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1、高二英语复习教案(10)(SB2-units19-20)一、单元考点提示1.重点单词demand forbidachieve explodeformer admitminority slightlydeclare hopefullyseize disabilityattitude 2.重点短语set an example treat sb. withcome up act asgive in end upturn out look forward toas though the way3.重点句型Havent you heard? What happened?Why was that? I i

2、magine.Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. So far as I know, tomorrow should be fine,too.You said that you hoped Seldom does he go there. 4.语法学习动词-ing形式作定语和状语的用法。学习倒装句的用法。二、考点精析与拓展 1.join in参与一项活动,join + 名词加入某个团体组织 Would yo join us(in) singing?和我们一起唱歌吧!His brother joined the army a year ago.他哥哥一年

3、前参军了。Join还可表示“来(去)和某人呆在一起,把连在一起”I will join you in a few minutes.我一会就过来。Please join the two ends of the rope together.把绳子两头接起来。2.把某人关入监狱,throw(cast, put)sb.into(to)prison,还可以说成take sb.to prison.区别:in prison与in the prison前者表示“坐牢、服法、服刑”;后者表示“在一所监狱”,有可能是在看望囚犯,也可能是监管人员。Toms brother was put(thrown、cast)i

4、nto prison because of murderer,and he will be in prison for thirty years.汤姆的哥哥因犯谋杀罪而被关进监狱,他将在监狱服刑三十年。3.demand当可数名词“要求”用We refused his unreasonable demands.我们拒绝了他的无理要求。当不可数名词用There is a great demand for typists but(a)poor demand for clerks.打字员很抢手但是办公室职员几乎没人需要。当动词用:demand+名词、代词、从句或to do sth.如:They dem

5、anded the right to do things they like.他们要求有做自己喜欢做的事情的权力。The lady demanded to see our headmaster.那个女士要求见校长。He demanded that we (should)try to finish our work on time.他要求我们按时完工。宾语从句用虚拟语气形式,主+should+动原demand问“How old are you?”he demanded.他问我“你多大啦?”4.forbid(forbade, forbidden)forbid sb.to do sth.如:My m

6、other forbids me to keep in touch with that boy.我妈不让我与那个男孩交往。forbid(ones)doing sth.如:The law strictly forbids individuals running business in some fields.法律严禁私人从事某些经营活动。常用被动形式Smoking is forbidden here.这儿不许抽烟。表示“使不可能,使无法”The bad weather forbids a spring outing.坏天气使我们无法春游。5.have a right to do sth.有权做某

7、事right:当名词用,可有复数形式如:human rights人权;但是当方向(右边)讲时,不可数,turn to the right向右转当形容词:a.右面的、向右的、政治上右倾的;b.对的、正确的、合适、恰当、正当;c.对头、没事了。如:He didnt feel quite right.他感觉不太舒服。Your advice is right你的建议是对的。Which is the right answer?哪个答案正确?当副词用,向右Dont forget to turn right when you meet a bookstore.看到那家书店别忘了向右转。The crowd d

8、ivided right and left.人群走散了(各奔西东)。6.give构成的短语give away 送给人、分发、泄露、暴露Lets give away our dog.我们把狗送人吧。give back:送还、恢复(健康)Living here has given me back my health.在这住使我恢复了健康。give in交进来,让步、妥协、投降The boy gave in the money he picked up.那小孩把捡到的钱上交了。In the end,they gave in.最终,他们屈服了。give off散发出The gas gave off a

9、n unpleasant smell.那种气体发出难闻的气味。give out用完、耗尽、没有了。Money gave out.钱用完了。give up放弃、不再做、把献给My father has given up smoking.我爸“戒烟了。”He has given up his life to teaching.他一生都献给了教育事业。Dont give up,try again.别泄气,再试一次。7.open形容词,表状态,“开着的”Dont keep the door open.别让门开着(即:请把门关上)。动词:打开门,经营、开办Now,he opens a small fac

10、tory of his own.现在他自己办了个厂。Open the door, please!请开门!be open to对开放Many school libraries are open to children on Sundays.不少学校的图书馆周日给孩子们开放。8.far from:不仅仅,远不是(跟动名词、形容词、名词或代词)。如:Far being slow, they are actually fast enough.他们一点也不慢,相反非常迅速。Its far from perpect.它还很不完美。另外:由far引出的短语go far(物)经用、时间长This food c

11、ant go far.这些东西不够吃。so far:到目前为止、到程度(地步)I can only tell you so far.我只能给你说到这一步。as far as就而言、从来看、尽所能、只要、一直查到某地As far as I know, he will not come.据我所知,他不会来啦。You should stick to your opinion as far as it is reasonable.只要你有理,就应该坚持。We walked as far as the church.我们一直走到教堂跟前。9.separatefrom把分离、分开Nobody can se

12、parate Taiwan from China.任何人也不能把台湾从中国分裂出去。separate(adj.)独自的、独立的、分别为不同的、各自的I want to listen to your separate opinions.我想听你们每个人自己的看法。10.able(可以的,有能力的,可能的)He is an able man.那人本事不小。enable(v)使能We must learn more to enable us to face all the difficulties.我们要多学知识以便能面对各种困难。disable:有残疾的,不能干的;the disabled表示一类

13、人(残疾人)11.able作词辍时可以的,值得的(有被动含义)eatable可食用的,measurable可以测量、估计的;readable可读的其他含义:conformable舒适的、安逸的;suitable 合适的,恰当的12.turn out 结果是、变成记下列turn构成的短语turn against 反戈一击、反对,对不满turn back打退堂鼓,返回turn down拒绝;把(音量等)放低,开小turn in上交某物,交回turn into变为turn off关上(收音机、龙头等);离开(公路等);对失去兴趣,反感turn on开(收音机等),使感兴趣;吸引;向进攻;责怪turn

14、 out结果是、最后情况是,关(电灯、煤气等),生产、造就turn over移交,随便翻阅turn to sb.寻救帮助;查阅资料;努力于、加劲干turn up来赴(宴、开会),出现;把(音量)放大;使作呕。如:There was no body that I could turn to.当时没有一个人能帮助我。Please turn off the TV set. Its wasting power.把电视关了吧,太费电啦。Things turned out to be smoothly developing.事情结果正常发展。Our suggestions were turned down

15、 at the meeting.会议没有采纳我们的建议。turn当名词用时,意为“轮到某人干,转折;倾向;作风”等意思。如:She went hot and cold by turns.她一阵热,一阵冷。by turns轮流;一阵,一阵;out of turn不该谁干,不合时宜。do sb.a good(bad)turn 帮了某人的忙(倒忙)13.dream vi.做梦Do you dream at night?你晚上做梦吗?dream of多用于否定句中,“做梦也没想到,从未想到过”I never dream of getting so much money.我从未幻想过得到这么多钱。Dre

16、am+从句We never dreamed that the film was so long.我们怎么也没想到这部电影这么长。dream of迫切希望、渴望。People all over the world are dreaming of peace.全世界人民都渴望和平。dreamy(adj.)模糊的,梦幻般的I dont believe your dreamy words.我不信你的梦语。e true成为现实、实现表示变化过程的系动词有:become,get,turn,而be表状态区别:He became(get,turned)angry when hearing the news.听

17、到那消息他生气了。(从不到生气)He was angry, because he heard some bad news.他生气是因为听到不好的消息。15.not onlybut also连续两个并列主语时,谓语和but also后的一致(即就近原则)Not onlybut also构成一倒装句式(强调状语或谓语时用;强调主语时不用倒装)。Not only you but also he likes playing football.不光你,他也喜欢踢足球。Not only can he sing, but also he can dance well.他不仅能唱歌,舞也跳的不错。(注意,第一

18、句倒装,第二句不用倒装形式)16.consider的用法:You should consider the question.你应该考虑这个问题。跟从句He began to consider when he would get married他开始考虑什么时侯结婚的事情。跟疑问词 +to do sth.He is considering how to get there in time.他正想怎么能及时赶到那儿。跟动名词Who considers answering the question?谁正在考虑回答这个问题?为着想He always considers others before hi

19、mself他常先为别人着想。名词为:consideration(不可数)take sth. into consideration把考虑在内If you want to go on holidays in Beijing,you should take the cost into consideration.如果想到北京去度假,你应该考虑费用问题。17.as a matter of fact=in fact事实上、实际上It seems easy,but as a matter of fact,itll take us a long time to work it out.这道题貌似简单,实际上

20、要解出的话很费时间。18.look forward to sth.(doing sth.)渴望、企盼They are looking forward to getting news of him.他们渴望听到有关他的消息。We should look forward,and dont give up.我们应该向前看(乐观一些)不能放弃。三、精典名题导解题1 (上海 1998)He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science.A.which I think is B.which I think it isC

21、.which I think it D.I think which is 分析:A。这是一个非限制性定语从句,make another wonderful discovery是动宾词组,关系代词which在定语从句中作主语,代表the discovery, I think 为插入语。题2 (NMET 2001)As we joined the big crowd I got_ from my friends.A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed分析:A。该题考查过去分词作表语的用法和习惯搭配。该句是一个含有as引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句,强调从句动作与主

22、句动作相并发生。主句中get和过去分词连用构成被动语态,强调动作。四个选项都能和got连用构成系表结构,但只有separated和from相搭配,got separated意思是“和分离开”。题3 She looks forward every spring to_the flower-lined garden.A.visit B.paying a visit C.walk in D.walking in分析:D。look forward to sth./doing sth.因此首先排除掉A、C项。B项paying a visit后必须加to再加宾语。题4 She is _to leave a

23、s soon as possible.A.hurried B.anxious C.worried D.nervous分析:B。be anxious to do sth.“着急干,渴望”。该题意思是“她急于尽快离开”。题5 (NMET 2000春)I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life_ so happy!分析:D。表示否定意义的副词,如never, seldom, hardly, little, neither, nor等位于句首,句子要进行部分倒装。题6 (NMET 2001)Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology_so rapidly.A.is changing B.has changed C.will have changed D.will change分析:A。该题考查动词时态。题干为一个含有原因状语从句的主从复合句,主句陈述的情况是一客观事实,原因状语从句强调一直正在进行的动作。 8


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