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1、 高分范文 Contentment Is the Key to Happiness It is human nature that people always seek happiness .(1)Then what factors are necessary to achieve happiness ?(2)Some people hold the view that money is essential to happiness ,therefore ,they exert themselves to earn as much money as they can .Happiness,(2

2、)as far as Im concerned ,consist in contentment . (3) As the old saying goes , “A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness .” Lots of people feel empty though they are in possession of great wealth .Why? Because greed is a persons trait .After he obtains something ,he will

3、become more eager to acquire more .If he fails to reach his goal ,he will feel unhappy .(4) By contrast , regardless of their poor life ,some people live happily because they are healthy ,which is called contentment .(5) In conclusion ,contentment is the key to happiness .As long as people are satis

4、fied with what they have possessed ,happiness is just around the corner.Exert oneself to do sth.努力做某事Consist of 在于In possession of 拥有,占有Regardless of 不管Around the corner 即将到来 Great Aim Makes Great Man (1)Aim plays an important role in everyones life .Whatever a mans status may be ,he must have an ai

5、m .If not ,he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world .(2)It stands to reason that great aim makes great men .(3)In the first place ,great aim acts as motivational kick.(4)As the old saying goes , “ If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship he would keep it in port forever

6、.”As we know ,without great aim of staying for the raise of China ,Premier Zhou Enlai wouldnt have devoted himself to the liberation and development of China and finally ,led the Chinese people to freedom and prosperity .(3) In the second place ,great aim helps people conquer difficulties .It is the

7、ir great aim that helps people to go though hard times .(5)In a word ,it is advisable for everyone to own a great aim .Only in this way can people make themselves great men and contribute a lot to society.Stand on ones on two feet立足 Stand to reason 显而易见Devote oneself to 献身于Contribute to 为.做贡献1. 一些大学

8、通过加分制度来鼓励学生献血2. 这种制度的利弊3. 在我看来Should University Encourage Students to Donate Blood for Academic Credits (1) Recently ,the fact that some university encourage students to donate blood by means of granting academic credits to them has become a hot topic among people ,especially among the young ,and he

9、ated debates are right on their way .(2)On the one hand ,(3)there is no denying that by granting academic credits to students for blood donation ,more and more students will actively donate blood .(3)As a result ,the problem of blood supply shortage in China will be solved and more and more people w

10、ill be saved .(2)On the other hand ,blood donation is generally regarded as noble life-saving act that should be done out of ones own will.(4)However ,some students will donate blood for academic credits ,not for saving other people ,which goes against the principle of blood donation .(5)As far as I

11、 am concerned ,granting academic credits to the students is not the best way to encourage blood donation ,which should be cancelled.By means of 通过.Grant .of .将.授予 Regard.as.将.看做Out of ones own will 自愿1. 近年来推迟退休年龄引起人们的议论2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊3. 我的看法 Should Retirement Age Be Postponed (1) Along with the trend

12、 of longevity ,nobody could have failed to notice a heated debate on whether it is wise to postpone retirement age . (2) Some people argue that its necessary to postpone the retirement age in that it is a good way to deal with the aging population .(3)one of the direct results of the aging society i

13、s a drop in the labor force supply ,which can be relieved by postponing the retirement age .(4)However, other people hold a negative view about this phenomenon .(5)For one thing ,this reform could raise the pressure of social employment ,especially for the present situation ,(5)For another ,it may d

14、iminish the seniors leisure time and the probability to enjoy their retirement pension . (6)For my part ,we should take the level of the reform and the elders interest into consideration so that a clearer perspective of the debate can be gained .A good way to deal with.应对.的好方法Diminish 减少,削弱1. 人们对于如何

15、提升幸福感有不同的看法2. 幸福感的提升不仅包括物质层面,也包括. How to Enhance Our Sense of Happiness (1)Along with the improvement of living standards,people are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately .They are more concerned about how to enhance their sense of happiness .(2)To a large extent ,happiness depends

16、 on individuals understanding about it (3).For some people ,happiness relies on material basis ,without which they cant live comfortably and decently .(3)For others ,they believe that happiness has nothing to do with money .Thus to enhance happiness is not equal to improving ones material living sta

17、ndards .(4)Instead ,people are supposed to confront their life with right attitude ,to be active and grateful in order to have a happy life .(5)For my part ,money does buy happiness ,but only up to the point where it enables one to live comfortably .Boosting ones happiness needs not only materials w

18、ealth but also spiritual enrichment .It encompasses living a meaningful life ,utilizing your gifts and your time ,living with reflection and objective .Spiritual enrichment 精神充实1. 目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象2. 出现这一现象的原因3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议 On Excessive packing In recent years ,with the improving of living standard,(

19、1)commodities with excessive packing have poured into the markets and stores ,such as luxurious moon cakes and traditional Chinese rice-pudding .Such a prevailing phenomenon (2)leads to so serious waste that it has aroused peoples wide concern and strong criticism . (3) Many reasons may account for

20、excessive packing .(4)To being with ,an increasing number of companies and stores hold the idea that fancy packing may attract potential customers and stimulate their purchasing desire ,thus earning more profits .(5)In addition ,many customers have a wrong notion that the more delicate the package l

21、ooks ,the better quality the commodity may be ,which encourage the evil trend of excessive packing. (6).Whats more ,the prevailing phenomenon is partly due to the lack of related laws and regulations and strict enforcement of them . (7) In my opinion ,excessive packing will not only waste the precio

22、us resources ,but also lay heavier burden on the environment .(8)To prevent this phenomenon from worsening ,2it is high time that we raised peoples awareness of rational consumption and saving resources .Pour into 涌入Prevailing phenomenon 盛行的现象Arouse ones wide concern 引起某人的广泛关注Stimulate purchasing de

23、sire 刺激购买欲望Rational consumption 理智消费 Nothing Succeed Without a Strong Will (1)There is a widespread humorous saying , “Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world .Ive done it hundreds of times .”(2)Funny as it is ,the saying ironically reflects the fact that strong will is the most essential

24、 quality for anyone that wants to achieve success. Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us and knock us down .Therefore ,we must have strong will to meet challenges of them .(4)And whats more ,there are many temptations waiting for us when we are striving for succe

25、ss.(5)For example ,when friends just play with great satisfaction .Then how can you resist such a terrible temptation ?Obviously ,(6)only with strong will can you conquer yourself and realize your goals .of patient toil and constant efforts, (8)just as the old popular saying goes , “Where there is a

26、 will ,there is a way .”Ironically 讽刺地Achievement 取得成功Strive for 为.奋斗Do ones utmost 尽力去.1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2. 网上购物游很多好处,但也有不少问题3. 我的建议 Online Shopping (1)Online shopping is gaining increasing popularity recently and it promises to be further imbedded into our daily life . (2)Online shopping is benefici

27、al to consumers and retailers alike in many ways .(3)For consumers ,it is time and energy-saying to purchase whatever they want over Internet with lower prices .(4)For retailers ,they can save much cost without having to rent a house in the downtown and spending much on employees compared with tradi

28、tional market sale . (5)However, despite many benefits from online shopping ,there are still some defects that cannot be ignored .(6)For one thing ,lack of face-to-face communication makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy (7)For another ,some dishonest merchants may provide false inform

29、ation ,which renders it time-consuming to identify the commodity .(8)From my perspective ,the benefits of online shopping do outweigh its defects ,and to refuse to eat for fear of choking is always an unwise choice .What we should do is regulate the relative laws to bind the online trading activitie

30、s . Only when a harmonious Internet environment is established can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping .Gain increasing popularity Be imbedded into 融入到.Trustworthy 可信赖的Time-consuming 耗时的Outweigh 比.重要,超过1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切2. 为了让孩子独立,父母应该. How Should Parents Help Children to Be Indep

31、endent (1)It is beyond reproach that children are always considered the apple of parents eyes ,which is particularly true of modern families with single child .(2)however ,many parents go so far as to arrange everything for their prince or princess , including their daily life ,their studies and eve

32、n their future .(3)It is not an unusual sight that an increasing number of children are accompanied by parents on their first day of college .Hundred percent sure I can say that (4)children will end up with excessive vanity as well as dependence with everything taken care of for them by parents .In

33、such a world full of fierce competition ,being independent is essential for children success .Thus ,how should parents help children to be independent ?In my suggestion ,(6)on the one hand ,parents should change their mindset, and stop being “helicopter parents ”to raise kids in a free-ranging way ;

34、(7)on the other hand ,parents should teach children to be responsible for their behaviors instead of monopolizing thing that should have been managed by kids.(8)I cling to the belief that only when parents realize what is in their kidsbest interests can they help children develop independence .Beyon

35、d reproach 无可非议Be accompanied by由.陪同Fierce competition 激烈的竞争Free-ranging 自由放养的Cling to the belief 坚信1目前不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写出现这一现象的原因是.为了改变这种状况,我认为 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling (1)Nowadays ,an increasing number of students seem to attach less importance to spelling in English learning .(2)Thu

36、s ,numerous misspelling appear in their papers ,and (3)whats worse ,a smooth essay that can be read though is(4) therefore totally impossible . (5)There are various reasons responsible for this embarrassing situation .(6)For one thing ,much more students given priorities to oral English at the cost

37、of doing less spelling exercise ,let along reflect on what they learned the other day .(7)For another ,many teachers put so much emphasis on communication and grammar in teaching that they seldom highlight spelling ,and occasionally worse still, they themselves are caught in spelling .To change this

38、 situation ,(8)I hold to the belief that students and teachers should work together .(9)On the one hand ,students should stop complaining about spelling ,and they should realize correct spelling is a must in learning English .(10)On the other hand ,teachers should pay more attention to spelling in t

39、eaching ,for example ,focusing on pronunciation and word formation .Only via joint effort can students gain solid ground in spelling .Embarrassing 尴尬的 Give priorities to. 优先考虑.At the cost of .以.为代价Highlight 突出,重视建设绿色校园十分重要绿色校园不仅是指绿色的环境.为了建设绿色校园,我们应该. Creating a Green Campus (1)Durning recent years ,

40、(1)the topic of a green campus ,which has aroused wide public attention ,is becoming more and more popular .Suggesting an environment as well as psychologically healthy place ,a green campus ,undoubtedly ,(3)is an indispensable part of the development of college students ,(4)and has a profound impac

41、t on both individuals and society. A green environment ,rather than anything else ,(5)plays a decisive role in the grown of college students .(6)Meanwhile ,it should also be mentioned that a green campus includes not only the place where the students live ,but also the mental environment .without gr

42、een surrounding ,the soul of students would not be as pure as we wish .(7)In that case ,in no place other than campus should we strive to make a green atmosphere. (8)Due to the seriousness of the situation ,it is crucial for us to take effective measures to create a green campus .(9)In the first pla

43、ce ,its essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced by the government and authorities .(10)Furthermore ,it is high time that we enhance the awareness of the students .(11)Only in this way can we get satisfactory results .With these measures taken ,it is reasonable for us to

44、 belief that a green campus will be achieved in the near future .Psychological 心理上地Profound 深远的Strive to do .努力做.Enforce 执行1. 越来越多的博物馆现在免费向公众开放,目的是.2. 有人认为这样做会带来一些问题3. 在我看来. Free Admissions to Museums (1)Recently ,more and more museums are open to the public free of charge .By doing so,they can attr

45、act more visitors ,and offer the visitors more opportunities to explore and get easy access to the world of history ,culture and knowledge. (2)However ,some people view that the practice also brings problems and concerns .They are right in a sense.(4)For one thing ,their main concern is that with mo

46、re visitors ,it is possible that objects exhibited can get damaged more easily .(4)For another ,it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors .(5)As for me ,I am absolutely in favor of this practice .(6)The reason lies in the fact that the govern

47、ment should provide more opportunities for citizens to explore and experience the knowledge world .(7)Moreover ,kids and teenagers can acquire knowledge in a more vivid way in the museums .(8)I hope all the people can share the same national treasures in more free museums .Get easy access to 易于获得In

48、a sense 从某种意义上说Absolutely 绝对地 Vivid 生动形象的1. 一次性塑料袋曾广为使用2. 由此带来的问题3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义 Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags Recently ,limiting the use of disposable plastic bags has been brought to the public attention in China .No one would deny that it is a real convenience to use plastic bags in our dail


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