[FECT] 官方5套模拟测试题 答案.doc

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1、FECT 2010年官方官方5套模拟测试题 1LISTENING : TEST 1: C , B , C , D , B , B , A , C , C , A , B , B , D , C , D , D , A , B , D , D , B , D , A , C , D , D , C , D , A , D TEST 2: C , C , B , D , C , B , B , D , B , D , A , B , C , C , C , B , C , A , C , C , D , C , D , C , C , B , B , C , D , D TEST 3: C , D

2、 , A , D , A , D , D , B , B , C , D , C , C , D , C , C , C , C , B , C , D , B , A , B , A , C , D , A , C , B TEST 4: C , A , A , D , A , A , B , A , B , A , B , B , B , C , C , C , C , A , A , B , D , C , A , D , B , A , C , B , A , D TEST 5: D , B , C , C , C , C , B , A , B , C , B , C , A , C

3、 , A , A , C , D , B , B , A , D , B , A , D , D , A , C , D , D READING TEST 1: B , B , B , A , C , A , D , B , C , A , B , A , B , C , D , C , A , B , B , A , B , B , B , A , A , A , C , A , B , B , A , A , D , A , B , C , B , B , B , A , D , A , A , A , D , C , D , A , D , D TEST 2: D , B , C , B

4、 , D , B , D , D , B , A , C , B , D , A , D , D , B , B , C , A , A , A , C , B , A , B , C , C , A , B , D , C , A , D , B , C , B , D , D , B , A , B , D , C , A , C , D , D , C , B TEST 3: A , C , A , B , C , B , C , B , B , B , A , C , D , B , C , A , D , A , B , C , C , A , C , B , B , C , A ,

5、 B , A , A , A , D , D , A , A , C , B , D , A , C , D , A , C , C , C , B , A , D , A , C TEST 4: C , A , D , D , C , C , A , B , B , C , A , B , D , A , B , B , A , A , C , C , A , B , B , A , A , B , B , A , C , B , C , A , B , D , C , C , D , A , B , A , C , C , A , B , D , D , C , C , A , B TES

6、T 5: B , A , A , D , A , C , B , C , C , A , D , A , B , D , C , C , A , C , D , C , B , A , A , C , A , B , C , C , A , C , B , A , D , A , C , C , A , A , B , C , C , D , A , A , B , D , B , D , C , APart ThreeWritingSection One 1. The principal applies for issuing a bond. (Applying for a bond)2.

7、The guarantor issues a bond in favor of the beneficiary. (Issuing a bond )3. The beneficiary presents documents and claims for indemnity. (Claiming for indemnity)4. The guarantor pays to the beneficiary if payment called for conforms to the terms of bond.(Paying to the beneficiary)5. The guarantor a

8、sks for and obtains reimbursement from the principal or debits the customers account according to the counter indemnity. (Asking for and obtaining) Section Two 银行业开展网上银行服务时会面临许多挑战。其中最重要的、也是人们最为关心的是如何为网上交易提供一个安全的平台,同时又要保护客户的隐私。第二个挑战是银行管理层是否具有创造性和深谋远虑,以充分利用新技术,并为客户提供足以满足其不断变化的财务需求的新的金融产品。 Section Thre

9、e We have received your above L/C and observed that the credit is not signed by an authorized signatory. For the sake of precaution, please confirm to us by tested telex the authenticity of the credit as soon as possible, of please send us a duly signed instrument for replacement.It comes to our att

10、ention that the dates of shipment and expiration are inversely given (to be Aug.30 and Aug. 15 respectively). Please make correction.In order to complete our file, will you please send us your up-to-date specimen signature booklet if there is any change in your authorized signatories.FECT 2010年官方官方5

11、套模拟测试题 2Part ThreeWritingSection One 1. Shipping goods and getting documents2. Asking for collection3. Sending collection instruction and documents to collecting bank4. Releasing documents against D/A or D/P5. Sending funds to remitting bank for credit to the principals account. Section Two 流动性风险主要产

12、生于一家银行对其未预期到的负债的减少或是资产增加不能提供资金融通而导致的风险。当银行流动性不足时,它就不能通过增加负债或是以合理成本迅速变现资产的方式获取充足的资金,从而影响其获利能力。在极端的情况下,流动性的严重不足将导致银行无力清偿情况的出现。 Section Three May 17, 2002ABC BankDear sirs,Re: the new interest rateWe are pleased to notify you that effective Aug. 1,2002 until further notice interest is to be calculated

13、on the credit balance at 5.5% and charge at 6% p.a. on overdrafts in your Renminbi account with us. We would add that generally your account is not allowed to be overdrawn and it is hoped that you will see to it that your account always keeps a credit balance and is replenished in time when overdraw

14、n.Sincerely yours,FECT 2010年官方官方5套模拟测试题 3Part ThreeWritingSection One a. The exporter makes a general agreement(framework) with the forfaiter on the amount, maturity of the paper and discount rate.b. The exporter negotiates with the importer over the maturity of the instruments, the guaranteeing ban

15、k, and other related terms.c. The exporter concludes an agreement with the forfaiter.d. The exporter and the importer sign a commercial contract on a series of transactions.e. The importer issues a series of promissory notes in favor of the exporter (or the exporter draws a bill of exchange on the i

16、mporter) and delivers the notes to the importers bank.f. The importers bank guarantees the notes and forwards the guaranteed notes to the exporter.g. The exporter discounts his notes in forfaiter.h. The forfaiter endorses the notes and sells them to investors in the secondary market.i. At maturity,

17、the investor presents the notes to the importer or importers bank for collection. Section Two 信息不对称问题出现在贷款市场上,是因为与借款人相比,贷款人对借款人的投资机会和投资活动知道的太少,这种状况导致银行及其他金融机构两种生产信息的活动:筛选和监控。的确,正如美国最大的花旗银行集团的前负责人沃尔特。里斯顿所说:银行业的工作就是生产信息。 Section Three We refer to the letter from the Midland Bank claiming that our nego

18、tiation under your credit no. could not be reimbursed for the reason that the reimbursement authorized by them is restricted to the negotiation made not late than Feb. 28, 2003.Upon checking our records, we find that the expiry date of the above-mentioned L/C was extended to sep.1, 2003 as per your

19、amendment dated Feb. 23, 2003. We presume that they have not been advised of your amendment. You are, therefore, requested to instruct Midland Bank to effect the reimbursement without any delay.We hope that similar cases will not happen in the future.FECT 2010年官方官方5套模拟测试题 4Part ThreeWriting Section

20、One 1. Importers bank requests and exporters bank agrees to make the facility line pursuant to the terms and conditions of the general agreement of the export credit.2. The importer and the exporter conclude a supply contract.3. The importer and the exporter make an application to the importers bank

21、 and exporters bank respectively.4. The exporters bank signs an individual loan agreement with importers bank after both banks have accepted the applications respectively.5. Exporters bank makes an application for the individual loan agreement to governments agency, and the loan agreement comes into

22、 effect after the export agency has approved it.6. The importers bank makes the loan to the importer. Section Two 在外币统账制下,所有的分类账都以所在国的货币记账,外币交易以等值的当地货币折算。通过备忘录来记录原交易货币。在外币分账制下,所有的外币交易都以原始货币记账,每一种外币都有一套分户账。 Section Three We have received your documents under L/C no . But now we regret informing you t

23、hat our bank cannot effect the payment because of the following discrepancies:a. 1/3 original bill of lading not presented;b. late shipmentc. L/C out of expiry dated. The amount of I/P less than 110% of invoice valueFECT 2010年官方官方5套模拟测试题 5Part ThreeWriting 1. The exporter and the importer conclude a

24、 supply contract.2. The exporter and the importer make an application to exporters bank and importers bank respectively.3. Exporters bank signs a loan agreement with the importer, and importers bank issues a letter of guarantee in favor of exporters bank after they accept the applications respective

25、ly.4. Exporters bank make an application for the individual loan agreement to governments export credit agency, and the loan agreement comes into effect after the export credit agency approves it. Section Two 1. 国家外汇管理局(SAFE)(以下简称外汇局)作为政府机构负责外汇管理工作。2. 外汇指定银行和经营外汇业务的其他金融机构是银行间外汇市场的交易者。3. 个人及来华人员外币存取自

26、由。4. 损益表提供衡量企业在某一特定期间内经营成功或失败的方法。5. 相关范围是指成本总额和业务量基本呈线性关系的经营水平或业务量范围。 Section Three B bank is one of the famous international banks in Chicago which owns several branches at home and abroad. The information in our possession indicate that it was constructed in 1949 according with Illinois law which

27、was initially founded in 1929 as a savings bank. From 1950 on the bank has kept paying membership dues as a member of local bankers association.Although we have no information about the financial status of the bank, but as far as we know, it has not kept any outstanding records since 1950. All the information available seems favorable to them.The president of the bank is Mr. whose management is regarded as reliable and capable.We feel pleasure in recommending the above mentioned bank.


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