[初一英语]Go for it 七级下册教案.doc

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1、 新目标英语Go for it 七年级下册Unit 7 What does he look like? Section 1 1. ObjectivesKnowledge aims:1. Most students can talk about sbs appearance.2. Teaching content:New words: tall ,short, thin ,heavy ,curly, straight, bald ,blonde, medium build, hair, beard, mustache captain, team, glasses, look, wise, pop

2、ular, wear, stop, remember, say, etc.Expressions:What do you look like? Im short And I have curly hair What do they look like? Theyre medium height What does he/she look like? Hes heavy and he wears glasses Shes thin and she has long hair Ability aims: 1. To train the students four skills-listening,

3、 speaking, reading and writing2. To train the students abilities of using target languages to communicate and use them in writing.3. To train the students to know the person according to the description of ones appearance. Moral aims:1.Never judge people by their appearance 2. Let the students under

4、stand others in their communication and know how to appreciate others. 3. Cultivate the students abilities of co-operation with others. Cultural awareness: The differences of talking about appearance in eastern and western countries. Learning strategies:1. Give students some instructions about self-

5、study by giving them some preview assignment.2. Students learn to cooperate with their partners.教学设计:由于学生在七年级上册已经学过关于“What does he like?”这一特殊疑问句式,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。谈论人的外表形象是人们日常生活中遇到的话题。故学生喜于用英语表达此类知识。根据这一情况教师对教材进行整合、取舍并及时扩充必要材料,设定了这个教学目标。 在学法指导上主要通过预习行作业培养学生自学能力,让他们学会学习。同时在与同学合作完成任务的活动

6、中形成合作学习和探究学习的学习方式,引导学生积极思考,善于抓住英语交流的机会。在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。2. Focuses: new words and expressions Describe ones appearance.词汇量很大,对学生是一个挑战。该怎样去描述一个人是本课的重点也是一个难点。3. Difficulties: The usage of has and is. Describe ones appearance.学生很容易混淆has and is。用本课学习的目标语言结合实际生活并进行灵活运用的能力4. Teach

7、ing aids: PowerPoint a recorder tape 运用多媒体设计课堂,可以实现目标语言的直观化,多样化,多维化。这正好适合于初中学生好奇心强的心理特点,可吸引学生的注意,培养他们的学习兴趣。 录音机可以把纯正地道的英语带入课堂,创设学习英语的氛围。5.Learning and teaching arrangementStep Students activitiesTeachers activitiesMethodology1Students watch the video and sing the song together.Play the video of a so

8、ng “You and me”播放歌曲为了活跃课堂,同时拉近师生的距离,为我的教学做好铺垫。2Students watch the PowerPoint. Try to form into four groups, and face the first challenge to learn new words. The best group get the points by breaking the gold or silver egg. Lead the lesson by “Do you like me?” What about Liyong? Show PowerPoint and l

9、ead the students to the program. Let students divide into four parts. Show the first challenge and teach new words. Let students play the game by PowerPoint.通过以旧引新带学生参加李咏主持的“非常6+1”栏目来闯关。第一关“看谁学得最快”,目的为了集中学生的注意力,突破本课的单词关。同时也对教材作了处理,加入了好多于此有关的新单词。以“砸蛋”的方式调动课堂气氛。(下同)3Students guess how the teacher desi

10、gns Bush. The best group get the points by breaking the gold or silver egg.Show PowerPoint and assign Task2: Design Bush. Let students play the game by PowerPoint.第二关“我猜、猜、猜”。通过对“设我朋友的形象”的猜测,来巩固新单词及句型What does he look like?取代文中的1a。同时也培养学生该如何设计一个人的形象4Students look at the pictures in the PowerPoint fo

11、r one minute and try to remember the information, and then say sentences as many as possible to describe the person. The best group get the points by breaking the gold or silver egg.Show PowerPoint and ask students to remember the information, and then say sentences as many as possible to describe t

12、he person. Let students play the game by PowerPoint.第三关“挑战记忆力”。训练学生的短时记忆,及对本课语言知识点的掌握情况。同时也是对目标语言的深化。5Students listen to she tapes and finish the exercises in the book. The best group get the points by breaking the gold or silver egg.Lead students to Challenge Three. Play the tapes and check the ans

13、wers. Let students play the game by PowerPoint.第四关:“我听、听、听”。通过听力来带动学生的说、读、写能力。完成课文中的1b、1c、2a、2b。6Students try to describe your favorite teacher and guess the teacher according to your classmates description. The best group get the points by breaking the gold or silver egg.Let Students describe the t

14、eacher and the others write down and report in the class. Let students play the game by PowerPoint. Let students understand: Everyone is special! Everyone is important! Dont judge the others by their appearance!第五关:描述你最喜欢的老师。训练学生如何能通过描述推理出一个人?再次将本课的语言目标得到加强,巩固,牢牢掌握。同时也照顾学困生,让他们有话说。最后将本课升华为:每个人都很特别!每

15、个人都很重要!不要以貌取人!7Students choose the best group and explain “Why they are the best group?”Let the students choose the best group and explain” Why they are the best group?” Encourage the others do better next time.让学生明白怎么样才是在课堂中表现教好的,同时鼓励他们下次做得更好,并记载在档案袋中。8Homework1) Remember the words and sentences.2)

16、 Write down what you look like twenty years later and draw it out.3)Write a passage to tell me what your mother /father looks like通过写让学生巩固如何描述人这一知识点。同时让学生感受到语言边学边用的成功体会。同时更加坚定学好英语的信心。课后小结A 鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,对他们学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。B创关的形式设计较成功,创造条件让学生能够研究他们自己感兴趣的问题,为自己的小组争关,培养他们的集体荣誉感。C 课堂设计较合理,给学生创设自主学习和交流的

17、机会。 D 学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作等方式发展了听说读写的综合语言技能。E 通过课堂评价让学生明白自己的优、缺点。弥补自己的不足。课后反思:本课的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look),talking about sbs look是教学重点,同时也是教学难点。本课的设计以李咏主持的“非常6+1”闯关的形式。以获胜组有机会“砸蛋”定分数来使学生从游戏中轻松学会了如何谈论外貌,同时还学会了识别不同人物外貌特征,设计的五关.丰富了学生课堂形式,同时也是一种真实的体验.增加学生的语言实践,促进他们在整个教学活动中主动参与。同时对学生进行情感教育,要求他们多发现别人的优点,学会友好地描述别人的形象。让他们明白每个人都很特别!每个人都很重要!不要以貌取人!在这节课中我也特意安排了“最佳小组”的评比让学生明白怎么样才是在课堂中表现教好的,同时鼓励他们下次做得更好,并记载在档案袋中。


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