendantsattendants withwith music.music. B BTheyThey havehave a a longlong history.history. - 9 - C CTheyThey needneed advanceadvance booking.booking. D DTheyThey cancan bebe comparedcompared withwith Glas

37、tonbury.Glastonbury. B B A A veryvery closeclose friendfriend phonedphoned meme thisthis weekendweekend andand askedasked a a specificspecific questionquestion aboutabout earningearning a a fewfew extraextra dollarsdollars eacheach monthmonth online.online. ForFor thethe benefitbenefit ofof keepingk

38、eeping herher namename andand detailsdetails secret,secret, I I willwill callcall herher AnnieAnnie inin thisthis article.article. YouYou seesee AnnieAnnie sufferssuffers fromfrom a a severesevere formform ofof inactioninaction syndrome;syndrome; sheshe isis fullfull ofof greatgreat ideasideas thatt

39、hat nevernever materializematerialize intointo cashcash andand sheshe isis havinghaving a a problemproblem findingfinding thethe linklink thatthat willwill achieveachieve this.this. SomebodySomebody onceonce saidsaid thatthat knowledgeknowledge isis power,power, yetyet wewe constantlyconstantly find

40、find fromfrom readersreaders ofof ourour websitewebsite thatthat theythey havehave knowledgeknowledge toto burnburn andand stillstill dodo notnot havehave power.power. JustJust looklook atat thethe academicsacademics inin universitiesuniversities allall aroundaround thethe world;world; theythey have

41、have soso muchmuch knowledgeknowledge thatthat theythey shouldshould controlcontrol thethe wealthwealth ofof thethe world.world. InIn truthtruth theythey workwork forfor peanutspeanuts andand veryvery fewfew ofof themthem everever achieveachieve thethe powerpower ofof independence.independence. SoSo

42、 knowledgeknowledge certainlycertainly isntisnt power.power. Therefore,Therefore, wewe shouldshould changechange thatthat “wise”“wise” statementstatement to:“Powerto:“Power isis thethe abilityability toto useuse knowledgeknowledge toto youryour ownown benefit.”benefit.” - 10 - ThatThat paragraphpara

43、graph waswas insertedinserted becausebecause AnnieAnnie isis a a typicaltypical academicacademicstrongstrong onon talktalk andand plansplans butbut a a littlelittle weakerweaker onon actions.actions. InIn thethe periodperiod ofof a a twenty-twenty- minuteminute conversation,conversation, sheshe expo

44、undedexpounded(阐述)(阐述)a a wholewhole listlist ofof plansplans andand ideasideas toto makemake thethe extraextra fewfew hundredhundred dollarsdollars eacheach monthmonth sheshe waswas seeking.seeking. AnyAny oneone ofof herher manymany ideasideas waswas a a potentialpotential moneymoney maker,maker,

45、butbut sheshe hadhad takentaken actionaction onon nonenone ofof them.them. AtAt oneone timetime sheshe said,said, “Im“Im lostlost asas toto whatwhat toto dodo next.”next.” ThatThat waswas mymy cuecue(提示)(提示)toto getget involved.involved. “Take“Take action,”action,” I I advised.advised. AllAll thatth

46、at isis wrongwrong isis thatthat AnnieAnnie waswas inactiveinactive withoutwithout knowingknowing it.it. InIn fivefive minutesminutes wewe drewdrew upup a a planplan ofof actionaction andand agreedagreed toto talktalk againagain inin a a monthmonth toto reviewreview progress.progress. WhenWhen wewe

47、finishedfinished thethe conversation,conversation, sheshe soundedsounded muchmuch happierhappier andand moremore motivatedmotivated thanthan whenwhen wewe started.started. AnnieAnnie justjust needsneeds a a littlelittle nudgenudge intointo beneficialbeneficial action.action. 25.25. WhatsWhats thethe

48、 problemproblem withwith Annie?Annie? A.SheA.She hashas tootoo manymany greatgreat ideas.ideas. B.SheB.She nevernever putsputs herher ideasideas intointo practice.practice. C.SheC.She sufferssuffers fromfrom a a strangestrange illness.illness. - 11 - D.SheD.She knowsknows littlelittle aboutabout makingmaking moneymoney online.online. 26.What26.What isis thethe mostmost importantimportant accordingaccording toto thethe author?author? A.A. TheThe abilityability toto useuse onesones knowledge.knowledge. B.B. TheThe abilityabili


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