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1、1 高三复习 模 块 三 Unit 3Back to the past 一. 重点单词:出卷人:孙 雁 讲座 (n.) _ 状态,状况;条件,情形(n.)_ 毁坏,摧毁 (vt.)_ 爆炸(vi.)_ 材料,物质 (n.)_ 宣布,宣告,宣称 (vt.)_ 文明 (n.)_ 主管,负责人;主任(n.)_ 泥,泥浆 (n.)_ 解决方法 (n.)_ 商业的,贸易的 (adj.)_ 渐渐地,逐渐地 (adv.)_ 废墟,遗迹 (n.)_ 遗迹,遗址;残留物 (n.)_ 文献,文件 (n.)_ 市民(n.)_ 主要的 (adj.)_ (使)下沉, (使)沉没(v.)_ 贸易,交易 (n.)_ 形成(

2、n.)_ 明智的 (adj.)_ (教育等)机构 (n.)_ 埋葬,安葬 (n.)_ _(vt.) 不幸的 (adj.)_ _(adv.) 富有的;富裕的 (adj.)_ _(n.)财富,富有 文化的 (adj.)_ _(n.) 担心的,关心的;有关的(adj.)_ _(n/vt) 关心,挂念_(prep.) 关于 纪念的 (adj.)_ _(n.) 记忆 _(vt.)记住 忠实地,忠诚地 (adv.)_ _(adj.) _(n.) 忠诚,信任 混乱,混淆 (n.)_ _(vt.)使困惑 感到困惑的 (adj.)_ _(adj.) 令人困惑的 2 二重点短语 夺取;占领;接管 _ _ 占据;开

3、始从事_ _ 把某人逼疯_ sb _ 处于良好的状态in good _ 实施,执行,进行 _ _ 在船/飞机/火车上 _ _ 向宣战 _ war _ . 纪念 _ _ _ 使用中 _ _ 作为()回报_ _ (for) 不复存在 ;不再 no _ 位于 be _ _ 对. 进行文化考察go on a cultural _ to . 与. 有关 be _ in 墓室 _ _ 关心 _ oneself about/in /with 取下,记下 _ _ 你忠实的(正式信函末尾署名前的套语)Yours _ 作为. .而出名 be _ _ 变成,求助于 ,转向 _ _ 将要离开 (去某地 ) be _

4、( _ sp) 阻止 _ from 真遗憾啊!What a _ !个人的情感 _ feelings 保存好的尸体the _ body 以. 为食 _ on 关注 pay _ to 被活埋be _ _ 三语法专项选择(倒装结构) 1.Only when you have obtained sufficient data _ come to a sound conclusion. A. can you B. you can C. would you D. you would 2._ that this region was so rich in natural resources. A. Litt

5、le he knew B. Little did he know C. Little he did know D. Little he had known 3.Only in recent years _ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm. A. people have B. since people have C. have people D.people who have 4.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice

6、_ his head. A. that he turned B. did he turn C. he didn?t turn D. he had turned 5. Not only _ about the food, he also refused to pay for it. A. the customer complained B. when the customer complained C. did the customer complain D. the customer did complain 6._ do we go for picnics. A. Certainly B.

7、Sometimes C. Seldom D. Once 7.Her answer is not acceptable, and _. A. neither am I B. either is mine C. neither is mine D. mine is neither 3 8.So fast _ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. A. light travel B. travels the light C. do light travel D. does light travel 9.Smith is a good st

8、udent and studies very hard, _. A. so it is with Mary B. so does Mary C. so is Mary D. neither does Mary 10._ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly. A. If he took B. If he has taken C. Had he taken D. Should he take 11._ the beginning of the 19 th century did scientists know

9、 that all matter is made up of atoms. A. At B. By C. Up to D. Not until 12.Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him. A. had when B. had than C. did when D. has than 13.Important _ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time. A. to

10、 B. for C. as D. although 14.Here _ you want to see. A. the manager comes B. comes the manager C. comes a manager D. is coming a manager 15.By no means _ their own language well. A. it is true that all English people know B. is it true that do all English people know C. it is true that do all Englis

11、h people know D. is it true that all English people know 16._ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to see the films so often. A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not 17._ the moment bell rang. A. The students out ran. B. Out ran the students C. Ran out the studen

12、ts D. Out the students ran 18.Down _ and hurt his leg. A. fell the boy B. fell he C. did he fall D. did the boy fell 19._ and broke it. A. Down fell the coffee cup B. He dropped the coffee cup C. Down was the coffee cup fallen D. The coffee cup fell down 20._ different opinions on his question. A. T

13、here exist B. There existing C.There exists D.There were existed 21.Between the two buildings _ a tall tree. A. stands B. standing C. lies D. are 22._, he knows a lot about space and satellite. A. A child as he is B. As he is a child C. Child although D. Child though he is 23.At the foot of the moun

14、tain _. A. a village lies B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village 4 四.完形填空 She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, a beautiful image of innocence. It was 36 outside and the kind of rain fell to 37 the earth. We all stood there under the 38 ,

15、 just outside the door. We waited, some 39 , but others irritated ( 激怒 ) 40 nature messed up their hurried day. “ Mom, let?s run through the rain,” she said. Her 41 was so sweet as it broke the dull surroundings. “ No, honey. We?ll 42 until it slows down a bit,” Mom replied. This young child waited

16、another 43 and repeated: “ Mom, let?s run through the rain.” “ We?ll get soaked (淋湿 ) if we do.” “ No, we won?t, Mom. That?s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she quickly 44 her Mom?s arm. “ This morning? 45 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?” “ Don?t you

17、remember? When you were 46 to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ,If God can get us through this, he can get us through 47 !? ” The entire crowd stopped 48 . I swear you couldn?t hear anything but the rain. No one came or left in the next few minutes. The mother 49 and thought for a moment. Now some

18、would laugh it off and scold her for being 50 . Some might even ignore what was said, 51 this was a moment of confirmation in a young child?s life. “ Honey, you are 52 right. Maybe we just need washing,” Mom said. Then off they ran. We all stood 53 and smiling as they ran past the cars. They held th

19、eir shopping bags over their heads. They got soaked, but soon they were 54 to their cars and I did too. Many years has passed, and yet the scene often flashes in my mind. Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money and health, but no one can ever ta

20、ke away your 55 memories. I hope you still take the time to run through the rain. 36. A. blowing B. pouring C. flowing D. whistling 37. A. twist B. sweep C. hit D. split 38. A. window B. tent C. roof D. shelter 39. A. patiently B. disappointedly C. uneasily D. angrily 40. A. unless B. because C. bef

21、ore D. though 41. A. heart B. voice C. temper D. smile 42. A. rest B. run C. wait D. play 43. A. time B. second C. minute D. hour 44. A. moved B. raised C. bent D. pulled 45. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How 46. A. talking B. reporting C. complaining D. lying 47. A. that B. something C. anything D. no

22、thing 48. A. upset B. anxious C. sad D. silent 49. A. paused B. worried C. doubted D. understood 50. A. curious B. silly C. careless D. sensitive 51. A. and B. as C. or D. but 52. A. probably B. partly C. absolutely D. approximately 53. A. thinking B. hesitating C. watching D. preparing 5 54. A. led

23、 B. followed C. rushed D. sent 55. A. precious B. bitter C. recent D. vague 五. 任务型阅读 At the beginning of the twentieth century, many people thought that the American family was falling apart. A century later, we know that this was not the case. However, although the family is still alive in the Unit

24、ed States, its size and shape were very different 100 years ago. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were mainly two types of families in the United States: the extended and the nuclear. The extended family usually includes grandparents, parents, and children living under the same roof. The nuc

25、lear family consists of only parents and children. Today there are many different kinds of families. Some people live in “ traditional” families, that is, a stay-home mother, a working father, and their own biological children. Others live in two-paycheck families, single-parent families, adoptive o

26、r foster, families, blended families (where men and women who were married before marry again and combine the children from previous marriages into the new families), child less families, and so on. What caused the structure of the family to change? In the 1930s and 1940s, many families faced seriou

27、s financial, or money problems during the Great Depression and women were choosing to go to college and take jobs outside the home. As a result, the birthrate began to fall and the divorce rate began to rise. During World War II (1939-1945), 5 million women were left alone to take care of their home

28、s and their children. Because many men were at war, thousands of these “war widows“ had to go to work outside their home. During the next ten years, the situation changed. There were fewer divorces, and people married at a younger age and had more children than the previous generation. It was unusua

29、l for a mother to work outside the home during the years when her children were growing up. Families began leaving cities and moving into single-family homes in the suburbs. The traditional family seemed to be returning. In the years between 1960s and 1990s, there were many important changes in the

30、structure of the family. From the 1960s to the early 1970s, the divorce rate doubled and the birthrate fell by half. The number of single-parent families tripled, and the number of couples living together without being married doubled again. In fact, the single-parent household, once unusual, has re

31、placed the “traditional“ family as the typical family in the States. If we can judge from history, however, this will probably change again in the twenty-first century. The Changes of the American Family Main comparisons Contexts Different 71 There were two 72 types of families in the past, 73 , the

32、 extended and the nuclear. Nowadays 74 types of families can be seen than before. Changes in different 75 . In the 1930s and 1940s Many of the women had to work outside due to the 76 of money, thus causing the fall of 77 and the rise of divorce rate. In the 1950s Divorce rate slid and there were mor

33、e children. The families tended to be 78 again. 6 In the years between 1960s and 1990s Different types of families 79 . Traditional families are no longer the typical ones in America. A trend worth noting Author?s opinion The present structure is 80 -it will experience changes again in the near futu

34、re. 答题纸 7176. 7277. 7378. 7479. 7580. 7 参考答案 模 块 三Unit 3Back to the past 一. 重点单词: 讲座 (n.) lecture 状态,状况;条件,情形 (n.) condition 毁坏,摧毁 (vt.)destroy 爆炸(vi.)explode 材料,物质 (n.)material 宣布,宣告,宣称 (vt.)declare 文 明 (n.)civilization 主 管 , 负 责 人 ; 主 任 (n.)director 泥,泥浆 (n.)mud 解决方法 (n.)solution 商业的,贸易的 (adj.)com

35、mercial 渐渐地,逐渐地 (adv.)gradually 废墟,遗迹 (n.)ruin(s) 遗迹,遗址;残留物 (n.)remains 文献,文件 (n.)document 市民(n.)citizen 主要的 (adj.)major (使)下沉,(使)沉没 (v.)sink 贸易,交易 (n.)trade 形成(n.)formation 明智的 (adj.)wise (教育等)机构 (n.)institute 埋葬,安葬 (n.)burial bury(vt.) 不幸的 (adj.)unfortunate unfortunately(adv.) 富有的;富裕的 (adj.)wealth

36、y wealth(n.)财富,富有 文化的 (adj.)cultural culture(n.) 担心的,关心的;有关的(adj.)concrened concern(n/vt)关心,挂念 concerning(prep.)关于 纪念的 (adj.)memorial memory(n.)记忆 memorize(vt.)记住 忠实地,忠诚地 (adv.)faithfully faithful(adj.) faith(n.)忠诚,信任 混乱,混淆 (n.)confusion confuse(vt.)使困惑 感到困惑的 (adj.)confused confusing(adj.)令人困惑的 二重点短

37、语 夺取;占领;接管 take over 占据;开始从事take up 8 把某人逼疯 drive sb crazy 处于良好的状态in good condition 实施,执行,进行 carry out 在船/飞机/火车上 on board 向宣战 declare war against/on . 纪念 in memory of 使用中 in use 作为()回报 in return (for) 不复存在 ;不再 no more 位于 be located in 对. 进行文化考察go on a cultural expedition to . 与. 有关 be involved in 墓室

38、 burial chamber 关心 concern oneself about/in /with 取下,记下 take down 你忠实的(正式信函末尾署名前的套语)Yours faithfully/sincerely 作为. .而出名 be known as 变成,求助于 ,转向 turn to 将要离开 (去某地 ) be off ( to sp) 阻止 prevent from 真遗憾啊!What a pity!个人的情感 personal feelings 保存好的尸体the preserved body 以. 为食 feed on 关注 pay attention to 被活埋be buried alive 三. 单项选择 15ABCBC 610 CCDAC 1115 DACBD 1620 CBABA 21. A 22.D 23.B 四. 完形填空 3640 BCDAB 4145 BCCDB 4650 ACDAB 5155 DCCBA 五. 任务型阅读 71. kinds/ types 72. main 73. namely 74.more 75.periods/times 76. lack 77. birthrate 78. traditional 79. appeared/occurred 80. temporary


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