一级英语下册 unit4 what do you see第一课时教案 广州版(一起) .doc

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1、课 题Unit4 What Do You See第一课时 Lets Sing教学目标1.Language knowledge:1)Vocabulary:sofa, closet, sink, toilet2)Sentence structure: come to the and what do you see?2.Language skill:1)能听说认读本课的新单词2)能加深理解come to 和运用come to,What do you see?3.Affect:能向同学介绍自己的家, 感受其中乐趣。4.Learning Strategies:1)合作练习学习2)学会观察,并根据提示进行

2、沟通创作.教材分析重点新单词的准确认读和理解,尤其是 closet, toilet;句型的理解运用.学习歌曲.难点如何做好拓展练习.让同学根据老师提供的资料介绍一下自己的家.先让能力强的同学作示范,然后让同学在家庭作业上做巩固和拓展,下一课时进行检查。教具图片,自制练习.教学过程一 Warming up and RevisionActivity1:Look and say Show pictures of me to the Ss.Activity2:Enjoy the song “a picture of me”.Go over the old word: living-room, bedr

3、oom, and washroom.Introduce “a picture of me”, “come to ” and help Ss to understand “a picture of me” “come to ”二 Presentation and PracticeActivity 3:教授Come to the living-room and what do you see? A new TV, a sofa and a picture of me.1. 通过课件小狗招手说“Come to the living-room”,小狗带学生参观他的客厅;2.老师问:“what do y

4、ou see?”将原有的摆设去掉,让学生回忆 并教学新单词。3.老师在黑板上贴上小狗的picture说a picture of the Floppy.Activity 4:Listen and Answer教授Come to the bedroom and what do you see? A new bed, a closet and a picture of me.1.看课件2. 老师戴上小狗的头饰并假设讲台是bedroom, come to the bedroom(老师叫几个同学come to the bedroom, 让他们戴上a closet 和 a bed 的头饰)问同学What

5、do you see?教授a closet.3. 老师先做示范,然后老师暗示戴着头饰的学生跑到某个同学的位置并拍他的肩膀指着自己的头饰问what do you see?全班跟着问what do you see?,被拍的同学马上说出该单词。4. T point at the picture of the Floppy, and say “what do you see? a picture of me.” Ss follow.5. TPR chant “Come to the bedroom and what do you see? A new bed, a closet and a pictu

6、re of me.”Activity 5:Read and Do T sing and teach : Come to the washroom and what do you see? A new sink, a closet and a picture of me.看课件。在看图片中,教授toilet, sink ( 先闪动图片带读,再闪动单词带读,然后交替闪动图片及单词让学生自己读出单词,帮助学生进行认读。)配图,指着板书,Come to the and what do you see? A new ., a and a picture of me.鼓励学生说出句子。Activity 6

7、:Sing 1.Sing a song at P27 2.分组唱,分段唱,分男女生唱并进行评比。 3. 老师帮助学生进行歌曲创作,通过替换场景和家具,指导学生唱曲。三 DevelopmentActivity 8:Introduce your house 1.show a new picture of one S .老师先示范如何说出句子,再引导学生说出。让几个程度较好的同学先做示范来汇报。2让同学完成worksheet, 不同组的同学将分别拥有living-room, bedroom, washroom 的图片,让他们看图说话。四 Conclusion & Homework听录音,唱英语口语What do you see?唱的歌曲给爸爸妈妈听,请家长在英语本上签名。3让同学回家继续完成worksheet, 不同组的同学将分别拥有living-room, bedroom, washroom 的图片,让他们看图说话。布置作业听录音,唱英语口语What do you see?唱的歌曲给爸爸妈妈听,请家长在英语本上签名。教学后记这首歌曲旋律优美,易上口,学生都很喜欢唱。但是有一个单词closet特别难掌握,很多学生都很容易忘记,要特别示范带读。3


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