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1、PEP小学英语第二册英语教案Unit 1 Welcome back to school【教学内容】主要学习句型“Where are you from? Im from .”学习单词 China tan America merk Canada knd welcome welkm【教学目标】 1. 会认识和阅读国家单词和这几个国家的国旗。2. 让学生学会如何用英语介绍自己来自哪里。【教学重点】句型: Im from .Where are you from? / Im from .Welcome to.词汇:welcome,America, Canada, China,【教学难点】Welcome A

2、merica的发音。Where are you from?句型的实际运用【教具准备】1.蜘蛛侠、海狸、熊猫的头饰,调查表,单词卡,国旗卡片 2.教学课件3.教材相配套的教学录音带【教学过程】3分钟(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1师生问侯:教师:Hello,everyone.学生:Hello,teacher.教师:Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again.学生:Nice to see you, too. 2.复习第一册所学歌曲“Hello”。 师:First,we will sing a song we learned las

3、t term. Do you remember it? It doesnt matter if you forget,I will play it twice,the first time you listen ,and the group 1 sing the number1 and group 2 sing number 2.Understand? 生:yes(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)8分钟1. 师:Youve done a good job.Now,Do some new friends come to your class this term?生:yes(让新同学自我

4、介绍再引入吴一凡的班级来了两个新同学) no(直接用 但是吴一凡的班级来了另个新同学来承接)师(播放ppt并介绍图片中的人物):The girl is Amy ,the boy is Mike.They are introducing themselves to each other师:How do you introduce yourself to other people?What do you often tell?Who can tell me?学生回答(抽4至5人) 教师板书时重点突出“来自哪里” 教师:Today we will learn something about intr

5、oduction,now lets listen to the video and then learn from them.I will play it three times and then (适当用汉语辅助学生理解)2. 播放录音每个三次,并且抽学生重复录音,对于说正确的给予奖励。 当播放到welcome时教师解释:If we want to invite someone come to our house ,We can say welcome to our house.And if a new student or a new teacher comes to our class,

6、We can say welcome to our class .3.教读学习单词 welcome China, America, Canada并介绍国旗以及将单词套用句型Im from Welcome to (以横排 列 小组为单位分别读)注意介绍国家名词首字母大写(三)趣味操练 (Practice)15分钟1.火眼金睛:将国旗图片从幻灯片上飘过让学生说单词。2分钟2.游戏Down Down Down5分钟rule:三个学生上台拿着单词America卡片学生说America down,America down and Canada down,着单词Canada卡片学生Canada down

7、Canada down and 以此类推 给予最后胜利者奖励8分钟3.让学生戴上头饰分别扮演蜘蛛侠、熊猫和河狸上台做自我介绍介绍自己的名字和来自哪里。(四)巩固(consolidation)15分钟1.做调查:每个小组发一张调查表,让每小组的第一名学生问后一名学生来自哪里并记录被问同学的名字个来自哪里。然后又由第二名学生问第三名学生并写下,比赛那组做的最快,让做的最快的小组进行展示,即依次问答。3分钟2.学习Lets chant 5分钟3.编对话引导学生复习并运用之前学习的知识编对话A:Hello,I am ,Whats your name?B:Im ,Where are you from? A:Im from ,B:Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you, too.B:How are you?A:Im fine thank you.And you?B:Im fine.(5) Summary and homework熟读Lets chant板书设计:Unit 1 Welcome back to school Introduction


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