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1、 南 京 理 工 大 学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译教 学 点: 无锡科技职业学院 专 业: 电子工程 姓 名: 曾凡 学 号: 024910201104 外文出处: History of the development of the filter 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文滤波器的发展史1917年美国和德国科学家分别发明了LC滤波器,次年导致了美国第一个多路复用系统的出现。20世纪50年代无源滤波器日趋成熟。自60年代起由于计算机技术、集成工艺和材料工业的发展,滤波器发展上了一个新台阶,并且朝着低功耗、高精度、小


3、波器应用于各类产品的开发和研制。当然,对滤波器本身的研究仍在不断进行。我国广泛使用滤波器是50年代后期的事,当时主要用于话路滤波和报路滤波。经过半个世纪的发展,我国滤波器在研制、生产和应用等方面已纳入国际发展步伐,但由于缺少专门研制机构,集成工艺和材料工业跟不上来,使得我国许多新型滤波器的研制应用与国际发展有一段距离。二、滤波器的分类 滤波器有各种不同的分类,一般有如下几种。(1)按处理信号类型分类按处理信号类型分类,可分为模拟滤波器和离散滤波器两大类。其中模拟滤波器又可分为有源、无源、异类三个分类;离散滤波器又可分为数字、取样模拟、混合三个分类。当然,每个分类又可继续分下去,总之,它们的分类


5、近年来发展很快的几种滤波器。三、有源滤波器 有源滤波器由下列一些有源元件组成:运算放大器、负电阻、负电容、负电感、频率变阻器(FDNR)、广义阻抗变换器(GIC)、负阻抗变换器(NIC)、正阻抗变换器(PIC)、负阻抗倒置器(NII)、正阻抗倒置器(PII)、四种受控源,另外,还有病态元件极子和零子。1965年单片集成运算放大器问世后,为有源滤波器开辟了广阔的前景。70年代初期,有源滤波器发展引人注目,1978年单片RC有源滤波器问世,为滤波器集成迈进了可喜的一步。由于运放的增益和相移均为频率的函数,这就限制了RC有源滤波器的频率范围,一般工作频率为20kHz左右,经过补偿后,工作频率也限制在




9、0)10-6/V的电压系数与(10100)10-6/的温度系数,这两个系数几乎接近理想的境界。SCF具有下列一些优点:SCF可以大规模集成;SCF精度高,因为其性能取决于电容之比,而MOS电容之比的误差小于千分之一;功能多,几乎所有电子部件和功能均可以由SC技术来实现;比数字滤波器简单,因为不需要A/D、D/A转换;功能小,可以做到小于10mW。SCF的应用以声频范围应用为主体,工作频率在100kHz之内。在信号处理方面的应用有:程控SCF、模拟信号处理、振动分析、自适应性滤波器、音乐综合、共振谱、语言综合器、音调选择、语声编码、声频分析、均衡器、解调器、锁相电路、离散傅氏变换 总之,SCF在

10、仪表测量、医疗仪器、数据或信息处理等许多领域都有广泛的应用前景。在我国,1978年有的导师和在校研究生开始进行这项研究工作,真正引起人们重视是1980年以后。1983年清华大学已制成单片SCF,成都工程学院与工厂联合,也研制成单片SCF。现在关键是用MOS工艺实现SCF及推广应用问题,由于用户还不了解它,在我国SCF的应用还没有普及。五、SCF还有许多课题有待研究(1) 由于运放和控制MOS开关的采样频率所限制,使得SCF只能在音频范围内应用。近年虽然出现无运放的SC电路,但由于采样频率的限制,工作频率最高只有在1MHz之内。(2) 非的MOS开关的沟道电阻以及非理想的运放特性,均可使SCF造

11、成误差。(3) 开关电容本身的寄生电容使SCF的频响发生畸变。 (4) MOS开关与MOS运放的热噪声使SCF的动态范围受到限制。最终要以MOS工艺来实现的SCF,由于它是时变网络,要想用分立元件精确模拟是不可能的,这样,设计完善的CAD技术是解决这一问题的唯一手段。此外,在灵敏度分析、噪声分析等方面均有许多课题有待研究。六、几种新型数字滤波器(DF)(1)自适应DF 最优控制、自适应控制和自学习控制都涉及到多参数、多变量的复杂控制系统,都属于现代控制理论研究的课题。自适应DF具有很强的自学习、自跟踪功能。它在雷达和声纳的波束形成、缓变噪声干扰的抑制、噪声信号的处理、通信信道的自适应均衡、远距

12、离电话的回声抵消等领域获得了广泛的应用,促进了现代控制理论的发展。自适应DF有如下一些简单算法:WLMS算法、MLMS算法、TDO算法、差值LMS算法和CLMS算法。(2)复数DF 在输入信号为窄带信号处理系统中,常采用复数DF技术。为了降低采样率而又保存信号所包含的全部信息,可利用正交双路检波法,取出窄带信号的复包络,然后通过A/D变换,将复包络转化为复数序列进行处理,这个信号处理系统即为复数DF。它具有许多功能:MTI雷达中抑制具有卜勒频移的杂波干扰;数字通信网与模拟通信网之间多路TDM/FDM信号变换复接(3)多维DF在图像处理、地震、石油勘探的数据处理中都用到多维DF(常用是二维DF)




16、和所覆盖的频率已基本上满足现有各种电信设备。从整体而言,我国有源滤波器发展比无源滤波器缓慢,尚未大量生产和应用。从下面的生产应用比例可以看出我国各类滤波器的应用情况:LC滤波器占50%;晶体滤波器占20%;机械滤波器占15%;陶瓷和声表面滤波器各占1%;其余各类滤波器共占13%。从这些应用比例来看,我国电子产品要想实现大规模集成,滤波器集成化仍然是个重要课题。随着电子工业的发展,对滤波器的性能要求越来越高,功能也越来越多,并且要求它们向集成方向发展。我国滤波器研制和生产与上述要求相差甚远,为缩短这个差距,电子工程和科技人员负有重大的历史责任。附件2:外文原文History of the dev

17、elopment of the filterIn 1917, the U.S. and German scientists were invented the LC filters, the following year led the United States first multiplexing systems to appear. The 1950 s mature of passive filter. Since the s with the computer technology, integrated process and material industry developme

18、nt, the filter development on a new level, and low power consumption, high precision, toward small volume, multi-function, stable and reliable and inexpensive effort, including small volume, multi-function, high precision, stable and reliable as a 70 s the main attack direction in the future.1, Filt

19、er development introductionAll have the ability to signal processing devices can be called a filter. In the modern telecommunications equipment and all kinds of control system, the filter are widely; Of all the electronic components, the use of the most, the most complex technology is filter. The me

20、rits of the filter directly determine product quality, therefore, to filter in the research and production has been on for all countries.Cause RC active filter, digital filters, switch capacitance filter and the charge transfer of the rapid development of filter, to the 70 s, the above several filte

21、r monolithic integration has been developed and applied. In the 80 s, specialized in all kinds of new type filter research, and strive to improve performance and gradually expand the scope of application. In the 90 s to now mainly devotes to the of all kinds filter used in all kinds of product devel

22、opment and research. Of course, to filter the research continues to itself.Our country wide use filter is 50 s and there is mainly used in road filter and report way words filter. After half a century of development, China filter in the development, production and application already into the intern

23、ational development pace, but due to the lack of specialized research institutions, integration process and material industry cant keep up, causing many new filter development in China and international development application for a short distance.2, The classification of the filterThere are differe

24、nt kinds of filter classification, generally has the following several kinds.(1) According to deal with signal type classificationAccording to the processing signal type classification, may be classified as analog filter and discrete filter two kinds big. One simulation and can be divided into activ

25、e filter, passive, three different classification; Discrete filter and can be divided into digital, sampling simulation, mixed three classification. Of course, each classification and can continue to points down, in short, their classification can form a tree structure, in fact some filter is hard t

26、o be which kind of, such as switching capacity filter can not only belongs to the sampling simulation filter, and belong to the mixing filters, still can belong to active filter. Therefore, we dont have the accurate demanding classification, just let people know about the scope of the filter types,

27、a general concept will do.(2) According to choose physical quantities classificationAccording to choose physical quantities classification, filter can be divided into frequency selection, amplitude selection, time to choose (such as the words of PCM signals) and information choice (for example match

28、ing filter), and other four kinds of filter.(3) By frequency bandpass range classificationAccording to the classification with frequency range, filter can be divided into low pass, qualcomm, band-pass, take resistance, all the five categories, and comb form bandpass filter belong to stop filter and

29、belt, because it has periodic bandpass and stopband.Filter sort is various, some are well known, some may not be what we are familiar with, introduced in recent years the development of several filter soon.3, Active filterBy the following active power filter some active components: operational ampli

30、fier, the negative resistance, capacitance and inductance, negative negative frequency rheostat (FDNR), generalized impedance transformer (GIC), negative impedance transformer (NIC), are impedance transformer (PIC), negative impedance inversion device (NII), are impedance inversion device (PII), fou

31、r kinds of controlled source, in addition, there is a very sick son and son zero components.1965 monolithic integrated operational amplifier advent, for active filter opened up broad prospects. In the early 70 s, active filter development conspicuous, 1978 single chip RC active filter come out, for

32、filter integrated into welcome step. Due to the op-amp the ripples of gain and phase-shift are of the frequency of function, this limits the range of frequencies RC filter, general working frequency for about 20 kHz, after compensation, working frequency also limited to 100 kHz less than. 1974 years

33、 produced more high frequency RC active filter, and cause the work to frequency of GB / 4 (GB for op-amp gain and bandwidth of the product). Due to the existence of R, integrated process to cause difficulties, and he appeared active C filter: is by C and op-amp filter composition. Such easy to integ

34、ration, more important is to improve the precision of the filter, because the performance of the filter active C depends only on the ratio of capacitance, has nothing to do with capacitance absolute value. But it is a major problem: because each branch components are capacitance, so op-amp no dc fee

35、dback channel, that stability is a difficult problem. 1982 by Geiger, Allen and Ngo with continuous switch proposed resistance (SR) to replace active RC filter the electrical resistance R, constitutes the SRC filter, it still belongs to the simulation filter. But due to the preset circuit and comple

36、x of the phase of the clock, the filter development prospect is not big.In short, by the RC active filter is a prototype of all kinds of variant active filter to remove inductors, small volume, Q value can reach 1000, overcome the RLC passive filter is big, Q value of small faults. But it still has

37、many topic needs further research: ideal op-amp and practical characteristics of the deviation; Due to the active filter hybrid integrated process improvement, monolithic integrated needs further research; Application linear transform method to explore the least an active element of filters need to

38、continue to explore; Components of the absolute value of tolerance, the existence of precision and performance influence filter the problem is still not solved; Because R exist, integration of chip the area is large, resistance error (20% 30%), poor linearity disadvantages, making large scale integr

39、ated still having difficulty. Although there are so many questions, RC active filter theory and application is still in sustainable development.4, Switch capacitance filter (SCF)The 1980 s technology reform a major issue is the realization of various electronic system in large scale integration (LSI

40、). Use most filters become tiger, RC active filter cant achieve LSI, passive filter and not to mention the mechanical filter, and so, people can only additional monarch new size. 50 s there has been put forward the concept of SCF, because at that time integration process doesnt pass, and did not cau

41、se the attention of people. In 1972, the United States a call Fried scientists published with a switch and capacitance simulation resistance R, said the performance of the SCF depends only on the ratio of capacitance, has nothing to do with capacitance absolute value, so just cause the attention of

42、people. In 1979, some developed countries monolithic SCF has become a commodity (are highly confidential technology). Now SC technology mature. The process to realize the MOS SCF, is recognized as the 80 s network theory and integrated process of a major breakthrough. The current MOS capacitance for

43、 a general method to 100 within pF skin, it has a (10 100) x 10-6 / V voltage coefficient and (10 100) x 10-6 / temperature coefficient, the two coefficient is close to ideal realm almost. SCF has the following some advantages: SCF can be large scale integrated; SCF high precision, because its perfo

44、rmance depends on the ratio of capacitance, and the ratio of capacitance MOS error less than one over one thousand; The function is much, almost all electronic components and functions are the SC technology to realize; Digital filter than simple, because do not need A/D and D/A transformation; Funct

45、ion is small, can do less than 10 mW.The application of the SCF to audio range application as the main body, the work in 100 kHz frequency within. In signal processing applications are: SPC SCF, analog signal processing, vibration analysis, adaptive filter, music, resonance spectrum, comprehensive l

46、anguage integrated device, tone selection, sounds coding, audio analysis, equalizer, modem, phase locked circuit, discrete Fourier transform. In short, SCF, medical instruments in the meter measuring and data or information processing, and many other areas have broad application prospect.In our coun

47、try, some 1978 graduate students began to mentor and conducted the research work, and really cause people to pay attention to is 1980 years later. Tsinghua university has made 1983 single chip SCF, chengdu academy of engineering and joint factory, developed a single piece of SCF. Now the key is to u

48、se MOS process realize SCF and application of a problem, because users dont know it, in our country the application of SCF is not popular.5,SCF and many of the issues need to be researched(1) The op-amp and control of the MOS switch sampling frequency limit, makes the SCF can only within the scope of the audio applications. In recent years, although appear have no op-amp of the SC circuit, but because sampling frequency restrictions, the highest rate of work only in 1


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