《英语阅读课学案设计》 .doc

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1、英语阅读课学案设计课型:阅读课一、你需要掌握的知识(请同学们仔细阅读,做到学时心中有数,这些都是大家学习的重点)1单词: accent, surprising, typical/typically, disappeared, changeable, tradition, ancient2词组: spend.with.,. hanks for, get rather, expect to, speak about, the same as, be proud of3句子: Its not the language thats different and surprising.Local habi

2、ts and traditions are not the same as what we knew.。Its different from what I learnd at school.But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions.二、你要达到的能力1能跟据提供的知识点和图片,流利的阅读课文,并掌握其大意。2掌握阅读方法,提高自己的阅读能力和思维能力。3能根据key words 的提示,复述课文。4通过本文阅读,了解英国的风土人情、文化习惯。三、课前准备导航台下面的这幅图,是一个著名的建筑,你能说出他

3、的名字吗?在哪个国家?哪个城市?请大家写下来:(大家可以讨论,也可以上网查询,并更多的了解一下这个国家的风土人情和文化习惯。)1.Name_ City_ Country_2. 通过讨论和查询,你还了解这个国家,这个城市的那些风土人情?_四你言我语1.成果展示。把你课前准备的好东西在小组内分享,把你分享来的知识用不同颜色的笔添加到上面你的准备记录里。2.推举交流。推荐本组同学一名,把你们的好东西分享给老师和全班同学。请其他同学做好记录。五咱们一起来探究同学们,通过讨论,相信大家彼此学习了很多,也收获了很多,那么请来看一下Peter眼中的英国是什么样子的呢?(一)快读:速读本文,回答下面的问题,请

4、独立完成。Did Pete think that chips and fish were eaten every day before he came to English?_(二)细读:(如果在阅读中遇到困难,别忘了求助你的学习伙伴奥)A. Choose the best answer1 .Typical English food _. A. makes people mad B. cant be seen now C. is always fish and chips D. is not what he knew2. The British people like to talk abou

5、t weather because _. A. there is thick fog in London B. they like the weather in Britain C. the weather changes a lot D. it can be helpful3. What do you know about habits in Britain from the passage? A. They are not the same in different parts of Britain. B. Habits in Wales and Scotland are typicall

6、y British. C. There are no typical British habits in Britain. D. All that is typically British is in London.4. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. What hes seen is quite different from what hed learned B. British people like to follow traditions. C. Pete had learned about Britain before.

7、D. Peter doesnt like his life in Britain.B.请同学们再细读课文,回答下列问题。相信你会做的很出色!1. How does the writer feel about English spoken by Londoners? _2. What does Peter think of Typical English? Why?_3. What was the weather like years ago? And now?_4. What does Peter think of their habits?_(三)释疑解惑:1.请同学们听录音,跟读课文,纠正

8、发音,同时在文章中标出自己不明白的知识点。2.把你的疑惑提交给小组,讨论解决,请做好记录。在讨论并已解决的问题_讨论后还没解决的问题_(四)我能我行:请同学们根据下列的提示准备复述课文,相信自己。小组可以讨论。Pragraph1;(单词)Dear Boris,Thanks for your nice letter.After I had _a week _ my English family, I slowly _to_ their English a little better. Its very _ what I learned at school! Students in my grou

9、p are from different cities of Britain and their _ are different too! Some of their _ are quite strong and they also have their _words and expressions.Pragraphs2-3:(词组)But its not the language thats _. Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips _ every day. Thats quite wrong! I _now

10、when I hear all the foolish words about _.I had_see “London fog”. Do you remember our texts about it? We _that most of this thick fog disappeared many years ago when people _ coal in their homes. But the idea to _the weather was very helpful. The weather in London is really changeable. Pragraphs4-5(

11、这个很富有挑战性,挑战一下自己吧)On the other hand. People tell me .in Wales or Scotland. Local habits and traditions are .But what is ordinary for all British is that . Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries. And people have always .in capitals, big cities and the countryside.

12、六 我来总结1.在参与课堂训练时,你印象最深的词语和句型有哪些?_2.本节课中,你是否用英语有目的表达了一些事情?都有哪些?_3.有待于继续请教老师和同学的问题有哪个或哪些?_ 4.你在本课的学习中最出色的表现是什么?表扬下自己吧。_七Your Homework(任选其一)1. Suppose you have a pen pal from England , write a letter ,introducing China culture to himher.2. Surf the internet to get more information about England , America or any country you are interested in第 7 页 共 7 页


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