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1、学术报告英文演讲稿 篇一:国际会议作报告英语发言稿 Thank you, prof. . My name is I m from I am very pleased to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil p

2、avement. My presentation will include these four parts: First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers. Why I choose this item I think it can be illustra

3、ted from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certa

4、in amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network. The meaning and aim of this research contains three parts. Fast, convenient and val

5、idity, fast means the field airfield must be constructed as fast as possible, convenient means the construction should need the minimum equipment, labor and materials considering the actual construction condition, validity means the constructed airfield is able to support the operation of given airc

6、raft in specifically time. Just like many other territories, the situation of the research is that the Army takes advanced line. The Army declares that they can reach to anywhere on the earth in 96 hours, the most important method for force projection is though aircraft, thus rapid construction of p

7、avement is the key problem for rapid force transportation. The main work we have done can be summarized as four parts, materials choosing, scheme making, mechanical properties research and water-stable properties research. We choose two kinds of soils, which are got from Xi an, Shanxi province and J

8、iuquan, Gansu province separately. The sand from Ba River was considerate to investigate the influence of sand to the properties of stabilized soil. The chosen three kinds of powders are cement, lime and new-type stabilizer developed by Changan University. The principles in considering the function

9、of 4 kings of fibers are referring different length, type and mixing them. On account of the time, I will make a brief description about the experiment scheme. In summary, three parts were proposed to distinguish the affecting factors in making experiment scheme. They are powder control, fiber contr

10、ol and other factors. Taking powder control for example, the dosage of cement is respectively 6%, 8% and 10% when the soil is stabilized only by cement, while the dosage of cement decrease to 3%, 5% and 7% when the lime is addicted to stabilized soil. The following two factors are stabilizer and san

11、d. Six kinds of experiments were performed to investigate the influence of above factors to the mechanical properties of stabilized soil. The aim of compaction test is to find the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The aim of compression strength test is to determine the optimum dosag

12、e of cement, lime, powder stabilizer and fiber, meanwhile evaluating the performance of stabilized soil. The aim of splitting tension strength test is similar to compression strength test, the left picture is sample stabilized by cement, while the right picture is the sample stabilized by fiber and

13、cement. The direct sheer is another important parameter in geotechnical engineering. It influences the foundation bearing capacity and many other properties especially for soil base and base course. The left picture shows the course of making sample and the right picture shows the test process. The

14、CBR test and rebound modulus test are referenced from highway test specification to evaluating the comprehensive capacities of each structure level of the pavement. For both the two tests, the left picture shows the course of making sample and the right picture shows the test process. What should be

15、 noted is that the number of sample is at least 6, the last result is the average value of these date got from test after eliminating the bad results. Four kinds of experiments were performed to investigate the influence of above factors to the water-stable properties of stabilized soil. The scourin

16、g test is not the stated experiment in current specification. It is performed by us through looking up large quantity of interrelated literature, and two different ways to carry out. The left picture shows the method of vibration table and the right picture shows the method of fatigue test instrumen

17、t. Penetrant test refers to the experiment in relating concrete specification. The left picture shows the process of saturation, the right picture shows the test process. Cantabria test and other tests are all original experiments; they are used in stabilized soil for first time, here I will not dev

18、elop my narrative. As regards the innovation, I think it throughout the whole research, including materials choosing, scheme making, mechanical and water-stable experiments. I think it can be drawled from the following keywords, such as soil choosing, sand, powders, fibers, and so on. Three main par

19、ts can be summarized. First, selecting two kinds of soils, three kinds of powders, several combinations; second, several kinds of fibers, different length and admixture; third, comprehensive experiments, test method and test instrument. 篇二:英语学术演讲稿 Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation. M

20、y name is My major is mechanical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so Ill talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot. First of all, we should know wha

21、t teleoperator robot is. Teleoperator robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control. The remote c

22、ontrol lets people stride across the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screen provides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operating the main op

23、eration terminal and inputting commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery. Robots can also serve our daily life. Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University. We all think that it s very interesting. These pictures show us t

24、he process of the robot cooking. First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen. Next, the robot starts to cook. In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot s voice prompts to add spices. Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cook

25、ed dish into the prepared basin. The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas. It can save fifty percent of gas. As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient. Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of e

26、nergy. I believe in the future teleoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life. Thats all. Thank you. 篇三:学术会议英语报告黄龙阳 学术会议英语 期末论文 学号: XX000360 姓名:黄龙阳 学院:土木工程与建筑学院 专业:土木工程班级: A (6) XX年 5 月 地基处理效果检测方法研究 黄龙阳 摘要:随着我国各种建设项目的实施,由于各种场地的 地质条件特性,往往需要对其进行地基加固处理,而目前的 加固处理方法种类

27、繁多,效果差别很大。因此寻找有效的地 基处理效果检测方法就显得尤为重要。本文就目前工程中应 用较多的地基处理检测技术进行探讨和归纳。 关键词:地基处理;效果;检测方法 1 前言 随着我国经济技术的迅速发展,各种建设项目开始实 施,但通常由于场地地质条件的特殊性,需要对建设场地进 行地基加固处理。目前在实际工程建设过程中应用的地基处 理方法很多,堆载预压、强夯法、加筋法、换填法、振冲桩、 旋喷桩、地基土改良等,但往往由于地基处理方法本身的局 限性和施工过程中的人为因素,造成地基处理效果参差不 齐。而一个合格的工程场地地基,是建设工程质量安全的重 要保障,因此,检测地基加固处理效果的检测技术发挥着

28、越 来越重要的作用。目前工程中应用于地基处理效果检测的方 法主要有荷载试验、动力触探试验、静力触探试验、十字板 剪切试验、波速试验、取芯试验等,但各种试验方法本身适 用条件有限,试验精度相差很大。本文结合一些工程实例, 对这些检测方法的应用和效果进行探讨。 2 地基处理效果检测试验研究 目前很多学者对地基加固处理效果检测做了各种各样 的研究,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了探讨,本文以下仅将 工程中应用比较多的进行阐述和归纳。 地基静载荷试验 基静载荷试验是一种精度较高,分析结果与实际吻合度 较好的试验方法,用其进行地基承载力测定和地基沉降计算 相对准确,但其成本较高,技术要求严格,且试验周期相对

29、较长,一般大型项目的场地勘察均要求进行此项试验。 静载荷试验简述 静载荷试验模拟建筑物地基土的受荷条件,在刚性承压 板上加荷,荷载通过承压板均匀传递给地基,以测定天然埋 藏条件下地基土的变形特性,从而评定地基土的承载力,计 算地基土的变形模量和估计基础的沉降量,可以比较直观的 反映地基土的变形特性。地基承载力确定方法是:最后当压 力沉降曲线上有比例界限时,取该比例界限所对应的荷载 值;当极限荷载小于对应比例界限的荷载值的2 倍时,取极 限荷载值的一半; 当不能按上述两款要求确定时,可取 s/b= 所对应的荷载,但其值不应大于最大加载量的一半1 。 静载荷试验评价实例总结 王文奎 2 等采用工字

30、钢和堆料组成压重平台反力系 统,用压重平台反力法对长江沿岸某码头后方陆域地基处理 工程进行质量检测。预压地基荷载板为边长1m 的方形板, 由于该工程场地地基处理设计承载力特征值为120kpa, 故该 次试验最大加载为设计值的2 倍,为 240kpa,按 24kpa 每级 分级加载,并在加载过程中进行沉降观测,地基承载力特征 值的确定。该次试验共计检测20 处,p-s 曲线上可以看出, 当最大加载至240kpa 时,所有测点均未达到极限状态,最 大沉降量为,最小沉降量为,根据承载力特征值的取值原 则,取最大加载量的一半,即240kpa/2=120kpa 为该点处理 后地基的承载力特征值,所有测点

31、的承载力均满足设计要 求。该工程采用静载荷试验对地基处理进行了评价,说明了 该场地经过地基处理,达到了该场地设计的地基承载力 120kpa。 十字板剪切试验 十字板剪切试验由于其自身的适用条件限制,一般在沿 海地区的软土场地应用较为普遍,而在一些碎石土场地则无 法用其进行场地地基处理效果的评判。 十字板剪切试验简述 试验时,逆时针方向摇动扭力箱装置小摇手,以每10s 转动 1的速度匀速转动,当试验达到峰值或者稳定值后, 再测试 1min,如试验数据正常,记录峰值数据,根据该数值 计算原状土抗剪强度;完成抗剪强度测定后,顺扭转方向连 续转动探杆6 圈,按照以上步骤进行操作,测定重塑土的不 排水抗

32、剪强度。 十字板剪切试验评价实例总结 王文奎 2 等采用十字板剪切试验对长江沿岸某码头后 方陆域地基处理工程进行质量检测。该次试验共8 孔,每孔 18 个测点,对各孔的检测数据进行统计, 通过与原地质勘察资料相比较可知,地基土的抗剪强度 有了大幅度提高,地基处理达到了预期效果。 轻型触探试验 轻型触探指N10轻型动力触探仪,其质量较轻,设备简 单,应用广泛,操作简便,成本较低,在一些软土地区应用 十分广泛。 轻型触探试验简述 其利用一定的锤击能量,将带有探头的探杆打入土中, 按贯入的难易程度来评价土的性质,主要用于素填土及碎石 土地层,并可连续贯入,能在其试验深度范围内不断测得土 层的力学特性

33、及变化规律1 。 轻型触探试验评价实例总结 王文奎 2 等采用轻型动力触探试验对长江沿岸某码头 后方陆域地基处理工程进行质量检测。现场对56 根水泥搅 拌桩桩顶下2m 范围内的桩头进行了检测,试验结果表明桩 顶下 2m范围内每30cm锤击数为 64-78 击,设计值: N1035 击/30cm,检测范围内桩身水泥土均匀,质量满足设计要求。 取芯试验 取芯试验即钻取地基处理后的地基土,然后进行室内试 验,用以评价其地基处理后的效果,在一些大型工程中应用 也较为普遍。 取芯试验简述 对采用旋喷桩、 振冲桩、搅拌桩进行地基土处理的场地, 在对地基桩取芯试验中,其目的主要是检测桩身混凝土质量 情况,检

34、查桩身混凝土胶结状况、有无气孔、 松散或断桩等; 检查桩底持力层的岩土性状和厚度是否符合设计或规范要 求,并核对施工记录桩长是否真实3 。 取芯试验评价实例总结 王文奎等采用取芯试验对长江沿岸某码头后方陆域地 基处理工程进行质量检测,共完成16 根水泥搅拌桩的检测 工作,取芯试验无侧限抗压强度48 组,桩身芯样成型长度 平均,成型段芯样成短- 中柱状,断口吻合较好,桩身 以下部分桩芯样不成型,未形成强度。芯样强度:共完 成强度试验48 组,无侧限抗压强度平均值为。 钱归 3 对广明高速公路广州段软基处理后的路基进行 取芯检测,其结果岩芯2 采取率均接近100% ,采取率 %-% 。芯样连续、完

35、整、胶 结好、呈长柱状,混凝土桩抗压强度代表值为,说明该软土 地基进行处理后达到了地基处理设计要求。 波速试验 波速试验也是地基处理效果检测的常用手段之一,其设 备简单,操作简便,价格相对较低,适用范围较广。 取芯试验简述 在地面上进行竖向激震时,均会在其表面附近层状连续 介质中产生瑞雷波,它的特点是能量大,传播速度低,频率 低,随时间衰减慢,易于识别。在层状介质中,瑞雷波法具 有频散特性,在同一地段求出一系列频率的瑞雷波速,就可 得到一条瑞雷波频散曲线,不同波长的瑞雷波的传播特性反 映了不同深度岩土介质的运动学特性,由频散曲线可以反演 地下速度界面的分层厚度和速度结构,以确定每层岩土体的 速

36、度和深度参数。 取芯试验评价实例总结 史慧杰 4 对青岛北海西湾造修船基地填海造陆区地基 处理后采用了瑞雷波测试,其测试曲线反映了表层填石密实 度不均匀, 变化较大, 以下波速逐渐增大,到波速变化减小, 说明了随着深度增大,填石的密实度也增大,但到以下,波 速突然变小,反映了进入了混合层;曲线呈直线状态,波速 不变,反映了进入了淤泥层;以下波速急剧增大到/s ,说明 以后进入强风化基岩。钻探结果和面波试验结果基本一致。 3 存在的问题 由于场地条件本身是复杂多变的,地基处理过程中由于 方法的选择不同和施工过程的人为因素影响,将造成其结果 有很大的差异,因此对地基处理效果进行检测就尤为重要。 但

37、是在实际操作过程中,由于各种方法的局限性和地下情况 的复杂性,所以往往需要多中方法综合使用,达到相互验证 的目的。同时,也要求我们不断探索,对已有方法进行完善 并寻找新的更为有效的技术手段 篇四:英语国际学术交流主持人演讲词 表示欢迎: Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, I m privileged to welcome you all to “ Nuclear energy around us ” conference. You have come all the way for this conference. Thank you very much

38、for your attention/participation. 自我介绍: Let me introduce myself I am Dr Wang from DLUT, China, and I am going to be the chair for this morning s session. 介绍议题: This conference will focus on the discussion of the various aspects of Nuclear Energy It includes the application of nuclear energy and the

39、Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy .And we will also discuss the prospect of Nuclear Energy. 这个会议将主要讨论有关核能的各个方面。 I hope that this conference of Nuclear Energy will improve our understanding of DEF. I also hope that the Congress will provide the opportunity for personal exchange of scientific results

40、, facilitate the making of new acquaintances, and strengthen personal friendships among participants from different parts of the world. 介绍报告人: Now it gives me great pleasure to introduce today s speakers. They are : Zhao Fan, professor of Tsing Hua University institute of Nuclear and new energy tech

41、nology. Xu Chong feng, president o f China Power investment group company. Liu Qian, professor of Physics ,head of American Nuclear Energy Association. 1Today our first speaker is Zhao Fan, The title of her presentation is “The History of Nuclear Energy”. Lets welcome to professor Zhao Fan. 向报告人示谢:

42、Thanks professor Zhao very much for her splendid report. After pro Zhao s speech , do you have any questions, hands up please! No Okay, Our allocated time is almost up. Now I would like to answer one more question. Any additional questions Thank you once again for your excellent explanation 2Our sec

43、ond speaker is Xu Chong feng, as the president of China Power investment group company, he will present us another excellent report titled “The Safety and Waste of Nuclear Energy ” . Let s welcome to president Xu with our warm applause. 向报告人示谢: Thanks president Xu very much for his excellent speech.

44、 After pre Xus report Is there any specific question you would like to address to president Xu I believe president Xu will give you any satisfactory answers. Any additional questions I hope the audience will participate in the discussion by raising their hands. 3The third presentation will be made b

45、y Liu Qian, head of American Nuclear Energy Association. She will be speaking to us on something about the Prospect of Nuclear Energy. Let s welcome to Professor Liu. 向报告人示谢: Thanks professor Liu very much for her wonderful speech. After pre Xus report is there any specific question you would like t

46、o address to professor Liu Any additional questions 控制进程: Let s keep on schedule and go ahead to the fourth paper. We ll then go on with the last paper. Well, I am sure we could discuss longer, but unfortunately time is up. Thank you very much, Dr A. Our next speaker is Dr C. Sorry, we dont have any

47、 time for questions, so we have to proceed to the next paper. 三位报告人报告结束: Thanks for the excellent report of the three experts. Finally Let s welcome to Professor Liu Jian ,Secretary,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian,China, give us a summary of conference. 报告总结: Thanks for the excellent report

48、of the four experts. Nuclear energy Safety is important for public health, socio-economic stability and global commerce. 核能安全是关公众健康、社会经济稳定和全球贸易的重 大问题 . There is no denying the fact that it makes nuclear energy protection an extremely important issue worldwide, the city authorities should take strong

49、 measures to deal with it. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price. 无可否认,核能保护是一个极其严重的世界性问题,城 市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。任何政府忽视这一点, 都将付出巨大的代价。 Nuclear energy safety also happens to be an issue that could be significantly improved through dialogue, knowledge sharing and collaboration. 核能安全也是一个可以通过对话、协作和知识共享而得 到极大改进的问题。 he International “ Conference Nuclear energy around us” Each year the nuclear Safety Conference offers stakeholders an unparalleled opportunity to come together to discuss and solve the most pressing


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