中英文翻译:建设工程设计合同(DOC 8页) .doc

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《中英文翻译:建设工程设计合同(DOC 8页) .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中英文翻译:建设工程设计合同(DOC 8页) .doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、建设工程设计合同 Design Contract for Construction Project发包人(甲方):越南和发钢股份有限公司 Party awarding contract (Party A): HOA PHAT JOINT STOCK COMPANY设计人(乙方):河北和润工程技术有限公司Design Contractor(Party B): HeBei HeRun Engineering& Research Corporation,Limited.甲方委托乙方承担配套传带送系统从马头到原料厂200万屯/年,工程地点为越南海阳省 ,经双方协商一致,签定本合同。party B is

2、 entrusted by Party A to design supporting Belt-Conveyor system with a capacity of 2 million ton/year from the wharf to the raw materials yard, and the construction location is HaiYang Province in Vietnam. Both the two parties herewith agree to sign the contract based on the principle of common cons

3、ensus. 第一条 本合同依据下列文件签订:Clause 1 The contract is confirmed and signed on base of the following documents: 1.1中华人民共和国合同法和建设工程勘察设计合同条例。 Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Contract Provisions of Survey and Design for Construction Project 1.2国家及地方有关工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。 Relevant management laws a

4、nd regulations of national and local construction survey 1.3建设工程批准文件。 Documents approved by project construction.第二条 本合同设计项目的名称、阶段、规模、设计内容及设计原则:Clause 2 Name, phase, scale, design content and design principle of the design items in scope of the contract.2.1名称:70吨钢工程配套的原料场工程 Name: raw materials yard

5、project for 70t steel project2.2规模:运转能力达到600屯/小时(200万吨/年) Scale : running capacity up to 600 ton/h (2 million ton/year)2.3阶段:施工图(三个月完成) Phase: construction drawings( to be completed within 3months)2.4主要设计内容:从码头(不含码头)到原料厂运输系统的工厂设计。主要设计内容包括:Main design content: plant design from wharf(but not include

6、the wharf) to raw materials yard transferring system, including:-总平面布置图的设计,工程项目的土建设计。Design for the general layout, civil work design for the project.传送带系统详细设计图。Detailed design drawing for belt-conveyor system.建筑物桩基图设计Design for pile base of the constructions设备制造图:料斗,称量.Equipment manufacture drawing

7、: hopper and weighing device.土建结构设计图:建筑物桩基结构,传送带系统通廊,中转站,料仓等。Design drawing of civil work structure: piling base structure of the constructions, passage for belt-conveyor system, transferring station, silo, etc.配套设施的设计图:动力系统,控制系统等Design drawing for supporting facilities: dynamic system, control syst

8、em, etc. 全部系统的设备安装图Equipment erection drawing for all the systems要求设计的图纸保证能够制造,对于要订购的设备要求能够保证运输物料的要求,满足生产需要。The designed drawings are required to be capable of manufacturing the equipment. For the equipment to be purchased, it is required to meet the requirements of transferring material and product

9、ion.第三条 甲方向乙方提交的有关资料及文件:Clause 3 The relevant documents and data to be submitted by Party A to Party B are following:3.1厂区地形图(1:500)含电子版Plant topographic drawing(1:500) including soft copy3.2工程地质报告Project geologic report3.3当地气象、水文资料Local atmosphere and hydrology data3.4设备订货资料(按进度分步提供)Equipment order

10、ing data( to be submitted as per the progress schedule step by step)第四条 乙方向甲方交付的设计文件、份数及时间:Clause 4 The design documents submitted by Party B to Party A, quantity and date:所有设计文件一式5份交付甲方,交付时间以不影响甲方施工进度为原则,分批发图。主要发图时间确定如下:All the design documents shall be delivered in quintuplicate in batch based on

11、the principle of no influence to the construction progress of Party A.The main date to deliver the drawings are defined as follows:4.1合同签定后,收到预付款之日起,10日内书面提供总平面布置图,及各工艺平、断面布置图The general layout and various technical plan and section drawings shall be submitted in written form within 10 days from the

12、 date of having received the advance payment after the signing of the contract. 4.2方案设计确定后,3日内提供主要设备清单及详勘设计委托书. The list for main equipment and entrustment of detailed survey design shall be submitted within 3days after the design scheme is confirmed.4.3接到地质报告15日内,完成主要建筑物桩基图,35天内完成全部桩基及主要建筑物基础图。The

13、pile base drawings for main buildings shall be completed within 15 days, and all pile base drawings and the foundation drawings for main buildings within 35 days after receiving the geologic report.4.4在不影响施工进度前提下,65天内提供主要土建结构图, 3个月内完成全部工程施工图设计。The structure drawings for main civil work shall be subm

14、itted within 65 days, and all the construction drawings for the whole project shall be completed within 3months under the precondition of no influence to the construction progress.4.5甲方应在设备清单收到之日起,15日内返回设备订货资料(图纸及可编辑的电子版)。主要设备合同的技术附件须经设计院确认。Party A shall return the equipment ordering data(drawings,

15、editable soft copy) within 15 days after having received the equipment list. The technical annex of contract for main equipment shall be confirmed by the design institute.第五条 甲方应支付合同项目的税后设计费为 :伍拾万元人民币(RMB)整The design fees after- tax in scope of the contract to be paid by Party A : 500000 (five hundr

16、ed thousand) RMB Only设计费的现金支付方法为:The design fee paid by cash:5.1本合同生效时,甲方支付设计费总额的约50%(建设部、国家工商行政管理局建设工程设计合同(示范文本)规定:为50%),即贰拾伍万元人民币(RMB)整,作为订金及设计方案确定后首付设计费。Party A shall pay about 50% of the total value of the design fees(50% as per the provision in (trial edition) issued by the Ministry of Construc

17、tion Department and National Industry & Commerce Administrative Bureau, that is 250000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Yuan RMB Only5.2 完成全部桩基及主要建构筑物基础时,甲方支付设计费总额30%,即拾伍万元人民币(RMB)整。Party A shall pay 30% of the total value of the design fees after the completion of all the pile bases design and foun

18、dation design for main buildings, that is 150000(one hundred and fifty thousand)Yuan RMB Only.5.3完成转运站,通廊(预计17条)等主要结构图时, 甲方支付设计费总额的约10%, 即伍万元人民币(RMB)整。 Party A shall pay about 10% of the total value of the design fees after the completion of design drawings for main constructions like transferring s

19、tation and passage(totally17, estimated), that is 50000(fifty thousand)Yuan RMB Only.5.4乙方提交全部设计文件时,甲方支付设计费总额的10%,伍万元人民币(RMB)整。Party A shall pay 10% of the total value of the design fees upon the submission of all the design documents by Party B, that is 50000(fifty thousand)Yuan RMB Only.5.5(建设部、国家

20、工商行政管理局建设工程设计合同(示范文本)规定:施工图完成后,发包人结清设计费,不留尾款) (trial edition) issued by the Ministry of Construction Department and National Industry &Commerce Administrative Bureau stipulates : the party awarding contract shall pay off the design fees without any remaining charges after completion of the construct

21、ion drawings. 第六条 双方责任及义务。Clause 6 Liability and obligation for both parties6.1.1甲方按本合同第三条规定的内容在规定的时间内向乙方提交设计有关的技术资料及文件,并对其完整性、正确性及时限负责。Party A shall submit relevant technical data and documents to Party B within stipulated time according to the specification in Clause 3 of the contract, and shall b

22、e responsible for its integrity, validity and time limit.甲方应提交的: 乙方设计所需的技术资料及文件超过规定期限7天以内,乙方按本合同第四条规定交付设计文件时间;规定期限超过7天以上,10天以内时,乙方按本合同第四条规定交付设计文件时间顺延。延迟超过10天时,另行商定设计周期及因甲方延误,影响乙方工程组织所增加的费用。For the documents and data required by Party B and submitted by Party A for design work, if they are submitted

23、by Party A later than the stipulated date not more than 7days,Party B shall deliver the design documents according to the stipulation in Clause 4 of the contract; if more than 7days but within 10 days, Party B shall postpone the documents delivering date accordingly as per the stipulation in clause

24、4 of the contract; if more than 10 days, both two parties shall define another design cycle and additional charges to Party B caused by the delay of Party A .6.1.2在合同履行期间,如甲方要求终止或解除合同,乙方未开始工作的,不退还甲方已付的定金;已开始设计工作的,甲方应根据乙方已进行的实际工作量,不足一半时,按该阶段设计费的一半支付,超过一半时,按该阶段设计费的全部支付。During the performance of the co

25、ntract, if Party A requests to terminate or cancel the contract, and Party B has not started, Party B shall not return the advance money; if Party B has started, Party A shall pay to Party B as per the actual working volume, in case less than half, half of the design fees for that phase shall be pai

26、d; more than half, the total design fees for that phase shall be paid.6.1.3甲方应按本合同第五条规定的金额和时间向乙方支付设计费用,每逾期支付一天,应承担应支付金额的千分之二的逾期违约金。超过30天以上时,乙方有权 暂停履行下阶段工作,并书面通知甲方。甲方上级对设计文件不审批或本合同项目暂停缓建,甲方均应支付设计费。Party A shall pay to Party B the design fees according to the amount of the design value within the time

27、 limit stipulated in Clause 5 of the contract, and shall be responsible for paying 2 demurrage liquidated damages out of the total amount of value for every single days delay. If more than 30days beyond the time limit in the contract, Party B shall have the right to stop the work for next step, and

28、inform Party A in a written form. In case that the design documents are not approved by the superiors of Party A or the contract project is stopped to postpone, the design fee shall be paid Party A.6.1.4甲方要求乙方比合同规定时间提前交付设计文件时,甲方应支付赶工费。Party A shall pay extra charges for requesting Party B to deliver

29、 the design documents prior to the stipulated data in the contract.6.1.5甲方负责乙方派驻现场服务人员的食宿Party A shall take charge of the foods and accommodation for the site representative from Party B6.1.6甲方应保护乙方的设计版权,未经乙方同意,甲方对乙方交付的设计文件不得复制或向第三者转让或用于本合同外项目的建设,如发生以上情况,乙方有权进行索赔。 Party shall protect the design copy

30、right, and shall not copy design documents or transfer to third party for the construction beyond the contract project without consent of Party B. Party B shall have the right to apply for claim provided the above situations occur.6.2乙方责任:liability for Party B 6.2.1乙方按本合同第四条规定的内容、时间及份数向甲方交付设计文件。 因乙方

31、原因延期交付图纸,每延期一天,应承担应支付金额的千分之二的逾期违约金。Party B shall deliver the design documents to Party A according to the content, date and number of copies stipulated in Clause 4 in the contract, and shall be responsible for paying 2 demurrage liquidated damages out of the total amount of value for every single da

32、ys demurrage due to the delay for drawing delivery caused by Party B. 6.2.2乙方对设计文件出现的遗漏或错误负责修改和补充,由于乙方设计错误造成工程质量事故损失,乙方除负责采取补救措施外,应减收或免收损失部分的设计费,并根据损失程度向甲方偿付赔偿金,赔偿金最多与免收的设计费金额相等。Party B shall be responsible for modifying and supplementing the missing and incorrect parts in the design documents, and

33、shall reduce or exempt the design fees for the parts of loss, besides adopting remedy measures, provided that project quality accidents is caused by Party B due to design mistakes. Party B shall be responsible for paying compensation to Party A according to the caused loss, and maximum compensation

34、amount is equivalent to the design fees exempted.6.2.3乙方在交付设计文件后,参加有关上级审查及根据审查结论负责不超出原定计划任务书范围内的必要调整补充。乙方按合同规定时限交付设计文件一年内项目开始施工,负责处理有关设计问题。在一年内项目尚未开始施工,乙方负责上述工作,可按所需量向甲方适当收取咨询费。Party B shall responsible for participating relevant superior examination , and making necessary adjusting and supplementin

35、g not beyond the original plan task, after delivering the design documents. After the delivery of design documents as per the time limit stipulated in the contract, Party B shall be responsible for handling the relevant design problems in case that the project has started within one year. Otherwise

36、Party B shall charge the consultant fee to Party A properly for the above work, provided that the project has not started within the one year. 6.2.4乙方不得向第三方扩散、转让甲方提交的产品图纸等技术经济资料,否则甲方有权进行索赔。Party B shall not spread and/or transfer to third party the technical and economic documents and data such as p

37、roduct drawings ect, otherwise, Party A has the right to claim. 第七条 其他 Clause 7 Others 7.1甲方要求乙方派专人长期驻施工现场进行配合其解决设计问题时,双方应另行签定技术咨询服务合同。Both the parties shall sign the technical consultation contract, provided that Party A requests Party B to assign professional staff for coordinating and solving des

38、ign problems on site. 7.2乙方为本合同项目所采用的国家或地方标准图,由甲方自费向有关出版部门购买。本合同第四条规定乙方交付的设计文件份数超过工程设计收费标准规定的份数,乙方另收工本费。Party A shall take the charges for purchasing the national or local standard drawing adopted by Party B under the contract project issued by relevant authorities. Clause 4 stipulates that Party B

39、shall charge extra for the additional copies out of the stipulations in for Party B to deliver design documents.7.3本工程项目中,建筑材料、设备的加工定货,甲方需要乙方设计人员配合时,所需费用由甲方承担。Party A shall take all the charges for construction materials, equipment manufacture and ordering, and also the coordination provided by the

40、Party B when requested by Party A under the contract project.7.4甲方发包乙方配合引进项目的设计任务,从询价、对外谈判、国内技术考察直至建成投产的各阶段,应吸收承担有关设计任务的乙方参加。出国费用,除服装费外,其他费用由甲方支付。For the design works awarded by Party A and taken by Party B, Party B shall be invited to participate the activities from inquiring, negotiating, domestic

41、 technical investigation up to production. All charges abroad except the cloth cost shall be paid by Party A.7.5甲方委托乙方承担本合同内容之外的工作服务,另行支付费用。Extra charges shall be paid , provided Party A entrusts Party B to take responsibility for extra work or/and services beyond the contract content.7.6由于不可抗力因素致使合

42、同无法履行时,双方应及时协商解决。Both the two parties shall negotiate and resolve timely, provided that the contract could not be performed due to force majeure.7.7本建设工程设计合同在履行过程中发生纠纷,发包人与设计人应及时协商解决。Both the two parties shall negotiate and resolve timely, provided any disputes occurs during the performance of the p

43、roject design contract.7.8本合同未尽事宜,双方可签订补充协议及会议纪要作为附件,补充协议、会议纪要与本合同具有同等效力。Both the two parties shall sign supplementary agreements and minutes of meeting as attachments for the matters not mentioned hereinbefore, and the supplementary agreements and minutes of meeting shall take same effect with the contract.7.9本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份。w7.10本合同经双方代表签字后生效。The contract shall take effect upon the signing by both the two parties.发包人代表: Representative of Party A 设计人代表: Representative of Party B 翻译:管荣二八年四月十一日8


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