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1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 1. The Light of the Twenty-first Century 1. The word laser stands for “ light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation” . To many people lasers are very mysterious but a laser is simply a device that produces a very strong light. The light from a laser is called coherent

2、 light because it is light that moves in only one direction. In contrast, incoherent light, like the light from the sun or a light bulb, moves away from its source in all directions, so its strength is very spread out. The light from a laser, moving in only one direction and concentrated in a narrow

3、 beam, is much stronger. 2. As soon as the laser was developed, scientists began thinking of practical applications for it. One of the earliest uses was to make extremely precise measurements of distance and speed. For example, the distance to the moon was measured to within a foot, and the speed of

4、 light was measured to within a thousandth of a mile per second. As time passed, many more applications for the laser were developed. 3. Some of the most important uses of lasers are in medicine. Lasers can be used in surgery to open and close incisions with no danger of infection. In eye operations

5、, a laser can be used to reattach a retina and to prevent excessive bleeding of tiny blood vessel in the eye. Lasers are also important in the treatment of cancer. A laser beam can completely destroy a cancerous growth without leaving behind any dangerous cancer cells that could start a new tumor. M

6、ore recently, lasers have been used to remove skin discolorations like freckles, age spots, and birthmarks. Some dentists have even started using lasers for painless treatment of teeth and gums. 4. Over the past twenty years, personal computers have brought tremendous changes to the home and the wor

7、kplace, and many of the most important developments in computer technology are based on lasers. From laser printers (including the newest colon printers to technology by which whole encyclopedias of information can be stored on a laser disk (called a CD-ROM and read by a computer, to optical disks t

8、hat have hundreds of times as much memory as regular floppy disks, lasers are revolutionizing computers. 5. Lasers also have many uses in business and industry and in everyday life. In factories, lasers are used to cut cloth and harden metals. In supermarkets, a laser at the checkout counter reads t

9、he price codes on packages. Lasers are used in our homes in music CD players and videodisc players, which offer much better audio and video reproduction than we get from audiotapes or VCRs. 6. Lasers have also made a big difference in the way telephones work. Instead of changing sound waves to elect

10、ricity that travels through copper wire, the most modern telephone technology works by changing sound waves into pulses of laser light that travel through hair-thin glass fibers. One such fiber can carry more than a million conversations at the same time! An added benefit is that this technology les

11、sens the need for copper, a scarce and valuable natural resource. 7. These are just a few of the thousands of uses for lasers. The laser is truly becoming the light of the twenty-first century. 1. Which one of the following statements is NOT characteristic of the light from a laser?(C) A. It s very

12、strong. B. It moves in only one direction. C. It is like the light from the sun. D. It moves in a narrow beam. 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 2. The following are all applications of the laser EXECPT for .(A) A. Laser can be used to detect minerals like copper. B. Laser can be used to do precise measurement. C

13、. Laser can be used in business and industry. D. Laser can be used in computer technology. 3. Laser has been widely used in medicine mostly because .(B) A. Light from a laser has strong destructive power. B. Light from a laser causes no infection to incisions. C. Light from a laser moves in a narrow

14、 beam. D. Light from a laser demands no other medical care. 4. According to the passage, which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE? (D) A. Lasers have revolutionized the way telephones work. B. Music CD players can offer better audio reproduction than audiotapes. C. Modern telephone technolo

15、gy works by changing sound waves into pulses of laser light. D. Laser beams can destroy a cancerous growth but with some problems left. 5. What is the main idea of this passage?(A) A. Lasers have been developed many applications in modern life. B. Lasers can be used to cure diseases like cancer and

16、oral cavity diseases. C. Laser stands for “ light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. D. Human beings will be benefited more from lasers. 2. Headache Away 1. When you have a headache, do you rash to your medicine cabinet or to the drugstore for a pain reliever? If so, you re not alon

17、e. People in the United States spend over $2 billion a year on nonprescription pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Although effective, these pain relievers are not without problems. For example, many pain relievers can have serious side effects. 2. So, next time you have a h

18、eadache, instead of rushing to the drugstore, you might want to try one of these natural headache remedies: 3. 1. Eat something soon. Preferably, eat something high in protein, a substance necessary for growth, the “ hung ry headache ” caused by a drop in the blood-sugar supply, can be a real proble

19、m for people not eating enough at mealtimes. Why protein? Because it rebuilds your blood-sugar supply little by little. Sugary foods cause the blood sugar to go up rapidly and then drop again just as fast. 4. 2. Wash it away. At the first sign of headache pain, get in the shower, advises Dr. Augustu

20、s S. Rose of the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) school of Medicine. First take a hot shower even if the pain gets worse. This will make the blood vessels open wide. Follow it immediately with a cold shower. Stay in until you shiver. Repeat this process if necessary. This process work

21、s well for a migraine headache. In a migraine headache, the blood vessels of the head first contract (get smaller), then dilate (open up) and press against the nerves. This pressure causes pain. Cold water makes the blood vessels contract, which eases this pressure on the nerves. 5. 3. Freeze it out

22、. If you are miles away from the shower, Dr. Rose suggests putting crushed 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 ice in your mouth. Again, this is useful for a migraine headache. However, this remedy is inappropriate for elderly or sick people. 6. 4. Think it away. Sit down or lie down and close your eyes. Imagine th

23、at it is summer and you are on the beach. An ocean breeze cools your face and your hands and arms grow warmer and warmer in the hot sun. Your hands are really soaking up the sun. They become hot to the touch. Minutes pass, and when you open your eyes, you are left with very warm hands and no headach

24、e. Thinking warmth into your hands sends blood toward them and away from the head. 7. 5. Massage it out. Get to your head through your feet. Massaging the lower part of your big toe and the area under all your toes will lessen tension in the neck. This tension can often cause a headache. 8. 6. Press

25、 it away. Some headaches can be cured by a sensitive finger-pressure massage. The massage should be given on sensitive “ bigger” points. There are three pairs of points: one at each temple, one under each shoulder blade, and a pair at the back of the neck. Press each point for 15 to 30 seconds at a

26、time. Remember to press both points in a pair at the same time, not just one side. Doing this will help the body s nature painkillers start working. If you are alone, press the thumb of one hand against the tender spot in the “ V” formed by the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. 9. Always see a

27、 doctor for continuous or recurring head pain. 1. From the passage, we could get to know . (B) A. Nonprescription pain relievers have no side effects. B. American people spend much money on painkillers. C. Natural headache remedies are more effective than headache medicines. D. One can t buy pain re

28、lievers in the drugstores in the USA. 2. Eating a steak can help get rid of a headache because .(D) A. Steak is high in sugar. B. Steak is high in nutrition. C. Steak is high in starch. D. Steak is high in protein. 3. Which one of the following statements is NOT true to the remedy “ wash it away” ?

29、(A) A. Only hot water should be used when this remedy is applied. B. This remedy works well for a migraine headache. C. This remedy is applicable at the first sight of headache pain. D. Sometimes the process of taking showers should be repeated. 4. What is the right way to press headache away?(C) A.

30、 Have someone apply pressure to the side of your head that hurts the most. B. Have someone apply pressure to the side of your head that hurts less. C. Have someone apply pressure to sensitive spots on both sides of your head. D. Have someone apply pressure to sensitive spots in your feet. 5. The mai

31、n idea of the passage is .(B) A. More and more American people take medicines to release pains. B. There are many natural headache remedies worth trying to release pains. C. Pain relievers are usually more effective than natural headache remedies. 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 D. Massaging toes can lessen ten

32、sion in the neck. 3. Danger for the fun of it Dennis Joyce is a 30-year-old employee of an electric company in New York City. To put some excitement into his life, he spends many weekends and vacations white-water canoeing. He is one of the growing number of Americans who in recent years have taken

33、up dangerous sports to fill their leisure hours. People who participate in risky sports usually have several things in common. Most are men. They don t like others to think of them as thrill seekers, yet they admit the dangers of their sport. And almost all of them look down on sports like tennis an

34、d golf. “ There s just nothing happening in sports liketennis and golf,” said Steve Kaufman, a 44-year-old Manhattan bill collector who scuba dives in his spare time. According to him, the only people who come close to the experience of scuba divers are astronauts “ because they re in a totally alie

35、n environment, too. ” Kaufman describes his sport as “ a total isolation from anything that can interfere with your own personal sense of self.” Mr. Kaufman said his most dangerous moment as a diver came when he found himself looking at about 800 to 900 sharks. Fortunately, he got out of there reall

36、y fast. George Weigel, a 31-year-old carpenter from Pawling, New York, enjoys hang gliding. Although many risk-takers see hang gliding as the most dangerous sport of all, Weigel feels hang gliders should not be regarded as thrill seekers. Yet he said that hang gliding “scares the living daylights ou

37、t of me ” and that “ everything else seems boring compared to it.” Why do people willingly seek out danger? According to Dr. George Serban, associate professor, of clinical psychiatry at New York University, most men do it to prove their masculinity. “ The nature of the male animal is to undertake d

38、angerous tasks and to confront them and to succeed, ” Dr. Serban said. When lif e becomes boring and routine, Serban says, and men do not have a chance for adventure or a chance to prove their masculinity, the only other possibility for them is to undertake dangerous activities. The novelty of the s

39、port is what attracted Susan Tripp, a 35-year-old Manhattan lawyer, to skin- diving. She likes it because it “ is not something many people do. ” That is also one of the main reasons John Wolcott, a 49-year-old printer from Edison, New Jersey, likes to go hot air ballooning. “ It makes me a hero,” h

40、e said. At parties, he said, he simply introduces ballooning into the conversation, and he becomes the center of attention for at least an hour. 1.What is the main idea of the article? (C) A. Risky sports are preferred especially by men. B. Risky sports funs are mostly thrill-seekers. C. More and mo

41、re Americans have taken up risky sports to fill their leisure hours. D. Experts explain that risky sports funs take up risky sports to prove their masculinity. 2.About scuba diving, which of the following statements is NOT true according to the article? (B) 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 A. Scuba divers have s

42、imilar experience with astronauts. B. It is like tennis and golf to be preferred by many people. C. Scuba diving helps people have a personal sense of self. D. Scuba divers can isolate themselves from the outside world for the time being. 3.Which of the following statements is NOT true about risky s

43、ports funs? (A) A. Risky sports funs would think of themselves as thrill seekers. B. Risky sports funs usually admit the danger of the sports they take. C. Risky sports funs dont like sports like tennis or golf. D. Risky sports funs want to put excitement into their life. 4.Dr. George Serban explain

44、s that most men are willing to seek out danger because they want to . (D) A. make friends from other fields B. identify themselves with other men C. look for funs and excitement D. prove their manliness or masculinity 5.In Last Paragraph, the underlined word “novelty“ has similar meaning to . (B) A.

45、 fiction B. newness C. curiosity D. strangeness 4. Winning the lotteryis it a dream come true? 1. Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollarsas a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury. As more and more states set up lottery

46、games, more and more people rush to buy a ticket and a dream. The states view lotteries as a way to make money, since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money. The prize is usually broken down into as many as twenty smaller, yearly payments instead of one huge payment. 2. Be

47、cause there are so many types of lottery games, and they all have winners, it can seem like a very easy thing to winespecially in those rare cases where someone has won more than one game. But in reality, the odds of winning the lottery are very small. In fact, you are more likely to be struck by li

48、ghtning than to become an instant millionaire. 3. But what about those lucky few who do win? Have they achieved the American dreamare they on easy street? It s fun to picture these winners quit ting their jobs, going on a wild shopping spree, and spending a lifetime traveling around the world. But a

49、ccording to a survey, most people who win keep their jobs, stay in their neighborhoods and keep the same friends, and they re careful about how they spend their money. 4. When Christene Cooper won $19 million in the California lottery, she was a 20-year-old student working two jobs. According to Christene, “ Winning was pretty unbelievable; it changes so much in your life.” Because they were able to afford to live on their own, she and her high 学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考 学习资料 school sweetheart got married. They went to Disney World on their honeymoon, and they bought a BMW convertib


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