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1、、贵州省遵义航天高级中学2015届高三上学期第三次模拟考试英语试题 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑AWe spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard (柜厨) outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow. “Buy it, ” my wife

2、 said at once. “Well carry it home on the roof rack. Ive always wanted one like that.” What could I do? Ten minutes later I was 20 poorer; and the cupboard was tied on the roof rack. It was six feet long and eighteen inches square, quite heavy too.In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other driv

3、ers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.After a time my wife said, “Theres a long line of cars behind. Why dont they overtake, I wonder?” In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us se

4、riously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.“Right, sir, ” he said. “Do you need any more help?” I was a bit puzzled. “Thanks, officer, ” I said. “You have been very kin

5、d. I live just on the road.” He was staring at our car, first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. “Well, well, ” he said, laughing. “Its a cupboard youve got there! We thought it was something else.” My wife began to laugh. The truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. “

6、Yes, its a cupboard, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could. 1. Other drivers thought the author and his wife were _.A. carrying a cupboard to the churchB. sending flowers to the churchC. carrying nothing but a piece of furnitureD. going to attend a funeral at the church2. The police wil

7、l be more polite to those who are _.A. driving in gathering darkness B. in great sorrow C. driving with wild flowers in the carD. carrying furniture3. What did the husband think of this matter?A. It was very strange.B. He took great pride in it.C. He felt ashamed of it.D. He was puzzled at it.BHere

8、is some information about several famous local bakeries(面包烤房) in Indiana, the US. They serve as a social gathering place for locals.Maple Lane BakeryAt 8260 S. State Rd. Claypool, IN. (574) 566-2917, it offers a variety of cooked pies, cookies, and bread. With 20 years experience Maple Lane Bakery h

9、as specialized in the making of pies. The menu includes peach pie $7.19, berry pie $7.70, apple pie $7.19 and banana pie $6.99. Feel free to place an order at least 24 hours in advance.Bettys Cakes & Candy ShopAt 816 E. Winona Avenue Warsaw, IN. (574) 269-1231, it specializes in cakes and offers coo

10、kies and candies. The chocolate cookies are sold at $8.99 a dozen. Bettys Cakes & Candy Shop, started half a century ago, specializes in wedding cakes and birthday cakes. Buying a cake from Bettys will not disappoint you as they are always excellent.Crepes Quality BakeryAt 217 S. Cavin Street Ligoni

11、er, IN. (260) 894-3024, this third generation bakery is located downtown Ligonier. It offers cookies and cupcakes, and specializes in rolls and bread. If you plan to buy cookies for the office or work area, you had better get there early as the building workers arrive just before 500 am waiting for

12、the doors to open.Olympia Candy KitchenAt 136 N. Main Street Goshen, IN. (574) 533-5040, it has been welcoming visitors for almost a century in its unchanged location in downtown Goshen, Indiana. Its tradition began in 1912 when Greek Nicholas began making his own chocolates. Today this family-owned

13、 operation offers all kinds candies and boxed candies.If you need an order, you should call ahead of time to see if they can meet your request.CSome people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they have only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again y

14、ears later.I am one of those unfortunate people who have poor sense of direction and I may have visited a place time after time but I still get lost on my way there. When I was young I was so shy that I never dared ask complete strangers the way and so I used to wander round in circles and hope that

15、 by some chance I would get to the spot I was heading for.I am no longer too shy to ask people for direction, but I often receive replies that puzzle me. Often people do not like to admit that they didnt know their hometown and will insist on telling you the way, even if they do not know it; others,

16、 who are anxious to prove that they know their hometown very well, will give you a long list of directions which you cannot possibly hope to remember, and still others do not seem to be able to tell between their left and their right and you find in the end that you are going in the opposite directi

17、on to that in which you should be going.If anyone ever asks me the way to somewhere, I always tell them I am a stranger to the town in order to avoid giving them wrong direction but even this can have embarrassing results.Once I was on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I wou

18、ld direct him the way to the Sunlight Building. I gave my usual reply, but I had not walked on a few steps when I realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and search for him out of the crowd behind me as I was goi

19、ng to meet with someone at the office and I did not want to keep him waiting.Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions of my office and his astonishment when he recognized me as the person he had asked.8. What is the writer going to do when someon

20、e asks him for direction?A. He will direct the right way to the person willingly.B. He will reply to it by the means of being a stranger to the town.C. He will give the very person long list of direction.D. He is going to show the man an opposite direction.9. Why did the writer consider himself to b

21、e an unlucky dog?A. Because of his poor sense of direction.B. Because he always forgot the way home.C. Because he did not have any friend.D. Because he used to be shy and dared not ask others the way.10. How did the visitor feel when he was showed into the very room?A. He felt strange. B. He felt em

22、barrassed.C. He felt very sad. D. He felt astonished.11. Who showed the right way to the interviewee according to the passage?A. Someone we dont know.B. The writer did it for himself.C. The secretary did so.D. A warm-hearted old lady did such a thing.DMotherhood may make women smarter and may help p

23、revent dementia(痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective hormones(荷尔蒙) , U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies, and their brains show changes

24、 that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimers(早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans.“Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy(怀孕) are protecting the brain, including estrogen(雌激素), which w

25、e know has many neuroprotective (保护神经的) effects,” Kinsley said. “Its rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals,” he added in a telephone interview. “They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes.”Kinsley said he hoped public health officials and researchers will look to se

26、e if having had children protects a woman from Alzheimers and other forms of age-related brain decline.“When people think about pregnancy, they think about what happens to babies and the mother from the neck down,” said Kinsley, who presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Society of Neur

27、oscience in Orlando, Florida.“They do not realize that hormones are washing on the brain. If you look at female animals who have never gone through pregnancy, they act differently toward young. But if she goes through pregnancy, she will sacrifice her life for her infantthat is a great change in her

28、 behavior that showed in genetic alterations (改变) to the brain.”12. How do scientists know “Motherhood may make women smarter”?A. Some researchers have told them.B. Many women say so.C. They know it by experimenting on rats.D. They know it through their own experience.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文

29、后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Find ways to respond to a major disasterWhen natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes happen, theres always a great need for coordinated(协调的) disaster relief and recovery. 16 l VolunteerTo take a hands-on approach to disaster recovery, volunteer your time and

30、talents. You can travel to the affected regions to provide support. 17 It is recommended that you volunteer through one of the professional organizations for your safety and your skills can be put to best use.l Donate moneyDisaster victims often have lost their homes or need to relocate. In many cas

31、es, your money is just as valuable as your physical presence in helping with relief efforts. Many organizations provide temporary housing, food and other items for victims. 18 Even organizations like the Red Cross have been criticized for how donated funds have been allocated(分配).l Donate bloodIf yo

32、u cant travel and dont feel comfortable giving money, a need for donated blood always existed. The Red Cross and local medical organizations manage blood supplies that are important to disaster victims. Call the Red Cross to schedule an appointment. 19 l 20 Goods are valuable in stricken areas. Buil

33、ding materials and donations of bottled water or household items can be placed on trucks and taken to the disaster areas. It is the best to allow the professional organizations to coordinate these donation efforts and see that the needed supplies reach a location where they will be best used for rec

34、overy.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。An inspirational young man who wasnt expected to survive a climbing accident is fighting his way back to fitness and raising cash for those who saved his life.Callum Rocks family 21 th

35、e worst after their 16-year-old son suffered injuries. The 22 in the hospital lasted 12 hours to 23 his damaged body, including a severe brain injury. But despite fears that he might never walk again, Callum, now 20, has 24 everybody wrong with his amazing recovery. Not only is he walking, but he ha

36、s just 25 a 5-mile run in 50 minutes to raise money for the Great North Air Ambulance.Callum, who had to re-learn 26 , has come a very long way from the day he nearly 27 the accident. Back then, his parents were living every moment with the fear they might 28 him.Mum Jan said “He wasnt expected to s

37、urvive 29 his injuries were so severe. There were five surgeons 30 to repair his artery(动脉). They had great 31 in stopping the bleeding.” Jan said the surgeons were “ 32 ” and Callum pulled through, but then followed a long 33 of re-building his body.Jan said “When he first 34 his eyes, he couldnt d

38、o anything. He was just like a newborn baby again. He had to be 35 how to sit up and walk.” Callum admits that having to learn things again has been 36 . He jokes that he is like “the Iron Man”, 37 the scars on his right arm.His story has 38 a local businessman, who donated 500 to Callum. With this

39、generous donation, Callum has now 39 more than 1,800 for the air ambulance. “Its 40 to be able to raise money for them for what I owe them,” he said. “I owe so many people so much.21. A. gestured B. dressed C. feared D. conducted22.A. program B. instructionC. interviewD. operation23.A. shake B. repa

40、irC. controlD. support24.A. thought B. madeC. provedD. kept25.A. watched B. describedC. completed D. abandoned26.A. everything B. nothingC. somethingD. anything27.A. died from B. met with C. escaped fromD. dreamt of28.A. affect B. loseC. harmD. shock29.A. or B. soC. whileD. because30.A. expressing B

41、. weepingC. workingD. learning31.A. difficulty B. experienceC. confidenceD. pleasure32.A. easy-going B. calmC. brilliantD. helpless33.A. progress B. listC. typeD. queue34.A. dried B. rubbedC. liftedD. opened35.A. warned B. allowedC. questionedD. taught36.A. interesting B. frustratingC. excitingD. sa

42、tisfying37.A. showing B. ignoringC. cuttingD. leaving38.A. attacked B. inspiredC. educatedD. puzzled39.A. discovered B. borrowedC. collectedD. wasted40.A. romantic B. strangeC. safeD. good第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。My deskmate admires my fluent English very m

43、uch and I usually feel 41 (encourage) by his compliments.One day, when we learned the new word “eccentric” in class , we 42 (ask) to make a sentence with it. I volunteered to do 43 by saying “My deskmate is an eccentric boy 44 clothes never fit him.” 45 (hear) this, the whole class burst into 46 (la

44、ugh) and my deskmates face turned red. 47 class, I learned from the teacher that my deskmate would have dropped 48 of school if he hadnt been helped by others. My mindless words must 49 (hurt) him deeply.Not until then did I realize words could be 50 (power) in both positive and negative ways. We sh

45、ould avoid hurting others if we cant always be encouraging when we speak.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出

46、修改后的词。注意: 1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Miss Li, Im one of your student in Class Six, Senior Three. Nowadays I meet a great many difficulties when studied English. To begin with, it is very difficult of me to memorize a large number of new words. In addition, grammar is too complex to understand, that has influenced my English writing seriously. And my performance on reading and correcting are not satisfying. Faced with such a dilemma, you hope that you can give me a hand. Would you provide me with some effectively approaches? Secondly, I believe that I wil


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